catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 83379 4 Rhododendron racemosum (F 19404) x 1 K 88 ggd C 85:C 84055 4 Rhododendron sargentianum 'Whitebait' x 1 K 89 ggd B 86:B, 87:A+, 91:C+ 86302 4 Rhododendron tomentosum x 1 K 88 esv A V 92:misery, 97: verified De Langhe_ 85415 4 Rhododendron trichostomum x 1 K 88 pds B (87:A), (91:A+), cttg of 76041, 1005: good plant alth 85413 4 Rhododendron trichostomum x 1 K 88 pds B (87:A), (91:A+), cttg of 76041 80026 4 Rhododendron wardii var. puralbum x 1 K 80 dho A 86201 4 Acer maximowiczianum x 1 L 91 esv A syn.nikoense 87038 4 Azalea 'Blau Donau' (kaempferi) x 4 L 87 pds Cttg.#764 fr. Klmth 87039 4 Azalea 'John Cairns' (kaempferi) x 1 L 02 pds cttg #750 from 77243, _00:one big plant left, 87037 4 Azalea 'Sherwood Red' x 1 L 87 pds ? cttg#267 KLMTH#2785, 94:1/5 survives, 030504: is 84172 4 Betula utilis var. jacquemontii x 1 * L 86 esv A T poss. CV 'Doorenbos' well known CV says Jong, 71029 4 Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana x 1 * L 80 pds A T sd:Kalmthout 1970, 97/4/20:severely damaged by spri 93033 3 Ehretia acuminata x 1 L 94 pds C ? */Sd.HORT:IDS tour Nederl.oct.1989, 94:ok in L. ha 94009 4 Eurya japonica x 1 L 94 pds C */cttg of my 86275,95 : one of 7 in 601, gift to Sybille 09010 4 Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist' x 2 L 09 pds cttg.#7805 from HKRD #03056 09011 4 Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist' x 2 L 09 pds cttg.#7806 from HKRD #03056 86280 4 Fothergilla gardenii x 1 L 87 esv ? T 88:T, slow, layers ?, _01:better, has had a good year, 83557 4 Fothergilla major x 1 L 85 esv D previously monticola, but 87:D! rootstock probably, 0 77023 4 Fothergilla major x 1 * L 77 vpl A 95:best for autumn colours ! 09126 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Izu-no-hana' x 1 L 09 pds cttg. Christophe, from 03261 I suppose, stekgrond, 07 91778 1 Hypericum forrestii x 1 L 08 vpl in group of Rh. viscosum/arborescens, ex Peren.n°37 98534 4 Hypericum 'Hidcote' x 1 L 97 div ex Peren.n°999 10131 4 Hypericum tenuicaule (KC,Arunachal,India,3200m) x 1 L 10 wld sd #8793, India, Arunachal Pradesh, Chungri, 3200m, 86043 4 Maclura pomifera x 1 L 86 ddh ? 87:A, ,Versepuis sd 1978, from italian hort. 92074 4 Magnolia 'Elizabeth' (acuminata x denudata) x 1 * L 92 pds cttg # 1300, ex-HKRD # 86142 87300 4 Pterostyrax hispidus x 1 L 87 pds sd.#0840 fr.Hmlr, 91/4:C-, 83124 4 Quercus x hispanica 'Lucombeana' x 1 * L 89 hil B ? 85:B, 87:B, 92/2:ok,good, 97/9/26:A.Coombs:"Yes, l 82362 3 Rhododendron (wardii var. puralbum x 'Old Copper') x 1 L 86 pds C K 85:C, 86:B-, 87:B, to stat 77057 4 Rhododendron arborescens (hybrid) x 1 L 80 hil A H 00:determined to be correct by Dr. K. Kron without s 83708 4 Rhododendron 'Binfield' ('China' x 'Crest') x 1 L 83 reu C 85:B+, 91/4:C(bk.split), 94:OK, 97:A+ good flwrg, 0 81044 4 Rhododendron 'Calfort' (calophytum x fortunei) x 1 ** L 81 reu A T 91:not flwrg yet ! 