Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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-- cow CITY DIRECTORY. CRA 177 Cowie, Rich~rd, carpenter, h. 138 Cherry. Cowie, William, Presd't and Treas'r Dry Dock, Engine Works, h. 42 Russell. Mutual Life Insurance Co. Cowie, William, jr., bookkeeper, bds. 42 Russell. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Cowing, J. H., sub-marine diver, 8 Woodward ave., h. 134 Larned e. Cowles, George C., machinist, bds. 72 Mont- STATE AGENT. calm w. 11 1 Jeffersor, Avenue, Cowles, Rhoda E., h. 104 Michigan ave. DETROIT, - - - XICH, Cowle Alexander (col'd), barber, bds. w Agents Wanted. See advertisement.- - - - - - - - 163 Gullett. Cowley, Edward, shoemaker, h. 215 Wat- Craig, William: machinist, h. 70 Butternut son. Craig, William H., land dealer 37 Wood- Cowley, Hugh, plasterer, bds. 215 Watson. ward ave., h. - Mfred, bet. John R and Cowley, James. trunkmaker, bds. 215 Wat- Woodward ave. son. Craig, William J.. clerk, h. 230 Congress e. Cox, A. C., lumber dealer, bds. 289 Jeffer- Craine, Charles R., chair maker, h. 309 son ave. Fourth. Cox, Charles, speculator, h. 32 Centre. Cmkow, William, shoemaker. h. cor. Cro- Cox, George, o. 233 Third. ghan and Orleans. Cox, Martin, lab., h. 150 Wight. Cram, Roys J., civil engineer, bds. 185 Sec- Cox, Thomas, (T. Cox & Co.), h. 30 Centre. ond. Cox, Thomas 62 Co., (Thomas Cox, E. Fer- Cram, General T. J., U. S. A., bds. Russell guson and George Hendrie,) omnibus House. line, 150 Larned w. Crampton, John, Gen'l fist agent G. W. R, Coyle, Edward, porter, bds. 273 Larned e. h. 76 Farrar. Coyle, Louis, bartender, bds. 19 Atwater e. Cranage, Thomas, bds. 132 Shelby. Coyle, Samuel B.. h. 57 Leverette. Cranage, Thomas, jr,, (Pitts & Cranage), Coyle, William K., bds. 57 Leverette. res. Bay City. Coyne, Henry, lithographer, bds. 189 Or- Cranage, William G., physician, bds. Goodleans. man House. Co ne, Hugh (Coyne & Strong), h. 149 Crance, John, lab., h. Twenty-second, nr. LfaYette ave. Bridge and Iron Works. Coyne, John, iithographer, bds. 189 Or- Crandell, Edward, street car driver, h. 160 leans. Sixth. Co ne & Strong (Hugh Cope & William Crandell, John, clerk, h. 66 Locust. 8. Strong), wholesale grocers, 70 Jeffer- Crandell, Theodore, carpenter, h. 50 Nayson ave. berry ave. Crabb, Christopher C., salesman, bds. 26 Crane, Amzi, canvasser, h. 19 Columbia w. Fort e. Crane, F. J. B., land dealer 172 Jefferson Crabb, James, janitor, County Building h. ave., h. 437 Woodward ave. o. 399 Grand River. Crane, James W., bookbinder, bds. Hotel Crabb, James S.. check clerk, bds. o. 399 Grand River. Crane, homas, printer, h. 795 Congress e. Crabb? Joseph R., shoemaker, bds. 55 Crane, Walter, real estate, 160 Jefferson Michigan Grand ave. ave., bds. Michigan Exchange. Crabb, Lewis, gardener, h. e. side Foundry, Crangell, John S., clerk, bds. 66 Locust. next to Bridge and Iron Works. Crantz, John, blacksmith, h. Tillman rave., Crackel, George, painter, h. 561 Lafayctte. n. e. cor. Butternut. Cracken, James, lab., bds. 553 Wood- Crapo, William, W., lumber dmler, 268 bridge w. Atwater, res. Flint. Craddock, Humphrey, contractor, h. 31 Crary, Charles E., clerk, h. 233 Park. Montcalm w. Crary, George F., traveling agent, bds. Craddock, John, engineer, h. 188 Wight. Michigan Exchange. Craft, Thomas J., freight agent, G. W. R., ' Crary, Hunter C., physician, h. 233 Park. office foot of Eighth, h. 337 Abbott. I Cratty, William, lab., h. 180 Sixth. Craft, Ezra, clerk, bds. 14 Lewis. Craw, Edward, mason, h. n. w. cor. Ind- Craig, Henry, blacksmith, h. 274 Howard. iana and Prospect. Craig, James, commission merchant on Craw, Henry, lab. h. n. s. Illinois, bet. dock, bet. Cass and Wayne, h. 280 Con- Prospect and Hastings. gress w. Crawford, Alexander, engineer, h. 434 Craig, Samuel D., clerk, h. 230 Congress e. Fort e. Craig, Thomas, engineer, h. old 15, new 19 Crawford, A. B., (Crswford & Hanns,) h. Baker. 354 Congress e. 88

