catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 92853 4 Abies numidica x 1 174 06 nie V 0409: is the wild form of numidica and not the cultiva 92854 3 Abies numidica x 1 174 06 nie V 0603: verified JDL, 0805: chlorotic, 1011:amazingly 92855 4 Abies numidica x 1 174 06 nie V 031229: still not growing although 2003 was a good 97131 4 Camellia x williamsii 'Mary Phoebe Taylor' x 1 174 99 tre B 9905:moved out of greenhouse to 172, 070304:perfec 04286 4 Fagus grandifolia (Rice Sanctuary,Peru,MA,USA) x 1 174 04 wld wld cllct by PdS, sd 5719a, on BDB tour of N.E 1997 01375 4 Magnolia ('Anne Rosse' x 'Purple Breeze') x 5 174 02 pds K */propagat 5556 : Cross 96/055 on 85057/201, 03:pl- 94119 4 Magnolia 'Atlas' ('Mark Jury' x 'Lennei') x 1 174 94 spi 050411: very good flowering this year, mostly 9 petal 90014 4 Magnolia dawsoniana x 1 174 92 rut Rutten sdlg, , 97/4/23:lvs totally 98501 4 Magnolia 'Frank Gladney' (Gresham) x 1 174 00 div gift Jancel, Dir. J.B.Nantes, 060429: not much of an i 09021 4 Magnolia 'J.C. Williams' (sprengeri x sarg. robusta) x 1 174 10 bur 99223 4 Magnolia officinalis (Da-mao-shan,Sichuan) x 6 174 01 wld */Sd, #5174 Da-mao-shan,Ya-an Co, Sich, 1995 Coll. 07026 4 Magnolia sieboldii (giant sdlg) x 1 174 07 wld prop #7542, cttg. HKRD #95081, 0707: 2/3 left, pl-c 00445 4 Magnolia sieboldii (Morton 352-99,Liaoning, China) x 1 174 03 wld */ from Morton Arb. 352-99, gift of Kim Kunso at M 92709 4 Phellodendron amurense x 1 174 94 ddh sdlg by D.Duhaut, 08: pl-a cut, was dying (honey fun 10079 4 Photinia davidiana (Coombes 865,Hunan,China) x 1 174 10 wld sdlg.#8883, China: Hunan, Allen Coombes 865, Hilli 02514 3 Pinus bungeana x 1 174 04 wld 020925: gift visit Bonn Bot. Gard. gardeners, pj0429 94010 4 Pseudotsuga menziesii var. flahaultii (Cerro Mt. 3.000 m) x 3 174 94 wld A */Sd. #2274,Cerro Mohinora,3000m Mexico,Horshol 00602 4 Quercus glauca x 1 174 02 div B Zundert :Tuincentrum Hulsdonk, Hulsdonk straat, pla 09109 4 Rhododendron campanulatum subsp. aeruginosum x 1 174 09 pds layer #9101 of HKRD #77345 83197 4 Rhododendron Ernestine Group (yunnanense x cinnabarinum Roylei Gr 174 10 hil ? 87:D, 91:A, 91/4:C+, 92:4,98:flwrg *,99:flwrg but stil 92686 4 Rhododendron 'Whitney's Late Orange' x 1 174 95 goo Gift from Mr.Goossens 03044 3 Stewartia rostrata (glossy leaves) x 1 174 03 pds cttg. #6069 from cttg 5291, Arnold Arboretum, 0909: 04279 4 Zelkova schneideriana x 1 174 04 pds ? sd #6371 from Arnold 489-80 03221 2 Aesculus x neglecta (flava x sylvatica) x 1 175 10 pav B 0705: wood breaks easily in heavy wind, 0903: dama 08077 3 Betula nigra 'Heritage' x 1 175 09 dcl gift Antoon De Clercq, 0906: status 3, lvs yellowish a 08046 4 Buddleja albiflora (AC4895,Lixiang,China,3000m) x 3 175 08 wld ? prop #7951, sd. #01146 from IS RCMgroup of RHS 05092 4 Ilex x koehneana (aquifolium x latifolia) x 2 175 08 spo spo #7845 rooted branches of #85002, 07: chlorotic, 08262 4 Magnolia grandiflora 'Rosemoor' x 1 175 10 rut 04160 4 Platanus orientalis 'Minaret' x 1 175 06 pav 76048 4 Rhododendron 'Cynthia' (catawbiense x griffithianum?) x 1 175 08 hil B enjoys good protection under Sequoia sempervirens i 08125 4 Rhododendron 'Madame Masson' (catawbiense x ponticum) x 1 175 08 pds layer #9157 of HKRD #83205, beware for ponticum s 08168 3 Taxodium distichum x 3 175 10 bul same lot as 08167 but bigger size (175-200) for centre 08167 3 Taxodium distichum x 8 175 10 bul (1003: 2/10 left in pON with same nr, will go to 191; 08085 4 Ulmus americana (Sangamon,IL,USA) x 1 175 08 wld #8080, BDB trip Illinois, sdlg from Champion