Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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154 BUR CLARK'S ~ L ~ ~ ] ~ 4 ~ ~ $ @' COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DETBOIT- Conducted by Bola. Ira Mayhew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Burineta Collegea and the Counting-mom. -The on17 Rdok - kmping published pm6din mtnpleb instruction in prsctlcal acc ~ ~ ~ ~ see ~ notice ~ h of i College, p . Book-beping and Businen Practice, at the Slstpage of Direct0ry.S Burbank, Alexander, carpenter, h. 55 Six- teenth, Burbank, Charles T., compositor, h. 7 Williams e. Burbank, Charles W., printer, bds Finney7s Hotel . Burbank, George W.. moulder, bds. n. w. cor. Beaubien and Woodbridge. Burbank, John G., passenger agent, res. Toledo. Burberitz, John, mason, h. 527 Mullett. Burch, Joseph, engineer, h. 58 Maple. Burch, Norman A., carpenter, h. e. s. Seven- teenth, bet Michigan ave. and Butternut. Burchard, Matthew W., real estate agent, bds. Howard House. Burchell, George W., license collector, h. 770 Woodbridge w. Burchell, John, expressman, h. 254 First. Budge, John F., patent rights, h. 7 La- brosse. Burder, Michael, gardener, h. w. s. Mount Elliot ave. nr. Cemetery. Burdick, Jackson, h. 330 Lafayette ave. Burdick, John, brakesman, h. 330 Lafay- ette ave. Burdingan, Henry, lab., bds. 301 Atwater. Burdingan, Jose~h, saloon, 301 Atwater, h. same. Burdoin, Charles, teamster, bds. Ninth ave., n e. cor. Oak. Burdon, John, mason, h. 507 Congress e. Burg, Edward, lab., h. 68 Porter. Burge, Jacob, saloon 187 Larned w., h. same. Burgeet, Joseph, painter, h. 545 Fort e. Burgeons, Lambert, saddler, h. 162 Division. Burger, Casper, blacksmith, h. n. e. cor. Clinton and Riopelle. Burger, Charles, confectioner, h. 62 Columbia e. Burger, Edward G., h. 103 Nineteenth, Burger, Frank, cigar maker, h. 227 Clinton. Burger, John, grocer. 157 Mscomb. h. =me. Burger, Joseph, policeman, h. 153 Mullett. Burger, Martin, h. 307 North. Burger, S., cigar maker, bds. Franklin House. Burgess, Monzo J., carpenter, h. 306 Sherman. DETROIT BUR ~urgess, ~nnis, (col'd), cook, h. 327 Macomb. Burgess, Catherine, miner, d . 274 Brush. Burge~s. *James, house mover, h. 16 Jlaple. Burgess, John, lab., bds. 71 Jones. Burgess, Margaret, dressmaker, h. 17 Beech. B*%es~7 Nellie, (wid* Aaron), boarding, h. 38 Gratio t. Burghard. Ernst, tailor, h. 197 Lafayette. Burgis, Frederick J., commission mer- chant, 262 Woodward ave., h. 76 Na- poleon- Burgis, Henry, painter, r. 262 Woodward aVe.9 ha H~mt~~~ck. Burgwin, John, carpenter, h. Grand River Fifteenth- Burhans, Adin 8.. traveling agent, h. 367 Third. Burhans, Ira L., mail agent, h. 69 Clifford. Burhans, Jane, yankee notions, 367 Third, h. same. Burilart, Annist cutter. h. 19 7 Lafay- ette e- Burhart, Henry, ship CqrPenter, h. 492 Woodbridge e. Burk, Catherine.- (wid. Caspar), h- we 9- Fifteenth nr. Michigan avc. Burk, Charles M-, clerk, h- 109 Miami Burk. David, lab , h. 253 Sherman. Burk, David. lab., h. s. e. cor. Butternut and Sullivan Burk, Dewitt C., clerk h. Jefferson ave., n, e. cor. Rivard. Burk, Edward, (Jelsch & Burk), h- 175 Fort e. Bmk, George7 sawyer, h. 203 EIumboldt ave. Burk, Henry, painter, h. 336 Croghsn Bmk, Jacob, (col'd) lab-, h. 58 Mulletto Burk James, moulder, bds 705 Franklin. Burk, John, boiler maker. h. 10 Wight. Bnrk, John, clerk, bds. 127 Larned w. Burk, John, lab., 11- 216 Sixth. Burk, John, saloon, 42 Third, h. same. Burk, Julius, lab., bds. Whitney, s. s. bet. Chestnut and Maple- Burk, Martin, watchmaker, bds. Hotel hen^ Burk, Nellie, hrtirclresser, bds. s. e. cor. Beauhien and Fort Burk Patrick, lab., h. 147 Mapberry ave. Burk, Thomas, shoemaker, h. P( ~rter bet. Fifth and Sixth* Burk, Thomas, agent, bds. 49 Third. Burk, Thomas, carpenter, h. 408 Twelfth. Burk, Thomas, lather, h. n. s. Kentucky bet Ratings and s t Anthe. Burk, Thomas M., engineer, bds. 42 Third. Burk, William, collector. 0. 18, n. 109 Mi- ami ave. Burk, William, shoemaker, (A. C. lblcaraw I & Co.)

