Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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CHR CITY DIRECTORY. CLA 167 Christoph, William, (Wilde & Christoph,) h. 75 German. Christy, John, lab., bds. 126 Larned w. Chrysler, Justus, carpenter, h. 13 Oak. Chubb, James A., carpenter, h. 125 Gratiot. CHUDLEIGH, WILLIAM, H. confection- HOME Nutual Life Insurance Go., OF CMCCNNATI, OHIO. er, 159 Michi an ave. h. same. 1 GENERAL AGENT. Church, ~lbertff., lawyer, h. 36 Michigan 84 BRISWOLD STREET, ave. Church, Eber F., h. 27 Lafayette e. I DETROIT, - - MICH- -See advertisement, page 27. a Church, Edger M., 'manufacturer, h. 84 - - - - - - -- Baker. I Clapp, Lucius, carpenter and joiner, bds. Church, Joseph, porter, bds. Perkins Hotel. 352 Congress e. Church, Mrs. Luzette, seamstress, h. 36 Clapp, Valentine, shoemaker, h. 241 Cal- Michigan ave. Churches, Joseph, clerk, bds. Perkins Ho- i CL:F?heodore, expressman, h. 165 Abtel, Grand river. I bott. Churley, Frederick, lab., h. 208 Anteitam. Clark Adoniram J., butter and cheese, 11 Cicotte, David, drayman, bds. 277 Beau- C. H. M., h. 40 Michigan Grand ave. bien. Clark, Alexander, carpenter, h. 56 Harri- Cicotte, Edward V., lawyer, h. 315 Jeffer- son ave. son ave. Clark, Alfred, shoemaker, h. 443 Franklin. Cicotte Edward V., jr., bds. 315 Jefferson Clark, Alfred, jr., shoemaker, bds. 443 ave. Franklin. Cicotte, George F., crocer, 325 Jefferson Clark, Alice C., teacher. bds. 244 Second. ave. h. same. I Clark, Alvin S., clerk. bds, 289 Cass ave. Cicotte, James J., lawyer, h. 277 Beaubien. I Clark, Barnaby. lab., h. Seventh, bet. Cicotte, Mary A., operator on sewing ma Woodbridqe and Congress. chine, bds 350 Grand River w. Clark, Benjamin, provision inspector, h. Cillan, Charles H. (col'd), barber, h. 303 175 Seventeenth. Macomb. Clark, Burton L. (col'd), physician, h. 276 Ciliax, Charles, cabinet maker, h. 65 Maple. Clinton. Ciliax, G. William, cabinet maker, h. 160 Clark, Carey, (col'd) wood sawyer, h. 326 Bronson. Macomb. Cimbawer, John, lab., h. 284 Sixteenth. Clark. Cktrles, (col'd). barber, h. cor. Cinner Andrew, mason. bds. s. s. High, Nineteenth and Church. bet. St. Antoine and Hastings. Clark, Charles, stone mason, h. o. 201 n. Citterstein, Gustav, watchmaker, h. 43 247 Howard. Michigan Grand ave. Clark, C. Duval, clerk. h. 102 Larned e. City Hotel, Atwater, n. e. cor. Brush. Clark, Charles L.. clerk, bds. 77 High. City Hotel, 11 and 13 Laf~yette ave. Clark. Charles T., traveling agent, bds. Ciuler, Witsend, mason, h. 117 Jay. Antisdel Hmse. Claig, John, carpenter, h. 53 Butternut. Clark. David. brickmaker, . " yard nr. G. T. Clairout, Lewis D., grocer, 548 yoodbridge unction. h: 90 Porter. w., h. same. Clark, David C., carpenter, h. 347 High. Clancy, Cornelius, lab., h. 414 Michigan Clark. Dennis. shoemaker, h. 20 Clinton. ave. lark; ~dward. saloon, n. e. cor. Hastings Clancy, James, conductor, h. 92 Baker. and Nullett, h. 72 Catharine. Clancy, James, lab., h. 69 Labrosse. Clark. Edward C. D., bookkeeper, h. 77 Clancy, James, teamster, h. 235 Abbott. High. Clancy, John, potashmaker, h. 28 Seven- Clark, Eliza, (wid. Allen), h. 352 Congress e teenth. Clark, E. Frederick (Clark Bros.), res. Clancy, John, stone and wood yard. o. 399 Gtand Rapids. Woodbridge w.. h. s. s. Fort, bet. Thir- Clark, E. M., physician, h. 124 Fort w. teenth and Fourteenth. Clark, E. Miner, boots and shoes 206 Clancy, Patrick F., conductor Fort st. cars, Woodward ave., h. 24 Palmer. bds. 414 Michigan ave. Clark, George, butcher, h. 119 Con(,.ress w. Clancy, William, sawyer, h. 646 Con- Clark, George carpenter, bds. 240 Sherman. gress w. Clark, George, moulder bds. 65 Eighth. Clapp, B. Frank, news dealer, 319 Wood- Clark, George, (George Clark & Co.), res. ward ave., h. same. Ecorse. Clapp, Francis H., storekeeper M. C. R. R., Clark, George A., shoemaker, h. 34* Month. 123 Ninth ave. calm w. Clapp, Jacob, shoemaker, bds. 2U Cal- Clark, George S., bookkeeper, bds. 80 houn. Brainard.

