Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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122 BAG CLARX'S DETROIT BAE COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DETROIT, Condected by Bon. Ira Mayhew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Bueineea Colleges and the Counting-room. W-The only Bdok- keeping published providing complete instruction m practical ac- countantehip. See notice ot College, Book-keeping and Bueinws Practice, at the 31st page of Directory.= Backer, Louis, porter, h. 224 Mullet. Backhold, Frederick, chair-maker, h. 11% Columbia e. Backmeyer, John, lab., h. 748 Sixteenth. Backus. Absalom, jr., (Backus Bros.) h. . - 105 High. Backus, Albert P., salesman, bds. 24 Sib- ley. Backus, Albert S., (Backus Bros), res. Au Sauble, Mich. Backus, Andrew, lawyer, h. old 322, new 410 Woodbridge w. Backus, Arthur, h. 24 Sibley. Backus, Charles K., managing editor Ti-, bds. Russell House. Backus, Frederick H. A., (Richmonds & Backus), h. 262 Fort e. Backus, Herbert A., clk., h. 49 Sproat. Backus, Mary L., (wid. of Electus), h. 141 Fort w. - Backus, Sylvanus, lawyer, Butler's block, bds. 410 Woodbridge w. ~&k$ - -. - Bros. (~bsalgm & Albert S.), lulnber, foot ~leventh. Bacon, htemus C., salesman, h. 104 Adelaide. Bacon, Mariette, seamstress, bds. 111 >larion. Bacon, Washington A, teacher, h. 609 Jefferson ave. Bade, Christian, lab., h. 689 Clinton ave. Bade, Frederick, plasterer, h. 365 Eighteenth. Baden, John, machinist, h. 707 Lafayette. Bader, Francis, shoemaker, h. 87 Russell. Bader, Joseph, Carpenter, h. 296 Chene. Bader Peter, clerk, h. 95 Fort e. Baer, Cornelius J., confectioner and Icecream, 252 Woodward ave., h. same. Baer, Frederick, bookbinder, bds. 385 Hastings. Baer, John D., secretary River and Lake Shore Line Steamers, h. 252 Woodward ave. Baerle, Edward, shoemaker, bds. 448 Gratio t. Baerlocher, Emst, barkeeper, bds. 352 Rivard. Baesel, John, paternmaker, h. Labrosse, nr. Tell th , north side. Bagaid, Edward G., saloon, 75 Oriswold, hT same. Bagg, A. Smith (A. Smith Bagg & Son), ' Al(1c.1 man BthWard, h. s. e. cor. Bagg and Park. Bag, Albert JV., bookkeepLr, bds. s. e. cor. Bagg & Par :. BaggCharles R.(B -,-g & Son), h. 16 Sproat. Bagg, George, boo!~!:eeper, 17 Columbia e. Bagg, John S., clerk, h. Hamtramck. Bagg, A. Smith, and Son (A. Smith, Bagg & R. C. Bagg), wholesale produce and commission merchants, cor. Randolph and Atwater. Baggs, Thomas, helper, bds. 301 Franklin. Bagley, George F. (Moore, Foote & Co.), bds. Michi an Exchange. Bagley, ~ohnf. (John J. Bagley $ Co.), h. cor. Washington ave. and Park. Baeley, Virginia (wid. Robert), h. 29 Beacon. Bagley, William, lab., h. 90 Bronson. Bagley, John J. & Co. (John J. Bagley and Edwin Butterfield), manufacturers of tobacco, 4-8 and 50 Bates Bahan Peter, mason, bds. 89 Columbia w. Bahr, Mary, dressmaker, bcls. 189 Catharine. Bahr, G, teacher, h. 189 Catharine. Bahries, John, lab., h. w. s. Mt. Elliott ave., nr. Gratiot. Baier, Christian, lab.: h. 409 Riopelle Baier, Francis, merchant tailor, 46 hionroe ave., h. 101 Adams ave e. Baier, William, harness-maker, bds. 101 Adams ave. e. Bailey. B. P., clerk, bds. City Hotel. Bailey, Ella, teacher Duffield School, bds. 799 Jefferson ave. Bailey, Henry, watchman House of Correction, bds. same. Bailey, Henry M., policeman, h. 58 Xichigan ave. Bailey, Hrs. Henry M., dressmaker, h. 58 Michigan ave. Bailey, James ill., trav. agt., bds. Franklin House. Bailey, John (col'd), barber, h. 202 Congress e. Bailey, Joseph, lah., h. 299 north. Bailey, J. C., h. 799 Jefferson ave. Baillie, Robert P., machinist, h. 530 Congress e. Barie, James, stonecutter, bds. 114 Larned e. Baines, Charles, clerk, h. w. s. Macomb sve., nr. Clifford. Baird, Thomas, carpenter, bds. 561 Croghan. Baisch, John F., bell-hanger and locksmith, 111 Bates and 23 Congress, h. 200 Mullet. Baisch, John, lab., h. 296 Seventeenth. Baisley, Richard, finisher at Weber's factory. Baits, Anthony, hostler, h. 118 Bates. Baker, Alphonso, clerk, bds. 107 Farmer. Baker, August, moulder, h. 900 Twentyfourth.

