Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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136 BIL CLAT~K'B DETROIT BLA -- - Bishop, Frank, lab., h. n. s. Hale, bet. Dequindre and St. Aubi~i ave. Bisl~op, Herman, musician, 11. Jefterson me., s. s., nr. Elmwoocl ave. Bishop. Levi, Inmger, Room 6, Buhl Block, 11.299 Jefferson ave. Bishop, Jane (wid. Samuel), washerwoman, 11. 405 Naple. Bishop Union School, n. s. Marion, brtw. DETROIT, - - - M1Cx2 Hastings and Prospect. WApente \i78nkd. See advertisement. page 107.A Bishop, William, butcher, bds. Purdy's Billings, Pulaski A,, mantels and grates, 29 Hot". Wocldbrillge w., 11. 26 >fadison ave. Bisseau, Andrew, sllipcarpenter, h. 568 Billings. William, carpenter, bds. 83 Char- ConPss e- lotte ave. Bissell, Augustus E. (A. E. Bissell & Son), Billsell, Charles, blitcksn~ith, n. 11 Pt ~rter. 11. 1.55 Fort w. Bilode, Joseph, boiler maker, h. 217 Cliu- Bissell, Edward J., clerk, h. Springwclls. ton. Bissell, Edward W. (A. E. Bissell & Son) Bilsborough, Noble, lab., h. 1 88 Four- h- 118 First. teenth. Bissell, Ellen C. (wid. Charles) bds. 13 Bimbery, Joseph, cigar maker, h. 188 Columbia e. Croghan. Bissell, George W., vessel owner, office Bindcr, Jacob, mason, h. 205 \Vatson. toot First, h. 144 Lafayette ave. Binga, Aclarn, engineer, h. 382 Macomb. Bissell, A. E &z Co., (Augustus E. and Ed- Binga, Dauiel (col'd), engineer, h. 366 M 3- ward W. Bissell), forwarding and conlcomb. mission illerchauts foot of First. Binga, Henry (col'd), sailor, h. 191 Con- Bissonette, David, tgamster, h. 163 Abbott. gress e. Biteley David B. blacksmith: bds. 79 Con- Biuga, James H. (col'd), barber, h. 457 gress e. Croghan. Bittner, John N., porter, bds. 42 Woocl- Binga, John, plasterer, h. e. s. Beaubien, ward ave. nr. Kentucky. Bittner, Nrs BIina, dressmaker, h. 40 Binga, Thomas (col'd), waiter, h. 365 Mn- Harriet. comb. Bittner, Nichq blas, pedlar, bds. 337 Hast- Binga, JVillianl W. (col'd), barber, 42 31icll. ings. Grand ave., h. 2.51 Bcaubien. Bittner, Paul, brewer, h. Milwaukee Bingliam, Edward, 11. 86 First. Brewery. Binns, William J., cigar maker, h. 4:;9 Bitz. Frederick. lab : 11. 106 Antietam. Fifth. Bixby, Joseph C.. engineer, 11. 829 Sixth. 'Birch, 9dam, lab., h. Twenty-fourth 11. Blach Theodore pedlar, bds Hotel Hichican ave Erichsen. Birch, %illip P., 11. 29 Elizabeih w. Blachomlil z Jacob, carpet shoemdke~ . h. Birchard, 31. W., bds. Howard House. 107 Napoleon. Bird, Joseph F., rsaloon-keeper, 80 Wootl- Black, B~ldrew, plasterer, h. 23 Mityberry bridge w avenue. ~ird~:' Robert,, carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Nul- Black, Andrew H. : (Black & Lewerenz) h. lett and Rivard. 176 Bngg. Birk, Andrew', tnrner, 11. 154 Ca.tharine. Black, Daniel clerk, bds. s. s. Michigan Birmingham, Thomas N., saloon-keeper. 11. ave. bet. Eighth and Ninth. 191 Lafavette. Black David, (Black Gr, Co.) res. New York Birsel, ~olin, ht3stler, bds. Perkins. Hotel. City. B~N, Felise, turuer, 11. 64 &Ia.rion. BIack. Henry H. Rev. h. 325 Jefferson ave. Biry, Jacob, luachinist, h. 235 Fort e. Black JsmtBs (Black & Young) 11. 188 Biry, Xiriztm (wid. Jacob), 11. 235 Fort e. Laf lyette avenue. Biry, John, blacksnlitli, St. Aubin ave., Black John, lab.. 11.715 Fort E. between Larned and Coi~gress, h. 151 I31:lcli Jolin. rope maker, h. 169 National Chestnut. ave. , Bisbee, John B., agent, h. 142 Locust. Black Josepli A., painter, confectionary, Bischof, Frank, carpenter, h. 14 AMechanic.. 11 304 Woodmarcl ave. Bischof, John, lab., bds. 862 Lafayette. Black Judson H. clerk, h. 362 Sixth. Bishlim Jacob, cooper, h. 646 Gratiot. Black, Louis, (Louis Black & Co..) h. 38 Bishop, Andrew J., policenlan, h. 705 Crog- Madison ave. han. Black, Louis, Jr., (David Black & Co.,) Bishop, Felix, lab., h. 412 Guoin. h. 62 Xsdison we. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance CO. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. DR. GE89. &URIKlQ$B, STATE AGENT, 11 1 Jefferson Avenue,