at Len 04329 4 Abies balsamea x 3 176 04 pds V was listed as fraseri, but this is balsamea prob. sd. 320 09161 4 Aesculus parviflora (Jablonski,Aiken,SC,USA) x 1 176 09 wld gift #9145 garden party may 2005 Eike Jablonski s.n., 08126 4 Azalea 'Lady Roseberry' (Knap Hill) x 4 176 08 pds ? layers #9162 of HKRD #77256f, 08: 4/5 left 08131 4 Betula pendula (Laciniata) x 1 176 08 spo ? prop #8862, spontaneous cut leaved sdlg in p152 08047 1 Buddleja sp. (KR7689,Yunnan,China,2750m) x 2 176 08 wld D ? */prop #7950, sd. #02147 from IS RCMgroup of RH 04192 4 Cladrastis kentukea x 1 176 06 pav 08029 4 Enkianthus campanulatus x 1 176 08 spo spo sldg #9123, possibly sdlgs of #83429, 0903: 1/5 f 07115 4 Magnolia (('Forrest's Pink' x 'Marillyn') x sprengeri var. elonga 176 07 pds K sd. #7679 from cross 02/106, #98132g x 82163, nake 07116 4 Magnolia sprengeri ('Eric Savill' sdlg OP) x 1 176 07 pds ? OP sdlgs #7833, gift John Gallagher, 0909: pl-b dead, 05122 4 Pyrus pyrifolia x 1 176 07 dcl gift Antoon De Clercq as Nashi-peer, 91093 4 Quercus coccinea 'Splendens' x 1 ** 176 94 pav 991101:late aut.colour good, should be cleared of Po 10165 4 Quercus petraea subsp. pinnatiloba (Georgia) x 1 176 10 wld prop #9105, gift Eike Jablonski # 031015-07, collecte 09053 4 Rhamnus utilis (Mt.Maiji,Gansu,1500m) x 1 176 09 wld sd. #7759 Shanghai Bot. Gard. 2003, # 534, Mt. Maij 08127 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs Tom Lowinsky' (griffithianum x 'Halopeanum') x 176 08 pds layer #9164 of HKRD #82328, 0903: status 1, pruned 04223 4 Tilia henryana var. subglabra x 1 176 06 pav 04229 4 Tilia miqueliana x 1 176 06 pav vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 84 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 04221 2 Tilia tuan x 1 176 06 pav ? */rcvd. as T. chenmoui, but shoots glabrous, 0406: cu 03297 4 Torreya grandis (China,220m) x 1 176 08 wld B via Niehues, China, 120°2' 29°7', 220m, 0903: chloro 09052 4 Ulmus parvifolia 'Yatsubusa' x 1 176 09 div gift #7904 Maurice Foster 02160 4 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum x 3 176 02 div gift Michel Boutsen, layers 05137 4 Zelkova serrata x 1 176 07 rug gift Marc Libert (via Jacky Pousse), 0510: not verscha 05109 4 Acer palmatum 'Dissectum' x 1 177 07 div Van Bauwel 05110 4 Acer palmatum 'Garnet' x 1 177 07 div Dissectum - red, Van Bauwel 05362 3 Cephalanthus occidentalis x 1 177 10 div gift Etienne Dehout (Ecole Hort. Tournai), 1007 suffe 05319 4 Cornus x rutgersensis 'Celestial' x 1 177 07 dev ® name = 'Rutdan', 050521 gift as 'Galaxy', 07020 4 Fraxinus sp. (Odaesan NP,Rang Adari pass,S.Korea) x 1 177 08 wld ? prop #7176c, sdlg PdS Odaesan NP, Rang Adari pass, 07057 2 Maackia chinensis x 1 177 07 div prop #7912, gift Wim Peeters (via Van Laarhoven, H 07118 4 Magnolia obovata x 2 177 08 pds ? sd #7660 from HKRD #84336, OP!, 0806: pl-c dead 07024 2 Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alexandrina' x 1 177 07 pds prop #7621, cttg. PdS, Scott Arboretum at Swarthmor 07016 4 Ostrya carpinifolia (Alaphi,Turkey,20m) x 1 177 07 wld */prop #9113, EJ021028-05, Turkey: Alaphi (Black S 07017 4 Ostrya carpinifolia (Alaphi,Turkey,20m) x 1 177 07 wld */prop #9113, EJ021028-05, Turkey: Alaphi (Black S 03282 4 Populus wilsonii x 1 177 10 div gift Gidy van Vugt, Nederl. Dendr. Ver., small graft, 05322 4 Pterocarya rhoifolia x 1 177 07 dev V 050521 gift, 0608: verified JDL, 061203:scales fallin 10162 4 Abies holophylla (PdS,Odaesan,Korea) x 1 178 10 wld sdlg #7181, Odaesan, Sangwon Temple, 08387 4 Acer (griseum x pseudoplatanus) x 1 * 178 