catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 91383 4 Cudrania tricuspidata x 1 C 93 waa 00:many fruits 71028 4 Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana x 1 * C 80 pds A T sd:Kalmthout 1970, 97/4/20:severely damaged by spri 87324 4 Fothergilla major x 1 C 08 vpl see data sub #87197, 08: 2/3 left, 11: 1 left 92347 4 Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris x 4 C 92 wld (Tiliifolia), cttg #1613, DBL ex-YAKU 90233 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' x 1 C 92 dbl V (syn 'Concavosepala'), dominated by H. m. 'Otaksa', G 86292 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Otaksa' x 3 C 86 esv V c/Davidia , 97:flwrg light pale blue, flat mop head, 00 86294 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Veitchii' x 1 C 86 esv ? V 00:no flowers in shade, 1007: possible 2 plants, verifi 90071 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'White Moth' x 1 C 94 pds Cttg #1619, from HMLRK/#11575 86140 4 Hydrangea paniculata x 15 C 86 pds A T sd PDS#0010 from Hemelrijk, cllct From one of the g 91264 4 Ilex crenata (Halla San, Korea) x 8 C 91 wld T HKR#-1764, Chollipo sd.1500m, 83068 4 Itea virginica x 1 C 83 hil C 87:B , 97:C from -13° this winter, 97/7:flwrg abundan 89482 4 Magnolia (campbellii x sprengeri var. elongata) x 1 C 89 div C K Heineman,USA, 96:C tips frozen this autu 05022 4 Magnolia virginiana var. australis x 1 C 05 pds sd. #6441, sd from Magn.Soc.Sd.Exch 2001, from He 93213 4 Microbiota decussata x 2 C 93 pds cttg #... fr . HKR pl., 97/9:2 pl under Pinus, 87209 4 Philadelphus 'Virginal' x 3 C 88 vpl A 74082 4 Photinia villosa x 1 * C 81 hil A 83130 4 Quercus x turneri (ilex x robur) x 1 C 86 hil B 85:A, 87:B 92376 4 Rhododendron (glaucophyllum x 'Yellow Hammer') x 1 C 92 pds K cttg#617 ? =KLMT#1345 , always very much like Ye 78151 4 Rhododendron brachycarpum x 1 C 88 hil A C not dryophyllum:rachis 4cm,22..flw ?hybr.vigour, onl 88120 4 Rhododendron canadense x 2 C 10 esv T not albiflorum, 94:1pl=misery, 00:2/3 pl left but one 80001 4 Rhododendron catawbiense 'Album' x 1 C 80 dho A 85:A+ 86407 4 Rhododendron caucasicum x 1 C 88 esv A V 89: verified De Langhe, 060417:flwrg sparsely, This, 89448 4 Rhododendron 'Glennyanum' x 1 C 89 dbl 84869 2 Rhododendron kiusianum 'Album' x 1 C 88 pds A 00:found under other shrubs must be moved away, 77096 4 Rhododendron racemosum x 1 C 77 hil C 85:C, 94:recovrd, 77200 4 Rhododendron 'Saint Tudy' (augustinii x impeditum) x 1 * C 77 hil A 85:A+ 81115 4 Rosa glauca (syn. 'Rubrifolia') x 1 C 81 hil C don't prune!, a second pl. behind Pinus densiflora, 00: 86431 4 Sciadopitys verticillata x 1 C 86 esv A V 92:yellowish, 97:brown, frozen or unhappy there, oth 83696 4 Sorbus reducta x 4 C 83 reu A good low shrub, 0408: always miserable, loss of leav 83275 4 Spiraea canescens x 1 C 83 hil C 85:C, 0505: Very invasive, but a good plant to fill spa 83276 4 Spiraea gemmata x 1 C 85 hil A 83138 4 Spiraea japonica 'Albiflora' x 1 C 85 hil C V 97: verified De Langhe_ 81026 4 Spiraea japonica 'Bullata' x 1 C 88 vpl B mini plant, super, compact, 81030 4 Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' x 1 C 88 vpl A small compact good pl. 83278 1 Spiraea japonica 'Macrophylla' x 1 C 83 hil A 00:staus 1, small base shoot, probably frosted in the p 83281 4 Spiraea nipponica 'Rotundifolia' x 1 C 83 hil A good pl, large, 83140 4 Spiraea nipponica var. tosaensis x 1 C 85 hil A 81032 4 Spiraea trilobata x 1 C 88 vpl A 88165 4 Spiraea x billardii 'Macrothyrsa' x 1 C 91 esv 94:invasive 83847 4 Spiraea x cinerea 'Grefsheim' x 1 C 97 hil A 97: 1 plant had stayed in C, two others to 274 (83139) 87263 4 Stewartia rostrata (Bjuv shy bloomer) x 1 C 88 fli V */"close to s.sinensis" gift by Karl Flink,( Bean p.513) 90046 1 Ulmus elegantissima 'Jacqueline Hillier' x 1 C 90 pds sucker from HKRD #86319 , _00:status 1 : probably 83702 4 Viburnum farreri 'Candidissimum' x 1 ** C 83 reu C V 85:C+, 90: verified De Langhe_ 07160 4 Viburnum farreri 'Candidissimum' x 3 C 07 pds V layers of 83702 86331 4 Viburnum lantana x 1 C 88 esv ? 83300 4 Viburnum nudum x 1 C 83 hil A 87215 4 Weigela 'Candida' x 1 C 91 vpl ? 94:leggy , 00:lost among ferns at the back of the bed 77322 4 Camellia japonica 'Virgin's Blush' x 1 * D 77 bis B 85:C+, low br.,87:B+, 97:A+,B+, 98:covered with fl 84674 3 Cornus 'Ascona' (florida x nuttallii) x 1 D 87 spi C ? 85:C+, 91/9:recov.well,vig.! 94:possibly stock? __00: 89237 4 Hydrangea arborescens subsp. discolor 'Sterilis' x 1 D 94 spi V 1007: spreading, verified (MS) 89002 4 Magnolia grandiflora x 1 D 88 ddh A Gift from Dominique Duhaut, from sd. fr. Baldacci N 85320 3 Rhododendron 'Anna Baldsiefen' ('Pioneer' slfd) x 1 D 89 ggd B 86:B, 87:A+/B, 92/3:flwrg, 00:never very happy,stat vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 8 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 83573 3 Rhododendron 'Delaware' (pubescens x keiskei) x 1 o D 86 esv B 87:A , leggy plant, 00:never much, down to status 3, 89349 4 Rhododendron glaucophyllum 'Glenarn' x 1 D 98 ggd 060517: end of flwrg, not an easy plant, 74022 4 Rhododendron hippophaeoides 'Inshriach' x 1 * D 85 hil A 87044 4 Rhododendron hippophaeoides 'Inshriach' x 2 D 87 pds A close to 74022, my cttg.