catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 92382 4 Rhododendron 'Lady Primrose' (campylocarpum x ) x 1 473 92 pds cttg HKRD pl. 89504 4 Rhododendron 'Mary Swaythling' (Gladys Group) x 1 473 94 goo graft fr. HKRD # 77174 80116 4 Rhododendron 'May Day' (haematodes x griersonianum) x 1 * 473 07 hil B (85:B+) (86:A+) (87:A) (91/4:C), 92:1 superb flwr 94231 4 Rhododendron reticulatum x 14 473 94 pds cttg HKR#87112/SPI, 061125:some pl. (forward) star 09131 4 Stewartia (sdlg) x 4 473 09 spo ? 2 klaver interesting autumn colour 92778 3 Tetracentron sinense x 1 473 93 vml 94:dry, more shade ?,_95:very dry gift fr.Bokrijk, 01: 96271 2 Acer longipes x 1 474 01 div V SD, ex Westonbirt Arboretum , 0706: verified De Lan 91016 4 Aesculus + dallimorei (hippocastanum x flava) x 1 474 94 pav ? 0305: only hippocastanum observed 05131 4 Aesculus wilsonii x 1 474 09 div from Chen Yi Nursery, China, wld?, 2000m, Catalog 91671 4 Berberis lempergiana (upright clone) x 1 474 93 waa A ? WAA 060-87, _97:A, 09: A, one of to survivors there 91673 4 Berberis lempergiana x 1 474 93 waa ? WAA 060-87, _97:A 91676 4 Berberis praecipua (KR 690) x 1 474 93 waa C T as B. praecipina, 851-85, ex-... , 97:B-,C+ not hardy h 91677 4 Berberis praecipua (KR 690) x 1 474 93 waa C T as B. praecipina, 851-85, ex-... , 97:B-,C+ not hardy h 88027 4 Berberis sp. (Lijiang, China) x 1 474 94 wld B ? WLD, Lijiang 3300m, from Bill Mullins, on 81167 4 Camellia x williamsii 'Donation' x 1 * 474 91 hil D (85:D)(86:A),(87:A),94:A/superb, 97:B+ good flwrg 01272 4 Cercis griffithii x 1 474 02 bul 1004: hardy plant and flowering, 07064 2 Euonymus fortunei x 1 474 07 wld C cttg. #7771, E. fortunei B&L 12543, cttg. for and fro 95422 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Ostbo Red' x 1 474 95 div 06: found there without data 96283 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Pink Frost' x 1 474 02 div last one of group ex 96220 84620 4 Kalmia latifolia x 1 474 95 hil A 96:dead,but for seedling or root suckeror spont.sdlg ,l 01376 4 Magnolia 'Daphne' ('Miss Honeybee' x 'Gold Crown') x 1 474 01 rut gift from Wim Rutten, first propagation from our plan 92053 4 Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' x 1 474 92 pds cttg.#1307,ex-HKRD #84332 01341 4 Magnolia x brooklynensis 'Yellow Bird' (acumin. x 'Evamaria') x 1 474 02 bul 01254 4 Magnolia x wieseneri (obovata x sieboldii) x 1 474 02 pds cttg 6089 from Hkrd 92247, 08:big vigorous tree, in t 02088 4 Pieris japonica 'Valley Valentine' x 1 474 02 pds cttg #5613 from Hkrd #92267 82357 1 Rhododendron (vernicosum x aberconwayi) x 1 * 474 88 pds D K 85:C, 87:B, 92 recovered,_ 01:good show in that pro 85485 4 Rhododendron argyrophyllum subsp. nankingense 'Chinese Silver' x 474 85 pds A 86398 4 Rhododendron augustinii 'Green Eye' x 1 474 88 esv C ? */96/12:loses it leaves on early frost (-4°C), is not exa 88278 4 Rhododendron barbatum (Boscawen 401) x 1 474 91 wld IDS exch. Nepal, Boscawen,#401 98:surviving misera 07076 4 Rhododendron Ernestine Group (yunnanense x cinnabarinum Roylei Gr 474 07 pds Cttg #7391 from Hkrd # 83197 81251 4 Rhododendron 'Fairy Light' (grieson. x ('Lady Mar' x)) x 1 474 88 spi C (85C-) 92:A+, had been beautiful and unharmed for 89445 4 Rhododendron 'Golden Gate' (dichroanthum scyphoc. x) x 1 474 91 dbl B 97:B,-A+ flwrg well but lost lvs, 0703: damaged by fa 81235 4 Rhododendron 'Iviza Philomene' ('Fabia' x 'Bustar') x 1 474 88 spi C 87:C-,92:4 recovrd, 97:A-, some lower flower buds al 78063 4 Rhododendron 'May Day' (haematodes x griersonianum) x 1 474 88 hil C 91:flwrg., 97:A+ u/protection of pines 89385 2 Rhododendron microgynum (F 14242) x 1 474 95 ggd 97:A no flwr buds, 060502: beautiful flowers but loos 81077 4 Rhododendron nakaharae cv. x 1 474 02 reu C ? 