Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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140 BOG CLARE'S DETROIT BOM PUKE, JENNINGS & GO., MANUFACTUR I NG CHEM I STS, Oflce, 52 Zamed St., West. Laboratory Gor. GhfTord & Henry Sts. & Cass Ave DETROIT, MICE. -See ad~ertisement, page 16. -- Bogg, Thomas, tinsmith, 157 Elza beth e., h. same. Boggs. Robert, soap maker, J. & T. Mc- Gregor, 5 Franklin. Boggs, Thomas K., U. S. gauger, office 54 and 56 Woodbridge w., h. 94 Washington ave. Bogler, Reinhard, porter, bds. 178 Larned e. Bogula Carl, lab., bds. east side Elmwood ave, nr. Gratiot. Bo ue, Dennis, (Sutton & Co.) h. 119 Grand giver. Bogus, David, (col'd), lab., bds. 202 Prospect Bogus, Dennis, (col'd), lab., bds. 202 Prospect. Bohl, Otto, lab., h. 293 Sixteenth. Bohllin er, Anton, tailor, h. 226 Whitney. fi Bohm, enry, lab., h. 122 Macomb. Bohmer, Casper, watchmaker, bds. Ma- comb, bet. Russell and Riopelle. Bohn, Hubert, moulder, bds. 398 Croghan. Bohn, Philipp, h. 187 Napoleon. Bohn, Theodore, tinsmith, bds. 187 Napo- leon. Bohnenstein, Samuel, rag-pedlar, h. 259 Hastings. Bohnser, John, tailor, h. 312 Whitney. Bohrer, Henry, bds. 202 Larned W. Boice, Him, produce, h. Grand River, nr. Fifteenth. Boillatat, Joseph, stonecutter, h. 281 Or- leans. Boillatat, Peter, stonecutter, bds. 281 Or- leans. Boille, John, boilermaker, h. 320 Catharine. Boielle, John P., watchman, bds. n. w. cor. Hastings, & Ohio. Boille, Thomas, blacksmith, bds: 320 Ca- tharine. Bois, Charles, gardener, h. e. s. Hastings bet. Indiana & Fremont. Boissonnault, Joseph, shoemaker, h. w. s. of Sixteenth, nr. Myrtle. Bokal, Wm. trucksmith, h. 235 Cologne. Bokal, Charles, currier, h, 315 Lafayette ave. Bolan, Charles, currier. h. 3'75 Lafayette. Bolan, Michael, lab., 364 Twelfth. Bolan, William, blacksmith, h. 65 Divi- sion. Boland, Frank, shoemaker, bds. 335 Chestnut. Boland, Henry, Chicago House No. I Jefferson ave, h. same. Boland, Joseph, prop'r. City Hotel, Atwater, n. e. cor. Brush. Boland, Michael, sawyer, h. 364 Twelfth. Boland, Peter, blacksmith, bds. 260 Croghan. Bolem, Thomas, lab., bds. 109 Chestnut Boles, Elizabeth, (wid. Samuel, col'd,) h. 130 Croghan. Boles, Joel, (col'd), lab., bds. 130 Cro han. Boles. John (col'd), farmer, h. w. s. %lastings, nr. Illinois. Boles, William (col'd), lab., bds. 130 Croghan. Boloer, Dennis, express driver, h. 239 &chi an aye. 5 Bolger, ames, baker and confectioner, h. 39 Labrosse. Bolger, John, sailor, hds. 561 Seventh. Bolger, Patrick, baker, 241 Michigan ave., h. same. Bolger, Patrick, sailor, bds. 561 Seventh. Bolger, Patrick, teamster, h. 104 Plum. Bolger, William, clerk, h. 104 Plum. Bolinger, Anton, tailor, h. 226 Whitney. Bolinger, John, machinist, bds. Jefferson ave., s. s., bet. Brush .and Beaubien. Bolio, Edmund, lithographer, bds. 114 Randolph. Bolio, Francis, grocer, 297 Sixteenth, h. same. Bolio, George, engineer, h. 166 St. Antoine. Bolio, Gideon, carpenter, bds. Purdy's Hotel. Bolio, John, machinist, h. 186 Second. Bolio, John, shoemaker, h. 393 Franklin. Bolio, Nargaret, boarding, 114 Randolph. Bolio, Mary, tailoress, h. 546 Croghan. Bolles, John E., clerk, bds. Antisdel House. Boles, Phillip (col'd) lab., h. s. w. cor Hasting~ and St. Antoine. Bolley, Joseph, lab., bds. 185 Clinton. Bollmyre, - bds. Antisdel House. Bologne, Dousent, teamster, h. 96 Division, Bolt, Joseph, blacksmith, bds. 278 Gratiot. Bolt, Mary J. (wid. Isaiah), h. 342 Fifth. Bolt, William T., blacksmith, bds. 342 Fifth. Bolton, James, sailor, bds. 309 Croghan. Bolton, James, sailor, h. 307 Gratiot. Bolton, Joseph, brass-~finisher, h. o. 284, n. 320, Sixth. Bolton, Lafayette, cook, h. 232, Clinton. Bolton, Robert, carpenter, h. 378 Fort e. Bolum, Thomas, lab., h. 115 Dequindre. Bomann, John, lab., h. 527, Macomb. Bommer, Nicholas, teamster, h. 15'3 Elmwood ave. Bommer, William, bds. 82 Shelby. Bommershine, Henry, plasterer, h. 179 Park, Bommershine, John, plasterer, h. 510 Cass ave. - -