#650 from 77076/p6, both pl 92368 4 Rhododendron lapponicum x 4 D 92 pds cttg #1340 =HKR#83202, 00:still 4/8 pl left over, and 77048 4 Rhododendron micranthum x 1 D 85 hil A V 89: verified De Langhe_ 85293 4 Rhododendron 'Phalarope' (pemakoense x davidsonianum) x 1 D 94 ggd C 87:B/C/A+, 050417:flowering well, good survivor… 83176 4 Rhododendron racemosum 'Forrest' (dwarf) x 1 D 83 hil B 74112 4 Rhododendron 'Spinulosum' (spinuliferum x racemosum) x 1 * D 77 hil D (85:D-) (86:C-) (87:A) , 97/3 : nearly dead from a wh 92690 4 Stewartia malacodendron x 1 D 92 pds cttg.#3086 fr.Hkrd, 00:down to status 3, following sp 91001 4 Acer carpinifolium x 1 E 94 pav 00:back to status 4 from 3, 0408: is only healthy carpi 83677 4 Acer griseum x 3 E 85 reu A V 0709: verified 83679 4 Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' x 1 * E 83 reu A Amoenum - green, 00:many dead br., some roting at b 91268 4 Azalea 'Mucronatum Noordtianum' x 4 E 91 pds Cttg 1900 ex-74026 06208 4 Clematis 'Jan Pawell II' x 1 E 07 div u/ Acer griseum 83677 06211 4 Clematis 'Margaret Hunt' x 1 E 07 div u/ Malus transitoria 06209 4 Clematis 'Mrs Cholmondeley' x 1 E 07 div u/ Cornus kousa 'Snowboy' 86257 86257 4 Cornus kousa 'Snowboy' x 1 * E 92 esv A 36, 92:moved to E, 95:happy in that good 08148 4 Danae racemosa x 1 E 08 bul 87007 4 Exochorda racemosa x 1 E 87 pds A PDS:ctg,? 84005 3 Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' x 1 ** E 86 brs A T 93/4:superb flwrg, low, weeping, 00:down to status 3, 85597 4 Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris x 1 E 85 pds D cttg,pl:85, 95:Split of layer 83053 4 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' x 1 * E 85 hil A V 93:wide patch forming, 1009: must be 25 plants by no 00521 4 Hydrangea arborescens subsp. arborescens x 1 E 01 bul V rcvd as H. glabrata, syn. of arborescens, see mail Bale 85598 4 Hydrangea arborescens subsp. radiata x 1 E 85 pds D cttg 87298 4 Hydrangea arborescens x 1 E 87 pds C cttg HKR #275 = KLMT# ?, 1009: not radiata as per i 87280 4 Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' x 1 E 87 dbl V Next to #84748, pot pl. KLMTH, 1007: verified MS 92366 4 Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' x 1 E 95 pds cttg HKRD,ex-KLMTH, 95:recovrd, 84748 4 Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' x 2 E 85 pds B 07:2/3 left 83058 3 Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group x 3 * E 85 hil D 92/4:D, 93:restart, 94:recovering, 00:very floriferous, 80055 4 Hydrangea heteromalla 'Snowcap' x 1 E 88 hil C 85:C, 90:crushed by accident ! 00:dominated by Hale 84625 4 Hydrangea involucrata 'Hortensis' x 2 ** E 84 hil D V 92:3/4 cttgs,died since planting 00527 4 Hydrangea involucrata 'Sterilis' x 1 E 01 bul 00528 4 Hydrangea involucrata 'Viridescens' x 1 E 01 bul 88505 4 Hydrangea involucrata x 4 * E 85 pds D V Cttg 84264, 01: verified De Langhe 83056 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ami Pasquier' x 1 * E 84 hil D 84265 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ami Pasquier' x 4 E 84 esv D V 1007: is not 'Alpenglühen' as per invoice but rather 'A 83166 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' x 1 E 85 hil D V 97:D but recovers well, should be protected … 91267 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' x 1 E 91 pds A V HKRD#3161 : Sybille's Garden 10997 4 Hydrangea macrophylla cv. x 1 E ?? div ? found in E, no further info, upright habit, resembles L 03034 4 Hydrangea macrophylla cv. x 1 E 03 pds ? Sybille's Deep Purple: a cutting from a pot plant at Sy 84268 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Holstein' x 1 E 85 esv D 93: missing, 00:alive and well, 85591 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Madame Emile Mouillère' x 5 E 85 pds D V cttg from 80151,Best white CV. 85590 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Marie Thumas' x 6 E 85 pds D ? cttg from Kalmthout , name from Jelena de Belder, is 92349 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Souven. du President Doumer' x 1 E 92 pds cttg #1593 ex KLMT, 00:missing in E was under Mag 98181 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Therese Bugnet' x 3 E 98 vpl A ? 98:3/5 survive 87277 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Tricolor' x 1 E 86 pds V PDS, 85592 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Veitchii' x 2 E 85 pds D V cttg from Kalmthout, 1011: 1/3 dead but layering 89410 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Veitchii' x 5 E 92 esv V 00:second plant labelled, possibly a layer of original p 85595 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique' x 2 E 85 pds D cttg 86444 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird' x 3 E 86 esv ? V several in a group 83167 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Grayswood' x 4 E 85 hil D V vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 9 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

