catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 84646 4 Pieris japonica (Yakushima,Japan) x 1 H 84 wld A de Belder cllctd 84360 4 Pieris japonica 'Crispa' x 1 H 86 esv C 94:drought! 86118 4 Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wychoff' x 1 H 88 ggd A 91/4:C-, ,bk.splt, 83151 4 Pieris japonica 'Scarlett O'Hara' x 1 H 85 hil A the earliest to flower ! 00:one big branch killed by spr 80002 4 Rhododendron 'Abendglut' x 3 * H 80 dho A not always very floriferous, 00:one plant has had frost 86028 4 Rhododendron amagianum (Cheju do) x 1 H 86 wld A Cttg #0021 from Hemelrijk : "Collected by de Belder 80003 4 Rhododendron 'Bad Eilsen' ('Essex Scarlet' x forr.repens) x 3 * H 80 dho B 80004 4 Rhododendron 'Bengal' (Essex Scarl. x forrestii repens) x 3 * H 80 dho A 82234 4 Rhododendron 'Brocade' (williamsianum x 'Vervaena') x 1 * H 86 hil B 85:B 87:A , 00:recovered after loss of one major bran 85263 4 Rhododendron 'Charmaine' ('Charm' x 'May Day') x 1 H 90 ggd C 87:B-, 99:not totally recovered, some dead br., Spott 84766 4 Rhododendron dichroanthum subsp. scyphocalyx x 1 H 89 eve B H (85:B) Vigorous in all its parts 80006 4 Rhododendron 'Elisabeth Hobbie' x 3 * H 80 dho A 84045 4 Rhododendron 'Ems' x 1 H 89 ggd B 86:A 86027 4 Rhododendron kiusianum (Kuju Nat. Park) x 1 * H 86 wld A 87:A, 95:good pl. Collected by de Belder, Kiushu, 87244 4 Rhododendron 'Ramapo' (fastigiatum x minus) x 6 H 87 pds A cttg.#762 from HKR#84053, 80005 4 Rhododendron 'Red Carpet' ('America' x forrestii Repens Gr) x 1 H 80 dho A 91/4:A-, small creeping, ground cover, 95:now 1m di 74053 4 Rhododendron 'Scarlet Wonder' ('Essex Scarlet' x forrestii Repens H 77 pds C 85:C 80994 4 Rhododendron 'Scarlet Wonder' ('Essex Scarlet' x forrestii Repens H 80 dho layer of 80007 which has been moved to 272, 82075 4 Rhododendron 'Sonata' ('Purple Splendour' x dichroant.) x 1 H 82 reu B 85:C, 86:B+, 87:B+, 80132 4 Rhododendron 'Vanessa' (griersonianum x 'Soulbut') x 1 * H 80 hil B 85:C+, 86:A, 97:A+, 83189 4 Styrax dasyanthus var. cinerascens x 1 * H 85 hil B T 85C, 88:T by Wisley, syn.serrulata; this pl was much 91289 4 Styrax dasyanthus x 1 H 91 pds cttg#:3122,fr. 89095, ex-WAA big lvs, flwrs later tha 81291 4 Acer palmatum 'Elegans' x 1 * I 81 spi A Matsumurae - green, good plant, good autumn colour 92176 1 Aesculus californica x 1 I 92 spi A 94:1, 95: not much improvement, too much shade ?, 9 02549 4 Camellia sp. x 1 I 02 spo A ? 09: A+, well protected site, 96202 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Fire' x 1 I 00 bio micropropagation from Hkrd ex 96200 group of plant 84683 4 Magnolia wilsonii x 1 I 86 spi B H not sinensis as per invoice, 00421 4 Pieris floribunda x 1 I 02 esv 83150 4 Pieris japonica 'Scarlett O'Hara' x 1 I 92 hil B 02/02/12 nice white flowers (sl. pink), 02: not japonic 88065 4 Rhododendron ambiguum x 1 I 88 dbl Gift from Jelena de Belder 88057 4 Rhododendron 'Arthur Grumiaux' (oreotr.x 'Youthful Sin') x 1 I 88 dbl gift fr.Jelena de Belder, fr.their cross, a selection by th 09136 4 Rhododendron caesium x 1 I 09 pds cttg. #6505 from Hkrd #78142 76014 3 Rhododendron cinnabarinum 'Mount Everest' x 1 * I 83 hil C ? */85B+, 86:A, Flowers can vary from yellow to pinki 98053 4 Rhododendron cinnabarinum Roylei Group x 1 I 98 pds cttg #3355, ex Closerie du Rond Chêne, Mr