catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 89524 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Prolifera' x 2 E 87 dbl gift DBL 83057 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Rosalba' x 2 E 85 hil D V 96192 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Pink Charm' x 1 E 00 bio micropropagation from Hkrd ex 96190 group of plant 84577 4 Malus transitoria x 1 * E 85 hil A 94026 4 Osmanthus x burkwoodii (delavayi x decorus) x 3 ** E 94 pds Cttg#1911 ex 74127/23 previously xOsmarea burkwo 82205 4 Prunus glandulosa 'Albiplena' x 1 E 82 hil A 86359 4 Rhododendron ('Fabia' x bureavii) x 1 E 86 esv B K 87:B 84883 4 Rhododendron ('Infanta' x wardii) x 3 E 87 pds A K 87:B cttg from Hemelrijk plant 96099 4 Rhododendron (yakushimanum x smirnowii) x 1 E 96 ??? K ................ 81057 2 Rhododendron auriculatum x 1 E 85 reu A 00:weaker every year, much flowering, end of the roa 81241 4 Rhododendron 'Bashful' (yakushimanum x 'Doncaster') x 1 * E 81 spi A 91/4: super, 92:good pl., 81153 4 Rhododendron 'Break of Day' ('Dawn's Delight' x dichroanthum) x 1 E 83 hil B (85B:) 87:B , 97:B+, 90's :spring frosted, only layers l 86300 3 Rhododendron groenlandicum x 1 E 88 esv A V 97: verified De Langhe_ 98/3: dry, rotten at base, mus 84774 4 Rhododendron hyperythrum x 1 E 89 eve B 87:B, 060501:flwrg, too vigorous, possibly hybrid, bu 80120 4 Rhododendron 'Loderi Venus' (fortunei x griffithianum) x 1 * E 80 hil B B+, 05: this is not a Naomi... But 'Loderi Venus' abso 83359 4 Rhododendron 'Mary Fleming' (racemosum x keiskei) x 1 E 86 ggd A 85:A+, 87:A , 83737 4 Rhododendron microgynum Gymnocarpum Group x 1 E 88 reu A C Close to T.but not glandular and pedicel too long 30m 78167 4 Rhododendron microgynum x 1 E 78 hil B T grafted plant, 89: also verified De Langhe_060501:on 86077 3 Rhododendron microgynum x 1 E 94 ggd A 87:A ,060501:very damaged by some fungus/black sp 87113 4 Rhododendron pentaphyllum x 1 E 89 spi ? V 91/4:3pl.dead on 5, 97: verified De Langhe_020316: f 88265 4 Rhododendron reticulatum x 1 E 07 pds A ? (dilatatum), sd#436 fr.ARS'85 1449 DYA, not weyric 83381 4 Rhododendron 'Riplet' (forresti x 'Letty Edwards') x 1 * E 88 ggd B 99:good floriferous pl., photo 78065 4 Rhododendron 'Rocket' (meddianum x strigillosum) x 1 ** E 87 hil B 85:C, 86:B, 97/2:A+,super flwrg, first as usual, with 86299 4 Rhododendron x columbianum (neoglandulosum x groenlandicum) x 1 E 88 esv ? V 89: verified De Langhe, 00:back to status 4 from 1, 84401 4 Styrax americanus x 1 E 84 esv A V 90: verified De Langhe_ 84709 4 Styrax hemsleyanus x 1 * E 86 spi A T 97: also verified De Langhe_ 84655 4 Styrax obassia (Cheju Do) x 1 ** E 86 dbl A T always very good aut.col., Wld cllct by dbl Chejudo, 84708 4 Styrax obassia x 1 E 86 spi A T 87:D, smaller than 84655, not as good colour as 8465 86383 4 Azalea 'Frei I' x 1 F 92 esv ? 87036 4 Azalea 'Hatsugiri' (Kurume) x 5 * F 87 pds cttg #663, my 77239 86379 4 Azalea 'Magnificum' (occidentale) x 1 F 87 esv ? 