83573 3 Rhododendron 'Delaware' (pubescens x keiskei) x 1 o D 86 esv B 87:A , leggy plant, 00:never much, down to status 3,<br />

89349 4 Rhododendron glaucophyllum 'Glenarn' x 1<br />

D 98 ggd 060517: end <strong>of</strong> flwrg, not an easy plant,<br />

74022 4 Rhododendron hippophaeoides 'Inshriach' x 1 *<br />

D 85 hil A<br />

87044 4 Rhododendron hippophaeoides 'Inshriach' x 2<br />

D 87 pds A close to 74022, my cttg.#650 from 77076/p6, both pl<br />

92368 4 Rhododendron lapponicum x 4<br />

D 92 pds cttg #1340 =HKR#83202, 00:still 4/8 pl left over, and<br />

77048 4 Rhododendron micranthum x 1<br />

D 85 hil A V 89: verified De Langhe_<br />

85293 4 Rhododendron 'Phalarope' (pemakoense x davidsonianum) x 1 D 94 ggd C 87:B/C/A+, 050417:flowering well, good survivor…<br />

83176 4 Rhododendron racemosum 'Forrest' (dwarf) x 1<br />

D 83 hil B<br />

74112 4 Rhododendron 'Spinulosum' (spinuliferum x racemosum) x 1 * D 77 hil D (85:D-) (86:C-) (87:A) , 97/3 : nearly dead from a wh<br />