A.Charli 07074 4 Rhododendron Ernestine Group (yunnanense x cinnabarinum Roylei Gr I 07 pds Cttg #7391 from Hkrd # 83197 94050 4 Rhododendron fastigiatum x 3 I 94 pds Cttg #3148 ex 83152 , _00:pl a is status 1, other 2 ok, 77047 4 Rhododendron micranthum x 1 I 77 hil A 00:big layer at base is now a second mature plant, 76074 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs Furnival' (caucasicum x griffith.) x 1 ** I 83 hil A 85:A+, 06:good flowering plant every year, 76052 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs Furnival' (caucasicum x griffith.) x 1 ** I 83 hil A 91221 4 Rhododendron 'Princesse Esmeralda' x 1 * I 91 pds cttg.KLMTH Pl., de Belder selection, named (not regi 77052 4 Rhododendron rigidum x 1 I 84 hil C C (85C-) (86:B-) 87:B, 92:recov. close to Type,but not 94242 4 Rhododendron rubiginosum (Cox 2635,Lichiang,Yunnan) x 1 I 94 wld Cox#2635,wld cllct. Lichiang range 86100 4 Rhododendron rubiginosum (SBEC 121,China) x 1 I 88 ggd B V 87:B+, SBEC 0121 , Sino British Exped.China, 89: v 07072 4 Rhododendron yunnanense x 1 I 07 pds V cttg #7735 BDB trip Italy, Villa Taranto, 0805: verifi 96106 4 Stewartia pseudocamellia 'Ballet' x 1 I 96 pds Cttg #4465 fr.Polly HILL, sent by her, fr. Barnard's In 96107 4 Stewartia pseudocamellia 'Milk & Honey' x 1 I 96 pds Cttg #4466 fr.Polly HILL, sent by her, fr. Barnard's In 88246 4 Styrax obassia x 1 I 88 pds A sd.#0016, from Borde Hill (in Goreswood) 77001 3 Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' x 1 * J 77 vpl A 85C,base is bark split, _00:dieback from spring frost 77244 4 Azalea 'Kathleen' (kaempferi) x 1 J 77 hil A vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 12 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 83037 4 Azalea 'Naomi' (kaempferi) x 1 J 89 hil B 05: good late flowering azalea, clear from Pieris next t 91751 4 Azalea 'Soir de Paris' x 1 J 92 div Gift fr Leon Declerck 80145 4 Corylopsis spicata x 2 J 80 hil C T 85C+, 90: verified De Langhe, 96:main pl. is dead, 2 82163 4 Magnolia sprengeri var. elongata x 1 * J 86 hil A T 9908:three seed pods, with some fruit, spontaneous (! 86117 3 Pieris 'Compact Crimson' x 1 J 91 ggd A 00:not very compact ! 79004 4 Pieris 'Forest Flame' (formosa 'Wakehurst' x japonica) x 1 ** J 79 hil B vigorous, 94:to 4m, hardy 83442 4 Pieris japonica Taiwanensis Group x 1 J 87 ggd A V 89: verified De Langhe 92136 4 Pieris japonica var. yakushimensis (creeping form) x 1 J 92 wld as P. yakushima, Cttg #862,ex-HMLR creepg sdlg.W 92137 4 Pieris japonica var. yakushimensis (creeping form) x 1 J 92 wld as P. yakushima, Cttg #862,ex-HMLR creepg sdlg.W 83441 4 Pieris japonica var. yakushimensis x 1 J 87 ggd A as P. yakushima, 79006 3 Pieris japonica x 1 J 79 hil A 02/02/12: nice, large shrub starts to flower 84524 4 Pieris japonica x 1 J 87 hil A 00:not 'Crispa', must be stock, healthy pl., 81040 4 Rhododendron cinnabarinum subsp. xanthocodon x 1 J 81 reu B T 85B+, 00:leaning over, has been dominated, 84046 4 Rhododendron fastigiatum x 1 * J 88 ggd A V 89: verified De Langhe_92:good pl., 83356 4 Rhododendron lepidotum (s.s.w.) x 1 J 03 ggd D 85:C-; 03: moved within location (was there since 88) 80121 4 Rhododendron 'Naomi Early Dawn' ('Aurora' x fortunei) x 1 * J 80 hil B 98:flowering profusely, may be at the end of his life, 92156 4 Rhododendron