82096 4 Rhododendron 'Canary' ((campyloc. x disc.) x Loderi)) x 1 L 82 reu A 98:for the first time, flwrg nicely, not frosted and goo 74159 4 Rhododendron canescens (hybrid) x 1 L 79 hil A H 00; not austrinum (syn. roseum) says Dr. K. Kron but 88251 4 Rhododendron ferrugineum x 1 L 92 pds ? cttg 82009 HKRD 77144 4 Rhododendron 'Furnivall's Daughter' x 1 ** L 77 hil A 85:A+, one of the best, 010523:nicely scented 91603 4 Rhododendron 'Golden Gate' (dichroanthum scyphoc. x) x 1 L 95 waa 97:B-, 0305: very peculiar colours, yellowish center a 78050 4 Rhododendron 'Jalisco Elect' ('Dido' x 'Lady Bessborough') x 1 L 78 hil C 85:C+, 86:A, (87:A) 81213 3 Rhododendron 'Jalisco Jubilant' ('Dido' x 'Lady Bessborough') x L 1 81 spi B 86:B+, Spinners says the best but must be dead heade 74141 4 Rhododendron 'Kluis Sensation' ('Britannia' x) x 1 L 74 vpl B 86413 3 Rhododendron lapponicum 'Hillier's Form' x 1 * L 88 esv B 87:B, has become leggy, his offspring 93240 are muc 83224 3 Rhododendron lapponicum x 1 * L 88 hil A 87:B, is good blue !! not violet, 00:down to status 3, 83202 4 Rhododendron lapponicum x 1 * L 88 hil A C 92:ok,close to T.but leaves 30mm, calix lobes are 5m 77177 4 Rhododendron 'Moser's Maroon' x 1 L 77 hil B 77181 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs J.C. Williams' x 1 ** L 77 hil A 77183 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs R.S. Holford' x 1 L 77 hil A 85:A+ 87046 4 Rhododendron nakaharae (orange form) x 2 L 87 pds C 91:C-, not really very hardy... my cttg. from ? 81065 87045 4 Rhododendron nakaharae (rose form) x 4 L 87 pds A my cttg.,? from 81064/p6 REU 84807 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa (W.424) x 1 L 88 rsf A (haematocheilum W.424), 87:A 78157 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii x 1 L 78 hil A T 85:A+, 01:talest of our rhodos, too many flowers, will 78072 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii x 1 L 78 hil A T 84771 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii x 1 L 87 eve A vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 14 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 83371 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii x 1 * L 83 ggd A 030314: starts to flower, pinkish, bell-bowl shaped flo 85297 4 Rhododendron 'Tottenham' (ferrugineum x) x 1 * L 89 ggd A 91:good pl., 03: mother plant dead but survived by se 82097 4 Rhododendron 'Zuyderzee' (campylocarpum x) x 1 L 82 reu A 93053 4 Sapium japonicum (Toshong Ni,S.Korea) x 3 L 95 wld V */Sd.W.C:by Chollipo.Sd.Ex87/087, Korea, 97: verifi 77009 4 Acer palmatum Dissectum Viride Group x 1 M 77 vpl A 89:Die back!! no apparent reason, top died suddenly 09056 1 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens x 4 M 09 pds D cttg. 7959 of HKRD #97126, 0909: 1 dead, others rec 86285 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise' x 1 M 87 esv T 97:determined as T; 02: good upright V-shaped clone, 08337 4 Hypericum fosteri (Foster941026,Zixishan,Yunnan,China,2400m) x 1 M 08 wld prop #10727, gift Maurice Foster via PdS, Zixishan, 86297 3 Hypericum kalmianum x 1 M 91 esv A (N.E.USA), (87:A), 92:flwrg,leggy, 94:dry! 95:very 84006 4 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Angel' (rugosa x aquifolium) x 1 * M 84 brs A Female, 84007 4 Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Prince' (rugosa x aquifolium) x 1 * M 84 brs A Male, 02072 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Lane Roberts' x 1 M 05 pav 77145 4 Rhododendron 'Gladys' (campylocarpum x fortunei) x 1 M 77 hil B 87:B, 94:recov., 77154 4 Rhododendron 'Hawk' (wardii x 'L. Bessborough') x 1 M 