168 CLA CLARJX'S DETROIT CLE DETmOIT, MICE. PARKE, JENNINGS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ~ ~ f i mf*@% ~ f i aeh@~~9 ~ ~ Aqua Ammonia, &c., DETROIT, - - XICH- w See advertisement, page u. Clark, Harvey C., clerk, h. 53 Elizabeth w. Clark, Henry, sign writer, bds. 96 to 10 Grand River. Clark, Henry O., commission, 54 and 56 Woodbridge w., h. 59 Congress w. Clark, James, vinegar maker, h. 12 Howard. Clark, James J., Secretary Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. Co., h. s. e. corner Congress and 'flayne. Clark, 'James M., patrolman, h. 86 Seventeenth. Clark, John, bar tender, bds. 72 Catharine Clark. John, lab., h. n. s. Bronson, bet. St. Antoine and Hastings. Clark, John M., policeman, h. 86 Seventeenth. Clark, Josiah, butcher, h. 257 Seventeenth. Clark, Lorenzo E., Vice Pres. First National Bank, h. 483 Woodward ave. Clark, Lucien C., tobacconist, bds. Garrison House. Clark, L. W., inmrance, 11. 2 44 Second. Clark, Nartha N., dressmaker, h. 324 Riopelle. Clark, Michael, lab., h, 81 Franklin. ' Clark, Michael, (col'd), bartender, bds. 169 Beaubien. Clark, Nichael, (col'd.), lab., bds. 133 Fort e. Clark, Robert, carpenter, h. 251 Dequindre. Clark, Robert W. aqt. Duplex gas burner, bds. 268 Con, mress e. Clark. Sam. J., (Clark Bros.), h. 174 Mich. ave Clark, Septimus, currier, h. 103 Farmer. Clark, Thomas, sailor, bds. s. e. cor. St Antoine and Bronson. Clark, Tho mas, shipcarpen ber, bds.. ne w 101 Twelfth. Clark, Walter, (col'd.), laundryman, h. 323 Fort e. Clarke, William, butcher, 144 Larned w. h. same. Clark, William, clerk, h. s. s. Cherry bet. Sixth and Seventh. Clark, William, teamster, bds. 197 Larned e. Clark, William C., Rev., h. 53 Elizabeth w. Clark, William C., patrolman, and sealer of weights & measures, h. 75 Brady. Clark, William F., shoemaker, h. 171 Wilkins. Clark, William H., bookkeeper, h. o. 315 Atwater e. Clark, William J., bookkeeper, bds. Finney's Hotel. Clark, William W., lab. b$s. 201 Franklin. Clark. Bros. (Samuel J. and E. Frederick Clark,) bakers, 5,i, & 9, Orchard, and 174 Nichi, *an ave. Clark, Chas. F. & Co:, Cit Di- rectory office, over First Natronal l.3 ank, s. w. cor. Jefferson ave. & Griswold. Clark, Geo. & Co., (Geo. Clark, & Geo. H. Dixon). fish dealers, 309 Woodward ave. Clarke, Alexander, carpenter' h. 64 Harri- son ave. Clarke, Alexander, piano tuner h. 156 Woodbridse e. Clarke, Franklin S., bookkeeper, h. Or- leans, s. w. cor. Larned. Clarke, Hovey K., lawyer & Register in Bankruptcy, office 14 Bank Block, h. 72 Lafayette ave. Clarke, James S., Policeman h. 496 Mich- igan ave. Clarke, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 101 Lar- ned w. Clarke, Wm. J., clerk, bds. Finney's Hotel. Clarkston, Anthony, painter, h. 47 Fort e. Clarkston, James, laborer, bds. Thirteenth, e. side, bet. Fort and Woodbridge w. Claucherty, Obed S., teamster, bds. 93 Adams ave. e. Clay, George, shoemaker, h. 10 Clay. Clay, John, (col'd) waiter, Xichigan Ex- chancre. Clay, %illism, wig maker 119 Jefferson ave., h 11 Rowland. Clayton, Henry, sawyer bds. 317 Con- gress w. Clayton, James G., agent, h. 4 Park Place. Clayton, Joshua A., colporter, h. 201 Col- umbia e. Clayton Mills, n. w. cor. Gratiot, and De- quindre. Clayton, William, (col'd) co oper, h. 387 Clinton. Clee, John, (Clee & Coville), h. 138 Sec- ond. Clee & Coville, (John Clee and Lucius Co- ville), millers, 146 Michigan ave. Clegg, John R., bookkeeper, h. 36 Sproat. Clegue, Henry, clerk, bds. Joseph Carnpau ave. cor. Macornb. Cleland, Henry A., physician, h. 23 State. Cleland, Herbert, wood turner, bds. 279 Third. Cleland, Isaac N., painter, h. 10 Humboldt ave. Cleland, James, Superintendent Detroit Novelty Works, h. 18 Napoleon. Clemens, John, janitor Harper Hospital, h. same. Clernens, Joseph, bottom hooper, bds. De- quindre, 9. e. cor. Chesnut. Clemens, Joseph, mason, h. 260 Mullett. -


