Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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118 AND CLARK'S DETROIT APP A Reliable Business I Andrews, Rugene H., packer, bds. 16 Park MAYHEW : Place. 1 Andrews Samuel butcher h. 69 Duffield. Bvg~8~88 Coi~ducted by How. @@&&B@E@ ~ndrews: Sarah kiss, misic teacher, bds. IRA MAYHEW, AUTHOR OF : 323 Jefferson ave. I Xayhew's ~ Andrews William, wagon maker, h. e. side Twenti-fo-tourth,s.of K. R track. For Conlmon and Union Schools, andMayirewls \ Angel], Charles, University Book-keeping for Business lab., bds. Collegcs . 186 Twenand Connring-rooms. See 3let page of Directory. I tieth. ' Angell,, jobber, h. o. 820 Jef- Andres. Christian. lab.. h. 464 3facomb. ferson ave. ~ndres, Joseph, carpenter, h. 203 Clintou. Angell, Grorge, tean~ster, h. w. s De- Andrews, Alexander, clerk, bds. 77 Beau- quiildre near Gratiot. bien. i Angell, George R., photographic stock, 127 Andrews, Allan, hatter, h. 267, Jefferson Jefferson ave., h. 44 Stinlson, ave. Angell, Thomas G., gardener, h. w. side Andrews, Ann, flowermaker, h. 516 Cro- Twenty-fourth, bet. Howard and Baker. ghan. 1 Angel], William G., steward, Ms. o. 820 Andrews, Charles, clerk, room 10 Bull1 I Jefferson ape. Block. Angelo, Joaquin, tobacconist, 186 Wood- Andrews, Charles, (col'cl.) waiter, h 78 wa,rd ave. Clinton. Anger, John, drayman, h. r. 372 Frank- Andrews, Charles H., clerk, Ms. Antisdel lin. House. Anglin, Daniel, jeweler, bds. 266 Con- Andrews, Corah, dressmaker, bcls. 49 Eliza- gress e. beth e. Anglin, John, ba ;gageman, bds. 266 Con- * Anclrews, Corrie L., clerk, h. 164 Howard. gress e Andrews, Eliza, (wid. William) h. 336- Anglin, Michael, h. 266 Congress e. Seventh. Anglin , William, American Express dri- Andrews, Frederick, blacksnlith, 3. s. ver, bds. 111 Congress e. Michigan are. nr. Tmen ty-third, h. Ansi)ach, Abraham, clerk, h. 35 Hnrriet. foundry, nr. Michigan nve. ,4nscomb, George C., blacksmith, h. 268 Andrews, Fred. H., printer, 69 Buttc~rnut. First. Andrcws, Garrett V. N., machinist, h. 16 Anscomb, John, printer, bds. Eisenlord's Palmer. Hotel. Andrcws, George, physician, bds. Good- Ansell, Thomas, clerk, h. 138 Grand man House. river. Andrews, George E., clk., h. 17 Wash- Anstey, James, drover, bds. Garrison ington ave. House. Andrews, George P., physician, h. 55 ,inthony, A. B., watchman, bds. Bidclle Fort w. House. Andrews, George W., clerk., bds. 16 Anthony, Charles, lab., bds. 520 Wood- Palmer. bridge w. ' Andrews, Hnrriet (widow John), bda. 323 Sntio, John, fireman, h. 95 Riopelle. Jefferson ave. Anti-Roman Advocate, office 44 Larned w. 4ndrews, James, painter, h. r. 488 Wood- Antisdel, John F., (J. F. & W. W. Anbridge e. tisdel), h. Antisdel House. Anclrews, James D., yard master, D. & M. Ant.isdel House, n. e. cor. Nichipan and R. R., bds. 71 Beaubien. Wa~hington aves. Antisdel Brothers, Andrews, John L., sailor, h. 429 Sixth. proprietors. Andrews, Joseph, plasterer, h. 67 National Antisdell, J. F. & W. W. (John F. and ave. William W. Antisdel) , proprietors An- Andrews, Josephine, teacher Duffield tisilel House school, bds. 429 Sixth. . An tior, An toine, ship carpenter, 11. 342 Andrews, J. Seward, with Blerrelltk Fer- 1 Ltlfayette ave guson, bds. 429 Sixth. Anwe, John, laborer, h. 814 Maple. Andrcws, Maria F., (widow Hiram R.), h, Aohl, Charles, meat market 777 Fort w., Washington avenue, n. e. corner Grand h. same. River. Apger, Ira, boiler and house mover, h. 397 Andrews, Miron H., surgcon, office 2 Fifth. Coyl's block, h. old 142, new 164, How- Appel, Christian, joiner, h. cor. St. Aubin 3rd. ave. and Mullett. Andrew, Peter, machine hand, at Weber's George S., shoemaker, h. 281 Sherfactory.