BDR c m bl.k~c'~o~P. BUR 155 Burk, William H., editor and proprietor Commercial Advertiser, h. 19 Rowland. Burkhard, Adam, lab., h. 45 Catharine. Burkhard, Melcller, boots and shoes, 256 Beaubien, h. same. Burkhard, Peter, shoemaker, h. 256 Beaubien. Burkhart, Adam; finisher, h. 159 Mullett. Burkhart, Frank J., meat market, 269 Gratiot, h. same. Burkheiser, Carl, mason, h. 407 Mary. Burkheiser, John, yankee notions, 93 Croghan, h. same. Burlage, Gottlieb, grocer, 145 and 14'7 Gratiot, h. same. Burlage, John J., farmer, h. w. s. Mt. Elliott ave. bet. nr. n. end cemetery. Burland, Peter, lab., h. 260 Croghan. Burland, Peter, jr., lab., h. 260 Croghan. Burlinger, Peter, sawyer, h. 2'78 Nineteenth. Burmeister, John, teamster, h. 145 Harrison. Burmeister, John, lab., h. 486 Railroad. Burmeister, John H., lab., h. 145 Harrison ave. Buminn, Henry, lab., h. 370 Sixteenth. Burnash, Peter, joiner, h. 226 Riopelle. Burnett, Currier, clerk, bds. 80 Baker. Burnett, Edgar, expressman, bds. Michigan Exchange. Burnett, Joseph, lab. bds. Clinton, n. s. bet, Chene and Joseph Campau ave. Burnett, Jesse, lab., h. bet. Seventeeuth and Seventeenth and half on Woodbridge, w. Burnett, Orson H., jeweller, n. w. cor. Michigan ave. and Woodward ave., h. 135 Michigan ave. Burnett, Rebecca, (col'd) dressmaker, bds. 311 St. htoine. Burnett, Thomas, (col'd. ,) (Burnett Bros.,) h. 195 Third. Burnett, William, (col'd.,) (Burnett. Bros.,) h 197 Third. Burnett Bros., (Thomas and William,) barbers, 215 Michigan ave. Burnham, Andrew, bds. 97 State. Burnham, Edward, driver street car, h. '78 Labrosse. Burnham, George, cle~ k, bds. 285 Woodward ave. Burnham, Jimes K., clerk, h. 5 Davenport avc. Burnie, George H., printer, h. 460 Fifth. Burns, Adair, roofer: bds. 233 High. Burns, Alexandre, carpenter, h. 215 Beaubien. Burns, Arthur, lab. h. o. 396 Franklin. Burns, Bernard, lab., h. 66 Thirteenth. Bums, Catharine, bds. 45 Leverette. Burns, Catharine, wid. Patrick, h. 152 Franklin. Burns, Charlotte, (wid. James), bds. 140 Sixth. - HOME Xutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCLNNATI, OHIO. w, QmAmnB hERAL A~ENT, 234 GRISWOLD ST., DETBOIT, - - XICH WSee advertisement, page %.a - Burns Club, room 133 Jefferson ave. Burns, Daniel, lab., bds. 130 Seventh. Burns, Daniel, tailor, h. 83 Franklin. Burns, Dennis, commission broker, h. 13 Middle. Burns, Ellen, (wid. Hugh,) bds. 125 Lafayette. Burns, Esther, (wid. John,) h. 65 Nayberry ave. Burns, George, h. 272 Thirteenth. Burns, Jacob, clerk, h. 119 Alfred. Burns, Jamea, clerk, h. 104 Cherry. Burns, James, lab. h. Pine near Seventh. Bnrns, James, lab. h. 44 Wight. Burns, James, (Burns & Smith,) h. 158 Fort, w. Burns, John, lab. h. 476 Macomb. Burns, John, machinist, bds. 146 Larned w. Burns, John E.7 blacksmith, h. 222 Seventeenth. Burns, Joseph, clerk, h. 98 Columbia e. Burns, Leonora, h. 45 Leverette. Burns, Louisa, tailoress, bds. 272 Thirteenth Burns, Margaret, seamstress, bds. 65 Mayberry ave. Burns, Mary, bds. 45 Leverette. Burns, Mary, (wid. Pal rick), h. 314 Lafayette. Burns, Mary, (wid. Patrick), bds. 128 Mullett. Burns, Michael, ash pedlar, h. w. s. Fourth nr. Gold. Burns, Michael, carpenter, h. 405 Twelfth. Burns, Morris, steam fitter, bds. 128 Mullett Burns, Patrick, sexton, h. w. s. Mt. Elliott ave. bet Hacomb and Clinton. Burns, Peter, carpenter, h. 92 Abbott. Burns, Richard, carpenter, h. 418 Twelfth. Burns, Robert, carpenter, h. 245 Twelfth. Burns, Thomas, lab., h. Ci25 Twelfth. Burus, Thomas, teamster, h. 268 Fifth. Bums, Thomas, tinsmith, bds. o. n. 180 Larned w. Burns, Thomas F., bracket maker, h. 172 Seventh. Bums, William M., photographer, h. 85 Mayberry ave. Burns & Smith, (James Burns and Lucien A. Smith) Dry Goods, '75 Woodward ave. Burnstine, Aaron, (N. & A. Burnstine), bds. Russell Bouse. Burnstine, Abel, pedlar, h. 89 Mullett.