DETmOIT, MICE.<br />



~ ~ f i mf*@% ~ f i aeh@~~9<br />

~ ~<br />

Aqua Ammonia, &c.,<br />

DETROIT, - - XICH-<br />

w See advertisement, page u.<br />

Clark, Harvey C., clerk, h. 53 Elizabeth w.<br />

Clark, Henry, sign writer, bds. 96 to 10<br />

Grand River.<br />

Clark, Henry O., commission, 54 and 56<br />

Woodbridge w., h. 59 Congress w.<br />

Clark, James, vinegar maker, h. 12 Howard.<br />

Clark, James J., Secretary <strong>Detroit</strong> Fire and<br />

Marine Ins. Co., h. s. e. corner Congress<br />

and 'flayne.<br />

Clark, 'James M., patrolman, h. 86 Seventeenth.<br />

Clark, John, bar tender, bds. 72 Catharine<br />

Clark. John, lab., h. n. s. Bronson, bet.<br />

St. Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Clark, John M., policeman, h. 86 Seventeenth.<br />

Clark, Josiah, butcher, h. 257 Seventeenth.<br />

Clark, Lorenzo E., Vice Pres. First National<br />

Bank, h. 483 Woodward ave.<br />

Clark, Lucien C., tobacconist, bds. Garrison<br />

House.<br />

Clark, L. W., inmrance, 11. 2 44 Second.<br />

Clark, Nartha N., dressmaker, h. 324 Riopelle.<br />

Clark, Michael, lab., h, 81 Franklin. '<br />

Clark, Michael, (col'd), bartender, bds. 169<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Clark, Nichael, (col'd.), lab., bds. 133 Fort<br />