BAK CITY DIRECTORY. BAL 123 Baker, Benjamin, (Hamblen, Baker & Co.), res. Boston, Mass. Baker, B. Franklin, Sec'ty of IheFire Dcpt., office 68 Randolph (up stairs), h. 136 First. Baker, Catharine (wid. James), b. 164 St. An toine. Bakc~r, Charles H. clerk, bds. cor. Brush & Congress. Baker, David (Fisher, Baker & Co.), bds. 86 Lariled e. Baker, Edward F., joiner, bds. 91 First. Baker, Eli, carpenter, h. 474 Seventeenth. Baker, Ferdinand, tinsmith, h. 292 St. Aubin ave. Baker, Frank G. (Custom House), h. 19 Winder. Baker, Frederick A., lawyer, Room 3, Buhl Block, h. Springwells. Bnker, George, carpenter, h. 477 Mncomb. Baker, George, grocer, h. 409, Michigaa xve, #? ~hk&, George A., bookkeeper, bds. Rus- sell House. Baker, George, jr., clerk, bds. 409 Michigan ave. Baker, Henry, carpenter, 11. 253 Mullet. Baker, Henry E , State news editor, Tribune, h. 57 Howard. Baker, Henry F., clerk, bds. 136 First. Baker, Henry G., clerk, bds. 57 Adame ave. w. Baker, Herbert L., lawyer, office 23 Bank Block, bds. Washington ave., cor. State. Baker, Jacob, lab., 11. 271 Macomb. Baker, Jacob B. Capt., 11.891 Croghan. Baker, James. bootmakcr, cor. hbbott and Third, h. sninc. Baker, James, l~b., h. 483 St. Antoine. Baker, Jeremiah, baggageman, btls. 74 Jones. Baker, John, boiler maker,bds. Union Hotel Baker, John, caulker, h. 557 Congress e. Baker, Jolln, commission merchant, h. 197 Fort e. Baker, John, produce broker, bds. 83 Congress e. Baker, John, B. clerk, h. 104 Brainard. Bak er, John F. sailor, bds. 291 Croghan. Baker, Josepll, cigar maker, h. 382 St. Aubin ave. Baker, Joseph, lab., h. 481, St. Antoine. Baker, Joseph, la!)., bds. 27 Besubien. Baker, Joseph B.. stearnboat clerk, h. 104 Brainard. Baker, Joseph D., book binder, h. 30 Park Place. Baker, Louis, shoemaker, h. 954 Grand River. Baker, Manley, advertising agt, h. 302 Third. Baker, Nicholas, sailor, h. 544 Franklin. Baker, Oliver W., brakesman, bds. 47 Labrosse. Mutual Life Insurance Co.. OF CINC 1 NNATI, OHIO. GENERAL AGENT. S4 GRISWOLD STREET, D-ETRtOIT, - - ZMTICH- WSee advertisement, page 27.- . . - - - --- - .- Baker, Reuben, lumber dealer, h. 74 Jones. Baker, Rol~ert. M. (H. T. Phillips & Co.) bds. 8 Lewis. Baker, Sarah A,, (wicl. Robert W.), h. 8 Lewis. Baker, W2lter C., sailor, bds. 291 Croghan. Baker, William, lab., h. 254 Lafayette. Baker, William ,4., carpenter, h. 385 Seventeen th. Bnker, William F., brakesman, bds. 136 First. Baker, William F., clerk, bds. 86 Larned e. Bqker, William H., clerk, bds. 13 Miami ave. ~alcb, Benjamin, clerk, bds. cor. Cass and Congress. Balch, George W., alderman First Ward, treasurer, Detroit Central Mills Co., h. 130 Shelby. Baldinger, Frank, finisher, h. 278 Macomb. Baldre , Alfred, conductor, D. M. R. R., h. 560 6roghan. Bnldrey, George, lab., h. 127 Lafayette e. Baldwin, Aaron, salesman, bds. 102 Larned e. Baldwin, Charles H., agt., h. 46 Sherman. Baldwin, Frederick, bds. 270 Catherine. Baldwin, Hon. Henry P. (H. P. Baldwin & Co.), Governor of Michigan, h. n. w. cor. Cass and Fort. Baldwin, Henry P. ,2nd, bds. Biddle House. Baldwin James, stone cutter, bds. Ill Larned e. Baldwin, John A., student, h. o. 60, n. 63, Miami ave. Baldwin, Lyman (Hayden & Baldwin), h. 63 Miami ave. Baldwin Lyman H., clerk, bds. 63 Miami ave. Baldwin, Wilson, clerk, J. S. Conklin. Baldwin, E. P. & Co., (Henry P. Baldwin, Samuel P. Wilcox, Walter ;C. Skiff), boot and shoe manfs. and wholesale dealers, 25 Woodward ave. (See index. p. 27.) Baley, James, boarding, h. 180 Larned w. Balis, Francis, hack driver, bds. 123 Mullet. Ball, Franklin, gilder, h. 712 Cro han. Ball, Frank, picture frame moul f er, h. 401 Larned e. Ball, Gilbert, carpenter, h. '712 Croghan. 9