83674 4 Azalea 'Magnificum' x 1 F 87 reu A 96267 4 Clematis 'Dawn' x 1 F 96 div o/ Q.robur 'Concordia' , 00:not vigorous at all, too aci 05364 4 Corylopsis glabrescens var. gotoana x 1 F 07 pds sd. #6420, ex sd Chollipo 2001/107, Hort Cholipo Ar 80043 4 Corylopsis multiflora x 1 F 80 hil C ? (wilsonii) ?, 85:C,later flwrg., is not supposed to be h 77015 4 Corylopsis pauciflora x 1 F 88 vpl C T 94:dry! , _00:back to status 4 from 3 after wet summe 91382 4 Corylopsis sinensis x 1 F 91 waa syn: C. veitchiana 86263 4 Corylopsis spicata x 1 F 88 esv A T 87:A, not veitchiana(now sinensis) 86262 4 Corylopsis spicata x 1 F 88 esv ? T sepals are ovate,? a hybrid but flowers at end of pedu 79130 4 Euonymus fortunei 'Vegetus' x 1 F 79 wir A ? 89452 4 Euptelea polyandra x 1 * F 89 waa 91:A, 91/4:C+, 92:ok, 99:good healthy plant, 04032 03004 4 Hypericum cv. x 1 F 03 div ? 03: no data, confusion with Hypericum androsaemum 10130 4 Hypericum tenuicaule (KC,Arunachal,India,3200m) x 1 F 10 wld sd #8793, India, Arunachal Pradesh, Chungri, 3200m, 88507 4 Parthenocissus quinquefolia x 1 F 88 vpl under Betula tristis spo, between E and F, 77354 4 Picea breweriana x 1 * F 77 vpl A V 90:lost its head, 95:still no new leader, 0702: verified 74113 4 Quercus serrata x 1 ** F 79 hil A T Late autumn colour , 991204:still last autumn colours 88304 4 Rhododendron arborescens x 5 F 92 pds X sd fr.ARS'84/439, 980531:pl-A is not a viscosum, mo 77139 4 Rhododendron 'Diane' (campylocarpum x Mrs.Linds.Smith) x 1 F 77 hil B 85:C, poor shape, never much of a show, vigorous, up 80092 3 Rhododendron 'Goldsworth Yellow' ('Jacksonii' x campyloc.) x 1 F 85 hil A 93:spring frost, 94:recovering, 00:status 3 or less, not 81072 4 Rhododendron hyperythrum x 1 F ?? reu A 85B+, _00:mother plant dead from spring frost but tw vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 10 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 83417 4 Rhododendron 'James Barto' (williamsianum x) x 1 F 86 ggd B 78058 4 Rhododendron 'Luscombei' (fortunei x thomsonii) x 1 ** F 78 hil B 85:B+, 87:A, vigorous & spectacular, 95:exhausting i 77174 4 Rhododendron 'Mary Swaythling' (Gladys Group) x 1 ** F 77 hil B 85:B+, 97:damaged by spring frost probably, one laye 81221 4 Rhododendron 'Moonlight' (H x H) x 1 F 81 spi C 81:C-, 85C+, 87:A 77184 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs W.C. Slocock' (campylocarpum x ) x 1 * F 77 hil B 85B. 87:B, sunburnt 91185 4 Rhododendron reticulatum (Mount Fuji) x 16 F 90 wld sd.#931 as Rh wadanum, fr.Mount Fuji, _00:still 18/ 80023 4 Rhododendron wardii (hybrid) x 1 F 78 dho B H 85C+, 86:A not litiense:rachis 35mm is much too lon 80027 3 Rhododendron wardii var. puralbum x 1 F 80 dho A 00: mother pl back to down 3, but one healthy layer w 77093 4 Rhododendron williamsianum x 1 * F 77 hil B 85:B, small kreeping plant, 0605:damaged in center (f 96057 4 Spiraea betulifolia 'Aemiliana' x 5 ** F 96 vpl 00:good autumn colour, should be set free from Camp 98186 4 Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer' x 3 F 98 vpl 88104 4 Stewartia pseudocamellia x 1 F 89 esv 77217 4 Azalea 'Pucella' (Ghent) x 1 G 77 hil A (='Fanny'), 00:very damaged by 1999 humidity ? lost 86113 4 Azalea 'Snowbird' (atlanticum x canescens) x 1 G 91 ggd A 87:A 88030 4 Betula pendula 'Laciniata' x 