nitidulum var. omeiense (KR 187,Mt.Omei) x 1 * J 92 pds sd HKR#1397,rare, recent introd. by Keith Rushforth, 79052 1 Rhododendron Oreoroyle Group (oreotrephes x cinnabarinum Roylei G J 79 hil B 85B, 87:B+, 0803:nearly dead, two layers surviving, 84054 4 Rhododendron russatum 'Collingwood Ingram' x 1 J 87 ggd A 85272 4 Rhododendron russatum 'Hill of Tarvit' x 1 J 88 ggd A 85:A 86126 4 Rhododendron russatum 'Hill of Tarvit' x 1 J 88 ggd A C calix too small,=? lapponica sbs 83604 2 Rhododendron 'Sacko' (russatum x 'Moerheim') x 1 J 87 esv A 85:A+, 91/4:C, 94:dry, 00:totally dominated by Styr 86370 3 Rhododendron 'Sacko' (russatum x 'Moerheim') x 1 * J 86 esv B 87:B, 00:down to status 3, 78132 4 Rhododendron 'Saint Breward' (impeditum x augustinii) x 1 ** J 84 hil C 85C+, 87:B-sun, 97:good but nos as good as 88133 w 84033 2 Rhododendron setosum (Schilling) x 1 J 88 ggd B V 89: verified De Langhe_ "(Schilling)" is as such on th 84056 4 Rhododendron 'Songbird' ('Blue Tit' x russatum) x 1 J 87 ggd B 86:A, 91/4:C+, 84402 4 Styrax japonicus var. fargesii x 1 * J 84 esv A ? 90 : lost head fr. spring frost, natur.sdlgs at foot, has 86392 4 Azalea 'Schneeglanz' x 1 * K 02 esv A 93:super flwrg. 76004 4 Chamaecyparis pisifera x 1 K 76 pds A T my first cutting! from early 70; 02: pruned to 8 m hig 00534 4 Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group 'Anthony Bullivent' x 1 K 03 bul 09078 4 Hydrangea involucrata x 4 K 09 rut gift Wim Rutten, his selection, good form, sdlgs?, 100 84267 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Europa' x 1 K 85 esv D 00:moved from loc E, 00533 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Tiara' x 1 K 03 bul 83627 4 Magnolia 'Manchu Fan' ('Lennei Alba' x veitchii) x 1 * K 86 gro A T 85:C+, 87:D, good scent ***, 0704: also verified De 77112 4 Rhododendron 'Adriaan Koster' (campylocarpum H x 'Mrs Lindsay Smi K 77 hil A 87:B, 90:2, fall of tree 8342A 4 Rhododendron anthopogon subsp. hypenanthum 'Annapurna' x 1 * K 88 ggd A V 89: verified De Langhe, 91:healthy plant, good selecti 85261 2 Rhododendron 'Arctic Tern' x 1 K 89 ggd B 87:A+, _00:down to status 2, has lost many leaves alt 84044 4 Rhododendron 'Egret' (campylogynum x Wh. Lace) x 1 K 89 ggd C 87:C, 91/4:C-, 92:recov.and flwrg, 97:B-, 83689 4 Rhododendron groenlandicum 'Compactum' x 1 K 88 reu A 87325 4 Rhododendron groenlandicum x 1 K 09 pds see data sub #87040 77153 4 Rhododendron 'Harvest Moon' ('Mrs L. Smith' x campylocarpum hybri K 77 hil A 85:A+, 92:dying, flwrg like hell, 02: aflegger naar pO 84726 4 Rhododendron 'Hotei' ('Goldsw. Or.' x (souliei x wardii)) x 1 K 89 spi B 86360 4 Rhododendron 'Hotei' ('Goldsw. Or.' x (souliei x wardii)) x 1 K 88 esv B 80012 4 Rhododendron 'Inamorata' (discolor x wardii) x 1 K 80 dho A ? should be very late flwg 89360 4 Rhododendron kongboense (deep pink) x 1 K 94 ggd previously sold and labelled primuliflorum (deep pink 86114 4 Rhododendron neoglandulosum x 1 * K 89 ggd A V 95/6:flwrg,much later than palustre hypoleucum, 97: 77255 4 Rhododendron Oxlip Group (williamsianum x wardii Litiense Group) K 77 hil A most charming rh., 95:few flwrs after autumn flring, 89359 4 Rhododendron primuliflorum 'Doker La' x 1 K 94 ggd vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 13 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