77 hil B 94:recov., 89340 4 Rhododendron kaempferi 'Doleshy' x 1 M 95 ggd V 97: verified De Langhe_ 75025 4 Rhododendron 'Loder's White' (arboreum album x griffithianum) x 1 M 77 hil B 85B+, 86:B, 87:B, 91/4:C,spring fr. 94:recovrd, 73007 4 Rhododendron 'Purple Splendour' x 3 ** M 73 vpl A T 85:A+, 91:A+, 87112 4 Rhododendron reticulatum x 5 ** M 87 spi A 74145 4 Rhododendron 'Spitfire' (griffthianum x ) x 1 M 74 vpl A 83824 4 Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhanense x 1 M 88 vml A later flwrg than 8361D (not poukh previously 8361B, 83616 4 Sciadopitys verticillata x 1 * M 85 esv A 96:first fruits are produced, ripe 1997, 99:head bent u 80041 4 Acer triflorum x 1 ** N 80 hil A 77252 4 Azalea cv. x 1 N 77 hil C ? 83841 4 Azalea cv. x 2 N 85 hil A ? not 'Scarlet Pimpernel' , very dominated by Clethra, w 77229 4 Azalea 'Scarlet Pimpernel' (Knap Hill) x 1 N 85 hil A 83294 4 Azalea 'Scarlet Pimpernel' (Knap Hill) x 1 N 85 hil A ? 82123 4 Azalea 'Shin Seikai' (Kurume) x 1 N 88 hil D ='Old Ivory', Two are 85:D , 97 unhappy under Sequo 90148 4 Clethra acuminata x 1 N 91 pds T cttg#1390:small tree at Bjuv, from Karl Flink's garden 01274 4 Clethra alnifolia 'Hokie Pink' x 1 N 03 bul 00373 4 Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' x 1 N 03 spi very good evaluation in Dendroflora 2007:49 83545 4 Clethra alnifolia 'Paniculata' x 1 N 83 esv A T floppy flw.head! 86246 4 Clethra alnifolia 'Paniculata' x 1 N 87 esv A T 89:recovr fr.base,not floppy! good erect head, 00:now 86247 4 Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spire' x 1 * N 87 esv C T big pink flw.,solit.,term., 96:damaged by winterfrost, 87127 4 Clethra alnifolia 'Rosea' x 1 N 87 spi ? T 83543 4 Clethra alnifolia x 1 N 83 esv A ? wrongly labelled C.fargesii 84208 4 Clethra fargesii x 1 N 86 esv A T 83297 4 Clethra tomentosa x 1 * N 98 hil A T 85A+, 97:was moved by mistake ti 286,98:back to N, 83552 4 Cornus kousa var. chinensis x 1 N 86 esv A 91/9:no dip in Lv!!, The dip in the lvs does not seem t 83782 4 Disanthus cercidifolius x 1 ** N 92 div 92:moved to N, 84258 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Diane' x 1 N 84 esv A T 88053 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Feuerzauber' x 4 N 88 vpl A T 01406 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Pallida' x 1 N 03 esv 03: ex #01189 (was group of 3 in pON) 88190 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Sunburst' x 1 ** N 88 esv 99/1:lvs hang on while flwrg, uggly characteristic, but 84851 4 Hedera colchica 'Dentata Variegata' x 3 N 84 brs A V Quite vigorous under the beeches even in august 198 94016 4 Illicium floridanum x 3 * N 94 pds V Sd #1674 SD Henry foundation, 97: B+, 9:B+ slight 01118 4 Itea virginica x 1 N 01 pds Cttg Hkrd #5906 89273 1 Lindera obtusiloba x 1 ** N 92 spi C 96:superb autumn colour, always,9805:suffered from 87090 4 Magnolia globosa x 1 o N 87 hil C T Grafted on M.wilsonii 95/11:lvs.frosted on branches ! 94237 4 Rhododendron amesiae x 1 N 94 pds V */cttg.#1090, from.Goteborg Bot.Gard., Has no indu 83669 3 Rhododendron 'Crest' (wardii x 'Lady Bessborough') x 1 N 83 reu B 85:B+ ,_00:dominated a leggy plant status 3 vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 15 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

