Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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134 BER CLARK'S HOME Mutual Life Insurance Co,, OF CISC :SSATI, OHIO. DETROIT BEU Berthold, Rosina. (wid. Thaddzus.) seamstress. h. 263 Catharine. Bertrdln, Basil lab., h. 197 Chene Bertram Henry. cabinet maker, h. 450 wg @Btl.A@BEJ$&&&f, Maple. Bertn~in, Joseph, lab., 11. 406 Guoin. GEXERAL AGENT. Bertram, Julius. drug clerk h. 257 Hastings. S4 GKIS\\'OLIP STREET, Bertrczin Nicholas, bds. 222 RivarB. DI3'I'I20IT, - - MICE- Bertram, Peter, painter, 11. 305 Third. @T'See advertisement, page 2'i.a Bertrand, Ssvier, lab., h. o 404, n. 462 At- - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - water. Bernatz, Susanna E., (wid. John,) h. s. s. Besclla, Jnlln lab., h. 477 Hastings. Webster, bet Russell & Prospect. Besnett, Felix, la\,., h. Guoin s. s., bet. Berndt, David, cigarmaker, h. 22'7 Clin- Rjvilrd and Russell. ton. Bessener. August, lab., h. 149 Fort e. Bernhmd, Fmnzem, malstel', Nilwankee Bessenger, Christian F., cabinet maker, 188 Brewery, 11. same. Catharine. 11. same. Bernharclt, Bernard, clerk. bds- 625 and Bessenger, George E., snilmaker, h 119 62'7 Michigan ave. National ave. Berns Andrew, barber. bds. 284 St. An- Bessenwer, Fredericke. (wid. Michael,) h. toine. 188 eatharine. Berns, Henr , carpenter h. 203 Bronson. Bessert, Is-~~c. sailor, h. 583 duoin. Bernstein- facob, pedlar, h. 98 Mullett. Betener, Louis, farmer, 11. s. St. ~ubin Berresheim, Anthony, mason, h. 518 Gra- ave., nr. city limits. tiot. Bethel, Frank agent, h. 72 Lewis. Berrien, John a!., bds. Mich. Exchange. Bethel German Evangelical Assoc. Church, Berry, August, machinist. h. 210 JIullett. s e. c. Hasting3 and Montcalm. Berry, Edward, carpenter, h. 2g1 Nation- Bethfeld, Christian, lab., h. 497 Catharine. al ave. Bethfeld, Michael, lab., 11. 497 Catharine. Berry, Prank, turner, h. 71 Macomb. Betllune, Donald, lawyer 11. 273 Brush. Berry, George, lab., bds. 27 Beaubien. Betkirowitz, August, saclcller, bds. 98 Maple. Berry, George E-, shoemaker, bds. Antis- Betree, Emily, seamstress, bds. 520 Beaudel House. bien. Berry Henry, lab., h. r. 164 Franklin. Betree, Nichael, shoemaker, h. 520 Beau- Berry, Henrj-, machinist h. 121 Brush. bicn. Berry, Jacob, machinist, h. 235 Fort e. Bettenhausen, Blinna, (wid. Willi%m,) h. SO Berry, Joll:~, lab., h. 420 Sixteenth. Sh erinan. Berry John, lab., h. 164 Franklin. Bettic, William, carpenter, bds. 512Wood- Berry, John 9.. (Berry Bros. ) h. Wight, bridge m. n. s. nr. Haunt Elliott we. Betts, Frederick, telegraph operator, h. Berry, John F., carpenter, bcls. 434 Sixth. 294 Porter Berry, *John G., clerk, 11- 154 Harrison ave. Betts, Mrs. G. W., seamstress, h s. s. An- Berry, Jose1)h H a , (Berry Brothers,) h- .I75 tietam bet. Riopelle and Orleans. Jefferson ave. Betts, Irn G , machinist, h. 72 Montcalm w. Berry, Nary Ann, nurse, h. 4.54 Sixth. Betts John. bagpge man, bds. 294 Porter. Berry, Patrick, lab., h. 1'74 Orchard. Retts, Michael brakesman h. 556 Sixteenth. Berry, Peter, lab., bcl: . 110 Eleventh. Bettu. William. foreman, lngcrsoll & Son, Berry, Rain, machinist, h. 121 Brush. h. 100 Farmer. Berry, Thomas, (Berry Bras.,) h. s. w. tor. Betz. Frances ( wid. Philip ) fruit, 242 m7ight and Leib. Grntiot h. same. Berry, Thonlas H.7 furniture and auction Betz Pllillip teamster. h. 123 Congress w. rooms, 100 Michigan ave., h. same. Betz Williain carpenter, bas. High, bet. Berry, Wlrliarn L., clerk, h. 90 Yar~ller. P~~ospect and I3astings. BERRY' BROTHEltS, (Tholnas, John A., Betz, ;1Villiam, moulcier, bds. 8'7 Atwnter e. and Joseph H- Berry,) varnish and glue Betzl~old,Anclreas, brewer, bds. 278 Gratiot. Illnfl's., Jefferson ave., nr. >kine Hos- Betzing, Adam, grocer, 190 Russell, h. pital, dso, 26 Woodbridge w. (See In- same. dex, page 17.) Bcuermann, Frederick. mason. h. 197 Berry, J. A. & CO., (John A. Berry & John Jlarion. R. Read,) Paper box mfrs., fnctor~ 26 Beuring, August, milk man. h. 599 Seventh. W oodbriclge w. (See fi~&z, puge 17.) Eeury. Mary. (mid. James) h. s. w. cor. Bersey, John, insurance agent, s. e. cor. Cnlhoun and Russell. Woodward ave. and Congress. h. 92 Lev- Beut el. August. locksmith. 225 Brush, h. ette. [ same.

