Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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I24 BAL CLARK'B DETROIT BAR PAXKE, JENNINGS & CO'S., STANDARD Fluid and Solid Extracts, SUGAR COATED PILLS, Qile aa,& Cbemf tala. For sale bp 811 Druggists throughout the United Stater. WSee advertisement, pago 16. Ball, J. Warren, baker, bds. 251 Congress e. Ball, Oliver, sawyer, h. 163 Seventeenth. Ballard, Rev. Dr. Addison, pastor, First Congregatio~al Church, h. 159 First. Ballard, Anthony, (Ballard & Criley) h. 23 Walnut. Ballard, Henry, moulder, bds. 23 Walnut. Ballard, James Z., real esta.te dealer. room 24, Rotunda, res. Jackson. Ballard, John, h. 22 Lafdyyette. Ballard, 0. L., manfr. of Rocliin,gham ware, 64 & 66 Woodbridge TV., bds. 207 Lafayette ave. (Eke i~z&x pugs 17.) Ballard & Criley (Anthony Ballard cP; Thomas F.Criley)placksmiths, 383 Grand River. Ballamy, Joseph, lab., h. St. Aubin ave., w. s., nr. Franklin Balleray, William J., (Balleray, Glass 6; Co.), bds. 375 Cass. Balleray, Glass & Co. (Willlam J. Balleray, and James Glass), druggists, 208 Woodward ave. Ballentine, James, boat owner, h. 613 Jefferson ave. Ballentine, John, plumber, h. 4 Church. Ballentine, Robert, capt. tug Antelope, h. 404 Congress e. Balls, Elizabeth, dressmaker, b. 335 Grand River. Balls, Gustav, joiner, h. Dubois, bet. Chestnut and Antietam. Balls. John. , plumber, bds. 335 Grand I (~iver. Balls, William, grocer, 333 Grand River, h. 335 Grand fiiver. Balowski, Anton, lab., h. s. s. Scott, nr. Riopelle. Balowski, August, lab., hds s. s. Scott, nr. Riopelle. Balsley, Samuel, P toneware manfr., h. 746 Fort w. Balsley, Theodore L., pottery, cor. Thirteenth and Howard 11. 528 Fort w. Bamberg, Gustav, lab. h. 454 Catharine. Bamberger, Moritz, fancg goods, 117 Woodward ave., bds. 119 t. Antoine. Bamer, James, telegraph repairer, h. 490 Orleans. Bamford, Edwin, painter, bds. 77 Beaubien. Bamlet, George, clerk, P. O., h. 320 Fourth. Bampton, Anna (wid. Henry), h. 52 Marion. Bampton, dames, collector, bds 52 Marion. Bampton, John E., boatman, bds, 68 Jones. --- Bampton, Joseph B., bookkeeper, h. 68 Jones. Bancke, Joseph, lab., h. 41 Eighteenth. Bancroft, George A., news depot, and confectionery, 113 Griswold, h. 95 Locust. Bandener, Ludwig, tailor, 11.528 Catherine Bane, Marion, Miss, saleslady, bds. 257 Jefferson ave. Bane, John, plasterer, bds.257 Jefferson ave. Ballet, Gebrge, teamster, bds. 239 Seventh. Bank, American National of Detroit, Seitz Block, Griswold. Bank, Board of Trade Savings, Griswold. Bank, Edward, photograph, h. 159, Lafayette. Bangs, C. C. (Bangs & Blanchard,) bds, 56 Adams ave. e. Bank, First National of Detroit, s. w. cor. Jefferson ave. and Gris wold. Bank, Louis (col'd), white~vasher, bds. s. s. Ohio, bet. Hastiugs and St. Antoine. Bank, Merchants' 6; Manuf:;tcturcrs' of Detroit, Bank Block, Grisw old. Bank, Savings', Griswolcl, opp. Post Office. *@* Bank, Second National of Detroit, Bank Building, Griswold. Bankstahl, .John, lah, h. 204 German. Banke, Louis, \iTagon maker, h. 332 Seventeenth. Bankow, Christopher, lab. h. '792 Sisteenth. Banks, Lafayette, (col'd,) stripper, h. 288 Watson. Banks, Thomas B., clerk, bds. 49 Miami ave. Bannenberg, Frank, boilermaker, 11. 819 BXullett. Bannerman, John, 11. 47 Charlotte. Bannerman, Bliss Martha, teacher Clinton street school, bds. 47 Charlotte. Bannet, Joseph, glazer, h. 15 Beacon. Bannin, Patrick, lab., h. 367 Twenty-third. Bannister, William, lab. h. 234 Cass. Bant, Paul, tanner, 11. 316 Catharine. Banteen, Ernest, lab., Brooks & Adams', h. Detroit. Banzner, Joseph, lab., h. 192 williins. Banzner, Josephine, (wicl. Wenzcll,) h. 9 Silver. Banzner, Leopold, furrier, h. 193 Rrilkins. Banzncr, Peter, sea-grass spinner, bds. 3 Silver. Banzner, Wendell, furrier 11. 198 Wilkins. Banvee, Stillman, carpenter, bds. 272 Congress w. Baptist, William E., (col'd,) barber, h. 124 Catharine. Baptiste, John, Brother St. 31al.y'~ Church Hedenpt. Convent, bds. 120 Croghan. Barbsau, Elzear, sho~~ casc maker, bds. 40 Fort e. Barbeau, Joseph, saloon keeper, 129 St. Aubin ave., h. same. Barbeck, John, carpenter, h. 465 Beaubien. Barbenosky, Frederick, lab., bds. 16 Fort e. Barber,-Betsy (col'cl), (wid. Adam,) washerwoman, h. 288 Macomb.