Baker, Benjamin, (Hamblen, Baker & Co.),<br />

res. Boston, Mass.<br />

Baker, B. Franklin, Sec'ty of IheFire Dcpt.,<br />

office 68 Randolph (up stairs), h. 136<br />

First.<br />

Baker, Catharine (wid. James), b. 164 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Bakc~r, Charles H. clerk, bds. cor. Brush<br />

& Congress.<br />

Baker, David (Fisher, Baker & Co.), bds.<br />

86 Lariled e.<br />

Baker, Edward F., joiner, bds. 91 First.<br />

Baker, Eli, carpenter, h. 474 Seventeenth.<br />

Baker, Ferdinand, tinsmith, h. 292 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Baker, Frank G. (Custom House), h. 19<br />

Winder.<br />

Baker, Frederick A., lawyer, Room 3,<br />

Buhl Block, h. Springwells.<br />

Bnker, George, carpenter, h. 477 Mncomb.<br />

Baker, George, grocer, h. 409, Michigaa<br />

xve,<br />

#? ~hk&,<br />

George A., bookkeeper, bds. Rus-<br />

sell House.<br />

Baker, George, jr., clerk, bds. 409 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Baker, Henry, carpenter, 11. 253 Mullet.<br />

Baker, Henry E , State news editor, Tribune,<br />

h. 57 Howard.<br />

Baker, Henry F., clerk, bds. 136 First.<br />

Baker, Henry G., clerk, bds. 57 Adame<br />

ave. w.<br />

Baker, Herbert L., lawyer, office 23 Bank<br />

Block, bds. Washington ave., cor. State.<br />

Baker, Jacob, lab., 11. 271 Macomb.<br />

Baker, Jacob B. Capt., 11.891 Croghan.<br />

Baker, James. bootmakcr, cor. hbbott and<br />

Third, h. sninc.<br />

Baker, James, l~b., h. 483 St. Antoine.<br />

Baker, Jeremiah, baggageman, btls. 74<br />

Jones.<br />

Baker, John, boiler maker,bds. Union Hotel<br />

Baker, John, caulker, h. 557 Congress e.<br />

Baker, Jolln, commission merchant, h. 197<br />

Fort e.<br />

Baker, John, produce broker, bds. 83 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Baker, John, B. clerk, h. 104 Brainard.<br />

Bak er, John F. sailor, bds. 291 Croghan.<br />

Baker, Josepll, cigar maker, h. 382 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Baker, Joseph, lab., h. 481, St. Antoine.<br />

Baker, Joseph, la!)., bds. 27 Besubien.<br />

Baker, Joseph B.. stearnboat clerk, h. 104<br />

Brainard.<br />

Baker, Joseph D., book binder, h. 30 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Baker, Louis, shoemaker, h. 954 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Baker, Manley, advertising agt, h. 302<br />

Third.<br />