APP CITP DIRECTORY. AItN 119 Appel, Henry, cabinet maker, h. 394 St. Ar ,toinc. Appel, John, stone cutter, h. 375 Macomb. Appel, John G., shoemaker, h. 281 Sher- man. Appel, Theresa, housekeeper, bds. 43'7 Or- leans. Appel, Henry, ash pedlar, h. 18 Buena Vista. Appleby, William W., bookkeeper, bds. 40 - - HOME Mutual Life Insuranse CO., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. wB @J#JAMB.HWEIR, - .L GENERAL AGENT, 8-1 GRTSWOLD S r., - - ,WSee advertisement, page 27.- Congress, w. Air~nstrong, Chas. W., canvasser, h. 64 A4ppleyard, George, bds. 335 Fourth. I George. Appleyard, James, contractor, h. 338 Armstrong, Edw in 4., clcrk, bds. Russell Fourth. 1 House. Arheitcr Hall (Arbeiter Gnterstnetzun,es I Amstrong, Frank S., clcrk, bds. 470 Verein,) n. w. cor. Catharine and Russell. Woodward ave. Arbron, Thomas, blacksm;th, h. 42 Fort e. Armstrong, Mrs. Harriet, seamstress, h. Archambau, Lawrence, stonecutter, h. 310 290 Randolph. Croghan. Armstrong, James, brakesman D. 6r M. R. Archambould, Laurent, stonecutter, h. 310 R., bds American House. Croghan. Armstrong, James, carpenter, h. 255 Archambault, Mall-inr , sewinr machine op- Eighteenth. erator, h. 3'58 Bcaubien. Armstrong, Ja.lnes, shoemaker, bds. Good- Archenbronn, Andrew, stonecutter, h. 437 man House. Mullett. Armstrong, James ,4., insurance agent, of- Srchenbronn, George. stonecutter, h. 501 fice room I, Stimson Block, 11. 39 F~fth. Catharine. Armstrong, John, brakeman D. cP, M. R. R , Archenbronn, William, rnercha.11 t tailor, bds. American IIouse. cor. Lafayette sve. and Griswolcl, h. Ciin- Armstronp, John B., studcnt, bds. 39 ton, cor. Orleans. Fifth. Archer, George, machinist, bcls. ,25 Farmer. Armstrong, John (J. 6: B. A~rn~stroug),btls. Archibald, Alice (wid. John), h. 478 Fort e. 290 Randolph. Archibdd, Ralph, machinist, h. 471 Fort e. Armstrong, John J., carpenter, h. 314 Archibald, Willirzln, macl1inist, 11 1.52 Fourth. Fort e. Armstrong, Lrtuncelot, clerk, bcls. 41 Cherry Ardorsi, Allen (colored), waiter, 11. 370 Arrnstrong, Luzerne D. F., h. s. s. Camp- Macomb. bell, bet. Cass and Woodu~nrcl ave. Argdorf, Adam, brakesman N. C. R. R. Armstrong, Oliver W.. carpentcr, bds. 211 Argle, Charles, clerk, bds. Perkin's Hotpel. Cass. Argle, Charles H.. teamster, bcls. Perkin's Armst rong, Robrrt, rnacll inist, h. 42 Hotel, Grand River and Middle. / Marion. Argle, William, blacksinit h, bds. 179 Lar- Armstrong, Tl~omas, h. 4-46 Woodwarcl ave. ned e. Armstrong, Tllomns, ninson, h. 103 Orleans. Aryleben, Ferdinnnd, cabinet maker, h. 85 Armstrong, Thoinns H., hnttcr, 1SG and ?welfth 175 Jefferson me., 11. 472 Woodward me. Argleben. 'Charles, cabinet maker, bds. 85 Armstrong, Underwood, builder, 11. s. Clif- Txelfth. ford nr. Woodwarcl ave., h. 31 Wasl~ing- Arier, George,, 11. 600 Bea.ul)icn. ton avenue. Armbruster, Catharine, (wid. Ignatz), h. Srrnstrong, William, lab., h. 11 1 Sycamore. 342 Randolph. Armstrong, William, traveler, h. 105 Col- Armel, Henry, blacksmith, h. 507 Lnfay- uiul~in e. ette e. Armst,rong, Wi1li;~m A., carpenter, 11. old Armitage,Willia~n, carpenter, h. 853 Third. 130 Fifth. Ar~nleter, Joseph, ca.rpenter, bds. 235 ~Irmstrong, Will R., Asst. Special Agent. Columbia e. Treasury Depart men t, I )ds Russell House. Armory, Detroit City Mili t.ary Co.'s,. Fir(.- Armstl*on,q, - , 1)lacking pectlar, bcls. man's Ha.11, s. m. cor. Jefferson ave. and 1 16 Randolph. Randolph. ARi\llSTROXG, B ctT Co., (Benjamin Arm- Armstrong, Allen, bas. 306 Fitth. I strong & Frank Vaughn,) roofers, 319 Arrnstrong, Arcllibald, teamster, 11. 610 / Jefferson ase. (Sjse in(Iez. pap 17.) Sixth. I Armstrong, J. 6: B., (John Q; Bcnjamixi,) Armstrong. Benjamin, (B. Armstrong 6; / billiard hall, 215 and 217 Jefferson are. Co.), h. 200 Fhnclolph. Arndt, Christian, marble polisher, 11. 503 Armstronp, E. W., carpenter, hds. 211 Cas9. 1 Crogl~an. I