BOM CITY DIRECTORY. BOS 141 Bommershine, Joseph, lab., h. 316 Mont- calm. Bomgard, Christ., conductor, street cars, bds. 182 Larned w. Bonalie, David, carpenter, h. 243 Howard. Bond, Annie B. (wid. William I.), h. 17 John R. Bond, Charles G. M., bookkeeper, bds. Goodman House. Bond, Sarah (wid. Robert F.), masher. woman, h. 210 Watson. Bond, William, (3Iarcus Stevens & Co.), h. o. 70 High. Bond, William S., printer, h. 287 Twelfth. Bones, Frederick, lab. h. Williams ave., bet. Linden and Poplar. Bong, Gottfried, lab., h. 424 James. Bonly, John, car washer, h. 355 Abbott. Bonner, John, lab., h. 532 Woodbridge e. Bonny, John, lab., h. 164 Franklin. Bonny, Louis, sailor, bds. 164 Franklin. Bonsner, Frederick, carpenter, cor. Tuscola and Fourth. Bonton, Samuel, lab., bds. s. e. cor. St. i h- toine and Division. Bonzelet, Peter, barber, bds. s. w. cor. Con- gress and Brush. Book, James, B., physician, office 223 Jef- ferson ave., up stairs, bds. Biddle House. Bookbinder, Adolph, carpenter, h. 581 Croghan. Bookner, Louis, porter, Michigan Ex- change. Boomer, William M., bookkeeper, bds. 45 Congress, w. Booth, Charles N., mason, h. w. s. Hnm- bolt, ave., nr. Butternut. Booth, Elisha G. (Fisher, Booth & Co.), h. 363 Woodward ave. Booth, F. A., clerk, bds. Biddle House. Booth, Henry W., copper smith, bds. 59 First. Booth, James S., secretary of police, bds. 138 First. Booth, Paul, machinist, bds. 66 Napoleon. Booth, Sarah, hairdresser, bds. 175 Wood- ward ave. Booth, Walter R., clerk, bds. 68 Miama ave. Boothby, Jesse, ship carpenter, h. 350 Wat- son. Boothroyd, Richard, lab., bds. Purcly's Hotel. Boothroyd, William H., books and station- ery, 244 Jefferson ave., bds. 22 Mechanic. Bootz, Frederick, lab., h. 304 Map!e. Bootz, .John. lab., h. 263 Gratiot. Bootz, Wendell, lab., h. 263 Gratiot. Bopp, Ignatz, cooper, 41 Catharine, h. same. Borbank, Henry, painter, bds. 104 Porter. Borchard, Charles H., boots and shoes, 682 Woodbridge w., h. same. Borchard, Lewis, lab., h. 317 Twenty-sec- ond. NORTHWESTERN Uutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. DR. c~as. aalbpsaeaa, STATE AGENT, 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - XICW, WAgenta Wanted. See advertisement, page 107.a Bocrhard, Otto, shoemaker, bds. 682 Woodbridge w. Borchardt, Ferdinand, furniture manfr. 161 Rivard, h. 192 Macomb. 13orchardt, Herman, tanner, h. 326 Orleans. Bordelew, Albert, lab., h. 306 Jay. Bordwell, Warren, artist, h. 213 Catharine. Borehart, John, tanner, h. Twenty-second nr. Kelloog's foundry. Borel, Margaret, (wid. Peter), h. 434 Woodbridge e. Borel, Maximc, sailor, bds. 434 Woodbridge e. Borgenger? Franz, lab., h. 436 Mullett. Borger, George, ship carpenter, bds. TO6 Woodbridge w. Borgess, Rt. Rev. Caspar, Bishop, h. 353 Jefferson, ave. Borghard, Adam, tanner, h. 159 Mullet. Borghard, George, carpenter, h. Catharine bet. Hastings ~ nd St. Antoine. Borginger, Diedrich, lab., h. 436 Hullett. Borgman, Charles H., (Ling & Borgman). German books, papers and peri~dicals, 69 Monroe ave., h. 8 Clinton. Borgman, Martin V., Chief Metropolitan Police, h. 43 Sibley. Borhme, Lina, teacher, bds. 100 Russell. Born, Gottfried, lab., h. s. s. Scott, bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Born, Joseph, lab., h. 158 Porter. Born, Peter, tinsmith, h. s. s. Scott, bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Born,William, lab., bds. 538 Woodbridge w. Bornemann, Caspar, lab., h. 156 Catharine. Borneman, John, brewer, h. 272 Columbia e. Borner, William W., machinist, h. 180 Porter. Borngieser, Henry, pedlar, h. 107 Wilkins. Bornman, Diederich, h. 234 Croghan. Bornman, Frederick printer, bds. 234 Croghan. Born man, Henry, expressman, h. 152 Rivard. Bornman, John, printer, h. 233 Lafayette. Borr, Xavier, miller, bds. 31 Catharine. Borrowman, Andrew, city physician, third district, office 223 Jefferson ave (up stairs h. 31 Abbott, Borst, k illiam S., Brooklyn Lightning Rod Co., bds. Goodman House. Boruker, Ernst, tanner, h. 129 Croghan. Boser, Jacob, carpenter, h. 99 Brewster.