84646 4 Pieris japonica (Yakushima,Japan) x 1<br />

H 84 wld A de Belder cllctd<br />

84360 4 Pieris japonica 'Crispa' x 1<br />

H 86 esv C 94:drought!<br />

86118 4 Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wych<strong>of</strong>f' x 1<br />

H 88 ggd A 91/4:C-, ,bk.splt,<br />

83151 4 Pieris japonica 'Scarlett O'Hara' x 1<br />

H 85 hil A the earliest to flower ! 00:one big branch killed by spr<br />

80002 4 Rhododendron 'Abendglut' x 3 *<br />

H 80 dho A not always very floriferous, 00:one plant has had frost<br />

86028 4 Rhododendron amagianum (Cheju do) x 1<br />

H 86 wld A Cttg #0021 from Hemelrijk : "Collected by de Belder<br />

80003 4 Rhododendron 'Bad Eilsen' ('Essex Scarlet' x forr.repens) x 3 * H 80 dho B<br />

80004 4 Rhododendron 'Bengal' (Essex Scarl. x forrestii repens) x 3 * H 80 dho A<br />

82234 4 Rhododendron 'Brocade' (williamsianum x 'Vervaena') x 1 * H 86 hil B 85:B 87:A , 00:recovered after loss <strong>of</strong> one major bran<br />

85263 4 Rhododendron 'Charmaine' ('Charm' x 'May Day') x 1 H 90 ggd C 87:B-, 99:not totally recovered, some dead br., Spott<br />

84766 4 Rhododendron dichroanthum subsp. scyphocalyx x 1<br />

H 89 eve B H (85:B) Vigorous in all its parts<br />

80006 4 Rhododendron 'Elisabeth Hobbie' x 3 *<br />

H 80 dho A<br />

84045 4 Rhododendron 'Ems' x 1<br />

H 89 ggd B 86:A<br />

86027 4 Rhododendron kiusianum (Kuju Nat. Park) x 1 *<br />

H 86 wld A 87:A, 95:good pl. Collected by de Belder, Kiushu,<br />

87244 4 Rhododendron 'Ramapo' (fastigiatum x minus) x 6<br />

H 87 pds A cttg.#762 from HKR#84053,<br />

80005 4 Rhododendron 'Red Carpet' ('America' x forrestii Repens Gr) x<br />

1<br />

H 80 dho A 91/4:A-, small creeping, ground cover, 95:now 1m di<br />

74053 4 Rhododendron 'Scarlet Wonder' ('Essex Scarlet' x forrestii<br />

Repens<br />

H 77 pds C 85:C<br />

80994 4 Rhododendron 'Scarlet Wonder' ('Essex Scarlet' x forrestii<br />

Repens<br />

H 80 dho layer <strong>of</strong> 80007 which has been moved to 272,<br />

82075 4 Rhododendron 'Sonata' ('Purple Splendour' x dichroant.) x 1 H 82 reu B 85:C, 86:B+, 87:B+,<br />

80132 4 Rhododendron 'Vanessa' (griersonianum x 'Soulbut') x 1 * H 80 hil B 85:C+, 86:A, 97:A+,<br />

