catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 88357 4 Ilex aquifolium 'Robert Brown' x 1 118 91 vml ? Male, 95189 4 Ilex aquifolium 'Scotica' x 1 118 95 vml T gift Bokrijk, 021028: typical, lovely old Victorian cul 88377 4 Ilex aquifolium 'Scotica' x 1 118 91 vml ? Male, not 'Crispa'; 021028: is 'Scotica', female, says S 88382 4 Ilex aquifolium 'Yellow Beam' x 1 118 91 vml ? Female, yellow fruit ? 98: Long horizontal branches,p 95170 4 Ilex 'Brownell's Special' x 1 118 95 vml */gift Bokrijk, 95172 4 Ilex 'Edward Nosal' (pernyi x aquifolium) x 1 118 95 vml gift Bokrijk, male parent was I.a. 'Little Bull' 88409 4 Ilex 'William Cowgill' (cornuta x ciliospin.) x 1 118 91 vml ? Female, 88419 4 Ilex x altaclerensis 'Belgica' x 1 118 88 vml ? Female, 97:big wound at base, cleaned and covered, 88367 4 Ilex x altaclerensis cv. x 1 118 91 vml ? ? Female, orange berries; 021028: not aquifolium 'Amb 88422 4 Ilex x altaclerensis 'Hendersonii' x 1 118 94 vml ? Female, 88425 4 Ilex x altaclerensis 'Hodginsii' x 1 118 91 vml ? Male, 88421 4 Ilex x altaclerensis 'Wilsonii' x 1 118 91 vml ? Female, Galle says aquifolium 'Wilsonii', but Plant Fi 92829 4 Ilex x aquipernyi 'Wieman's Pacific Queen' x 1 118 94 vml Female, gift fr.Bokrijk 88411 4 Ilex x attenuata 'Foster N° 2' x 1 118 91 vml ? Female, 97:pruned to help resist wind in that loc. 88405 4 Ilex x koehneana (aquifolium x latifolia) x 1 ** 118 91 vml ? 97:pruned heavily to promote resistance to wind in th 88396 4 Ilex x koehneana 'Hohman' x 1 118 91 vml ? */Female, 96288 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Pink Charm' x 1 118 05 div gift from Bioplant , _was in group of 96200 Olympic 96190 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Pink Charm' x 5 118 01 div gift from Bioplant 88096 4 Picea jezoensis x 1 118 90 ter V Gift from Van Dievoet, Tervuren, grown AA2754 Quercus robur x 1 118 ?? div thickest one in that location, BDB #16478, 0606: ste 92037 4 Quercus x libanerris (libani x cerris) x 1 118 92 pds sd.#1723 ex-Trompenburg Should be true from 92118 4 Rhododendron auriculatum (hybrid) x 8 118 92 pds H */Sd from HKRD 76009, Great lot, 97/7/1: -A flowe 01033 4 Rhododendron Oxlip Group (williamsianum x wardii Litiense Group) 118 01 pds cttg Hkrd #4541 from 77255; 0308: suffering from dr 89158 4 Sequoia sempervirens x 1 118 89 pds T One of 50 sdlg, raised from 71009, 00:unfortunately 93299 4 Trochodendron aralioides x 1 118 07 pds was #93173-b, 0611: big move from 143, 08:although 95122 4 Viburnum cassinoides x 1 ** 118 95 pds A sd. 3250 ex Morris Arb. , 97:A+, 98:outstanding and 04509 4 Azalea 'Hinomayo' (Kurume) x 5 119 09 vpl 10208 4 Betula lenta (PHA,AL,USA,437m) x 1 119 10 wld sd. #10046, PHA Alabama trip wld, #2007AL-038, A 01409 4 Euonymus carnosus x 1 119 03 pds gift from Arnold Arboretum (363-81-C) at my reques 02309 4 Euonymus grandiflorus 'Red Wine' x 1 ** 119 03 waa 081029: beautiful plant in fruit now, and aut. col. Frui 98290 2 Euonymus hamiltonianus 'Winter Glory' x 1 119 00 esv 0704: aphids!, status 2 99036 4 Euonymus hamiltonianus x 1 119 99 pds */ Sd.#2191, of Morris Arb. near big Hoveni 93049 4 Euonymus japonicus ('Macrophyllus' sdlg) x 4 119 03 pds ? */#1780 Sd.Xch.Chollipo.Arb:88/027?, 94:3/4, 96:1 92509 4 Euonymus latifolius x 1 ** 119 93 waa ? 95/9:super seed and colour, 98:"not latifolius thinks P 02496 4 Euonymus maximowiczianus x 1 119 04 div 02: source Philippe Deprez 98292 4 Euonymus myrianthus x 1 * 119 08 esv 981106:wonderful autumn colour on top of shrub ! 