Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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150 BRO CLARK'S DETROIT BRO A Reliable Practical Business School. XAYHEW Conducted by HON. LRI, MAYHEW, AUTHOR OF For Common and Union dchools, and MAYEIEW'S University Book-keeping lor Business Colleges and Counting-rooms. See 31st page of Directory. Brown, James, lab., h. 96 Catharine. Brown, James, lab., 505 St. Antoine. Brown, James, saloon, 189 Woodbridge w., h. same. Brown, James A,, physician, h. 43 Lafa- yette ave. Brown, James F., carpenter, h. 178 Porter. Brown, James H., physician, h. 107 Lev- erette. Brown, James J., City Attorney, o. 12 n. 115 Miami ave. Brown, James Rf., passenger agent, cor. Woodward and Jefferson ave., h. 47 Sib- ley w. Brown, James N., cashier, h. 61 Second. Brown, James S., machinist, h. 339 Abbott. Brown, James W., (col'd), waiter, bds. Michigan Exchange. Brown, Jennie P., box maker, h. 344 Larned e. Brown, John, h. 116 Miami ave. Brown, John, butcher, o. 818, n. 352 Grand River, h. same. Brown, John, carpenter, h. 120 Eighth. Brown, John, lab., h. 55 Fifteenth. Brown, John, lab., bds. 325 Congress w. Brown, Jonn, lab., h. Ninth ave. nr. Mich- igan. Brown, John, milk pedlar, h. 167 Beech. Brown, Jonn, pipeman, h. cor. Webster and Prospect. Brown, John, sawyer, h. Howard next 509. Brown, John A., barber, 1'71 Woodward ave., h. 45 Grand River w. Brown, John B., machinist, h. 46 Lewis. Brown, John C., bookkeeper, h. 125 Clif- ford. Brown, John F., shoemaker, h. 322 Orleans. Brown, John Gay h. 136 Grand River, (up stairs.) Brown, John M., lab., h. n. e. cor. Webster and Prospect. Brown, John R., blacksmith,lh. 240 Lafa- yette. Brown, John S., machinist, h. 274 Harri- son ave. Brown, John T. R., (Brown & Bro.,) bds. 218 First. Brown, Rev. John W., Rector Christ Church, h. 240 Woodbridge e. Brown, Joseph, engineer, h. I79 Franklin. Brown, Margareth, h. 77 Fort e. Brown, Xary (wid. James), h. 19 Howard. Brown, Nary (wid. Clark, col'd), washerwoman, h. r. 148 Croghan. Brown, Mary, pill-boxmaker, h. 254 Randolph. Brown, Michael, tin and glassware dealer, 53 C. H. M., h. 115 Marion. Brown, Minnie (wid. Henry), h. 201 Third. Brown, M. C., dry go,ods and notions, 261 Jefferson ave., h. same. Brown, Nancy (wid. Joseph), bds. 376 Congress e. ~Gwnfkathan F., physician, h. 775 Fort w. Brown, Nathan N., instructor at House of Correction, h. '73 George. Brown, Philip H., helper, h. 322 Orleans. Brown, B,alph R., clerk, bds. o. 12, n. 115 Miami ave. Brown, Robert, bartender, bds. 115 Atwater e. .Brown, Robert, butcher, bds. 59 Brady. Brown, Robert, butcher, h. 325 Congress w. Brown, Robert, finisher, h. 346 Grand River. Brown, Robert H. (J. T. R. Brown & Bro.), h. 218 First. Brown, Robert, jr.,- switchman, bds. 325 Congress w. Brown, Rosa (vid. James), washerwoman, h. e. s. Beaubien, bet Ohio and Brady. Brown, Ross, insurance agent, bds. 180 Michigan ave. Brown, Rufus, physician, h. 120 St. h- toine. Brown, Russell, (Brown & Lewis), bds. Garrison House. Brown, Samue1,f clerk, bds. 156 Woodbridge e. Brown, Samuel, lab., h. Ninth ave., near Michi an ave. % Brown, amuel, lab., h. 120 Eighth. Brown, Sarah Miss, fancy goods, 189 81 ichigan ave., h. same. Brown, Stephen, carpenter, h. 3 German. Brown, Thomas, carpenter, h. 307 Fifteenth. Brown, Thomas, mason, h. 628 Sixth. Brown, T. (col'd) waiter, Russell House. Brown, Thomas M., h. 160 Larned e. Brown, T. W. (col'd), waiter, Michigan Exchange. Brown, W arham S.. bds. 149 First. Brown, Wilkerson, dentist, h. 413 Lafay ette e. Brown, William, agent, bds. Goodman House, Brown, William, builder, h. 92 Montcalm e. Brown, William, furniture dealer, 199 Jef- fersoli ave., h. 144 Orleans. Brown, William, hatter, 267 Jefferson ave. Brown, William, lab., h. 91 Charlotte ave. Brown, William, laborer, h. 64 Bronson. Brown, William E., clerk, o. 12, n. 115 Mi- ami ave. .