BAR CITY DIRECTORY. BAR 125 Barber, Franklin, secretary Detroit Chair A Reliable Practical Business School. Factory, h. 349 Third. XAYHEW Barber, Mary S., teacher, bds 349 Third. Barber, Nicholas, lab., 11. 573 Fort e. 1 BPBB~E~~ Barber Samuel, butcher, bds. 62 Elizabeth I Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW, W. AUTHOR OF Q"Q&&B@B@ Barbier, Frederick J., saw filer, 145 Sher- Mayhew's PracticnZ Book-keeping man, h. same. For Common and Union Schools, and MAYNEW'S Barbour, Charlt:~ H., trareling agent, bds. University Book-keeping for Business Colleges 73 Elizabeth w. I and Colmting-rooms. See 31st page of Directory. Barbour, Edwin S 1 Detroit Stove Works, h Barkenowitz, Frederick G., agent an d 204 Laf'ayette me. collector, h. 338 Dubois. printer, Over 206 Barkenowitz, Gushve F,, collector, h. 237 Woodward ave. Russell. Levi L., lawyer, l6 Bank Barlter, Chas. E., corresponding clerk, bds. Block, h. 13 Madison ave. Finney's Hotel. Barcher, Michael, lab., h. 452 Ninth am. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lab., ~ i h. k 160 ~ F~~~~ l ~ , eenth. ~ , Barck, Heinrich, lab., 11. Railroad, s. s. bet. ~ ~ J b, ~ saloon, k h. 346 ~ croghan, ~ , Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Barker, Kirkland C., (K C. Barker & Co.,) Barcla Charles, lab., 11. s. s. Lafayette, 1,. 54 F~~~ w. bet. Qivard and Russell. Barker, Nartha, (widow Samuel A.,) dress- Barclay, George, (Barclay && Carey,) bds* maker. old 284, n. 3QQ Woodward Farmer, cor. Grand River. Barker, Owen, slloemaker, bds. Goodman Barclay, Patrick, lab., h. 176 Orchard. House. Barclay, h* 176 Orchzrd. Barker, Robert, grocer, 640 Clinton ave., h. Barclay, William, President Board of same. Sewer commissioners, ha Cora Grand Barker, William E., upholsterer, bds 32 River and Farmer. Harriet. Barclay, Willirtm L., h. n. S. Grand ~ iver Barker, K. C. & co. ( ~(i~.l~~d C. Barker e. ar. Woodward ave. 3 and Charles Ducharme) wholesale Barclay Carey, (George Barclay and I manufacturers of tobacco, 74 and 16 Jef- Aaron Corey) tobacconists, 173 Wood- ferson ave. ward ave. Barklay, Charles, porter, h. 257 Hastings. Barcroft, James, stone cutter, h- 711 Barkley, Edwaid, lab , h. r. 44. Wood- Forte. bridge e. Barcy* Alexander1 ship carpenter, h. Twen- Bar-ley, John, ship carpenter, h. 140 tieth, bet. Howard and Baker. Adams ave e. Barcy, John W-9 lab., r- 448 Wood- Barkley, Laura, music teacher, 1 4 bridge e. Adams ave. e., bas. same. Bardel, carpenter, bas- Goodman Barkroft, Janles, stone cutter, h. '711 House. Fort e. Bardie, Frederick, tailor, bds. 424 &Iullett. Barkume, ~li, clerk, B. w. s. clark, ave. Bardin, Michael, lab., h. 454 Woodbridge e. Bardle~, David , , F~~~ w. blacksmith 1 bds- 79 Con- Barlrt,e, Anthony , grocer, 136 Franklin, h. gress e. same. Bardwell1 John J.9 ~ll(>toga~ller, over 148 Barlarge, Joseph, lab., bas. 182 Fort e. Woodward ave., h. 128 National are. Barling, Williaill R , carpenter, h. 25 Sul- Bare, Augustin, clerk, 11. 210 Mullett. livan ave. ~areteau, ~lesander, lab , h. 437 Lafay4 Barlinn, M., masherwoman, h. 140 Lafayette e. ette. Barett, John, painter, 11. 36 Cass Barlow, Alfred, Custom House Officer, h. Barey, Michael, lab., h. 501 Fort e. GI Elizabeth. e. Barge, Frederick, machinist, h. 191 Or- Barlow, Andrew, sailor, bas. 23 Hastings. leans. Bnrlum, Thonlas, butcher, h. 440 Fifth. Barger, Karl, broonl maker, h. 556 Fort e. Barnl;lm, Bernllard, pedlar, 11. Lafay- Barie, Frank, woocl turner, h. 'il 31acomb. ette e. Bark John D-, hats1 caps and furs, 1963 Barman, Jacob, hoop skirts* etc., 287 Jef- Michigan, b. sanre. ferson ave., 11. 134 Larnecl e. Bark Louis, grocers 196 aud 198 Beau- Barman, John, lab., Ms. 192 Seventh. bien, h. same. Barnard, George, carpenter, bda. 322 Barie, L. William, baker, 126 Fort e., h. Franklin. same. Barnard, John, bookkeeper, h. 2 Tenth. Barkem, Tllo~na~, pedlars h. 876 Michi- Barnard, John, clerk, bds. Howard House. gan ave. Barnard, Sheiman S., h. 93 Fort w.