83379 4 Rhododendron racemosum (F 19404) x 1<br />

K 88 ggd C 85:C<br />

84055 4 Rhododendron sargentianum 'Whitebait' x 1<br />

K 89 ggd B 86:B, 87:A+, 91:C+<br />

86302 4 Rhododendron tomentosum x 1<br />

K 88 esv A V 92:misery, 97: verified De Langhe_<br />

85415 4 Rhododendron trichostomum x 1<br />

K 88 pds B (87:A), (91:A+), cttg <strong>of</strong> 76041, 1005: good plant alth<br />

85413 4 Rhododendron trichostomum x 1<br />

K 88 pds B (87:A), (91:A+), cttg <strong>of</strong> 76041<br />

80026 4 Rhododendron wardii var. puralbum x 1<br />

K 80 dho A<br />

86201 4 Acer maximowiczianum x 1<br />

L 91 esv A syn.nikoense<br />

87038 4 Azalea 'Blau Donau' (kaempferi) x 4<br />

L 87 pds Cttg.#764 fr. Klmth<br />

87039 4 Azalea 'John Cairns' (kaempferi) x 1<br />

L 02 pds cttg #750 from 77243, _00:one big plant left,<br />

87037 4 Azalea 'Sherwood Red' x 1<br />

L 87 pds ? cttg#267 KLMTH#2785, 94:1/5 survives, 030504: is<br />

84172 4 Betula utilis var. jacquemontii x 1 *<br />

L 86 esv A T poss. CV 'Doorenbos' well known CV says Jong,<br />

71029 4 Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana x 1 *<br />

L 80 pds A T sd:Kalmthout 1970, 97/4/20:severely damaged by spri<br />

93033 3 Ehretia acuminata x 1<br />

L 94 pds C ? */Sd.HORT:IDS tour Nederl.oct.1989, 94:ok in L. ha<br />

94009 4 Eurya japonica x 1<br />

L 94 pds C */cttg <strong>of</strong> my 86275,95 : one <strong>of</strong> 7 in 601, gift to Sybille<br />

09010 4 Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist' x 2<br />

L 09 pds cttg.#7805 from HKRD #03056<br />

09011 4 Fothergilla gardenii 'Blue Mist' x 2<br />

L 09 pds cttg.#7806 from HKRD #03056<br />

86280 4 Fothergilla gardenii x 1<br />

L 87 esv ? T 88:T, slow, layers ?, _01:better, has had a good year,<br />

83557 4 Fothergilla major x 1<br />

L 85 esv D previously monticola, but 87:D! rootstock probably, 0<br />

77023 4 Fothergilla major x 1 *<br />

L 77 vpl A 95:best for autumn colours !<br />

09126 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Izu-no-hana' x 1<br />

L 09 pds cttg. Christophe, from 03261 I suppose, stekgrond, 07<br />

91778 1 Hypericum forrestii x 1<br />

L 08 vpl in group <strong>of</strong> Rh. viscosum/arborescens, ex Peren.n°37<br />

98534 4 Hypericum 'Hidcote' x 1<br />

L 97 div ex Peren.n°999<br />

10131 4 Hypericum tenuicaule (KC,Arunachal,India,3200m) x 1 L 10 wld sd #8793, India, Arunachal Pradesh, Chungri, 3200m,<br />

