Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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CRO CITY DIRECTORY. CUE 179 Crooks, Chas. J., clerk, h. 220 Woodward ave. Crooks, Joseph, sailor, h. 169 Eighteenth. Crooks, William, en eer, h. Twenty- r fourth bet. Baker an Howard. Crosby, Edward, track layer, bds. w. s. Bates bet. Woodbridge and Atwater. Crosby, Edward, porter, bds. 105 Larned e. Crosby, Elizabeth, (wid. William), eatin house, w. s. Bates bet; Woodbridge an Atwater, h. same. Crosby, Geo. W., carpenter, h. 319 Third. Crosby, Marie Ann, (col'd) washerwoman, h. 148 Croghan. Crosby, Michael, porter, bds. o. n. 52 Lar- ned w. Crosby, Othello, lab., h. 152 Croghan. Cross, Caleb, wood yard, h. 46 Plum. Cross, Charles W., carpenter, bds. 539 St. Antoine. Cross, Elias W., captain, h. 114 H eq. Cross, Elisha, h. 68 Abbott. Cross, James,lab., bds. w. s. Washington ave nr. Cliff o rd. Cross, James, sailor, bds. 81 Atwater e. Cross, John, clerk, bds. 48 Elm. Cross, Mary, (wid. John), h. 48 Elm. Cross, Thomas, machinist, h. 539 St. An- toine. Cross, William, porter, bds. 48 Elm. Crossley, Luke, carpenter, h.196 Fourteenth. Crossman, Caroline, teacher, bds. 360 Con- gress e. Crossman, Charles, lampist, h. 360 Con- gress e. Crossman, Daniel B., patrolman, h. 48 Ma- comb. Crossman, James D., clerk, bds. 33 Row- land. Crossman, John, Light House Dep't, h. 360 Congress e. Crossman, Matthew, baker, bds. 20 Ja Crossman, Phillip, jr., baker, bds. 27 drth. Crossman? Phillip, sr., lab., h. 20 Jay. Crotine, August W. painter, bds. 95 Lev- erette. Crotine, Ernest, lab., h. 95 Leverette. Crotty, Thomas, lab., h. 460 Seventeenth. Crmgh, Isabella S., (wid. Patrick), h. 41 Abbott. Croul, Almon, tanner, bds. 475 Larned e. Croul,James, bookbinder, bds. Hotel Henry. Croul, Joseph L., bds. Biddle House. Croul, Jerome (Croul Brothers), h. 566 Jef- ferson ave. Croul, William H. (Croul Brothers), h. 578 Jefferson ave. Croul Brothers (William H. and Jerome Croul), hides, tallow and sheep pelts, n. w. cor. Atwater and Bates. Crouse, August, lab., h. 620 Woodbridge w. Crowe, Bernard, travelling agent, h. 259 Thirteen-and-a-half: Crowe, Cornelius, porter, h. 46 Jones. 8 HOME Nutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. GENE- AGENT, 84 G.RISWOLD ST., DETBOIT, - - XICH- WSee advertisement, page 2 1.a Crowe, David, lab., h. 324 Fort e. Crowe, John C., porter, h. 46 Jones. Crowe, Stephen, sailor, h. 150 Jones. Crowe, Thomas, helper, h. 324 Fort e. Crowe, Thomas, J., engraver and printer, cor. Woodward ave. and Congress e., h. cor. Fourth and Oak. Cro we, William, blacksmith, h. 324 Fort e Crowell, William C., steersman Hook and. Ladder Co. No. 1, bds. 58 Wayne. Crowley, Agnes, seamstress, bds 276 Montcalm e. Crowley, Anthony, shoemaker, bds. 79 Congress e. Crowley, Miss Catharine, h. 276 Montcalm e. Crowley, Cornelius, groceries and provisions, cor. Porter and Fifth, h. same. C~.owley. Daniel, lab., h. Crawford, nr. 'Puscola. Crowley, James, lab., h. 306 Twelfth. Crowley. John, lab., h. 571 Twenty-third. Crowley, John J., druggist, 425 Michigan ave., h. same. Crowley, Margaret, seamstress, h. 276 Montcalm e. Crowlev, Michael, lab., Crawford, bet FiRh and Sixth. Crowley, Patrick, lab., h. 23 Grove. Crudden, James, teamster, bds. Washington House. Crully, Rose, dressmaker, h. 234 First Cuddy, Alexander, lab., h. 226 Third. Cuddy, James, captain, h. 337 Fourth. Cuddy, James, mason, h. 460 Croghan. Cuddy, William (Cuddy & Doran), h. s. e. cor. Brush and Harriet Cuddy 62 Doran, (William Cuddy and James Doran), ship joiners, Atwater foot Griswold. Cudiky, John, mason, h. 151 Beaubien. Cudmore, Catharine (wid. Dennis), washerwoman, h. 73 Nineteenth. Cuenat, John B., lab., h. 53 Eighteenth. Cueny, Edmund, tinsmith, h. cor. Rivad and Lafayette e. Cueny, Peter, musician, h. 243 Lafayette. Cuer, Robert F. clerk, bds. l?O Jefferson ave. Cuerier, Antoine, clerk, bds. 148, Elizabeth e. Cueson, Augustus, wheat -kt, 76 Seventeenth, h. same.