Fluid and Solid Extracts,<br />


Qile aa,& Cbemf tala.<br />

For sale bp 811 Druggists throughout the United Stater.<br />

WSee advertisement, pago 16.<br />

Ball, J. Warren, baker, bds. 251 Congress e.<br />

Ball, Oliver, sawyer, h. 163 Seventeenth.<br />

Ballard, Rev. Dr. Addison, pastor, First<br />

Congregatio~al Church, h. 159 First.<br />

Ballard, Anthony, (Ballard & Criley) h. 23<br />

Walnut.<br />

Ballard, Henry, moulder, bds. 23 Walnut.<br />

Ballard, James Z., real esta.te dealer.<br />

room 24, Rotunda, res. Jackson.<br />

Ballard, John, h. 22 Lafdyyette.<br />

Ballard, 0. L., manfr. of Rocliin,gham<br />

ware, 64 & 66 Woodbridge TV., bds.<br />

207 Lafayette ave. (Eke i~z&x pugs 17.)<br />

Ballard & Criley (Anthony Ballard cP;<br />

Thomas F.Criley)placksmiths, 383 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Ballamy, Joseph, lab., h. St. Aubin ave.,<br />

w. s., nr. Franklin<br />

Balleray, William J., (Balleray, Glass 6;<br />

Co.), bds. 375 Cass.<br />

Balleray, Glass & Co. (Willlam J. Balleray,<br />

and James Glass), druggists, 208 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Ballentine, James, boat owner, h. 613 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Ballentine, John, plumber, h. 4 Church.<br />

Ballentine, Robert, capt. tug Antelope, h.<br />

404 Congress e.<br />

Balls, Elizabeth, dressmaker, b. 335 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Balls, Gustav, joiner, h. Dubois, bet. Chestnut<br />

and Antietam.<br />

Balls. John. , plumber, bds. 335 Grand<br />

I (~iver.<br />

Balls, William, grocer, 333 Grand River,<br />

h. 335 Grand fiiver.<br />

Balowski, Anton, lab., h. s. s. Scott, nr.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Balowski, August, lab., hds s. s. Scott, nr.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Balsley, Samuel, P toneware manfr., h. 746<br />