154 BUR CLARK'S<br />

~ L ~ ~ ] ~ 4 ~ ~<br />

$ @'<br />


DETBOIT-<br />

Conducted by Bola. Ira Mayhew,<br />


For Burineta Collegea and the Counting-mom. -The on17 Rdok -<br />

kmping published pm6din mtnpleb instruction in prsctlcal acc<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ see ~ notice ~ h of i College, p . Book-beping and Businen<br />

Practice, at the Slstpage of Direct0ry.S<br />

Burbank, Alexander, carpenter, h. 55 Six-<br />

teenth,<br />

Burbank, Charles T., compositor, h. 7<br />

Williams e.<br />

Burbank, Charles W., printer, bds Finney7s<br />

Hotel .<br />

Burbank, George W.. moulder, bds. n. w.<br />

cor. Beaubien and Woodbridge.<br />

Burbank, John G., passenger agent, res.<br />

Toledo.<br />

Burberitz, John, mason, h. 527 Mullett.<br />

Burch, Joseph, engineer, h. 58 Maple.<br />

Burch, Norman A., carpenter, h. e. s. Seven-<br />

teenth, bet Michigan ave. and Butternut.<br />

Burchard, Matthew W., real estate agent,<br />

bds. Howard House.<br />

Burchell, George W., license collector, h.<br />

770 Woodbridge w.<br />

Burchell, John, expressman, h. 254 First.<br />

Budge, John F., patent rights, h. 7 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Burder, Michael, gardener, h. w. s. Mount<br />

Elliot ave. nr. Cemetery.<br />

Burdick, Jackson, h. 330 Lafayette ave.<br />

Burdick, John, brakesman, h. 330 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Burdingan, Henry, lab., bds. 301 Atwater.<br />