BRO CITY DYRECTORY. BRU 151 Brown, William F., mason, bds. 628 Sixth. Brown, William H., instructor House of Correction, bds. same. Brown, Willett, conductor, bds. 59 First. Brown & Brady, (Henry H. Brown and George N. Brady) , General Insurance Agents office, No. 1. %roodward ave. Brown & Chambers (James J. Brown and F. W. H. Chambers,) lawyers, room 19 Rotunda. Brown 62 Brother, (John T. R. and Robert H.), general insurance agents, 5 Bank Block. Brown, J. & Co. (Jacob Brown, Reuben Rosenficld and Marvin Strong). rnanufac- turers of tobacco, 3 and 5 Woodward ave. Brown & Lewis, (Russell Brown and Hen- ry Lewis), fruit and vegetables, 40 Jeffer- son ave. Brownlee. William, travelling agent, h. 261 Whitney. Browning, Samuel C., hardware, o. 177 Woodward ave., h. 28 Elizabeth w. Browshek, Joseph, shoemalter, h. 93 Clin- ton. Brozo, Freeman, ship carpenter, h, 160 Franklin. Brubaker, Henry, druggist, 705 Fort w., h. same. Bruce, Sarah E., dressmaker, h. 255 Sixth. Bruckmann, Adam, teamster, hds. 169 Mul- lett. Bruckrnann, Jacob, shoemaker, h. 169 Mul- lett. Bruckmann, Jacob, jr., shoemaker, h. 169 Mullett. Bruckmann. Theodore, plumber, h. 169 Mullett. Bruckmann, Thomas, shoemaker, h. 69 Mullett. Bruckner, Frederick, laborer, h. 352 Seven- teenth. Bruder, Carl, laborer, bds. 346 North. Bruder, Charles, mason, 1). 105 Prospect. Bruder, Emst, laborer, h. 346 North. Bruder, Franz, tanner, bds. 346 Xorth. Bruder, Frederick, lab., h. 209 Twenty- second. Brudi, Leopold, bookbinder, bds. 187 Larned e. Brueckrnann, William, carpenter, h. 166 Clinton. Bruekner, Charles, brakesman, h. 206 Whit- ney. Bruemmer, Henry, painter, bds. 236 Mul- lett. Brugarty, David, drayman, h. 552 Lafay- ette. Bruhn, John, tailor, h. 322 Maple. Bruken, John, lab., h. 94 Twelfth. Brulgeau, Frank, carpenter, h. 224 Dubois. Brulin, John, lab., h. 405 Catharine. Brummc, Carl, physician, h. 301 Fort e. Brummitt, William H., (Watson & Brum- HOME X U ~ Life U ~ Ins~rance CO., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. @, @ ~ ~ ~ ~ GENERAL AGENT. 84 QRISWOLD STREET, DETROIT, - - MICE- WSee advertisement, page 2'1.-,933 - mitt), h. Verona Place, Third nr. Holden Road. Brllna, Anton, carpet shoemaker, h. 126 Brewster. Bronck, Frederick, saloon, 562 Michigan ave., h same. Brundage, Flora, saloon, 63 Franklin, h. same. Brundage, Gilbert F., farmer, h. 170 Narion. Bruner, Frederick R., carriage trimmer, 70 Grand River, h. 67 Division. Brunette, Charles, lab., h. Woodbridge w. bet. Seventeenth and Seventeenth-aud-ahalf. Brungard, John, carpenter, h. 89 Gratiot. Brunner, Jacob, lab., h. 292 Blullett. Brunner, John, lab., h. n. s. Detroit, bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Brunner, Stephen, plulnber, bds. 180 Clinton. Brunner. Victor, cabinetmaker, h. cor. Mullett and Orleans. Brunswick, Joseph, chairmaker, h. 304 Sixteenth. Brunton, Andrew, (Findlater & Brunton), h. 26 Sibley. Brunton, Robert, traveler, h 40 Centre. Brusewitz, Christian F., shoemaker, bds. 119 Sherman. Brush, Alfred E., bcls. 194 Randolph. Brush, Edmund A., h. 194 Randolph. Brush, Eliot H., bds. 194 Randolph. Brush, Fred., lab., h. 76 Fifteenth. Brush, Henry T., architect, bds. 175 Woodward ave. Brush, James A., photographer, s. w. cor. Woodward ave. and Larned, h. 34 Mont- , calm w. Brush, William, sawyer, bds. 76 Fifteenth. Erushaber, William, furniture factory, n. e. cor. Beaubien and Division, h. 477 Beaubien. Brushaber, Henry, boot maker, 194+ Woodward ave., h. 447 Beaubien. Brushaber, John, cabinet maker, h. 42 John R. Bruso, Edward, carpenter, h. 408 Hastings. Bruso, Lezime, caulker, bds. 51 St. Aubin ave. Brust, Peter, br3wcry, cor. Russell and Napoleon, h. same. Brustmacher, Joseph, Proprietor Chicago House, cor. Woodbridge and Third, h. . same.