1 G 88 spo BDB #25018, spontaneous in that location 81298 4 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' x 1 G 81 div A 86440 1 Corylopsis glabrescens x 1 G 88 esv ? T 89:dry, 96:the only glabrous peduncle in the collectio 80042 4 Corylopsis sinensis x 1 ** G 80 hil D 96:best of all, deepest yellow and largest compact flo 77016 4 Corylopsis spicata x 1 * G 77 vpl B T 85C+, good pl.,T. 87267 4 Exochorda x macrantha x 1 G 87 pds or 84242 , AA1404 Fagus sylvatica x 1 G ?? div A 06087 1 Hebe salicifolia x 2 G 05 rug D RUG mother plant wld collected in New Zealand, 090 84847 4 Hedera helix 'Chicago' x 1 G 86 brs A 84420 4 Hedera helix 'Gavotte' x 1 G 86 esv B 84426 4 Hedera helix 'Manda's Crested' x 1 G 86 esv A 00283 4 Hibiscus syriacus (White) x 1 G 00 pds sd no known origin, from one of Hkrd plants probabl 98016 4 Hydrangea heteromalla (Dochu La,Bhutan) x 1 G 98 wld Cttg 4769 from HKRD #85196 91779 4 Hypericum androsaemum x 1 G 91 vpl ex Peren. n°374; 87201 4 Hypericum androsaemum x 5 G 87 vpl ? T not H.elatum persitans as per invoice, 01:one of sever 98531 4 Hypericum frondosum 'Buttercup' x 3 * G 98 vpl ex Peren.n°993, 0109:neat rounded bush with small le 91683 4 Hypericum hookerianum (KR 1062,Taksan,Bhutan) x 3 G 95 wld A C Bhutan,Paro:Taksang gompa ,3000m below cafet.,mi 05213 4 Hypericum pseudohenryi x 1 G 07 waa 98532 4 Hypericum x dummeri 'Peter Dummer' x 3 G 98 vpl ex Peren.n°997, 98536 4 Hypericum x inodorum 'Autumn Blaze' x 3 G 98 vpl ex Peren.n°989 89008 4 Photinia villosa x 1 G 89 ddh Gift from Dominique Duhaut, 91184 1 Rhododendron 'Butterfly' (campylocarpum x 'Mrs.Milner') x 1 G 94 pds Layer from 77125, 98:center of shrub probably spring 81059 4 Rhododendron campylocarpum subsp. caloxanthum x 1 G 83 reu C V (85C) (87:B), 89: verified De Langhe, 99:flowering w 78024 4 Rhododendron 'Carita Golden Dream' (campyloc.x 'Naomi') x 1 G 78 hil B 85:B+ 78043 4 Rhododendron 'Harvest Moon' ('Mrs L. Smith' x campylocarpum hybri G 78 hil A 77161 4 Rhododendron 'Lady Primrose' (campylocarpum x ) x 1 * G 77 hil B 85B, 87:B+, 97:B- but is not healthy,_00:back to stat 09165 4 Rhododendron nakaharae 'Late Love' x 1 G 09 pds layer #7853 of HKRD #89254 77339 4 Rhododendron 'Oldenburg' (f.discolor x williamsianum) x 1 G 77 dho A 87:B+ 78087 4 Rhododendron 'Princess of Orange' (camp. x 'P.C.deRohan') x 1 G 78 hil B 87:B 77336 4 Rhododendron 'Rodhatte' (sanguin.didymum x williams.) x 1 G 77 dho A 97083 4 Rhododendron yedoense (Mt. Chombong,600m,Kor) x 2 o G 05 wld */sd.#4062, fr.Chollipo sdxch 92/87: Mt.Chombong,6 77243 4 Azalea 'John Cairns' (kaempferi) x 1 H 77 hil A 97:superb autumn colour,late, 88250 4 Azalea 'Little Ruby' x 1 H 92 pds ? 01190 4 Ilex verticillata (male) x 1 H 02 esv 83169 4 Ilex verticillata 'Christmas Cheer' x 1 H 85 hil A V Female, 90: verified De Langhe, 0609:at last with so 83628 4 Magnolia 'Peppermint Stick' (lilii. x veitch) x 1 * H 86 gro A T This plant very much better here than in 209, never m 84645 4 Pieris japonica (Nara,Japan) x 1 H 84 wld A de Belder cllctd vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 11 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