Burdingan, Jose~h, saloon, 301 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Burdoin, Charles, teamster, bds. Ninth<br />

ave., n e. cor. Oak.<br />

Burdon, John, mason, h. 507 Congress e.<br />

Burg, Edward, lab., h. 68 Porter.<br />

Burge, Jacob, saloon 187 Larned w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Burgeet, Joseph, painter, h. 545 Fort e.<br />

Burgeons, Lambert, saddler, h. 162 Division.<br />

Burger, Casper, blacksmith, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Clinton and Riopelle.<br />

Burger, Charles, confectioner, h. 62<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Burger, Edward G., h. 103 Nineteenth,<br />

Burger, Frank, cigar maker, h. 227 Clinton.<br />

Burger, John, grocer. 157 Mscomb. h.<br />

=me.<br />

Burger, Joseph, policeman, h. 153 Mullett.<br />

Burger, Martin, h. 307 North.<br />

Burger, S., cigar maker, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Burgess, Monzo J., carpenter, h. 306 Sherman.<br />


~urgess, ~nnis, (col'd), cook, h. 327<br />

Macomb.<br />

Burgess, Catherine, miner, d . 274<br />

Brush.<br />

Burge~s. *James, house mover, h. 16 Jlaple.<br />

Burgess, John, lab., bds. 71 Jones.<br />

Burgess, Margaret, dressmaker, h. 17<br />

Beech.<br />

B*%es~7 Nellie, (wid* Aaron), boarding,<br />

h. 38 Gratio t.<br />

Burghard. Ernst, tailor, h. 197 Lafayette.<br />

Burgis, Frederick J., commission mer-<br />

chant, 262 Woodward ave., h. 76 Na-<br />

poleon-<br />

Burgis, Henry, painter, r. 262 Woodward<br />

aVe.9 ha H~mt~~~ck.<br />

Burgwin, John, carpenter, h. Grand River<br />

Fifteenth-<br />

Burhans, Adin 8.. traveling agent, h. 367<br />

Third.<br />

Burhans, Ira L., mail agent, h. 69 Clifford.<br />

Burhans, Jane, yankee notions, 367 Third,<br />

h. same.<br />

Burilart, Annist cutter. h. 19 7 Lafay-<br />

ette e-<br />

Burhart, Henry, ship CqrPenter, h. 492<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Burk, Catherine.- (wid. Caspar), h- we 9-<br />

Fifteenth nr. Michigan avc.<br />

Burk, Charles M-, clerk, h- 109 Miami<br />

Burk. David, lab , h. 253 Sherman.<br />

Burk, David. lab., h. s. e. cor. Butternut<br />

and Sullivan<br />

Burk, Dewitt C., clerk h. Jefferson ave., n,<br />

e. cor. Rivard.<br />

Burk, Edward, (Jelsch & Burk), h- 175<br />

Fort e.<br />

Bmk, George7 sawyer, h. 203 EIumboldt<br />

ave.<br />

Burk, Henry, painter, h. 336 Croghsn<br />

Bmk, Jacob, (col'd) lab-, h. 58 Mulletto<br />

Burk James, moulder, bds 705 Franklin.<br />

Burk, John, boiler maker. h. 10 Wight.<br />

Bnrk, John, clerk, bds. 127 Larned w.<br />

Burk, John, lab., 11- 216 Sixth.<br />

Burk, John, saloon, 42 Third, h. same.<br />

Burk, Julius, lab., bds. Whitney, s. s. bet.<br />

Chestnut and Maple-<br />

Burk, Martin, watchmaker, bds. Hotel<br />

hen^<br />

Burk, Nellie, hrtirclresser, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

Beauhien and Fort<br />

Burk Patrick, lab., h. 147 Mapberry ave.<br />

Burk, Thomas, shoemaker, h. P( ~rter bet.<br />

Fifth and Sixth*<br />

Burk, Thomas, agent, bds. 49 Third.<br />

Burk, Thomas, carpenter, h. 408 Twelfth.<br />

Burk, Thomas, lather, h. n. s. Kentucky<br />

bet Ratings and s t Anthe.<br />

Burk, Thomas M., engineer, bds. 42 Third.<br />

Burk, William, collector. 0. 18, n. 109 Mi-<br />

ami ave.<br />

Burk, William, shoemaker, (A. C. lblcaraw<br />

I & Co.)

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