99 98293 4 Euonymus oresbius x 1 119 00 esv V 98:status 1 on arrival,01:back to status 4, 01: verified 98082 4 Euonymus oxyphyllus x 4 119 98 ddh Sd DDH, First 4 best, ex Arb. Lenoir sd 1991, (see al 04456 4 Euonymus pauciflorus x 1 119 06 bul 92510 4 Euonymus phellomanus x 2 ** 119 93 waa T T : 97/9:superb shrubs, covered with fruits, unfortuna 04439 4 Euonymus quelpaertensis x 1 119 06 bul rare species from Korea, resembling bungeanus 98294 4 Euonymus sanguineus x 1 119 00 esv 07065 3 Euonymus spraguei x 1 119 07 pds C cttg. #7776, from garden Richard T. Whiteley, via Ch 04441 4 Euonymus trapococcus x 1 119 06 bul 02502 4 Euonymus velutinus x 1 119 04 div 02: source Philippe Deprez 92512 4 Euonymus verrucosus x 1 119 97 waa 96:2/3 dead, 79042 4 Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' x 1 119 02 hil E 02: moved from p6 to 119; not 'villosa group' acc. to 09042 4 Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana x 1 119 09 pds prop #9165, layer of HKRD #98165 05265 4 Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana x 1 119 07 bul 0608: interesting flowering plant 97059 4 Hydrangea paniculata (Raiden Misaki,Hokkaido,Japan) x 1 119 97 wld T sd.#4327, fr.Raiden Misaki,coast of E.Hokkaido,Sout 93098 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Brussels' Lace' x 5 119 93 waa T Une selection Belder , all 3 identical and Typical, vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 58 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 00269 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. ('Barbara' sdlg green) x 1 * 119 03 pds ? */Cttg #5962 from Hmlrk 'Barbara' seedlings by Jelen 00664 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. ('Barbara' sdlg late) x 1 119 03 pds ? */Cttg #5962 from Hmlrk 'Barbara' seedlings by Jelen 92544 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. 'Floribunda'/'Brussel's L.' x 3 119 92 waa ? pl -b is different, has larger sterile flwrs,could be the 93138 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. x 1 119 93 waa ? not 'Grandiflora', ex 93138-c, dark lvs. compact truss 93998 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. x 1 119 97 waa ? ? not 'Grandiflora' Ex 93138-b; 02: resembles 'Kyush 98304 3 Hydrangea paniculata 'Floribunda' x 1 119 00 esv AGM, 0808: big wound near base, hornet eating, pru 98306 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Greenspire' x 1 119 00 esv 92546 3 Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' x 2 o 119 92 waa */97:leggy,upright,small flowers,mostly fertile, I do n 92549 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique' x 3 119 92 waa A=C are different from B, 0811: pruned to free Vibur 93999 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'White Moth' x 1 119 97 waa ? not 'Grandiflora' Ex 93138-a 06137 4 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alison' x 1 119 08 bul 92104 4 Magnolia ((officinalis x obovata) x tripetala) x 5 * 119 92 pds H */ Sd.#1739,ex-TMS.Sd.Ex.88#33, "F1 gen. Hand Po 99078 4 Magnolia 'Fragrant Cloud' ('Dan Qing') x 1 119 02 rut 92574 4 Magnolia 'Nimbus' (obovata x virginiana) x 1 * 119 93 waa B */981110:has reached 4 m high, very vigorous here, st 95081 4 Magnolia sieboldii (giant sdlg) x 1 * 119 95 wld */ sd.#4028: Chollipo SdXch.92/20, the biggest in the 92120 4 Magnolia sieboldii (globose flw.) x 1 119 92 pds Cttg.#1401:Bjuv ,Sweden, Globose Flwrs, 2 first tepa 92110 4 Magnolia sieboldii (Tetraploid) x 7 119 92 pds K *Sd.#1746 Colchicine KEHR a total of 25 see 89195 4 Magnolia sieboldii 'Lolita' x 1 * 119 93 pds */ cttg #0037 fr. 83691/R-REU , 95:small flwr,no int 92119 4 Magnolia sieboldii x 2 119 92 pds Sd.