10 esv H 1007: nice, underside of 'griseum' leaves purple 07056 3 Acer palmatum subsp. palmatum x 1 178 07 spo */prop #7388, sdlg from 82342, spontaneous at foot o 07081 4 Alnus subcordata (Elbrus,Turkey) x 1 178 08 wld cttg #7767 from HKRD #98114 11097 4 Corylus fargesii x 1 178 11 ver graft #9895 by Verhelst, 29-98 (AA67-35-46) from 11060 4 Juglans cathayensis (Lishan,Taiwan,1850m) x 1 178 11 wld sd. #9774, IS2006-2007, Taiwan Forestry Research I 11070 4 Juglans microcarpa (Benoit,TX,USA,1600m) x 1 178 11 wld #10500, wld collected by Dirk Benoit in Texas, nr 06 04382 2 Magnolia 'Gold Crown' ('Woodsman' x 'Sundance') x 1 178 10 rut 080505: pale yellow, 1003: heavily damaged stem on 08261 4 Magnolia 'Purple Globe' (liliiflora ‘Nigra’ x veitchii) x 1 178 10 rut 07117 4 Magnolia zenii x 1 178 07 pds ? OP sdlgs #7834, gift John Gallagher, 1007 back to sta 08037 4 Morus sp. (PdS,Odaesan,S.Korea) x 1 178 08 wld ? sdlg #5398, Odaesan, Sangwon Temple, was prop #7 05068 4 Phellodendron japonicum x 1 178 07 div gift Françoise Salomon, from tree in Hof ter Saksen 10182 4 Pinus pinaster (Landes,France) x 1 178 10 wld A prop #9668, gift Walter Wessels, his sdlgs from de La 06226 1 Taxodium distichum 'Pevé Minaret' x 1 178 10 div B gift Vergeldt, 1004: leader frozen, 1007: suffering fro 04224 4 Tilia amurensis subsp. taquetii x 1 178 07 pav rcvd as T. koreana 97216 4 Acer rubrum 'Schlesingeri' x 1 179 06 cec Gift CECE, Mr Choteau, 00:suffering, stressed by so 03104 4 Ilex verticillata (Echo Lake,N Conway,NH) x 6 179 03 wld Sd. #5721 Echo Lake, N.Conway,N.H. BDB tour 199 04255 4 Magnolia ('Purple Breeze' sdlg) x 1 179 04 pds ? sd. #6346, 0406: leaves flabby 01205 2 Magnolia cylindrica x 2 179 02 mei */gift Demeyere, sd from their accession 1986-1556, s 04409 4 Magnolia 'Sunsation' ('Woodsman' x 'Elizabeth') x 1 * 179 10 rut 070417: interesting, not too pale and purplish of Woo 04506 4 Pseudotsuga menziesii x 2 179 08 spo from group in 194, see sub #04259, 09: pl-b dead afte 10202 4 Quercus michauxii (Snyers,MO,USA) x 1 179 10 wld gift Charles Snyers via Meise, 2006-90113, coll. by C 04263 4 Rhododendron 'Jack Skelton' ('Dr. Stocker' x 'M. L. Smith') x 1 179 04 pds Cttg Hkrd 6055 from 79014 03078 4 Rhododendron traillianum (Cox 2639,Lijiang,Yunnan) x 1 179 03 wld sd #1211 from Wld collct PeterCox, Lichiang Range 04484 4 Viburnum opulus x 1 179 02 spo 06150 4 Zenobia pulverulenta 'Blue Sky' x 3 179 08 bul 1007: 1/3 to status3 07136 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Shenandoah,VA,USA,800m) x 4 181 07 wld #5754, sdlgs from DDH gift, Shenandoa Nat.Pk., 800 10080 4 Aesculus wilsonii (Hudson 879,Emei Shan,China,1200m) x 1 181 10 wld A prop#8741, graft by and gift from Keith Rushforth, wl 10081 4 Deutzia x elegantissima (purpurascens x sieboldiana) x 1 181 10 reu 08139 4 Eucommia ulmoides x 1 181 10 wld gift Meise, NPB #20041145-72, source Kyoto HB, Ja 10166 4 Euptelea polyandra (Japan) x 1 181 10 wld sd. #9253, gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden, #2005.0 09171 4 Fagus grandifolia (Echo Lake,N Conway,NH) x 1 181 09 wld sd #5717f, Echo Lake, N Conway,N H, sdlgs around t 07128 4 Fagus orientalis (Georgia) x 1 181 07 wld sdlg 6617, Georgia, 11h 30 : passe entre est et ouest, 11067 4 Juglans cinerea x 1 181 11 pds sd #8185 from Guy Sternberg from a cultivated speci 08121 1 Juglans sigillata (KC,Arunachal,India,2350m) x 1 181 08 wld D ? sd #8859, India, Arunachal Pradesh, near Jang, 2350 vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 85 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