83189 4 Styrax dasyanthus var. cinerascens x 1 *<br />

H 85 hil B T 85C, 88:T by Wisley, syn.serrulata; this pl was much<br />

91289 4 Styrax dasyanthus x 1<br />

H 91 pds cttg#:3122,fr. 89095, ex-WAA big lvs, flwrs later tha<br />

81291 4 Acer palmatum 'Elegans' x 1 *<br />

I 81 spi A Matsumurae - green, good plant, good autumn colour<br />

92176 1 Aesculus californica x 1<br />

I 92 spi A 94:1, 95: not much improvement, too much shade ?, 9<br />

02549 4 Camellia sp. x 1<br />

I 02 spo A ? 09: A+, well protected site,<br />

96202 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Fire' x 1<br />

I 00 bio micropropagation from Hkrd ex 96200 group <strong>of</strong> plant<br />

84683 4 Magnolia wilsonii x 1<br />

I 86 spi B H not sinensis as per invoice,<br />

00421 4 Pieris floribunda x 1<br />

I 02 esv<br />

83150 4 Pieris japonica 'Scarlett O'Hara' x 1<br />

I 92 hil B 02/02/12 nice white flowers (sl. pink), 02: not japonic<br />

88065 4 Rhododendron ambiguum x 1<br />

I 88 dbl Gift from Jelena de Belder<br />

88057 4 Rhododendron 'Arthur Grumiaux' (oreotr.x 'Youthful Sin') x 1 I 88 dbl gift fr.Jelena de Belder, fr.their cross, a selection by th<br />

09136 4 Rhododendron caesium x 1<br />

I 09 pds cttg. #6505 from Hkrd #78142<br />

76014 3 Rhododendron cinnabarinum 'Mount Everest' x 1 *<br />

I 83 hil C ? */85B+, 86:A, Flowers can vary from yellow to pinki<br />

98053 4 Rhododendron cinnabarinum Roylei Group x 1<br />

I 98 pds cttg #3355, ex Closerie du Rond Chêne, Mr A.Charli<br />

07074 4 Rhododendron Ernestine Group (yunnanense x cinnabarinum<br />

Roylei Gr<br />

I 07 pds Cttg #7391 from Hkrd # 83197<br />

94050 4 Rhododendron fastigiatum x 3<br />

I 94 pds Cttg #3148 ex 83152 , _00:pl a is status 1, other 2 ok,<br />

77047 4 Rhododendron micranthum x 1<br />

I 77 hil A 00:big layer at base is now a second mature plant,<br />

76074 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs Furnival' (caucasicum x griffith.) x 1 ** I 83 hil A 85:A+, 06:good flowering plant every year,<br />

76052 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs Furnival' (caucasicum x griffith.) x 1 ** I 83 hil A<br />

91221 4 Rhododendron 'Princesse Esmeralda' x 1 *<br />

I 91 pds cttg.KLMTH Pl., de Belder selection, named (not regi<br />

77052 4 Rhododendron rigidum x 1<br />

I 84 hil C C (85C-) (86:B-) 87:B, 92:recov. close to Type,but not<br />

94242 4 Rhododendron rubiginosum (Cox 2635,Lichiang,Yunnan) x 1 I 94 wld Cox#2635,wld cllct. Lichiang range<br />

86100 4 Rhododendron rubiginosum (SBEC 121,China) x 1<br />

I 88 ggd B V 87:B+, SBEC 0121 , Sino British Exped.China, 89: v<br />

07072 4 Rhododendron yunnanense x 1<br />

I 07 pds V cttg #7735 BDB trip Italy, Villa Taranto, 0805: verifi<br />

96106 4 Stewartia pseudocamellia 'Ballet' x 1<br />

I 96 pds Cttg #4465 fr.Polly HILL, sent by her, fr. Barnard's In<br />

96107 4 Stewartia pseudocamellia 'Milk & Honey' x 1<br />

I 96 pds Cttg #4466 fr.Polly HILL, sent by her, fr. Barnard's In<br />

88246 4 Styrax obassia x 1<br />

I 88 pds A sd.#0016, from Borde Hill (in Goreswood)<br />

77001 3 Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' x 1 *<br />

J 77 vpl A 85C,base is bark split, _00:dieback from spring frost<br />

77244 4 Azalea 'Kathleen' (kaempferi) x 1<br />

J 77 hil A<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 12 <strong>of</strong> 135

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