#1279: TMS SdXch .1987/23, 25sd, see also 9209 99059 4 Magnolia 'Sweet Simplicity' x 1 119 02 rut (soulangeana?), 02: young leaves hit by spring frost 90196 4 Magnolia 'White Mystery' x 1 * 119 91 pds A */ cttg #1413 ex Bjuv, ,95/6:pruned looks like a big 89086 4 Magnolia wilsonii x 1 * 119 93 waa Not sinensis as per invoice ! 01:still scale insectes afte 92564 4 Magnolia x soulangeana 'Momayu' x 1 119 93 waa Momoyu?, Momoju?, 92598 4 Prunus incisa 'Midori' x 1 * 119 93 waa 95/4:pure white flwrs, superb! but is not in the right p 92737 4 Prunus 'Okame' (campanulata x incisa) x 1 119 93 waa C.Ingram selection; 02/02/12: flowers, 5 incised petal 99084 4 Prunus x blireana (cerasifera x mume) x 1 119 02 esv 92729 4 Pyrus betulifolia x 1 119 93 waa 01:, bark split at one m high, good autumn colour, po AA2764 Quercus robur x 1 119 ?? div thickest one in that location, 060605:Appearance of b 98086 4 Sorbus caloneura x 1 119 98 ddh */Sdlgs 5543b from ddh, 990720:all three plants with 02274 4 Sorbus caloneura x 1 119 02 ddh sdlg 5543b from group of 25 sdlg by Dominique Duh 00438 4 Viburnum furcatum x 1 119 01 div Gift from Anne Leitner, 01049 4 Viburnum lantanoides (Shaftsbury Lake, Arlington,VT,USA) x 1 119 01 wld sd 5718d from BDB Tour of New England 1997 (Sha 92847 4 Abies recurvata var. ernestii x 1 120 97 nie V */Cl. Anthoine thinks that this is chensiensis not recur 91559 4 Abies recurvata var. ernestii x 1 120 91 waa V Chinese Ac.Forestry , 01:no leader, 0409: ok says Her 91560 4 Abies recurvata x 1 120 95 waa V see Note u/91558, Chinese, Cl.Anthoine thinks this i 97050 4 Abies vejarii subsp. mexicana (Cerro Potosi,2750m) x 2 120 97 wld V */sd.#3293, fr.wld cllct Mexico Cerro Potosi, vicinity 07161 4 Acer caudatifolium (Jongherng,Taiwan,2115m) x 1 120 09 wld gift Marc Libert as Acer kawakamii, from garden Taip 93061 4 Acer davidii 'Serpentine' x 3 * 120 94 waa hybrid with pectinatum (Maple Soc Newsletter 18(2): 00313 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Echo Lake, N Conway,N H) x 1 120 00 wld V wld cllct sd 5717e, on BDB Tour of N.E. octobre 199 99038 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Laurentides, Québec) x 1 120 01 wld V Charles Snyers collected:Lac à la Loutre, Huberdeau, 01050 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Shaftsbury Lake, Arlington,VT,USA) x 1 120 01 wld V sd 5718a from BDB Tour of New England 1997 (Sha 03103 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Shenandoah,VA,USA,800m) x 3 120 03 wld sd #5754, sdlgs from DDH gift, Shenandoa Nat.Pk., 8 02122 4 Acer tegmentosum (Changbai Shan) x 1 120 04 wld V layer from Hkrd #85380 01031 4 Azalea 'Hatsugiri' (Kurume) x 6 120 01 pds cttg Hkrd #4528 from 77239 07069 4 Azalea 'Purple Triumph' (Vuyk) x 6 120 07 pds cttg @7377of Hkrd #77249 09033 4 Carpinus x schuschaensis (betulus x orientalis) x 1 120 10 pav 02509 4 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Aurea' x 1 120 04 div ? 020925: gift visit Bonn Bot. Gard. gardeners, cttg. fro 99180 4 Distylium racemosum x 3 120 00 ddh sdlg 5714 by D.Duhaut, 08589 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Early Sensation' x 1 120 10 bul = 'Bulk' 92545 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Greenspire' x 3 120 92 waa 0401: lower branches were rooting, pruned back sever 08120 3 Hydrangea paniculata 'Papillon' x 1 120 08 rut gift #8990, Wim Rutten, 'Unique' sdlg. vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 59 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