Appel, Henry, cabinet maker, h. 394 St.<br />

Ar ,toinc.<br />

Appel, John, stone cutter, h. 375 Macomb.<br />

Appel, John G., shoemaker, h. 281 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Appel, Theresa, housekeeper, bds. 43'7 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Appel, Henry, ash pedlar, h. 18 Buena<br />

Vista.<br />

Appleby, William W., bookkeeper, bds. 40<br />

- -<br />

HOME<br />

Mutual Life Insuranse CO.,<br />


wB @J#JAMB.HWEIR,<br />

- .L<br />


8-1 GRTSWOLD S r.,<br />

- -<br />

,WSee advertisement, page 27.-<br />

Congress, w.<br />

Air~nstrong, Chas. W., canvasser, h. 64<br />

A4ppleyard, George, bds. 335 Fourth. I George.<br />

Appleyard, James, contractor, h. 338 Armstrong, Edw in 4., clcrk, bds. Russell<br />

Fourth. 1 House.<br />

Arheitcr Hall (Arbeiter Gnterstnetzun,es I Amstrong, Frank S., clcrk, bds. 470<br />

Verein,) n. w. cor. Catharine and Russell. Woodward ave.<br />

Arbron, Thomas, blacksm;th, h. 42 Fort e. Armstrong, Mrs. Harriet, seamstress, h.<br />

Archambau, Lawrence, stonecutter, h. 310 290 Randolph.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Armstrong, James, brakesman D. 6r M. R.<br />

Archambould, Laurent, stonecutter, h. 310 R., bds American House.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Armstrong, James, carpenter, h. 255<br />

Archambault, Mall-inr , sewinr machine op- Eighteenth.<br />

erator, h. 3'58 Bcaubien.<br />

Armstrong, Ja.lnes, shoemaker, bds. Good-<br />

Archenbronn, Andrew, stonecutter, h. 437 man House.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Armstrong, James ,4., insurance agent, of-<br />