Fort w.<br />

Balsley, Theodore L., pottery, cor. Thirteenth<br />

and Howard 11. 528 Fort w.<br />

Bamberg, Gustav, lab. h. 454 Catharine.<br />

Bamberger, Moritz, fancg goods, 117<br />

Woodward ave., bds. 119 t. Antoine.<br />

Bamer, James, telegraph repairer, h. 490<br />

Orleans.<br />

Bamford, Edwin, painter, bds. 77 Beaubien.<br />

Bamlet, George, clerk, P. O., h. 320 Fourth.<br />

Bampton, Anna (wid. Henry), h. 52 Marion.<br />

Bampton, dames, collector, bds 52 Marion.<br />

Bampton, John E., boatman, bds, 68 Jones.<br />

---<br />

Bampton, Joseph B., bookkeeper, h. 68<br />

Jones.<br />

Bancke, Joseph, lab., h. 41 Eighteenth.<br />

Bancroft, George A., news depot, and confectionery,<br />

113 Griswold, h. 95 Locust.<br />

Bandener, Ludwig, tailor, 11.528 Catherine<br />

Bane, Marion, Miss, saleslady, bds. 257<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Bane, John, plasterer, bds.257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ballet, Gebrge, teamster, bds. 239 Seventh.<br />

Bank, American National of <strong>Detroit</strong>, Seitz<br />

Block, Griswold.<br />

Bank, Board of Trade Savings, Griswold.<br />

Bank, Edward, photograph, h. 159, Lafayette.<br />

Bangs, C. C. (Bangs & Blanchard,) bds,<br />

56 Adams ave. e.<br />

Bank, First National of <strong>Detroit</strong>, s. w. cor.<br />

Jefferson ave. and Gris wold.<br />

Bank, Louis (col'd), white~vasher, bds. s. s.<br />

Ohio, bet. Hastiugs and St. Antoine.<br />

Bank, Merchants' 6; Manuf:;tcturcrs' of<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Bank Block, Grisw old.<br />

Bank, Savings', Griswolcl, opp. Post Office. *@*<br />

Bank, Second National of <strong>Detroit</strong>, Bank<br />

Building, Griswold.<br />

Bankstahl, .John, lah, h. 204 German.<br />

Banke, Louis, \iTagon maker, h. 332 Seventeenth.<br />

Bankow, Christopher, lab. h. '792 Sisteenth.<br />

Banks, Lafayette, (col'd,) stripper, h. 288<br />

Watson.<br />

Banks, Thomas B., clerk, bds. 49 Miami ave.<br />

Bannenberg, Frank, boilermaker, 11. 819<br />

BXullett.<br />

Bannerman, John, 11. 47 Charlotte.<br />

Bannerman, Bliss Martha, teacher Clinton<br />

street school, bds. 47 Charlotte.<br />

Bannet, Joseph, glazer, h. 15 Beacon.<br />

Bannin, Patrick, lab., h. 367 Twenty-third.<br />

Bannister, William, lab. h. 234 Cass.<br />

Bant, Paul, tanner, 11. 316 Catharine.<br />

Banteen, Ernest, lab., Brooks & Adams',<br />

h. <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Banzner, Joseph, lab., h. 192 williins.<br />

Banzner, Josephine, (wicl. Wenzcll,) h. 9<br />

Silver.<br />

Banzner, Leopold, furrier, h. 193 Rrilkins.<br />

Banzncr, Peter, sea-grass spinner, bds. 3<br />

Silver.<br />

Banzner, Wendell, furrier 11. 198 Wilkins.<br />

Banvee, Stillman, carpenter, bds. 272 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Baptist, William E., (col'd,) barber, h. 124<br />

Catharine.<br />

Baptiste, John, Brother St. 31al.y'~ Church<br />

Hedenpt. Convent, bds. 120 Croghan.<br />

Barbsau, Elzear, sho~~ casc maker, bds. 40<br />

Fort e.<br />

Barbeau, Joseph, saloon keeper, 129 St. Aubin<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Barbeck, John, carpenter, h. 465 Beaubien.<br />

Barbenosky, Frederick, lab., bds. 16 Fort e.<br />

Barber,-Betsy (col'cl), (wid. Adam,) washerwoman,<br />

h. 288 Macomb.

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