- - BET CITY D-CTORY. BIL 135 Beverly, James P. boot and shoemaker, 21 Grand River, h. 42 Harriet. Bewick, Charles, h. 741 Jefferson ave. Bewith, Fred., porter, h. Nineteenth bet. Zoward and Baker. Beyer, Charles. cooper, h. 642 Gratiot. Beyer, Charles H., barber 11.141 Congress c. Beyer, Frederick, artist, bds. 169 Lafayettv. Beyer, John baker, 11. 169 Lafayette. Beyer, John, jr., baker, bds. 169 Lafayette. lygg@L&c&gi!J OF STANDARD QUALITY, Manufactured aud for sale by ~a~ke, aeanangs go. Office 52 Larned St., West, WSee advertisement, page 16. Bierson. Smith, express messenger, h. 63 Marion. Beyer, John B., printer. bds. P~~rdy's Hotel. Biermirth, Ferdinand, teamster, h. s. s. St. Reyer, J. Henry, baker, bds. 220 Columbia e. Aubin are, nr. Bellair. Beyer, William, safe maker, h. 9 Marion. Biermirth, Louis, carpenter, h. s. s. St. Jo- Beyron, Peter, sawyer, 11. 646 Congress e. seph, nr. Bellair. Beyster, John carpenter, h. Cherry, b~t. Biever, John, shoemaker, bds. cor. Franklin Fourth and Fifth. and Hastings. Bezallon Mathias: wagon maker, h. 12.7 Biever, Peter, supervisor Seventh Ward, h. Third. 172 Sherman. Bezanier, August, gardener, bds. 3'76 Jef- Biezlra, Hermnnn, shoemaker, h. 266 Clinferson ave. ton. Bezeau, Peter, night clerk, bds. Franklin Bigelow, Albert E., lumber merchant, 11. House. 91 Macomb ave. Bhermdt, David, cigar maker, h. 227 dli11- Bigelow, Electa, (mid. William,) h. 530 ton. Woodbridge e. Bible, Mr., clerk, bds. 77 Beaubien. Biqelow, Hamilton, bookkeeper, h. 56 Bichele, Ferdinand, P. 0. letter carrier, 11. henry. 274 Croghan. Bigelow, James M., printer, bds. 144 St. Biddle, Hiram S., druggist, h. o. 68, n. 120 Antoine. Henry. Bigelow, John J.: bds.? 144 St. Antoine. Biddle House, Augustus B. Taber, pro- Bigelow, John M., physician, h. 144 St. Anprietor, Jefferson ave., s. e. cor. Randolpll. toine. Biddigan, Edward, ship carpenter, h. 568 Bigelow, Lewis, teamster, bds. 91 MacomS Congress e. ave. Biddigan, Peter, ship carpenter, h. 568 Bigelom, Mary, Bliss, hair-dresser, bds. Tre- Congress e. mont House. Bidigaree, Mary, tailoress, bds. 484 Con- Bigliam, Hamilton, brakesman M. C. R. R., gress e. bds. 377 Croghan. Bidinger. Peter, painter, h. 281 Bronson. Bigley, Charles S., custom house officer, Bidinger, William silversmith, h. 281 Bron- bds. 91 Adamsave. e. son. Bigley, John, beef and pork packer, office Bidman, Christian, plasterer, h. Antietam, 52 Woodbridge w., h. 91 Adalns ave. e. bet. Joseph Campau ave. and Elmwood Bigly, Thomas B., provision dea.ler, 52 ave. Woodbridge w., h. 881 Woodbridge w. Bidman, Peter. lab., h. 419 Antietam. Bilgard, Joseph, carpeuter, bds. 306 Guoin. Bidman,Philipp, plasterer, h. 423 Antietani. Bilgard, Joseph, jr.? carpenter, h. 306 Bieber, Adolph, clerk, h. 153 St. Antoine. Guoin. Bieber, John, carpenter, h. 279 Fort e. Bilger, John, shoemaker, 4-20 Grand River, Bieber, John 8.. coinmission merchant h. h. same. 253 Fort e. Bilkovsky, Anthony R., meat market, 416 Riehler, Jacob stone cutter, h. 26 Clay. Hastines, h. same. Biehler, John, tanner, h. 309 James. ~illamny, 'E(lmard, boat builder, h. 460 At- Biehler, John, tinsmith h. w. s. Russell, nr. wntctr e. city ditch. Bille, Joseph, lab., h. 299 North. Biehmer. Charles, tanner, h. cor. 3lulictt Billedeau, Charles, carpenter, h. 524 Frankand Riopelle. lin. Bieke, Frank, pedlar, h. 238 Maple. Billette, John, moulder, h. 678 Franklin. Bieke, Joseph, carpenter, h. is. e. cor. Or- Billile, Charles, wood pedlar, h. s. e. c. Hale leans and James. and Riopelle. Bieker. Frederick F., grocer, 139 Fort e , h. Billile, Henry, teamster, h. s. e. c. Riopelle 120 Hastin~s. and Hale. Bierce, ~ichGlas J., traveling agent, h. 131 Billie, Theodore, carpenter, h. s. e. c. Hale Park. and Riopelle. Bierly, Simeon, baggage master, 11. 318 Billings, Jonathan B., commission mer- Seventh. I chant, 29 Woodbridge w., b. same.