BLA CITY DIRECTORY. BLA 137 Black, Noble, carpenter, h. I73 Beech. Black, Robert, lab., h. 584 Seventeenth. Black. William A., accountant, h. 12~. Park Place. Black, David & Co., (David & Louis Black, jr., and Adolph Feldheim,) wholesale dealers in fancy goods and notions, 38 Woodward ave. BLACK, LOUIS & GO., (Louis Black and Albert Landsberg) opticians, 194 Jeffer- son ave. BLACK & LEWERENZ, (Andrew H. and Fred E. Lewerenz) merchant tailors, 21'7 Jefferson ave., (see in&, PYe 27.) Black & young, (James Black and Peter Young) produce and commission mer- NOBTliwESTERrP Mutual Life Insurance CO. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. lM!!k. CBAs. AXfE#3l!T@=Ba STATE AGENT, 1 11 Jefferson Avenue, DSCTROIT, - - - XICB. -Agents wanted. See advertisrment.a Blair, Mary (wid* washerwomss* h. 203 Riopelle. Blais, Adolphe, sawsetter, bds. 20 Nineteenth. Blaise, Peter, moulder, h. 20 Wight. Blake, Andrew J., saloon and boarding, 298 Franm. Blake, Henry, Lieut , Revenue SerPice, bdg. 0. 144, n. 166 Lamed e. Blake, Patrick, furniture and under taking, 27 Michigan 'ave, h. 21, Lafayette ave. Blake, William (col'd), cook, h. 126, Macomb. Blanchard, A. Detective, h. 292 Congress chants, warehouse, foot Shelby. Blackburn, George N*, shipping office and saloon, 47 Atwater, h. same. Blackburn, Thomas, tinsmith, bds- 219 First. Blackeby, William, lab., h. 434 Eighteenth. Blacker, John, auction and commission, h. 61 Monroe ave. Blacker, Mrs., (wid. Edward), seamstress, h. o. 29, n. 47 Sproat Blackett, Mav E., dressmaker, h. 249 Hastings. Blackman, Edward, carpenter, h. 34 Brainard. Blackmas, William, carpenter, bds. 149 Seventh. Blaclnnarr, Frank, cashier, Internal Revenue office, bds. 130 George. Blackmore, William H., coppersmith, bds. 59 First. Blachun, Ann (wid. John), boarding, h. 59 First. Blacksmith, Addison A., tinsmith, bds. 62 Wayne. Blackwell, John, blacksmith, h. 230 Third. Blackwell, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 279 Sixth. Blackwood, Ann (wid. John), h. 56 Adams ave. e. Blackwood, John, clerk, h. Fremont, bet. John R and Brush. Blackwood, John, Detective, bds. 56 Adams ave. e. Blackwood, William, carpenter, h. n. 8. Fremont, bet. John R and Brush. Blaclnaood, William, jr., plumber, bds. Fremont, bet. John R and Brush. Blades, Francis A. Rev., h. 419 Cass ave. Blaeser, Joseph, carpenter, b&. 256 Beaubien. Blaikie, Thomas H., bookkeeper, h. 15 Howard. Blain, Edward, painter, h. 198 Con ess e. Blair, Jmnes S., shipowner, h. 50 &dison ave. Blanchard, Adrian, carpenter, bda. 272 Congress w. Blanchard, Catharine (wid. William), h. 718 Croghan. Blanchard, Geor e, lab., M. C. R R., h. Baker nr. cor, 4 wentiet;h. Blanchard, Henry, engineer, M. 0. R, h. 396 Lafa ette ave. Blanchard, dnry G., chief deputy, U. S. Marshal's office, h. 177 Montcalm e. Blanchard, John C., teamster, h. Hamtram&. Blanchard, Joseph, engineer, bda. 718 Croghan. Blanchard, Thomas, engineer, bda. 718 Croghan. Blanchard, William 0. ( Bangs & Blanchard), bds. 56 ~ d mave. s e. Blander, Paul, carpenter, h. 493 Croghan. Blaney, James, conductor, bds. 27 Monroe avenue. Blanfeld, Hermann, pedlar, C. 8. M., h. 196 St. Antoine. Blank, Frederick, lab., h. 329 Twentysecond. Blank, John, potash maker, h. 421 Orleans. Blankart, John, wagonmaker, bds. s. s. Gratiot , bet. Russell and Riopelle. Blanke, Margareth, (wid. Ferd.), h. 505 Gratiot. Blmkenheim, John, butcher, h. 292 Orleans. Blanker, John, teamster, h. Juliette, bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Blankerts, Albert, machinist, bds. 252 Woodward ave. Blanks, Albert, sailor, bds. 241, St. Antoke. 18 b