e.<br />

Clark, Robert, carpenter, h. 251 Dequindre.<br />

Clark, Robert W. aqt. Duplex gas burner,<br />

bds. 268 Con, mress e.<br />

Clark. Sam. J., (Clark Bros.), h. 174 Mich.<br />

ave<br />

Clark, Septimus, currier, h. 103 Farmer.<br />

Clark, Thomas, sailor, bds. s. e. cor. St Antoine<br />

and Bronson.<br />

Clark, Tho mas, shipcarpen ber, bds.. ne w<br />

101 Twelfth.<br />

Clark, Walter, (col'd.), laundryman, h. 323<br />

Fort e.<br />

Clarke, William, butcher, 144 Larned w.<br />

h. same.<br />

Clark, William, clerk, h. s. s. Cherry bet.<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Clark, William, teamster, bds. 197 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Clark, William C., Rev., h. 53 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

Clark, William C., patrolman, and sealer<br />

of weights & measures, h. 75 Brady.<br />

Clark, William F., shoemaker, h. 171 Wilkins.<br />

Clark, William H., bookkeeper, h. o. 315 Atwater<br />

e.<br />

Clark, William J., bookkeeper, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Clark, William W., lab. b$s. 201 Franklin.<br />

Clark. Bros. (Samuel J. and E. Frederick<br />

Clark,) bakers, 5,i, & 9, Orchard, and<br />

174 Nichi, *an ave.<br />

Clark, Chas. F. & Co:, Cit Di-<br />

rectory office, over First Natronal l.3 ank,<br />

s. w. cor. Jefferson ave. & Griswold.<br />

Clark, Geo. & Co., (Geo. Clark, & Geo. H.<br />

Dixon). fish dealers, 309 Woodward ave.<br />

Clarke, Alexander, carpenter' h. 64 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Clarke, Alexander, piano tuner h. 156<br />

Woodbridse e.<br />

Clarke, Franklin S., bookkeeper, h. Or-<br />

leans, s. w. cor. Larned.<br />

Clarke, Hovey K., lawyer & Register in<br />

Bankruptcy, office 14 Bank Block, h. 72<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Clarke, James S., Policeman h. 496 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Clarke, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 101 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Clarke, Wm. J., clerk, bds. Finney's Hotel.<br />

Clarkston, Anthony, painter, h. 47 Fort e.<br />

Clarkston, James, laborer, bds. Thirteenth,<br />

e. side, bet. Fort and Woodbridge w.<br />

Claucherty, Obed S., teamster, bds. 93<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Clay, George, shoemaker, h. 10 Clay.<br />

Clay, John, (col'd) waiter, Xichigan Ex-<br />

chancre.<br />

Clay, %illism, wig maker 119 Jefferson<br />

ave., h 11 Rowland.<br />

Clayton, Henry, sawyer bds. 317 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Clayton, James G., agent, h. 4 Park Place.<br />

Clayton, Joshua A., colporter, h. 201 Col-<br />

umbia e.<br />

Clayton Mills, n. w. cor. Gratiot, and De-<br />

quindre.<br />

Clayton, William, (col'd) co oper, h. 387<br />

Clinton.<br />

Clee, John, (Clee & Coville), h. 138 Sec-<br />

ond.<br />

Clee & Coville, (John Clee and Lucius Co-<br />

ville), millers, 146 Michigan ave.<br />

Clegg, John R., bookkeeper, h. 36 Sproat.<br />

Clegue, Henry, clerk, bds. Joseph Carnpau<br />

ave. cor. Macornb.<br />

Cleland, Henry A., physician, h. 23 State.<br />

Cleland, Herbert, wood turner, bds. 279<br />

Third.<br />

Cleland, Isaac N., painter, h. 10 Humboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Cleland, James, Superintendent <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Novelty Works, h. 18 Napoleon.<br />

Clemens, John, janitor Harper Hospital,<br />

h. same.<br />

Clernens, Joseph, bottom hooper, bds. De-<br />

quindre, 9. e. cor. Chesnut.<br />

Clemens, Joseph, mason, h. 260 Mullett.<br />


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