Brown, William F., mason, bds. 628 Sixth.<br />

Brown, William H., instructor House of<br />

Correction, bds. same.<br />

Brown, Willett, conductor, bds. 59 First.<br />

Brown & Brady, (Henry H. Brown and<br />

George N. Brady) , General Insurance<br />

Agents office, No. 1. %roodward ave.<br />

Brown & Chambers (James J. Brown and<br />

F. W. H. Chambers,) lawyers, room 19<br />

Rotunda.<br />

Brown 62 Brother, (John T. R. and Robert<br />

H.), general insurance agents, 5 Bank<br />

Block.<br />

Brown, J. & Co. (Jacob Brown, Reuben<br />

Rosenficld and Marvin Strong). rnanufac-<br />

turers of tobacco, 3 and 5 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Brown & Lewis, (Russell Brown and Hen-<br />

ry Lewis), fruit and vegetables, 40 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Brownlee. William, travelling agent, h.<br />

261 Whitney.<br />

Browning, Samuel C., hardware, o. 177<br />

Woodward ave., h. 28 Elizabeth w.<br />

Browshek, Joseph, shoemalter, h. 93 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Brozo, Freeman, ship carpenter, h, 160<br />

Franklin.<br />

Brubaker, Henry, druggist, 705 Fort w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Bruce, Sarah E., dressmaker, h. 255 Sixth.<br />

Bruckmann, Adam, teamster, hds. 169 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Bruckrnann, Jacob, shoemaker, h. 169 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Bruckmann, Jacob, jr., shoemaker, h. 169<br />

