Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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138 BLA CLBR;L('S DETROPT BLO COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. ' DETROIT- Conducted by Eon. Ira Xayhew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Businma Colleges and the Counting-room. =The only ~ &k- keeping published providing complete instruction in practical rrc- countantship. See notice ot College, Book-keeping and Bueineas Practice, at the Slst page of D iectory.~ Blinn, Leroy J., foreman, Wm. McMillan & Co., h. 39 Columbia e. Blinsky. Ferdinand, lab. h. 148 Antietam. Bliss, Ellis B., clerk, bds. 33 Cro han. Blitz, Israel, (I. Rosenfield & 80.~) h. 309 Congress e. Blitz, Louis, traveling agent, bds. 309 Congress e. Rloa. John. lab.. h. 308 Thirteenth. Blochi ~dkard, laborer, h. n. w. cor. RiopelIe and North. Blanks, Gustave A., confectioner, bds. 214 Block, John, lab., bds. 156 St. Antoine. * St. Antoine. Blodel, Christian, shoemaker, h. 348 Mont- Blanks, Martin, carpenter, h. 214 St. An- calm e. toine. Blodget, Caroline C., teacher, bds. 81 Wash- Blanks, John, lab., h. Juliette, n. s. bet. ington ave. Deauindre and St. Aubin. Blodget, Charles C., vesscl owner, h. 396 ~la~gslee, E. S., bookkeeper, bds. Garri- Jefferson ave. son House. Blodget, George L., clerk, h. 486 Ninth Blaser, John, grocer, Michigan ave, n. w. ave. cor. Thirteenth, h. same. Blodget, Silas W., printer, bds. 149 Eliza- Blaske, Frank, tinsmith, h. 93 Cro han. beth e. Blassett, John, mail driver, h. 323 % hid. Bloehm, Conrad, mason, h. 298 Columbia e. Blat, Benjamin, navigator, h. 433 Con- Bloehm, William, bds. 298 Columbia e. gress, e. Bloen, Francis, carpenter, h. 349 Franklin. Blattmeier, Christopher, huckster, 84 C. Bloink, Frank, carpenter, bds. 236 Mullett. H. M., h. 416 Sixteenth. Bloink. Joseph, cabinetmaker, bds. 236 A . Blay, Francis, mason, h. 346 Bronson. ~ullet. Blay, Michael, mason, h. 205 Napoleon. Blomberg, Ferdinand, laborer, h. 167 Sher- Blay, Moses, lab., h. r. 145 Fort e. man. Bledel, Christian, shoemaker, h. 348 Mont- Blome, Frederick C., dry goods, 79 Woodcalm e. ward ave., h. 111 Columbia e. Bleds, Henry, lab., h. 478 Cro han. Blome, Frederic1.c C., sen., h. 23 Sproat. Bleich, Carl, miller, bds. 218 8 alhoun. Blome, Herman F., clerk, h. 23 Sproat. Bleich, John, carpenter, h. 23 Silver. Blome, William H., clerk, h. 23 Sproat. Bleil, George, shoemaker, h. Woodward Blondell, John,saloon 3'76 Gratiot, h. same. ave., e. s.,nr. s. e. cor. Farnsworth. Bloom, Cyrus, machinist, bds. 20 Jones. Blemrning, George, lab., h. 54 Twenty- 1 Bloom, Emilie, dressmaker 236 Columbia third. e., h. same. Blemming, Thomas, 683 Bloom, Frederick, clerk, bds. 317 High. Franklin. Bloom, Henry, (Huss & Bloom), h. 71 Rus- Bleirnister, Frederick, lab., h. 55 Twenty- sell. second. loom, Henry, milk dealer, h. 26 Eigh- Blengs, Peter, lab., h. 102 Catha~e. teenth. Blenman, Henry, shoemaker, he 38 Maple Bloom, John, jr., sail maker, h. 51 Char- Blenrnan, Henry 8, shoemaker, h. 187 lotte ave. Wight. Bloom, John, sr., sail maker, h. 67 First. Bleynberg, Rev- Father Ha, Pastor Bloom, Nelson, sail maker, h. 52 Larned w. TriniQ Catholic Church, he 116 Porter. Bloom, Oliver C., mail carrier, h. 458 Sixth. Bleschor, Mathiss, machinist, h.. 117 Ma- Bloom, Robert, carpenter, h. 236 Columcomb. bia e. Bleser, Frank, tanner, bds. 236 Mullett. Bloom, Silas M., machinist, h. 20 Jones. Blickensderfer, James G, bds. 185 Second. Bloomfield, William, machinist, h. 401 Bliesath, Frederick, h. 240 Seventh. Sixth. Bligh, Sarah Mrs., washerwoman, h. 93 Co- Bloquelle, Louis, agent, h. 155 Clinton. lumbia w. Bloss, Chas. E., clerk, h. 13 Croghan. Bligh, Thomas, h. 95 Columbia w. Bloss. John C., clerk, bds. 13 Croghan. Blight, John, carpenter, h. 10 Locust. Bloss, Joseph B,, commission merchant, h. Blindbury, Volney H., accountant, h. -140 13 Croghan. Rivard. Blossom, Alonzo S., engineer, h. 367 La- Blings, Mathias, huckster, h. 61 Elizabeth e. fayette e. Blings, Wendell, stone cutter, bds. 63 Eli- Blow, William, checker, h. 97 Sixteenth. zabeth e. Blowney, Cornelius, lab., h. 193, Labrosse. Blino, George M., tinsmith, bds. 39 Colum- Bloynk, John, saloon, 128 St Antoine, h. bia e. same.