Oflce, 52 Zamed St., West.<br />

Laboratory Gor. GhfTord & Henry Sts. & Cass Ave<br />


-See ad~ertisement, page 16.<br />

--<br />

Bogg, Thomas, tinsmith, 157 Elza beth<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Boggs. Robert, soap maker, J. & T. Mc-<br />

Gregor, 5 Franklin.<br />

Boggs, Thomas K., U. S. gauger, office 54<br />

and 56 Woodbridge w., h. 94 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Bogler, Reinhard, porter, bds. 178 Larned e.<br />

Bogula Carl, lab., bds. east side Elmwood<br />

ave, nr. Gratiot.<br />

Bo ue, Dennis, (Sutton & Co.) h. 119 Grand<br />

giver.<br />

Bogus, David, (col'd), lab., bds. 202 Prospect<br />

Bogus, Dennis, (col'd), lab., bds. 202 Prospect.<br />

Bohl, Otto, lab., h. 293 Sixteenth.<br />

Bohllin er, Anton, tailor, h. 226 Whitney.<br />

fi<br />

Bohm, enry, lab., h. 122 Macomb.<br />

Bohmer, Casper, watchmaker, bds. Ma-<br />

comb, bet. Russell and Riopelle.<br />

Bohn, Hubert, moulder, bds. 398 Croghan.<br />

Bohn, Philipp, h. 187 Napoleon.<br />

Bohn, Theodore, tinsmith, bds. 187 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Bohnenstein, Samuel, rag-pedlar, h. 259<br />

Hastings.<br />

Bohnser, John, tailor, h. 312 Whitney.<br />

Bohrer, Henry, bds. 202 Larned W.<br />

Boice, Him, produce, h. Grand River,<br />

nr. Fifteenth.<br />

Boillatat, Joseph, stonecutter, h. 281 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Boillatat, Peter, stonecutter, bds. 281 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Boille, John, boilermaker, h. 320 Catharine.<br />