92690 4 Stewartia malacodendron x 1<br />

D 92 pds cttg.#3086 fr.Hkrd, 00:down to status 3, following sp<br />

91001 4 Acer carpinifolium x 1<br />

E 94 pav 00:back to status 4 from 3, 0408: is only healthy carpi<br />

83677 4 Acer griseum x 3<br />

E 85 reu A V 0709: verified<br />

83679 4 Acer palmatum 'Osakazuki' x 1 *<br />

E 83 reu A Amoenum - green, 00:many dead br., some roting at b<br />

91268 4 Azalea 'Mucronatum Noordtianum' x 4<br />

E 91 pds Cttg 1900 ex-74026<br />

06208 4 Clematis 'Jan Pawell II' x 1<br />

E 07 div u/ Acer griseum 83677<br />

06211 4 Clematis 'Margaret Hunt' x 1<br />

E 07 div u/ Malus transitoria<br />

06209 4 Clematis 'Mrs Cholmondeley' x 1<br />

E 07 div u/ Cornus kousa 'Snowboy' 86257<br />

86257 4 Cornus kousa 'Snowboy' x 1 *<br />

E 92 esv A 36, 92:moved to E, 95:happy in that good<br />

08148 4 Danae racemosa x 1<br />

E 08 bul<br />

87007 4 Exochorda racemosa x 1<br />

E 87 pds A PDS:ctg,?<br />

84005 3 Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' x 1 **<br />

E 86 brs A T 93/4:superb flwrg, low, weeping, 00:down to status 3,<br />

85597 4 Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris x 1<br />

E 85 pds D cttg,pl:85, 95:Split <strong>of</strong> layer<br />

83053 4 Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' x 1 *<br />

E 85 hil A V 93:wide patch forming, 1009: must be 25 <strong>plants</strong> by no<br />

00521 4 Hydrangea arborescens subsp. arborescens x 1<br />

E 01 bul V rcvd as H. glabrata, syn. <strong>of</strong> arborescens, see mail Bale<br />

85598 4 Hydrangea arborescens subsp. radiata x 1<br />

E 85 pds D cttg<br />

87298 4 Hydrangea arborescens x 1<br />

E 87 pds C cttg HKR #275 = KLMT# ?, 1009: not radiata as per i<br />

87280 4 Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' x 1<br />

E 87 dbl V Next to #84748, pot pl. KLMTH, 1007: verified MS<br />

92366 4 Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' x 1<br />

E 95 pds cttg HKRD,ex-KLMTH, 95:recovrd,<br />

84748 4 Hydrangea aspera 'Macrophylla' x 2<br />

E 85 pds B 07:2/3 left<br />

83058 3 Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group x 3 *<br />

E 85 hil D 92/4:D, 93:restart, 94:recovering, 00:very floriferous,<br />

80055 4 Hydrangea heteromalla 'Snowcap' x 1<br />

E 88 hil C 85:C, 90:crushed by accident ! 00:dominated by Hale<br />

84625 4 Hydrangea involucrata 'Hortensis' x 2 **<br />

E 84 hil D V 92:3/4 cttgs,died since planting<br />

00527 4 Hydrangea involucrata 'Sterilis' x 1<br />

E 01 bul<br />

00528 4 Hydrangea involucrata 'Viridescens' x 1<br />

E 01 bul<br />

88505 4 Hydrangea involucrata x 4 *<br />

E 85 pds D V Cttg 84264, 01: verified De Langhe<br />

83056 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ami Pasquier' x 1 *<br />

E 84 hil D<br />

84265 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ami Pasquier' x 4<br />

E 84 esv D V 1007: is not 'Alpenglühen' as per invoice but rather 'A<br />

83166 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' x 1<br />

E 85 hil D V 97:D but recovers well, should be protected …<br />

91267 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' x 1<br />

E 91 pds A V HKRD#3161 : Sybille's Garden<br />

10997 4 Hydrangea macrophylla cv. x 1<br />

E ?? div ? found in E, no further info, upright habit, resembles L<br />

03034 4 Hydrangea macrophylla cv. x 1<br />

E 03 pds ? Sybille's Deep Purple: a cutting from a pot plant at Sy<br />

84268 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Holstein' x 1<br />

E 85 esv D 93: missing, 00:alive and well,<br />

85591 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Madame Emile Mouillère' x 5 E 85 pds D V cttg from 80151,Best white CV.<br />

85590 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Marie Thumas' x 6<br />

E 85 pds D ? cttg from Kalmthout , name from Jelena de Belder, is<br />

92349 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Souven. du President Doumer' x 1 E 92 pds cttg #1593 ex KLMT, 00:missing in E was under Mag<br />

98181 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Therese Bugnet' x 3<br />

E 98 vpl A ? 98:3/5 survive<br />

87277 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Tricolor' x 1<br />

E 86 pds V PDS,<br />

85592 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Veitchii' x 2<br />

E 85 pds D V cttg from Kalmthout, 1011: 1/3 dead but layering<br />

89410 4 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Veitchii' x 5<br />

E 92 esv V 00:second plant labelled, possibly a layer <strong>of</strong> original p<br />

85595 4 Hydrangea paniculata 'Unique' x 2<br />

E 85 pds D cttg<br />

86444 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Bluebird' x 3<br />

E 86 esv ? V several in a group<br />

83167 4 Hydrangea serrata 'Grayswood' x 4<br />

E 85 hil D V<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 9 <strong>of</strong> 135

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