00269 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. ('Barbara' sdlg green) x 1 * 119 03 pds ? */Cttg #5962 from Hmlrk 'Barbara' seedlings by Jelen<br />

00664 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. ('Barbara' sdlg late) x 1<br />

119 03 pds ? */Cttg #5962 from Hmlrk 'Barbara' seedlings by Jelen<br />

92544 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. 'Floribunda'/'Brussel's L.' x 3 119 92 waa ? pl -b is different, has larger sterile flwrs,could be the<br />

93138 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. x 1<br />

119 93 waa ? not 'Grandiflora', ex 93138-c, dark lvs. compact truss<br />

93998 4 Hydrangea paniculata cv. x 1<br />

119 97 waa ? ? not 'Grandiflora' Ex 93138-b; 02: resembles 'Kyush<br />

98304 3 Hydrangea paniculata 'Floribunda' x 1<br />

119 00 esv AGM, 0808: big wound near base, hornet eating, pru<br />

98306 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Greenspire' x 1<br />

119 00 esv<br />

92546 3 Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' x 2 o<br />

119 92 waa */97:leggy,upright,small flowers,mostly fertile, I do n<br />

92549 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique' x 3<br />

119 92 waa A=C are different from B, 0811: pruned to free Vibur<br />

93999 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'White Moth' x 1<br />

119 97 waa ? not 'Grandiflora' Ex 93138-a<br />

06137 4 Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alison' x 1<br />

119 08 bul<br />

92104 4 Magnolia ((<strong>of</strong>ficinalis x obovata) x tripetala) x 5 *<br />

119 92 pds H */ Sd.#1739,ex-TMS.Sd.Ex.88#33, "F1 gen. Hand Po<br />

99078 4 Magnolia 'Fragrant Cloud' ('Dan Qing') x 1<br />

119 02 rut<br />

92574 4 Magnolia 'Nimbus' (obovata x virginiana) x 1 *<br />

119 93 waa B */981110:has reached 4 m high, very vigorous here, st<br />

95081 4 Magnolia sieboldii (giant sdlg) x 1 *<br />

119 95 wld */ sd.#4028: Chollipo SdXch.92/20, the biggest in the<br />

92120 4 Magnolia sieboldii (globose flw.) x 1<br />

119 92 pds Cttg.#1401:Bjuv ,Sweden, Globose Flwrs, 2 first tepa<br />

92110 4 Magnolia sieboldii (Tetraploid) x 7<br />

119 92 pds K *Sd.#1746 Colchicine KEHR a total <strong>of</strong> 25 see<br />

89195 4 Magnolia sieboldii 'Lolita' x 1 *<br />

119 93 pds */ cttg #0037 fr. 83691/R-REU , 95:small flwr,no int<br />

92119 4 Magnolia sieboldii x 2<br />

119 92 pds Sd.#1279: TMS SdXch .1987/23, 25sd, see also 9209<br />

99059 4 Magnolia 'Sweet Simplicity' x 1<br />

119 02 rut (soulangeana?), 02: young leaves hit by spring frost<br />

90196 4 Magnolia 'White Mystery' x 1 *<br />

119 91 pds A */ cttg #1413 ex Bjuv, ,95/6:pruned looks like a big<br />

89086 4 Magnolia wilsonii x 1 *<br />

119 93 waa Not sinensis as per invoice ! 01:still scale insectes afte<br />

92564 4 Magnolia x soulangeana 'Momayu' x 1<br />

119 93 waa Momoyu?, Momoju?,<br />

92598 4 Prunus incisa 'Midori' x 1 *<br />

119 93 waa 95/4:pure white flwrs, superb! but is not in the right p<br />

92737 4 Prunus 'Okame' (campanulata x incisa) x 1<br />

119 93 waa C.Ingram selection; 02/02/12: flowers, 5 incised petal<br />

99084 4 Prunus x blireana (cerasifera x mume) x 1<br />

119 02 esv<br />

92729 4 Pyrus betulifolia x 1<br />

119 93 waa 01:, bark split at one m high, good autumn colour, po<br />

AA2764 Quercus robur x 1<br />

119 ?? div thickest one in that location, 060605:Appearance <strong>of</strong> b<br />