92853 4 Abies numidica x 1<br />

174 06 nie V 0409: is the wild form <strong>of</strong> numidica and not the cultiva<br />

92854 3 Abies numidica x 1<br />

174 06 nie V 0603: verified JDL, 0805: chlorotic, 1011:amazingly<br />

92855 4 Abies numidica x 1<br />

174 06 nie V 031229: still not growing although 2003 was a good<br />

97131 4 Camellia x williamsii 'Mary Phoebe Taylor' x 1<br />

174 99 tre B 9905:moved out <strong>of</strong> greenhouse to 172, 070304:perfec<br />

04286 4 Fagus grandifolia (Rice Sanctuary,Peru,MA,USA) x 1 174 04 wld wld cllct by PdS, sd 5719a, on BDB tour <strong>of</strong> N.E 1997<br />

01375 4 Magnolia ('Anne Rosse' x 'Purple Breeze') x 5<br />

174 02 pds K */propagat 5556 : Cross 96/055 on 85057/201, 03:pl-<br />

94119 4 Magnolia 'Atlas' ('Mark Jury' x 'Lennei') x 1<br />

174 94 spi 050411: very good flowering this year, mostly 9 petal<br />

90014 4 Magnolia dawsoniana x 1<br />

174 92 rut Rutten sdlg, , 97/4/23:lvs totally<br />

98501 4 Magnolia 'Frank Gladney' (Gresham) x 1<br />

174 00 div gift Jancel, Dir. J.B.Nantes, 060429: not much <strong>of</strong> an i<br />

09021 4 Magnolia 'J.C. Williams' (sprengeri x sarg. robusta) x 1 174 10 bur<br />

99223 4 Magnolia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Da-mao-shan,Sichuan) x 6<br />

174 01 wld */Sd, #5174 Da-mao-shan,Ya-an Co, Sich, 1995 Coll.<br />

07026 4 Magnolia sieboldii (giant sdlg) x 1<br />

174 07 wld prop #7542, cttg. HKRD #95081, 0707: 2/3 left, pl-c<br />

00445 4 Magnolia sieboldii (Morton 352-99,Liaoning, China) x 1 174 03 wld */ from Morton Arb. 352-99, gift <strong>of</strong> Kim Kunso at M<br />

92709 4 Phellodendron amurense x 1<br />

174 94 ddh sdlg by D.Duhaut, 08: pl-a cut, was dying (honey fun<br />

10079 4 Photinia davidiana (Coombes 865,Hunan,China) x 1 174 10 wld sdlg.#8883, China: Hunan, Allen Coombes 865, Hilli<br />

02514 3 Pinus bungeana x 1<br />

174 04 wld 020925: gift visit Bonn Bot. Gard. gardeners, pj0429<br />

94010 4 Pseudotsuga menziesii var. flahaultii (Cerro Mt. 3.000 m) x 3 174 94 wld A */Sd. #2274,Cerro Mohinora,3000m Mexico,Horshol<br />

00602 4 Quercus glauca x 1<br />

174 02 div B Zundert :Tuincentrum Hulsdonk, Hulsdonk straat, pla<br />

09109 4 Rhododendron campanulatum subsp. aeruginosum x 1 174 09 pds layer #9101 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #77345<br />

83197 4 Rhododendron Ernestine Group (yunnanense x cinnabarinum<br />

Roylei Gr<br />

174 10 hil ? 87:D, 91:A, 91/4:C+, 92:4,98:flwrg *,99:flwrg but stil<br />

92686 4 Rhododendron 'Whitney's Late Orange' x 1<br />

174 95 goo Gift from Mr.Goossens<br />

03044 3 Stewartia rostrata (glossy leaves) x 1<br />

174 03 pds cttg. #6069 from cttg 5291, Arnold <strong>Arboretum</strong>, 0909:<br />