86043 4 Maclura pomifera x 1<br />

L 86 ddh ? 87:A, ,Versepuis sd 1978, from italian hort.<br />

92074 4 Magnolia 'Elizabeth' (acuminata x denudata) x 1 *<br />

L 92 pds cttg # 1300, ex-HKRD # 86142<br />

87300 4 Pterostyrax hispidus x 1<br />

L 87 pds sd.#0840 fr.Hmlr, 91/4:C-,<br />

83124 4 Quercus x hispanica 'Lucombeana' x 1 *<br />

L 89 hil B ? 85:B, 87:B, 92/2:ok,good, 97/9/26:A.Coombs:"Yes, l<br />

82362 3 Rhododendron (wardii var. puralbum x 'Old Copper') x 1 L 86 pds C K 85:C, 86:B-, 87:B, to stat<br />

77057 4 Rhododendron arborescens (hybrid) x 1<br />

L 80 hil A H 00:determined to be correct by Dr. K. Kron without s<br />

83708 4 Rhododendron 'Binfield' ('China' x 'Crest') x 1<br />

L 83 reu C 85:B+, 91/4:C(bk.split), 94:OK, 97:A+ good flwrg, 0<br />

81044 4 Rhododendron 'Calfort' (calophytum x fortunei) x 1 ** L 81 reu A T 91:not flwrg yet !<br />

82096 4 Rhododendron 'Canary' ((campyloc. x disc.) x Loderi)) x 1 L 82 reu A 98:for the first time, flwrg nicely, not frosted and goo<br />

74159 4 Rhododendron canescens (hybrid) x 1<br />

L 79 hil A H 00; not austrinum (syn. roseum) says Dr. K. Kron but<br />

88251 4 Rhododendron ferrugineum x 1<br />

L 92 pds ? cttg 82009 HKRD<br />

77144 4 Rhododendron 'Furnivall's Daughter' x 1 **<br />

L 77 hil A 85:A+, one <strong>of</strong> the best, 010523:nicely scented<br />

91603 4 Rhododendron 'Golden Gate' (dichroanthum scyphoc. x) x 1 L 95 waa 97:B-, 0305: very peculiar colours, yellowish center a<br />

78050 4 Rhododendron 'Jalisco Elect' ('Dido' x 'Lady Bessborough') x 1 L 78 hil C 85:C+, 86:A, (87:A)<br />

81213 3 Rhododendron 'Jalisco Jubilant' ('Dido' x 'Lady Bessborough') x L<br />

1<br />

81 spi B 86:B+, Spinners says the best but must be dead heade<br />

74141 4 Rhododendron 'Kluis Sensation' ('Britannia' x) x 1<br />

L 74 vpl B<br />

86413 3 Rhododendron lapponicum 'Hillier's Form' x 1 *<br />

L 88 esv B 87:B, has become leggy, his <strong>of</strong>fspring 93240 are muc<br />

83224 3 Rhododendron lapponicum x 1 *<br />

L 88 hil A 87:B, is good blue !! not violet, 00:down to status 3,<br />

83202 4 Rhododendron lapponicum x 1 *<br />

L 88 hil A C 92:ok,close to T.but leaves 30mm, calix lobes are 5m<br />

77177 4 Rhododendron 'Moser's Maroon' x 1<br />

L 77 hil B<br />

77181 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs J.C. Williams' x 1 **<br />

L 77 hil A<br />

77183 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs R.S. Holford' x 1<br />

L 77 hil A 85:A+<br />

87046 4 Rhododendron nakaharae (orange form) x 2<br />

L 87 pds C 91:C-, not really very hardy... my cttg. from ? 81065<br />

87045 4 Rhododendron nakaharae (rose form) x 4<br />

L 87 pds A my cttg.,? from 81064/p6 REU<br />

84807 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa (W.424) x 1<br />

L 88 rsf A (haematocheilum W.424), 87:A<br />

78157 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii x 1<br />

L 78 hil A T 85:A+, 01:talest <strong>of</strong> our rhodos, too many flowers, will<br />

78072 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii x 1<br />

L 78 hil A T<br />

84771 4 Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii x 1<br />

L 87 eve A<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 14 <strong>of</strong> 135

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