98086 4 Sorbus caloneura x 1<br />

119 98 ddh */Sdlgs 5543b from ddh, 990720:all three <strong>plants</strong> with<br />

02274 4 Sorbus caloneura x 1<br />

119 02 ddh sdlg 5543b from group <strong>of</strong> 25 sdlg by Dominique Duh<br />

00438 4 Viburnum furcatum x 1<br />

119 01 div Gift from Anne Leitner,<br />

01049 4 Viburnum lantanoides (Shaftsbury Lake, Arlington,VT,USA) x<br />

1<br />

119 01 wld sd 5718d from BDB Tour <strong>of</strong> New England 1997 (Sha<br />

92847 4 Abies recurvata var. ernestii x 1<br />

120 97 nie V */Cl. Anthoine thinks that this is chensiensis not recur<br />

91559 4 Abies recurvata var. ernestii x 1<br />

120 91 waa V Chinese Ac.Forestry , 01:no leader, 0409: ok says Her<br />

91560 4 Abies recurvata x 1<br />

120 95 waa V see Note u/91558, Chinese, Cl.Anthoine thinks this i<br />

97050 4 Abies vejarii subsp. mexicana (Cerro Potosi,2750m) x 2 120 97 wld V */sd.#3293, fr.wld cllct Mexico Cerro Potosi, vicinity<br />

07161 4 Acer caudatifolium (Jongherng,Taiwan,2115m) x 1<br />

120 09 wld gift Marc Libert as Acer kawakamii, from garden Taip<br />

93061 4 Acer davidii 'Serpentine' x 3 *<br />

120 94 waa hybrid with pectinatum (Maple Soc Newsletter 18(2):<br />

00313 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Echo Lake, N Conway,N H) x 1 120 00 wld V wld cllct sd 5717e, on BDB Tour <strong>of</strong> N.E. octobre 199<br />

99038 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Laurentides, Québec) x 1<br />

120 01 wld V Charles Snyers collected:Lac à la Loutre, Huberdeau,<br />

01050 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Shaftsbury Lake, Arlington,VT,USA) x 1 120 01 wld V sd 5718a from BDB Tour <strong>of</strong> New England 1997 (Sha<br />

03103 4 Acer pensylvanicum (Shenandoah,VA,USA,800m) x 3 120 03 wld sd #5754, sdlgs from DDH gift, Shenandoa Nat.Pk., 8<br />

02122 4 Acer tegmentosum (Changbai Shan) x 1<br />

120 04 wld V layer from Hkrd #85380<br />

01031 4 Azalea 'Hatsugiri' (Kurume) x 6<br />

120 01 pds cttg Hkrd #4528 from 77239<br />

07069 4 Azalea 'Purple Triumph' (Vuyk) x 6<br />

120 07 pds cttg @7377<strong>of</strong> Hkrd #77249<br />

09033 4 Carpinus x schuschaensis (betulus x orientalis) x 1<br />

120 10 pav<br />

02509 4 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Aurea' x 1<br />

120 04 div ? 020925: gift visit Bonn Bot. Gard. gardeners, cttg. fro<br />

99180 4 Distylium racemosum x 3<br />

120 00 ddh sdlg 5714 by D.Duhaut,<br />

08589 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Early Sensation' x 1<br />

120 10 bul = 'Bulk'<br />

92545 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Greenspire' x 3<br />

120 92 waa 0401: lower branches were rooting, pruned back sever<br />

08120 3 Hydrangea paniculata 'Papillon' x 1<br />

120 08 rut gift #8990, Wim Rutten, 'Unique' sdlg.<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 59 <strong>of</strong> 135

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