To Prevent Dissatisfaction @ @ @ will please to SPECIWY Pa J. & co9s., PLTTID AND @ ; c ON PRESCRIPTIONS, PAREE, JENNINGS CO. -sea advertieement, page 16. Cuhn, William, shoemaker, h. 586 Gratiot. Culber, Anthony, painter, h. 214 St. An- toine. Culbert, George, printer, h. 100 Clinton. Culha, Sarah (wid. Thomas), h. 242 Cro- ghan. Culhane, James, lab., h. 104 Canfield. Culleeny, Patrick, gardener, h. 13 Bronson. Cullen, James, grocer, 303 Woodward ave, h. same. Cullen, John, carriage maker, h. 235 First. Cullen, J. W. A. S., lawyer, 154 Jefferson me., res. Ann Arbor. Cullen, Patrick, teamster, h. 352 Fifteenth. Cullen, Richard, cl erk, h. 215 Watson. Cullen, Richard, Janitor Board of Trade, h. 41 Plum. Cullen, Robert L., barber, h. 31 Bronson. Cullen, William F., machinist, h. 27 Craw- ford. Cullin, Catharine, bds. 119 Eighth. Cullin, Richard, clerk, h. 215 Watson. Cullin, Sarah (wid. Cornelius), h. 117 Eighth. Cullmann, Catharine, school teacher, bds. 257 Con ress e. Cullnane, 5ames, lab., h. 104 Canfield. Cullum, John, carpenter, h. 392 Clinton. Cully, George, pedlar, bds. 19 Sixth. Cully, Hezekiah, conductor, h. 61 Colum- bia w. Cullyford, Thomas, printer, h. 99 Plum. Culnltn, John, grocer, 912 Michigan ave. h. same. Culnan, Margaret, (wid. Timothy), board- ing, h. 55 Howard. Culskoffskie, John, shoemaker, bds. 119 Grand River. Culver. Edward F., chair maker, h: 266 Second. CULVER, GEORGE W., merchant tai- lor, 9 Congress w., h. 258 Woodward ave. Culvert, Henry F., seaman, h. 560 Wood- bridge w. Cumins, Matthew, lab., h. 591 Congress e. Cumming, Margaret,(wid. James), washer- woman, h. 364 Lafayette. Cumming, Samuel W., home washer, h. 70 Macomb. Cumming, William, fireman, bds. 364 La- fayette. Cummings, Patrick, machinist, bds. 234 Congress e. Cummins, Matthew, saloon, 728 Wood, bridge w., h. same. Cummisky, James, cigar maker, h. 491 Catharine. Cunningham, Edward D., boatbuilder, bds. o. 528 Jefferson ave. Cunningham, Eliw (wid. Daniel J.), h. 0. 528 Jefferson ave. Cunningham, Eugene, machinist, h. 337 Fifteenth. Cunningham, John, foreman (F. & 8. , Moore lumber yard), bds. bet. 868 and 869 Woodbridge w. Cunningham, Frank, helper, bds. 193 Franklin. Cunninqham, Fulton, drayman h. o. 178 n. 200 Twelfth. Cunningham, Fulton, porter, h. 142 Baker. Cunningham, George, gardener, h. 76 W oodbridge w. Cunningham, George W., gunsmith, 33 Monroe ave., h. 218 High. Cunningham, Hiram G., boat builder, bds. o. 528 Jefferson ave. Cunningham, James, engineer, h. 471 La- fayette ave.. Cunningham, James R:, boat builder, h. 32 Cliiord. Cunningham, John, lab., h. 20 Ann. Cunningham, John, moulder, h. o. 12 Spruce. Cunningham, John, sawyer, bds. 56 Frank- lin. Cunningham, John W., moulder, bds. 202 Riopelle. Cunningham, Mary, (wid. Bartholomew,) h. 49 Spencer. Cunningham, Michael, lab., h. 132 Twelfth. Cunningham, Sophia E., (wid. John,) vest maker, h. 202 Riopelle. Cunningham, Thomas, clerk, bds. 124 Sixth. Curney, Mary, washerwoman, h. 114 Thir- teenth, Curran, Arthur, teamster, h. 51 Spencer. Curran, Patrick. hostler, h. 204 Griswold. Currey, Adolphus, gardener, h. 131 Hum- boldt ave. Currey, William R., carpenter, h. 8 Lafay- ette e. Currey, Zooey, milliner, bds. 13l Hum- boldt ave. Currie, Shepard, capt., h. 5 Joy. Currie, William, shoemaker, bds. Windsor, ' Ont. Currie, W. J., carpenter, bds. 27 Monroe ave. Currier, J. agent Whitney & Co., pianos, &c., bds. 190 Congress w. Currier. John, carpenter, h. 242 Howard, Curry, John C., grocer, 127 Twelfth, h. same. Curry, Lawrence, drayman, h. 127 Harris- son ave. Curry, Michael, teamster, h. 299 Sixth.