-- -<br />

Bishop, Frank, lab., h. n. s. Hale, bet. Dequindre<br />

and St. Aubi~i ave.<br />

Bisl~op, Herman, musician, 11. Jefterson<br />

me., s. s., nr. Elmwoocl ave.<br />

Bishop. Levi, Inmger, Room 6, Buhl Block,<br />

11.299 Jefferson ave.<br />

Bishop, Jane (wid. Samuel), washerwoman,<br />

11. 405 Naple.<br />

Bishop Union School, n. s. Marion, brtw.<br />

DETROIT, - - - M1Cx2 Hastings and Prospect.<br />

WApente \i78nkd. See advertisement. page 107.A Bishop, William, butcher, bds. Purdy's<br />

Billings, Pulaski A,, mantels and grates, 29 Hot".<br />

Wocldbrillge w., 11. 26 >fadison ave. Bisseau, Andrew, sllipcarpenter, h. 568<br />

Billings. William, carpenter, bds. 83 Char- ConPss e-<br />

lotte ave.<br />

Bissell, Augustus E. (A. E. Bissell & Son),<br />

Billsell, Charles, blitcksn~ith, n. 11 Pt ~rter. 11. 1.55 Fort w.<br />

Bilode, Joseph, boiler maker, h. 217 Cliu- Bissell, Edward J., clerk, h. Springwclls.<br />

ton.<br />

Bissell, Edward W. (A. E. Bissell & Son)<br />

Bilsborough, Noble, lab., h. 1 88 Four- h- 118 First.<br />

teenth.<br />

Bissell, Ellen C. (wid. Charles) bds. 13<br />

Bimbery, Joseph, cigar maker, h. 188 Columbia e.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Bissell, George W., vessel owner, office<br />

Bindcr, Jacob, mason, h. 205 \Vatson. toot First, h. 144 Lafayette ave.<br />

Binga, Aclarn, engineer, h. 382 Macomb. Bissell, A. E &z Co., (Augustus E. and Ed-<br />