- -<br />


Beverly, James P. boot and shoemaker, 21<br />

Grand River, h. 42 Harriet.<br />

Bewick, Charles, h. 741 Jefferson ave.<br />

Bewith, Fred., porter, h. Nineteenth bet.<br />

Zoward and Baker.<br />

Beyer, Charles. cooper, h. 642 Gratiot.<br />

Beyer, Charles H., barber 11.141 Congress c.<br />

Beyer, Frederick, artist, bds. 169 Lafayettv.<br />

Beyer, John baker, 11. 169 Lafayette.<br />

Beyer, John, jr., baker, bds. 169 Lafayette.<br />

lygg@L&c&gi!J<br />


Manufactured aud for sale by<br />

~a~ke, aeanangs go.<br />

Office 52 Larned St., West,<br />

WSee advertisement, page 16.<br />

Bierson. Smith, express messenger, h. 63<br />

Marion.<br />

Beyer, John B., printer. bds. P~~rdy's Hotel. Biermirth, Ferdinand, teamster, h. s. s. St.<br />

Reyer, J. Henry, baker, bds. 220 Columbia e. Aubin are, nr. Bellair.<br />

Beyer, William, safe maker, h. 9 Marion. Biermirth, Louis, carpenter, h. s. s. St. Jo-<br />

Beyron, Peter, sawyer, 11. 646 Congress e. seph, nr. Bellair.<br />

Beyster, John carpenter, h. Cherry, b~t. Biever, John, shoemaker, bds. cor. Franklin<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Bezallon Mathias: wagon maker, h. 12.7 Biever, Peter, supervisor Seventh Ward, h.<br />