Crooks, Chas. J., clerk, h. 220 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Crooks, Joseph, sailor, h. 169 Eighteenth.<br />

Crooks, William, en eer, h. Twenty-<br />

r<br />

fourth bet. Baker an Howard.<br />

Crosby, Edward, track layer, bds. w. s.<br />

Bates bet. Woodbridge and Atwater.<br />

Crosby, Edward, porter, bds. 105 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Crosby, Elizabeth, (wid. William), eatin<br />

house, w. s. Bates bet; Woodbridge an<br />

Atwater, h. same.<br />

Crosby, Geo. W., carpenter, h. 319 Third.<br />

Crosby, Marie Ann, (col'd) washerwoman,<br />

h. 148 Croghan.<br />

Crosby, Michael, porter, bds. o. n. 52 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Crosby, Othello, lab., h. 152 Croghan.<br />

Cross, Caleb, wood yard, h. 46 Plum.<br />

Cross, Charles W., carpenter, bds. 539 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Cross, Elias W., captain, h. 114 H eq.<br />

Cross, Elisha, h. 68 Abbott.<br />

Cross, James,lab., bds. w. s. Washington<br />

ave nr. Cliff o rd.<br />

Cross, James, sailor, bds. 81 Atwater e.<br />

Cross, John, clerk, bds. 48 Elm.<br />

Cross, Mary, (wid. John), h. 48 Elm.<br />

Cross, Thomas, machinist, h. 539 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Cross, William, porter, bds. 48 Elm.<br />