Binga, Dauiel (col'd), engineer, h. 366 M 3- ward W. Bissell), forwarding and conlcomb.<br />

mission illerchauts foot of First.<br />

Binga, Henry (col'd), sailor, h. 191 Con- Bissonette, David, tgamster, h. 163 Abbott.<br />

gress e.<br />

Biteley David B. blacksmith: bds. 79 Con-<br />

Biuga, James H. (col'd), barber, h. 457 gress e.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Bittner, John N., porter, bds. 42 Woocl-<br />

Binga, John, plasterer, h. e. s. Beaubien, ward ave.<br />

nr. Kentucky.<br />

Bittner, Nrs BIina, dressmaker, h. 40<br />

Binga, Thomas (col'd), waiter, h. 365 Mn- Harriet.<br />

comb.<br />

Bittner, Nichq blas, pedlar, bds. 337 Hast-<br />

Binga, JVillianl W. (col'd), barber, 42 31icll. ings.<br />

Grand ave., h. 2.51 Bcaubien.<br />

Bittner, Paul, brewer, h. Milwaukee<br />

Bingliam, Edward, 11. 86 First.<br />

Brewery.<br />

Binns, William J., cigar maker, h. 4:;9 Bitz. Frederick. lab : 11. 106 Antietam.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Bixby, Joseph C.. engineer, 11. 829 Sixth.<br />

'Birch, 9dam, lab., h. Twenty-fourth 11. Blach Theodore pedlar, bds Hotel<br />

Hichican ave<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Birch, %illip P., 11. 29 Elizabeih w. Blachomlil z Jacob, carpet shoemdke~ . h.<br />

Birchard, 31. W., bds. Howard House. 107 Napoleon.<br />

Bird, Joseph F., rsaloon-keeper, 80 Wootl- Black, B~ldrew, plasterer, h. 23 Mityberry<br />

bridge w<br />

avenue.<br />

~ird~:' Robert,, carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Nul- Black, Andrew H. : (Black & Lewerenz) h.<br />

lett and Rivard.<br />

176 Bngg.<br />

Birk, Andrew', tnrner, 11. 154 Ca.tharine. Black, Daniel clerk, bds. s. s. Michigan<br />

Birmingham, Thomas N., saloon-keeper. 11. ave. bet. Eighth and Ninth.<br />

191 Lafavette.<br />

Black David, (Black Gr, Co.) res. New York<br />

Birsel, ~olin, ht3stler, bds. Perkins. Hotel. <strong>City</strong>.<br />

B~N, Felise, turuer, 11. 64 &Ia.rion. BIack. Henry H. Rev. h. 325 Jefferson ave.<br />

Biry, Jacob, luachinist, h. 235 Fort e. Black JsmtBs (Black & Young) 11. 188<br />

Biry, Xiriztm (wid. Jacob), 11. 235 Fort e. Laf lyette avenue.<br />

Biry, John, blacksnlitli, St. Aubin ave., Black John, lab.. 11.715 Fort E.<br />

between Larned and Coi~gress, h. 151 I31:lcli Jolin. rope maker, h. 169 National<br />

Chestnut.<br />

ave. ,<br />

Bisbee, John B., agent, h. 142 Locust. Black Josepli A., painter, confectionary,<br />

Bischof, Frank, carpenter, h. 14 AMechanic.. 11 304 Woodmarcl ave.<br />

Bischof, John, lab., bds. 862 Lafayette. Black Judson H. clerk, h. 362 Sixth.<br />

Bishlim Jacob, cooper, h. 646 Gratiot. Black, Louis, (Louis Black & Co..) h. 38<br />

Bishop, Andrew J., policenlan, h. 705 Crog- Madison ave.<br />

han.<br />

Black, Louis, Jr., (David Black & Co.,)<br />

Bishop, Felix, lab., h. 412 Guoin.<br />

h. 62 Xsdison we.<br />


Mutual Life Insurance CO.<br />


DR. GE89. &URIKlQ$B,<br />


11 1 Jefferson Avenue,

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