Third.<br />

172 Sherman.<br />

Bezanier, August, gardener, bds. 3'76 Jef- Biezlra, Hermnnn, shoemaker, h. 266 Clinferson<br />

ave.<br />

ton.<br />

Bezeau, Peter, night clerk, bds. Franklin Bigelow, Albert E., lumber merchant, 11.<br />

House.<br />

91 Macomb ave.<br />

Bhermdt, David, cigar maker, h. 227 dli11- Bigelow, Electa, (mid. William,) h. 530<br />

ton.<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Bible, Mr., clerk, bds. 77 Beaubien. Biqelow, Hamilton, bookkeeper, h. 56<br />

Bichele, Ferdinand, P. 0. letter carrier, 11. henry.<br />

274 Croghan.<br />

Bigelow, James M., printer, bds. 144 St.<br />

Biddle, Hiram S., druggist, h. o. 68, n. 120 Antoine.<br />

Henry.<br />

Bigelow, John J.: bds.? 144 St. Antoine.<br />

Biddle House, Augustus B. Taber, pro- Bigelow, John M., physician, h. 144 St. Anprietor,<br />

Jefferson ave., s. e. cor. Randolpll. toine.<br />

Biddigan, Edward, ship carpenter, h. 568 Bigelow, Lewis, teamster, bds. 91 MacomS<br />

Congress e.<br />

ave.<br />

Biddigan, Peter, ship carpenter, h. 568 Bigelom, Mary, Bliss, hair-dresser, bds. Tre-<br />

Congress e.<br />

mont House.<br />

Bidigaree, Mary, tailoress, bds. 484 Con- Bigliam, Hamilton, brakesman M. C. R. R.,<br />

gress e.<br />

bds. 377 Croghan.<br />

Bidinger. Peter, painter, h. 281 Bronson. Bigley, Charles S., custom house officer,<br />

Bidinger, William silversmith, h. 281 Bron- bds. 91 Adamsave. e.<br />

son.<br />

Bigley, John, beef and pork packer, office<br />

Bidman, Christian, plasterer, h. Antietam, 52 Woodbridge w., h. 91 Adalns ave. e.<br />

bet. Joseph Campau ave. and Elmwood Bigly, Thomas B., provision dea.ler, 52<br />

ave.<br />

Woodbridge w., h. 881 Woodbridge w.<br />

Bidman, Peter. lab., h. 419 Antietam. Bilgard, Joseph, carpeuter, bds. 306 Guoin.<br />

Bidman,Philipp, plasterer, h. 423 Antietani. Bilgard, Joseph, jr.? carpenter, h. 306<br />

Bieber, Adolph, clerk, h. 153 St. Antoine. Guoin.<br />

Bieber, John, carpenter, h. 279 Fort e. Bilger, John, shoemaker, 4-20 Grand River,<br />

Bieber, John 8.. coinmission merchant h. h. same.<br />

253 Fort e.<br />

Bilkovsky, Anthony R., meat market, 416<br />

Riehler, Jacob stone cutter, h. 26 Clay. Hastines, h. same.<br />

Biehler, John, tanner, h. 309 James. ~illamny, 'E(lmard, boat builder, h. 460 At-<br />

Biehler, John, tinsmith h. w. s. Russell, nr. wntctr e.<br />

city ditch.<br />

Bille, Joseph, lab., h. 299 North.<br />

Biehmer. Charles, tanner, h. cor. 3lulictt Billedeau, Charles, carpenter, h. 524 Frankand<br />

Riopelle.<br />

lin.<br />

Bieke, Frank, pedlar, h. 238 Maple. Billette, John, moulder, h. 678 Franklin.<br />

Bieke, Joseph, carpenter, h. is. e. cor. Or- Billile, Charles, wood pedlar, h. s. e. c. Hale<br />

leans and James.<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

Bieker. Frederick F., grocer, 139 Fort e , h. Billile, Henry, teamster, h. s. e. c. Riopelle<br />

120 Hastin~s.<br />

and Hale.<br />

Bierce, ~ichGlas J., traveling agent, h. 131 Billie, Theodore, carpenter, h. s. e. c. Hale<br />

Park.<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

Bierly, Simeon, baggage master, 11. 318 Billings, Jonathan B., commission mer-<br />

Seventh.<br />

I chant, 29 Woodbridge w., b. same.

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