178 CRA CLARE'S DETROIT CRO m,AwmJjiJw B@8~##88 @iB&&b COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DXTROIT- Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Businem Colleges and the Counting-room. WThe only Bdok- keeping published providiy coqleb instruction ln practical ac- conntantehip. See notice o Col ege, Book-keeping and Buainees Practice, at the 31st page of Directory.= Crawford, Charles, merchant tailor, 275 Jefson ave., h. 2.27 Clinton. Crawford, Charles, pedlar, h. 863 Grand River. Crawford, Christopher, mason, bds. 827 Woodbridge w. Crz-wford, David, lab. h. 144 Franklin. Cranford, David, book binder, bds. 62 Ceaubien. Crawford, Francis, h. 70 Fort w. Crawford, Harrison, (col'd.,) lab., h. 63 Mullett. Crawford, Harry, clerk, bds. 88 Adams ave. w. Crawford, Jacob, vessel owner, h. 355 Congress e. Crawford, Joseph, (col'd.,) cooper, h. 71 Fort e. Crawford, Margaret, tailoress, bds. 38 Abbott. Crawford, Oliver H., woodyard, cor. Shelby and Michigan ave., h. 238 Fifth. Crawford, Robert J., bds. 434 Fort e. Crawford, Samuel, clerk, bds. 70 Fort w. Crawford, Thomas, engineer, h. 79 Jones. Crawford, Thomas, machinist, h. 98 Thirteenth. Crawford & Hanna, (A. B. Crawford and William Hanna,) tug and barge owners, ofice cor. Griswold and Atwater, (up stairs.) Crawley, Michael, grocer, cor. Seventeenth and Howard, h. same. Creasey, Bletcher, carpenter and builder, 239 Griswold, h. 86 Wilkins. Creasey, George, carpenter, h. 63 Wilkins. Crebben, John, painter, h. 249 Second. Cree, James, clerk, h. 35 Macomb. . Creedon, Dennis, lab. h. 112 Eighteenth. Creedon, Timothy, picture frame preparer, bds. 112 Eighteenth. Creelan, Charles, pedlar, bds. Grand River, near Twelfth. Creelan, John, peClar, h. 878 Michigan me. Cregh, Andrew, lab., bd9. 350 Franklin. Cre~ghton, Andrew, teamster, bds. 197 Larned e. - Cremer, John, grocery and saloon, o. 92, n. 88 John R., h. 78 Elizabeth e. Crider, John W., (col'd), sailor, h. 279 Watson. criiG, Thomas F. (~allard & Criley), h&, 23 Walnut. Crimmins, Edward, tinsmith, bds. I12 Third. Crimmins, James, lab., bds. 142 Beech. Crimmins, John, tinsmith, 48 Jefferson ave. h. 112 Third. Crimmins, Mrs. (wid. Patrick), h. 211 Second. Criss, Lewis, carpenter, h. 325 Sixteenth. Crisny, Charles, lab., bds. 315 Macomb. Crisney, George D. barber, h. 315 Mztcomb. Crocket, Benjamin, carpenter, bds. 177 Lafayet te. Crocket, James, engineer, h. 88 Montcalm w Crofdeis, Benjamin, watchman, bds. 377 Croghan. Crofoot, Albert, lawyer, h. 239 Beaubien. Crofoot, Andrew, h. 354 Congress e. Crofoot, Chauncey N., compositor, h. 46 Lewis. Croftis, Charles, saw maker, h. 108 Bamw. C; ofts, Mahala, milliner, bds. Perkins' 80t el. Croin, Henry (col'd), waiter, Biddle House. Crolly, Michael, tailor, bds. Union Hotel. Croman, John, brakesman, h. 57 Sixteenth. Cromenorett, Gottlieb, lab., h. 525 Sixth. Crommer, David, teamster, h. Fifteenth. Cronan, Daniel, clerk, h. 192 Orchard. Cronan, Michael, lab , h. 200 First. Cronan, Powell, boot maker, h. 374 Riopelle. Cronberg, Peter, moulder, h. 581 Clinton ave. Cronder, Robert, saw filer, Second, one door Michiman ave. Cronenwett, Braderick, hrakemm, h . 93 Leverette. Croneweth, John M., engineer fire engine No. 6, h. 351 High. Crongeyer, Charles, watchmaker, b ds. 233 Jefferson ave. Crongeyer, John, harness maker, h. 187 Fort e. Crongeyer, Theodore, bds. 233 Jefferson ave. Cronin, Alexander, printer, bds 90 Parsons. Cronin, Bridget, (wid. Jeremiah), h. 271 Sixth. Cronin, Cornelius, plasterer, bds. 271 Sixth. Cronin, Dan:el, clerk, h. 192 Orchard. Cronk, Albert, clerk, bds. 8 National ave. Cronk, Edward Y., ginger pop man'fr., 28 Macomb, h. same. Cronk, George, lab., h. 255 Franklin. Cronk, Holton, printer, bds. 753 Fifteenth. Cronk, J~hn, lab., bds. 255 Franklin. Cronk, L. H., car driver, bds. Wioad Exchange. Cronk, Peter, carpenter, h. 753 Fifteenth. Cronk, Warren. pop man'fk, 45 Congress e, , & 255 second. . ..