BLU CITY DIRECTORY. BOG 139 Blue, James, brakesman, h. 83 Labrosse. . Bluefield, Henrv, dry goods and notions, C. H. M., h. St. Antoine, bet. Croghan and Macomb. Blum, Frank A., upholsterer, bds. 283 La- fayette. Blum, Frank, butcher, h. 253 Lafayette. Blum, Jacob, lab., bds. e. s. Elmwood av., nr. Gratiot. Blum, Jennie (wid. Robert), h. 186 Na- comb. Blum, John, lab., h. 319 High. Blum, John, milkman, h. w. s. Mount El- liot ave., nr. Cemetery. Blum, Joseph, teamster h. 282 North. Bluin, Michael. shoemaker, h. 129 Clinton. Bluma, Albert, saloon. h. 714 Michi an ave. Bluma, Frank, Agent, bds. 714 l&higan ave. Blumberg, Ferdinand, lab., h. 167 German. Blumberg, Lewis, clothing and gent's fur- nishing goods, 38 Jefferson ave. h. 35 Jefferson ave. Blumer. John. lab., h. 319 High. Bluingarten. Rev. Louis, Jewish Rabbi, cigar maker, h. 116 Lafayette e. Blumhof, Carl, teacher, h. 189 Fort e. Boardman. Peter porter, bds. 4.2 Congress e Board of Trade City of Detroit, 1870 and 1871, building cor. Woodbridge and Shel- HOME Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF CmCINNATI, OHIO. @ @@ @)&rn;@&qg,LIE, GENERAL AGENT, t34 GRIHWOLD ST., DETItOIT, - - MICE WSee advertisement, page 27.- ~odrau. Johnn; carpenter, h. Franklin bet. Hslstings and Rivard. Boeberitz, Albert mason. h. 283 Chestnut. Boeberitz, John. Mason, h. 285 Chestnut. Boeberitz, William, last maker, 11. 497 Crozhan. Boecke. Michael. lab.. e. s. Dequindre, nr St. ~ose~h. ' Boehl, G. William, printer, h. 234 Congress e. Boehles, Joseph, lab., h. 241 Macomb. Boehm, August, beer pedlar, h. 149 Elmwood av& Boehm, Emil, Insurance Agent and Notary Public. office 58 Monroe ave., h. 291 ~ratioi. Boehmer, Caspar, watchmaker, bds. 213 Macoinb. Boehmer, John, carpenter, h. 273 Macomb. Boehnlein, George, (G. & M. Boehnlein), h. by, President, R. W. Gillett. i 227 Lafayette. Bobee, - Stillman, porter, bds. Howard 1 Boehnlein, Nichael, (G. & M. Boehnlein), House bds. 227.Lafayette. Bocarde Joseph, Shoemaker, h. 37 George. Boehnlein, G. & ill., (George and Michael), Bochard. John, tanner, 343 Twenty-second. watchmakers, jewellers, and German Bochmer. John, cabinet maker, at We- booksellers, 260 Jefferson ave. ber's factory. Boenig, Julius, shoemaker, h. 121 Antie- Bock, Frederick, locksmith, h. 168 Brews- tam. ster. Boell, John, lab., h. 241 Whitney. Bock, John. h. 237 Brush. Boell, Joseph, shoemaker, bds. 288 Gratiot. Bock Miriam (wid. Theodore,) millinery Boemershein, Thomas, shoemaker, h. 485 and dress making, 227 Michigan ave., h. Macomb. same. Boenner, Denas, lab., h. 147 Fort e. Bockheim, John, grocer, 56 Fort e., h. Boenninghausen, Hugh, with C. Schulensame. burg, h. 18 Lafayette e. Bodamer, Jacob, expressman, h. 230 Cal- Boennmnghausen, William, jr., with C. houn. Schulenburg, h. 212 Gratiot Bodde, John, tanner, h. 244 Xullett. Boenninghausen, William, sr., brewery, Bodde, Casper, tailer, h. 72 Sherman. 288 Russell, h. same. Boden, Elizabeth, (wid. Timothy,) h. 71 Boeritz, John, lab., h. 327 Maple. Adams ave. e. Boeschel, Julius, cicar maker, h. 403 North. Boden, George Wm., carpenter, bds. 71 Boese, Andrew, tailor, 7 Clinton, h. same. Adamsave. e. Boese, Charles, huckster, 34 C. H. M., h. Boden John, clerk, bds. Goodman House. Eastings, cor. Fremont. Boden, Samuel, clerk, bds. Goodman Boese, John, teamster, bds. Purdy's Hotel. House. Boetcher, Henry, cigar maker, h. 533 Boden, William, Packer, h. 87 Elizabeth w. Croghan. Boden, William, porter, h. 13 Washington Boette, Frank, carpenter. h. 199 Naple. ave. Boettrig, Frank, lab., h. 399 Maple. Boder, Henry, lab., bds. cor. Larned and Boettig, John, mason, h. 417 Maple. Third. Bogg, Elizabeth, milliner, bds. 157 Eliza- Bodman, Janet, .(wid. John), h. 135 Lafa- beth e. yette e. John A, paper-hanger, 3. 322 Bodoin, Nichael, la.b., h. 318 North.



