FORGING AHEAD - Tradewinds Plantation Berhad

FORGING AHEAD - Tradewinds Plantation Berhad

FORGING AHEAD - Tradewinds Plantation Berhad


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5.2 New FRSs that have been issued, but not yet effective and not yet adopted (continued)<br />


(e) Amendments to FRSs are mandatory for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2010. (continued)<br />

Amendments to FRS 5 clarifies that non-current asset classified as held for distribution to owners acting in their<br />

capacity as owners are within the scope of this Standard. The amendment also clarifies that in determining whether a<br />

sale is highly probable, the probability of shareholders’ approval, if required in the jurisdiction, shall be considered.<br />

In a sale plan involving loss of control of a subsidiary, all assets and liabilities of that subsidiary shall be classified as<br />

held for sale, regardless of whether the Group retains a non-controlling interest in its former subsidiary after the sale.<br />

Discontinued operations information shall also be presented. Non-current asset classified as held for distribution to<br />

owners shall be measured at the lower of its carrying amount and fair value less costs to distribute. The Group does<br />

not expect any impact on the financial statements arising from the adoption of this amendment.<br />

Amendments to FRS 138 clarifies that the intention of separating an intangible asset is irrelevant in determining the<br />

identifiability of the intangible asset. In a separate acquisition and acquisition as part of a business combination,<br />

the price paid by the Group reflects the expectations of the Group of an inflow of economic benefits, even<br />

if there is uncertainty about the timing or the amount of the inflow. Accordingly, the probability criterion is<br />

always considered to be satisfied for separately acquired intangible assets. The useful life of a reacquired right<br />

recognised as an intangible asset in a business combination shall be the remaining contractual period of the<br />

contract in which the right was granted, and do not include renewal periods. In the case of a reacquired right in<br />

a business combination, if the right is subsequently reissued to a third party, the related carrying amount shall be<br />

used in determining the gain or loss on reissue. The Group does not expect any impact on the financial statements<br />

arising from the adoption of this amendment.<br />

Amendments to IC Interpretation 9 clarifies that embedded derivatives in contracts acquired in a business<br />

combination, combination of entities or business under common controls, or the formation of a joint venture are<br />

excluded from this Interpretation. The Group does not expect any impact on the financial statements arising from<br />

the adoption of this amendment.<br />

(f) IC Interpretation 12 Service Concession Arrangements is mandatory for annual periods beginning on or after 1<br />

July 2010.<br />

This Interpretation applies to operators for public-to-private service concession arrangements, whereby infrastructure<br />

within the scope of this Interpretation shall not be recognised as property, plant and equipment of the operator.<br />

The operator shall recognise and measure revenue in accordance with FRS 111 Construction Contracts and FRS<br />

118 for the services performed. The operator shall also account for revenue and costs relating to construction or<br />

upgrade services in accordance with FRS 111.<br />

Consideration received or receivable by the operator for the provision of construction or upgrade services shall<br />

be recognised at its fair value. If the consideration consists of an unconditional contractual right to receive cash or<br />

another financial asset from the grantor, it shall be classified as a financial asset. Conversely, if the consideration<br />

consists of a right to charge users of the public service, it shall be classified as an intangible asset.<br />

The Group does not expect any impact on the financial statements arising from the adoption of this Interpretation.<br />


Annual Report 2010<br />


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