Srchenbronn, George. stonecutter, h. 501 fice room I, Stimson Block, 11. 39 F~fth.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Armstrong, John, brakeman D. cP, M. R. R ,<br />

Archenbronn, William, rnercha.11 t tailor, bds. American IIouse.<br />

cor. Lafayette sve. and Griswolcl, h. Ciin- Armstronp, John B., studcnt, bds. 39<br />

ton, cor. Orleans.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Archer, George, machinist, bcls. ,25 Farmer. Armstrong, John (J. 6: B. A~rn~stroug),btls.<br />

Archibald, Alice (wid. John), h. 478 Fort e. 290 Randolph.<br />

Archibdd, Ralph, machinist, h. 471 Fort e. Armstrong, John J., carpenter, h. 314<br />

Archibald, Willirzln, macl1inist, 11 1.52 Fourth.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Armstrong, Lrtuncelot, clerk, bcls. 41 Cherry<br />

Ardorsi, Allen (colored), waiter, 11. 370 Arrnstrong, Luzerne D. F., h. s. s. Camp-<br />

Macomb.<br />

bell, bet. Cass and Woodu~nrcl ave.<br />

Argdorf, Adam, brakesman N. C. R. R. Armstrong, Oliver W.. carpentcr, bds. 211<br />

Argle, Charles, clerk, bds. Perkin's Hotpel. Cass.<br />

Argle, Charles H.. teamster, bcls. Perkin's Armst rong, Robrrt, rnacll inist, h. 42<br />

Hotel, Grand River and Middle. / Marion.<br />

Argle, William, blacksinit h, bds. 179 Lar- Armstrong, Tl~omas, h. 4-46 Woodwarcl ave.<br />

ned e.<br />

Armstrong, Tllomns, ninson, h. 103 Orleans.<br />

Aryleben, Ferdinnnd, cabinet maker, h. 85 Armstrong, Thoinns H., hnttcr, 1SG and<br />

?welfth<br />

175 Jefferson me., 11. 472 Woodward me.<br />

Argleben. 'Charles, cabinet maker, bds. 85 Armstrong, Underwood, builder, 11. s. Clif-<br />

Txelfth.<br />

ford nr. Woodwarcl ave., h. 31 Wasl~ing-<br />

Arier, George,, 11. 600 Bea.ul)icn. ton avenue.<br />

Armbruster, Catharine, (wid. Ignatz), h. Srrnstrong, William, lab., h. 11 1 Sycamore.<br />

342 Randolph.<br />

Armstrong, William, traveler, h. 105 Col-<br />

Armel, Henry, blacksmith, h. 507 Lnfay- uiul~in e.<br />

ette e.<br />

Armst,rong, Wi1li;~m A., carpenter, 11. old<br />

Armitage,Willia~n, carpenter, h. 853 Third. 130 Fifth.<br />

Ar~nleter, Joseph, ca.rpenter, bds. 235 ~Irmstrong, Will R., Asst. Special Agent.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Treasury Depart men t, I )ds Russell House.<br />

Armory, <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Mili t.ary Co.'s,. Fir(.- Armstl*on,q, - , 1)lacking pectlar, bcls.<br />

man's Ha.11, s. m. cor. Jefferson ave. and 1 16 Randolph.<br />

Randolph. ARi\llSTROXG, B ctT Co., (Benjamin Arm-<br />

Armstrong, Allen, bas. 306 Fitth. I strong & Frank Vaughn,) roofers, 319<br />

Arrnstrong, Arcllibald, teamster, 11. 610 / Jefferson ase. (Sjse in(Iez. pap 17.)<br />

Sixth. I Armstrong, J. 6: B., (John Q; Bcnjamixi,)<br />

Armstrong. Benjamin, (B. Armstrong 6; / billiard hall, 215 and 217 Jefferson are.<br />

Co.), h. 200 Fhnclolph. Arndt, Christian, marble polisher, 11. 503<br />

Armstronp, E. W., carpenter, hds. 211 Cas9. 1 Crogl~an.<br />


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