83417 4 Rhododendron 'James Barto' (williamsianum x) x 1<br />

F 86 ggd B<br />

78058 4 Rhododendron 'Luscombei' (fortunei x thomsonii) x 1 ** F 78 hil B 85:B+, 87:A, vigorous & spectacular, 95:exhausting i<br />

77174 4 Rhododendron 'Mary Swaythling' (Gladys Group) x 1 ** F 77 hil B 85:B+, 97:damaged by spring frost probably, one laye<br />

81221 4 Rhododendron 'Moonlight' (H x H) x 1<br />

F 81 spi C 81:C-, 85C+, 87:A<br />

77184 4 Rhododendron 'Mrs W.C. Slocock' (campylocarpum x ) x 1 * F 77 hil B 85B. 87:B, sunburnt<br />

91185 4 Rhododendron reticulatum (Mount Fuji) x 16<br />

F 90 wld sd.#931 as Rh wadanum, fr.Mount Fuji, _00:still 18/<br />

80023 4 Rhododendron wardii (hybrid) x 1<br />

F 78 dho B H 85C+, 86:A not litiense:rachis 35mm is much too lon<br />

80027 3 Rhododendron wardii var. puralbum x 1<br />

F 80 dho A 00: mother pl back to down 3, but one healthy layer w<br />

77093 4 Rhododendron williamsianum x 1 *<br />

F 77 hil B 85:B, small kreeping plant, 0605:damaged in center (f<br />

96057 4 Spiraea betulifolia 'Aemiliana' x 5 **<br />

F 96 vpl 00:good autumn colour, should be set free from Camp<br />

98186 4 Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer' x 3<br />

F 98 vpl<br />

88104 4 Stewartia pseudocamellia x 1<br />

F 89 esv<br />

77217 4 Azalea 'Pucella' (Ghent) x 1<br />

G 77 hil A (='Fanny'), 00:very damaged by 1999 humidity ? lost<br />

86113 4 Azalea 'Snowbird' (atlanticum x canescens) x 1<br />

G 91 ggd A 87:A<br />

88030 4 Betula pendula 'Laciniata' x 1<br />

G 88 spo BDB #25018, spontaneous in that location<br />

81298 4 Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Filifera Aurea' x 1<br />

G 81 div A<br />

86440 1 Corylopsis glabrescens x 1<br />

G 88 esv ? T 89:dry, 96:the only glabrous peduncle in the collectio<br />

80042 4 Corylopsis sinensis x 1 **<br />

G 80 hil D 96:best <strong>of</strong> all, deepest yellow and largest compact flo<br />

77016 4 Corylopsis spicata x 1 *<br />

G 77 vpl B T 85C+, good pl.,T.<br />

87267 4 Exochorda x macrantha x 1<br />

G 87 pds or 84242 ,<br />

AA1404 Fagus sylvatica x 1<br />

G ?? div A<br />

06087 1 Hebe salicifolia x 2<br />

G 05 rug D RUG mother plant wld collected in New Zealand, 090<br />

84847 4 Hedera helix 'Chicago' x 1<br />

G 86 brs A<br />

84420 4 Hedera helix 'Gavotte' x 1<br />

G 86 esv B<br />

84426 4 Hedera helix 'Manda's Crested' x 1<br />

G 86 esv A<br />

00283 4 Hibiscus syriacus (White) x 1<br />

G 00 pds sd no known origin, from one <strong>of</strong> Hkrd <strong>plants</strong> probabl<br />