Mullett.<br />

Bruckmann. Theodore, plumber, h. 169<br />

Mullett.<br />

Bruckmann, Thomas, shoemaker, h. 69<br />

Mullett.<br />

Bruckner, Frederick, laborer, h. 352 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Bruder, Carl, laborer, bds. 346 North.<br />

Bruder, Charles, mason, 1). 105 Prospect.<br />

Bruder, Emst, laborer, h. 346 North.<br />

Bruder, Franz, tanner, bds. 346 Xorth.<br />

Bruder, Frederick, lab., h. 209 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Brudi, Leopold, bookbinder, bds. 187<br />

Larned e.<br />

Brueckrnann, William, carpenter, h. 166<br />

Clinton.<br />

Bruekner, Charles, brakesman, h. 206 Whit-<br />

ney.<br />

Bruemmer, Henry, painter, bds. 236 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Brugarty, David, drayman, h. 552 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Bruhn, John, tailor, h. 322 Maple.<br />

Bruken, John, lab., h. 94 Twelfth.<br />

Brulgeau, Frank, carpenter, h. 224 Dubois.<br />

Brulin, John, lab., h. 405 Catharine.<br />

Brummc, Carl, physician, h. 301 Fort e.<br />

Brummitt, William H., (Watson & Brum-<br />

HOME<br />

X U ~ Life U ~ Ins~rance CO.,<br />


@, @ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />



DETROIT, - - MICE-<br />

WSee advertisement, page 2'1.-,933<br />

-<br />

mitt), h. Verona Place, Third nr. Holden<br />

Road.<br />

Brllna, Anton, carpet shoemaker, h. 126<br />

Brewster.<br />

Bronck, Frederick, saloon, 562 Michigan<br />

ave., h same.<br />

Brundage, Flora, saloon, 63 Franklin, h.<br />

same.<br />

Brundage, Gilbert F., farmer, h. 170 Narion.<br />

Bruner, Frederick R., carriage trimmer, 70<br />

Grand River, h. 67 Division.<br />

Brunette, Charles, lab., h. Woodbridge w.<br />

bet. Seventeenth and Seventeenth-aud-ahalf.<br />

Brungard, John, carpenter, h. 89 Gratiot.<br />

Brunner, Jacob, lab., h. 292 Blullett.<br />

Brunner, John, lab., h. n. s. <strong>Detroit</strong>, bet.<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Brunner, Stephen, plulnber, bds. 180 Clinton.<br />

Brunner. Victor, cabinetmaker, h. cor.<br />

Mullett and Orleans.<br />

Brunswick, Joseph, chairmaker, h. 304 Sixteenth.<br />

Brunton, Andrew, (Findlater & Brunton),<br />

h. 26 Sibley.<br />

Brunton, Robert, traveler, h 40 Centre.<br />

Brusewitz, Christian F., shoemaker, bds.<br />

119 Sherman.<br />

Brush, Alfred E., bcls. 194 Randolph.<br />

Brush, Edmund A., h. 194 Randolph.<br />

Brush, Eliot H., bds. 194 Randolph.<br />

Brush, Fred., lab., h. 76 Fifteenth.<br />

Brush, Henry T., architect, bds. 175 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Brush, James A., photographer, s. w. cor.<br />

Woodward ave. and Larned, h. 34 Mont- ,<br />

calm w.<br />

Brush, William, sawyer, bds. 76 Fifteenth.<br />

Erushaber, William, furniture factory, n.<br />

e. cor. Beaubien and Division, h. 477<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Brushaber, Henry, boot maker, 194+ Woodward<br />

ave., h. 447 Beaubien.<br />

Brushaber, John, cabinet maker, h. 42<br />

John R.<br />

Bruso, Edward, carpenter, h. 408 Hastings.<br />

Bruso, Lezime, caulker, bds. 51 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Brust, Peter, br3wcry, cor. Russell and Napoleon,<br />

h. same.<br />

Brustmacher, Joseph, Proprietor Chicago<br />

House, cor. Woodbridge and Third, h.<br />

. same.

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