--<br />

cow CITY DIRECTORY. CRA 177<br />

Cowie, Rich~rd, carpenter, h. 138 Cherry.<br />

Cowie, William, Presd't and Treas'r Dry<br />

Dock, Engine Works, h. 42 Russell. Mutual Life Insurance Co.<br />

Cowie, William, jr., bookkeeper, bds. 42<br />

Russell.<br />


Cowing, J. H., sub-marine diver, 8 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 134 Larned e.<br />

Cowles, George C., machinist, bds. 72 Mont-<br />


calm w.<br />

11 1 Jeffersor, Avenue,<br />

Cowles, Rhoda E., h. 104 Michigan ave. DETROIT, - - - XICH,<br />

Cowle Alexander (col'd), barber, bds. w Agents Wanted. See advertisement.-<br />

- - - - - - -<br />

163 Gullett.<br />

Cowley, Edward, shoemaker, h. 215 Wat- Craig, William: machinist, h. 70 Butternut<br />

son.<br />

Craig, William H., land dealer 37 Wood-<br />

Cowley, Hugh, plasterer, bds. 215 Watson. ward ave., h. - Mfred, bet. John R and<br />

Cowley, James. trunkmaker, bds. 215 Wat- Woodward ave.<br />

son.<br />

Craig, William J.. clerk, h. 230 Congress e.<br />

Cox, A. C., lumber dealer, bds. 289 Jeffer- Craine, Charles R., chair maker, h. 309<br />

son ave.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Cox, Charles, speculator, h. 32 Centre. Cmkow, William, shoemaker. h. cor. Cro-<br />