98016 4 Hydrangea heteromalla (Dochu La,Bhutan) x 1<br />

G 98 wld Cttg 4769 from HKRD #85196<br />

91779 4 Hypericum androsaemum x 1<br />

G 91 vpl ex Peren. n°374;<br />

87201 4 Hypericum androsaemum x 5<br />

G 87 vpl ? T not H.elatum persitans as per invoice, 01:one <strong>of</strong> sever<br />

98531 4 Hypericum frondosum 'Buttercup' x 3 *<br />

G 98 vpl ex Peren.n°993, 0109:neat rounded bush with small le<br />

91683 4 Hypericum hookerianum (KR 1062,Taksan,Bhutan) x 3 G 95 wld A C Bhutan,Paro:Taksang gompa ,3000m below cafet.,mi<br />

05213 4 Hypericum pseudohenryi x 1<br />

G 07 waa<br />

98532 4 Hypericum x dummeri 'Peter Dummer' x 3<br />

G 98 vpl ex Peren.n°997,<br />

98536 4 Hypericum x inodorum 'Autumn Blaze' x 3<br />

G 98 vpl ex Peren.n°989<br />

89008 4 Photinia villosa x 1<br />

G 89 ddh Gift from Dominique Duhaut,<br />

91184 1 Rhododendron 'Butterfly' (campylocarpum x 'Mrs.Milner') x 1 G 94 pds Layer from 77125, 98:center <strong>of</strong> shrub probably spring<br />

81059 4 Rhododendron campylocarpum subsp. caloxanthum x 1 G 83 reu C V (85C) (87:B), 89: verified De Langhe, 99:flowering w<br />

78024 4 Rhododendron 'Carita Golden Dream' (campyloc.x 'Naomi') x 1 G 78 hil B 85:B+<br />

78043 4 Rhododendron 'Harvest Moon' ('Mrs L. Smith' x<br />

campylocarpum hybri<br />

G 78 hil A<br />

77161 4 Rhododendron 'Lady Primrose' (campylocarpum x ) x 1 * G 77 hil B 85B, 87:B+, 97:B- but is not healthy,_00:back to stat<br />

09165 4 Rhododendron nakaharae 'Late Love' x 1<br />

G 09 pds layer #7853 <strong>of</strong> HKRD #89254<br />

77339 4 Rhododendron 'Oldenburg' (f.discolor x williamsianum) x 1 G 77 dho A 87:B+<br />

78087 4 Rhododendron 'Princess <strong>of</strong> Orange' (camp. x 'P.C.deRohan') x 1 G 78 hil B 87:B<br />

77336 4 Rhododendron 'Rodhatte' (sanguin.didymum x williams.) x 1 G 77 dho A<br />

97083 4 Rhododendron yedoense (Mt. Chombong,600m,Kor) x 2 o G 05 wld */sd.#4062, fr.Chollipo sdxch 92/87: Mt.Chombong,6<br />

77243 4 Azalea 'John Cairns' (kaempferi) x 1<br />

H 77 hil A 97:superb autumn colour,late,<br />

88250 4 Azalea 'Little Ruby' x 1<br />

H 92 pds ?<br />

01190 4 Ilex verticillata (male) x 1<br />

H 02 esv<br />

83169 4 Ilex verticillata 'Christmas Cheer' x 1<br />

H 85 hil A V Female, 90: verified De Langhe, 0609:at last with so<br />

83628 4 Magnolia 'Peppermint Stick' (lilii. x veitch) x 1 *<br />

H 86 gro A T This plant very much better here than in 209, never m<br />

84645 4 Pieris japonica (Nara,Japan) x 1<br />

H 84 wld A de Belder cllctd<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 11 <strong>of</strong> 135

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