Crossley, Luke, carpenter, h.196 Fourteenth.<br />

Crossman, Caroline, teacher, bds. 360 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Crossman, Charles, lampist, h. 360 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Crossman, Daniel B., patrolman, h. 48 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Crossman, James D., clerk, bds. 33 Row-<br />

land.<br />

Crossman, John, Light House Dep't, h. 360<br />

Congress e.<br />

Crossman, Matthew, baker, bds. 20 Ja<br />

Crossman, Phillip, jr., baker, bds. 27 drth.<br />

Crossman? Phillip, sr., lab., h. 20 Jay.<br />

Crotine, August W. painter, bds. 95 Lev-<br />

erette.<br />

Crotine, Ernest, lab., h. 95 Leverette.<br />

Crotty, Thomas, lab., h. 460 Seventeenth.<br />

Crmgh, Isabella S., (wid. Patrick), h. 41<br />

Abbott.<br />

Croul, Almon, tanner, bds. 475 Larned e.<br />

Croul,James, bookbinder, bds. Hotel Henry.<br />

Croul, Joseph L., bds. Biddle House.<br />

Croul, Jerome (Croul Brothers), h. 566 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Croul, William H. (Croul Brothers), h. 578<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Croul Brothers (William H. and Jerome<br />

Croul), hides, tallow and sheep pelts, n.<br />

w. cor. Atwater and Bates.<br />

Crouse, August, lab., h. 620 Woodbridge w.<br />

Crowe, Bernard, travelling agent, h. 259<br />

Thirteen-and-a-half:<br />

Crowe, Cornelius, porter, h. 46 Jones.<br />

8<br />

HOME<br />

Nutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />


GENE- AGENT,<br />

84 G.RISWOLD ST.,<br />

DETBOIT, - - XICH-<br />

WSee advertisement, page 2 1.a<br />

Crowe, David, lab., h. 324 Fort e.<br />

Crowe, John C., porter, h. 46 Jones.<br />

Crowe, Stephen, sailor, h. 150 Jones.<br />

Crowe, Thomas, helper, h. 324 Fort e.<br />

Crowe, Thomas, J., engraver and printer,<br />

cor. Woodward ave. and Congress e., h.<br />

cor. Fourth and Oak.<br />

Cro we, William, blacksmith, h. 324 Fort e<br />

Crowell, William C., steersman Hook and.<br />

Ladder Co. No. 1, bds. 58 Wayne.<br />

Crowley, Agnes, seamstress, bds 276 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Crowley, Anthony, shoemaker, bds. 79 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Crowley, Miss Catharine, h. 276 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Crowley, Cornelius, groceries and provisions,<br />

cor. Porter and Fifth, h. same.<br />

C~.owley. Daniel, lab., h. Crawford, nr. 'Puscola.<br />

Crowley, James, lab., h. 306 Twelfth.<br />

Crowley. John, lab., h. 571 Twenty-third.<br />

Crowley, John J., druggist, 425 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Crowley, Margaret, seamstress, h. 276 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Crowlev, Michael, lab., Crawford, bet FiRh<br />

and Sixth.<br />

Crowley, Patrick, lab., h. 23 Grove.<br />

Crudden, James, teamster, bds. Washington<br />

House.<br />

Crully, Rose, dressmaker, h. 234 First<br />

Cuddy, Alexander, lab., h. 226 Third.<br />

Cuddy, James, captain, h. 337 Fourth.<br />

Cuddy, James, mason, h. 460 Croghan.<br />

Cuddy, William (Cuddy & Doran), h. s. e.<br />

cor. Brush and Harriet<br />

Cuddy 62 Doran, (William Cuddy and<br />

James Doran), ship joiners, Atwater foot<br />

Griswold.<br />

Cudiky, John, mason, h. 151 Beaubien.<br />

Cudmore, Catharine (wid. Dennis), washerwoman,<br />

h. 73 Nineteenth.<br />

Cuenat, John B., lab., h. 53 Eighteenth.<br />

Cueny, Edmund, tinsmith, h. cor. Rivad<br />

and Lafayette e.<br />

Cueny, Peter, musician, h. 243 Lafayette.<br />

Cuer, Robert F. clerk, bds. l?O Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Cuerier, Antoine, clerk, bds. 148, Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Cueson, Augustus, wheat -kt, 76 Seventeenth,<br />

h. same.

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