Cox, George, o. 233 Third.<br />

ghan and Orleans.<br />

Cox, Martin, lab., h. 150 Wight.<br />

Cram, Roys J., civil engineer, bds. 185 Sec-<br />

Cox, Thomas, (T. Cox & Co.), h. 30 Centre. ond.<br />

Cox, Thomas 62 Co., (Thomas Cox, E. Fer- Cram, General T. J., U. S. A., bds. Russell<br />

guson and George Hendrie,) omnibus House.<br />

line, 150 Larned w.<br />

Crampton, John, Gen'l fist agent G. W. R,<br />

Coyle, Edward, porter, bds. 273 Larned e. h. 76 Farrar.<br />

Coyle, Louis, bartender, bds. 19 Atwater e. Cranage, Thomas, bds. 132 Shelby.<br />

Coyle, Samuel B.. h. 57 Leverette. Cranage, Thomas, jr,, (Pitts & Cranage),<br />

Coyle, William K., bds. 57 Leverette. res. Bay <strong>City</strong>.<br />

Coyne, Henry, lithographer, bds. 189 Or- Cranage, William G., physician, bds. Goodleans.<br />

man House.<br />

Co ne, Hugh (Coyne & Strong), h. 149 Crance, John, lab., h. Twenty-second, nr.<br />

LfaYette ave.<br />

Bridge and Iron Works.<br />

Coyne, John, iithographer, bds. 189 Or- Crandell, Edward, street car driver, h. 160<br />

leans.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Co ne & Strong (Hugh Cope & William Crandell, John, clerk, h. 66 Locust.<br />

8. Strong), wholesale grocers, 70 Jeffer- Crandell, Theodore, carpenter, h. 50 Nayson<br />

ave.<br />

berry ave.<br />

Crabb, Christopher C., salesman, bds. 26 Crane, Amzi, canvasser, h. 19 Columbia w.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Crane, F. J. B., land dealer 172 Jefferson<br />

Crabb, James, janitor, County Building h. ave., h. 437 Woodward ave.<br />

o. 399 Grand River.<br />

Crane, James W., bookbinder, bds. Hotel<br />

Crabb, James S.. check clerk, bds. o. 399<br />

Grand River.<br />

Crane, homas, printer, h. 795 Congress e.<br />

Crabb? Joseph R., shoemaker, bds. 55 Crane, Walter, real estate, 160 Jefferson<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

ave., bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Crabb, Lewis, gardener, h. e. side Foundry, Crangell, John S., clerk, bds. 66 Locust.<br />

next to Bridge and Iron Works. Crantz, John, blacksmith, h. Tillman rave.,<br />

Crackel, George, painter, h. 561 Lafayctte. n. e. cor. Butternut.<br />

Cracken, James, lab., bds. 553 Wood- Crapo, William, W., lumber dmler, 268<br />

bridge w.<br />

Atwater, res. Flint.<br />

Craddock, Humphrey, contractor, h. 31 Crary, Charles E., clerk, h. 233 Park.<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Crary, George F., traveling agent, bds.<br />

Craddock, John, engineer, h. 188 Wight. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Craft, Thomas J., freight agent, G. W. R., ' Crary, Hunter C., physician, h. 233 Park.<br />

office foot of Eighth, h. 337 Abbott.<br />

I Cratty, William, lab., h. 180 Sixth.<br />

Craft, Ezra, clerk, bds. 14 Lewis.<br />

Craw, Edward, mason, h. n. w. cor. Ind-<br />

Craig, Henry, blacksmith, h. 274 Howard. iana and Prospect.<br />

Craig, James, commission merchant on Craw, Henry, lab. h. n. s. Illinois, bet.<br />

dock, bet. Cass and Wayne, h. 280 Con- Prospect and Hastings.<br />

gress w.<br />

Crawford, Alexander, engineer, h. 434<br />

Craig, Samuel D., clerk, h. 230 Congress e. Fort e.<br />

Craig, Thomas, engineer, h. old 15, new 19 Crawford, A. B., (Crswford & Hanns,) h.<br />

Baker.<br />

354 Congress e.<br />


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