Baker, Nicholas, sailor, h. 544 Franklin.<br />

Baker, Oliver W., brakesman, bds. 47 Labrosse.<br />

Mutual Life Insurance Co..<br />




D-ETRtOIT, - - ZMTICH-<br />

WSee advertisement, page 27.-<br />

. . - - - --- - .-<br />

Baker, Reuben, lumber dealer, h. 74<br />

Jones.<br />

Baker, Rol~ert. M. (H. T. Phillips & Co.)<br />

bds. 8 Lewis.<br />

Baker, Sarah A,, (wicl. Robert W.), h. 8<br />

Lewis.<br />

Baker, W2lter C., sailor, bds. 291 Croghan.<br />

Baker, William, lab., h. 254 Lafayette.<br />

Baker, William ,4., carpenter, h. 385 Seventeen<br />

th.<br />

Bnker, William F., brakesman, bds. 136<br />

First.<br />

Baker, William F., clerk, bds. 86 Larned e.<br />

Bqker, William H., clerk, bds. 13 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

~alcb, Benjamin, clerk, bds. cor. Cass and<br />

Congress.<br />

Balch, George W., alderman First Ward,<br />

treasurer, <strong>Detroit</strong> Central Mills Co.,<br />

h. 130 Shelby.<br />

Baldinger, Frank, finisher, h. 278 Macomb.<br />

Baldre , Alfred, conductor, D. M. R. R., h.<br />

560 6roghan.<br />

Bnldrey, George, lab., h. 127 Lafayette e.<br />

Baldwin, Aaron, salesman, bds. 102 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Baldwin, Charles H., agt., h. 46 Sherman.<br />

Baldwin, Frederick, bds. 270 Catherine.<br />

Baldwin, Hon. Henry P. (H. P. Baldwin &<br />

Co.), Governor of Michigan, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Cass and Fort.<br />

Baldwin, Henry P. ,2nd, bds. Biddle House.<br />

Baldwin James, stone cutter, bds. Ill Larned<br />

e.<br />

Baldwin, John A., student, h. o. 60, n. 63,<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Baldwin, Lyman (Hayden & Baldwin), h.<br />

63 Miami ave.<br />

Baldwin Lyman H., clerk, bds. 63 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Baldwin, Wilson, clerk, J. S. Conklin.<br />

Baldwin, E. P. & Co., (Henry P.<br />

Baldwin, Samuel P. Wilcox, Walter ;C.<br />

Skiff), boot and shoe manfs. and wholesale<br />

dealers, 25 Woodward ave. (See<br />

index. p. 27.)<br />

Baley, James, boarding, h. 180 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Balis, Francis, hack driver, bds. 123 Mullet.<br />

Ball, Franklin, gilder, h. 712 Cro han.<br />

Ball, Frank, picture frame moul f er, h. 401<br />

Larned e.<br />

Ball, Gilbert, carpenter, h. '712 Croghan.<br />


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