Boielle, John P., watchman, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Hastings, & Ohio.<br />

Boille, Thomas, blacksmith, bds: 320 Ca-<br />

tharine.<br />

Bois, Charles, gardener, h. e. s. Hastings<br />

bet. Indiana & Fremont.<br />

Boissonnault, Joseph, shoemaker, h. w. s.<br />

of Sixteenth, nr. Myrtle.<br />

Bokal, Wm. trucksmith, h. 235 Cologne.<br />

Bokal, Charles, currier, h, 315 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Bolan, Charles, currier. h. 3'75 Lafayette.<br />

Bolan, Michael, lab., 364 Twelfth.<br />

Bolan, William, blacksmith, h. 65 Divi-<br />

sion.<br />

Boland, Frank, shoemaker, bds. 335<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Boland, Henry, Chicago House No. I Jefferson<br />

ave, h. same.<br />

Boland, Joseph, prop'r. <strong>City</strong> Hotel, Atwater,<br />

n. e. cor. Brush.<br />

Boland, Michael, sawyer, h. 364 Twelfth.<br />

Boland, Peter, blacksmith, bds. 260 Croghan.<br />

Bolem, Thomas, lab., bds. 109 Chestnut<br />

Boles, Elizabeth, (wid. Samuel, col'd,) h.<br />

130 Croghan.<br />

Boles, Joel, (col'd), lab., bds. 130 Cro han.<br />

Boles. John (col'd), farmer, h. w. s. %lastings,<br />

nr. Illinois.<br />

Boles, William (col'd), lab., bds. 130 Croghan.<br />

Boloer, Dennis, express driver, h. 239<br />

&chi an aye.<br />

5<br />

Bolger, ames, baker and confectioner, h.<br />

39 Labrosse.<br />

Bolger, John, sailor, hds. 561 Seventh.<br />

Bolger, Patrick, baker, 241 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Bolger, Patrick, sailor, bds. 561 Seventh.<br />

Bolger, Patrick, teamster, h. 104 Plum.<br />

Bolger, William, clerk, h. 104 Plum.<br />

Bolinger, Anton, tailor, h. 226 Whitney.<br />

Bolinger, John, machinist, bds. Jefferson<br />

ave., s. s., bet. Brush .and Beaubien.<br />

Bolio, Edmund, lithographer, bds. 114<br />

Randolph.<br />

Bolio, Francis, grocer, 297 Sixteenth, h.<br />

same.<br />

Bolio, George, engineer, h. 166 St. Antoine.<br />

Bolio, Gideon, carpenter, bds. Purdy's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Bolio, John, machinist, h. 186 Second.<br />

Bolio, John, shoemaker, h. 393 Franklin.<br />

Bolio, Nargaret, boarding, 114 Randolph.<br />

Bolio, Mary, tailoress, h. 546 Croghan.<br />

Bolles, John E., clerk, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Boles, Phillip (col'd) lab., h. s. w. cor Hasting~<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Bolley, Joseph, lab., bds. 185 Clinton.<br />

Bollmyre, - bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Bologne, Dousent, teamster, h. 96 Division,<br />

Bolt, Joseph, blacksmith, bds. 278 Gratiot.<br />

Bolt, Mary J. (wid. Isaiah), h. 342 Fifth.<br />

Bolt, William T., blacksmith, bds. 342 Fifth.<br />

Bolton, James, sailor, bds. 309 Croghan.<br />

Bolton, James, sailor, h. 307 Gratiot.<br />

Bolton, Joseph, brass-~finisher, h. o. 284, n.<br />

320, Sixth.<br />

Bolton, Lafayette, cook, h. 232, Clinton.<br />

Bolton, Robert, carpenter, h. 378 Fort e.<br />

Bolum, Thomas, lab., h. 115 Dequindre.<br />

Bomann, John, lab., h. 527, Macomb.<br />

Bommer, Nicholas, teamster, h. 15'3 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Bommer, William, bds. 82 Shelby.<br />

Bommershine, Henry, plasterer, h. 179<br />

Park,<br />

Bommershine, John, plasterer, h. 510 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

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