DETROIT-<br />

Conducted by Eon. Ira Xayhew,<br />


For Businma Colleges and the Counting-room. =The only ~ &k-<br />

keeping published providing complete instruction in practical rrc-<br />

countantship. See notice ot College, Book-keeping and Bueineas<br />

Practice, at the Slst page of D iectory.~<br />

Blinn, Leroy J., foreman, Wm. McMillan &<br />

Co., h. 39 Columbia e.<br />

Blinsky. Ferdinand, lab. h. 148 Antietam.<br />

Bliss, Ellis B., clerk, bds. 33 Cro han.<br />

Blitz, Israel, (I. Rosenfield & 80.~) h. 309<br />

Congress e.<br />

Blitz, Louis, traveling agent, bds. 309 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Rloa. John. lab.. h. 308 Thirteenth.<br />

Blochi ~dkard, laborer, h. n. w. cor. RiopelIe<br />

and North.<br />

Blanks, Gustave A., confectioner, bds. 214 Block, John, lab., bds. 156 St. Antoine.<br />

* St. Antoine.<br />

Blodel, Christian, shoemaker, h. 348 Mont-<br />

Blanks, Martin, carpenter, h. 214 St. An- calm e.<br />

toine.<br />

Blodget, Caroline C., teacher, bds. 81 Wash-<br />

Blanks, John, lab., h. Juliette, n. s. bet. ington ave.<br />

Deauindre and St. Aubin.<br />

Blodget, Charles C., vesscl owner, h. 396<br />

~la~gslee, E. S., bookkeeper, bds. Garri- Jefferson ave.<br />

son House.<br />

Blodget, George L., clerk, h. 486 Ninth<br />

Blaser, John, grocer, Michigan ave, n. w. ave.<br />

cor. Thirteenth, h. same.<br />

Blodget, Silas W., printer, bds. 149 Eliza-<br />

Blaske, Frank, tinsmith, h. 93 Cro han. beth e.<br />

Blassett, John, mail driver, h. 323 % hid. Bloehm, Conrad, mason, h. 298 Columbia e.<br />