04279 4 Zelkova schneideriana x 1<br />

174 04 pds ? sd #6371 from Arnold 489-80<br />

03221 2 Aesculus x neglecta (flava x sylvatica) x 1<br />

175 10 pav B 0705: wood breaks easily in heavy wind, 0903: dama<br />

08077 3 Betula nigra 'Heritage' x 1<br />

175 09 dcl gift Antoon De Clercq, 0906: status 3, lvs yellowish a<br />

08046 4 Buddleja albiflora (AC4895,Lixiang,China,3000m) x 3 175 08 wld ? prop #7951, sd. #01146 from IS RCMgroup <strong>of</strong> RHS<br />

05092 4 Ilex x koehneana (aquifolium x latifolia) x 2<br />

175 08 spo spo #7845 rooted branches <strong>of</strong> #85002, 07: chlorotic,<br />

08262 4 Magnolia grandiflora 'Rosemoor' x 1<br />

175 10 rut<br />

04160 4 Platanus orientalis 'Minaret' x 1<br />

175 06 pav<br />

76048 4 Rhododendron 'Cynthia' (catawbiense x griffithianum?) x 1 175 08 hil B enjoys good protection under Sequoia sempervirens i<br />

08125 4 Rhododendron 'Madame Masson' (catawbiense x ponticum) x 1 175 08 pds layer #9157 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #83205, beware for ponticum s<br />

08168 3 Taxodium distichum x 3<br />

175 10 bul same lot as 08167 but bigger size (175-200) for centre<br />

08167 3 Taxodium distichum x 8<br />

175 10 bul (1003: 2/10 left in pON with same nr, will go to 191;<br />

08085 4 Ulmus americana (Sangamon,IL,USA) x 1<br />

175 08 wld #8080, BDB trip Illinois, sdlg from Champion at Len<br />

04329 4 Abies balsamea x 3<br />

176 04 pds V was listed as fraseri, but this is balsamea prob. sd. 320<br />

09161 4 Aesculus parviflora (Jablonski,Aiken,SC,USA) x 1<br />

176 09 wld gift #9145 garden party may 2005 Eike Jablonski s.n.,<br />

08126 4 Azalea 'Lady Roseberry' (Knap Hill) x 4<br />

176 08 pds ? layers #9162 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #77256f, 08: 4/5 left<br />

08131 4 Betula pendula (Laciniata) x 1<br />

176 08 spo ? prop #8862, spontaneous cut leaved sdlg in p152<br />

08047 1 Buddleja sp. (KR7689,Yunnan,China,2750m) x 2<br />

176 08 wld D ? */prop #7950, sd. #02147 from IS RCMgroup <strong>of</strong> RH<br />

04192 4 Cladrastis kentukea x 1<br />

176 06 pav<br />

08029 4 Enkianthus campanulatus x 1<br />

176 08 spo spo sldg #9123, possibly sdlgs <strong>of</strong> #83429, 0903: 1/5 f<br />

07115 4 Magnolia (('Forrest's Pink' x 'Marillyn') x sprengeri var. elonga 176 07 pds K sd. #7679 from cross 02/106, #98132g x 82163, nake<br />

07116 4 Magnolia sprengeri ('Eric Savill' sdlg OP) x 1<br />

176 07 pds ? OP sdlgs #7833, gift John Gallagher, 0909: pl-b dead,<br />

05122 4 Pyrus pyrifolia x 1<br />

176 07 dcl gift Antoon De Clercq as Nashi-peer,<br />

91093 4 Quercus coccinea 'Splendens' x 1 **<br />

176 94 pav 991101:late aut.colour good, should be cleared <strong>of</strong> Po<br />

10165 4 Quercus petraea subsp. pinnatiloba (Georgia) x 1<br />

176 10 wld prop #9105, gift Eike Jablonski # 031015-07, collecte<br />

09053 4 Rhamnus utilis (Mt.Maiji,Gansu,1500m) x 1<br />

176 09 wld sd. #7759 Shanghai Bot. Gard. 2003, # 534, Mt. Maij<br />

08127 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs Tom Lowinsky' (griffithianum x<br />

'Halopeanum') x<br />

176 08 pds layer #9164 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #82328, 0903: status 1, pruned<br />

04223 4 Tilia henryana var. subglabra x 1<br />

176 06 pav<br />

04229 4 Tilia miqueliana x 1<br />

176 06 pav<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 84 <strong>of</strong> 135

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