Blat, Benjamin, navigator, h. 433 Con- Bloehm, William, bds. 298 Columbia e.<br />

gress, e.<br />

Bloen, Francis, carpenter, h. 349 Franklin.<br />

Blattmeier, Christopher, huckster, 84 C. Bloink, Frank, carpenter, bds. 236 Mullett.<br />

H. M., h. 416 Sixteenth.<br />

Bloink. Joseph, cabinetmaker, bds. 236<br />

A .<br />

Blay, Francis, mason, h. 346 Bronson. ~ullet.<br />

Blay, Michael, mason, h. 205 Napoleon. Blomberg, Ferdinand, laborer, h. 167 Sher-<br />

Blay, Moses, lab., h. r. 145 Fort e.<br />

man.<br />

Bledel, Christian, shoemaker, h. 348 Mont- Blome, Frederick C., dry goods, 79 Woodcalm<br />

e.<br />

ward ave., h. 111 Columbia e.<br />

Bleds, Henry, lab., h. 478 Cro han. Blome, Frederic1.c C., sen., h. 23 Sproat.<br />

Bleich, Carl, miller, bds. 218 8 alhoun. Blome, Herman F., clerk, h. 23 Sproat.<br />

Bleich, John, carpenter, h. 23 Silver. Blome, William H., clerk, h. 23 Sproat.<br />

Bleil, George, shoemaker, h. Woodward Blondell, John,saloon 3'76 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

ave., e. s.,nr. s. e. cor. Farnsworth. Bloom, Cyrus, machinist, bds. 20 Jones.<br />

Blemrning, George, lab., h. 54 Twenty- 1 Bloom, Emilie, dressmaker 236 Columbia<br />

third.<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Blemming, Thomas, 683 Bloom, Frederick, clerk, bds. 317 High.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Bloom, Henry, (Huss & Bloom), h. 71 Rus-<br />

Bleirnister, Frederick, lab., h. 55 Twenty- sell.<br />

second.<br />

loom, Henry, milk dealer, h. 26 Eigh-<br />

Blengs, Peter, lab., h. 102 Catha~e. teenth.<br />

Blenman, Henry, shoemaker, he 38 Maple Bloom, John, jr., sail maker, h. 51 Char-<br />

Blenrnan, Henry 8, shoemaker, h. 187 lotte ave.<br />

Wight.<br />

Bloom, John, sr., sail maker, h. 67 First.<br />

Bleynberg, Rev- Father Ha, Pastor Bloom, Nelson, sail maker, h. 52 Larned w.<br />

TriniQ Catholic Church, he 116 Porter. Bloom, Oliver C., mail carrier, h. 458 Sixth.<br />

Bleschor, Mathiss, machinist, h.. 117 Ma- Bloom, Robert, carpenter, h. 236 Columcomb.<br />

bia e.<br />

Bleser, Frank, tanner, bds. 236 Mullett. Bloom, Silas M., machinist, h. 20 Jones.<br />

Blickensderfer, James G, bds. 185 Second. Bloomfield, William, machinist, h. 401<br />

Bliesath, Frederick, h. 240 Seventh. Sixth.<br />

Bligh, Sarah Mrs., washerwoman, h. 93 Co- Bloquelle, Louis, agent, h. 155 Clinton.<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Bloss, Chas. E., clerk, h. 13 Croghan.<br />

Bligh, Thomas, h. 95 Columbia w. Bloss. John C., clerk, bds. 13 Croghan.<br />

Blight, John, carpenter, h. 10 Locust. Bloss, Joseph B,, commission merchant, h.<br />

Blindbury, Volney H., accountant, h. -140 13 Croghan.<br />

Rivard.<br />

Blossom, Alonzo S., engineer, h. 367 La-<br />

Blings, Mathias, huckster, h. 61 Elizabeth e. fayette e.<br />

Blings, Wendell, stone cutter, bds. 63 Eli- Blow, William, checker, h. 97 Sixteenth.<br />

zabeth e.<br />

Blowney, Cornelius, lab., h. 193, Labrosse.<br />

Blino, George M., tinsmith, bds. 39 Colum- Bloynk, John, saloon, 128 St Antoine, h.<br />

bia e.<br />


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