85:C, 87:A+, 91/4:C, 02 naar Verlat, error, an azalea 02075 4 Rhododendron 'Naomi Stella Maris' (clone 2) ('Aurora' x fortunei) 474 02 pds ? cttg #4971 fr. Hkrd #77188 89187 4 Rhododendron schlippenbachii x 3 474 02 pds T sdlg from ARS seed Exch. ? Same lot as 89186, many 08006 4 Rhododendron 'Snow Lady' (leucaspis x ciliatum?) x 1 474 08 pds Cttg #6177 from HKRD #90963 83425 4 Rhododendron 'Trewithen Orange' (cinn.Con. x Full H.) x 1 474 88 ggd ? 74054 4 Rhododendron 'Winsome' (Humming Bird Gr x griersonianum) x 1 * 474 91 hil D (85C) (86:B) (87:C) 92:A, 97:B+ some lv brown, 070 03066 3 Stachyurus himalaicus x 1 474 03 div sd #6425 Chollipo 2001/232, Hort. Chollipo Arb. 060 92775 4 Tetracentron sinense x 1 474 93 vml */gift fr. Bokrijk, 94:1 pl.dry , 97:pl-C did C+ but pla 04334 4 xCuprocyparis leylandii x 65 474 04 div hedge spread over beds 174 to 178, to protect 170's a 02523 4 Acer campbellii (NW Yunnan,China) x 1 475 04 wld */02: gift Maurice Foster, MF 96147, China, NW Yu 91623 4 Acer pectinatum subsp. forrestii x 1 475 91 waa V */977-87? not campbellii, possibly A.pectinatum forr 99086 3 Acer sterculiaceum x 1 475 02 esv V gift from Cor Van Gelderen, sdlgs under their mother 00385 1 Arbutus unedo 'Elfin King' x 1 * 475 02 spi D 030920: in fruit and flower, 051110: spectacularly flo vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 126 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 77304 4 Camellia japonica cv. x 1 475 91 bis D ? not Comte de Gomer as per invoice, not striped !!_85: 95112 1 Clethra delavayi x 1 475 96 pds D */cttg 4218 ex 92187, 96:1/3 dead on moving, 97:A 02513 3 Cunninghamia konishii x 1 475 06 div 020925: gift visit Bonn Bot. Gard. gardeners, 6-98 v. 91679 4 Elaeagnus umbellata var. parvifolia (KR 1192,Bumthang) x 1 475 92 waa V WAA:851,Bhutan Bumthang 3150m, 96/12:with fruit 02361 4 Eucryphia glutinosa x 1 475 03 dev B 03095 4 Euonymus myrianthus x 1 475 03 pds Cttg #6111 Hkr #98292, 0603: lvs curling and yellow 04442 4 Euonymus vagans x 1 475 06 bul 89411 4 Illicium anisatum x 1 * 475 93 esv V resist to -10°c, 90: verified De Langhe, 93:moved to 1 06151 3 Illicium floridanum (white flower) x 1 475 11 bul 00535 4 Illicium floridanum 'Haley's Comet' x 1 475 02 bul B 0503: new leaves slightly frozen 98465 4 Illicium henryi x 1 475 98 div A TMS auction at Pasadena 99/1:alive after -8°C, 0406: 03249 4 Illicium parviflorum x 1 475 09 spi C 070919: first flowering, 0805:top frosted, leggy pl. sh 02366 4 Lindera aggregata x 1 475 04 dev D ? sd probably wild collected in China; 02: not strychnif 96027 4 Lindera chienii x 1 475 96 pds D V Cttg fr. 91708 , 97:A, (B- or deciduous,) had suffered 91707 4 Lindera chienii x 1 475 96 waa A V 060-87 , 97:A passed the -13° January without proble 93156 4 Lindera reflexa x 1 475 93 ddh A V ex B.G. , 97:A+, flwrg, verified De Lan 89492 4 Lindera reflexa x 1 475 03 ddh C gift from Dominique Duhaut , 97:C+, 97/10:defoliate 02325 4 Lyonia lucida x 2 475 04 waa ? V 1006:one shoot surviving winter and flowering, plant 00447 4 Magnolia decidua x 1 475 00 wld V */(Manglietia) my seed intro, propagated by Dick Figl 00546 4 Magnolia denudata x 1 475 02 bul 02084 4 Magnolia 'Hot Lips' (mollicomata x) x 1 475 02 pds mollicomata x sprengeri or x soulangeana?, cttg #473 99145 4 Magnolia laevifolia x 1 475 01 rut */gift Wim Rutten, prop by Luk Dejonghe,seed from 99146 4 Magnolia laevifolia x 1 475 01 rut B */gift Wim Rutten, prop by Luk Dejonghe,seed from 11033 4 Magnolia 'Lanhydrock' (sprengeri 'Diva' sdlg) x 1 475 11 ver graft #9899 by Verhelst of our #00390 I suppose 89091 4 Magnolia 'Mark Jury' (camp.'Lanar' x sarg.rob.) x 1 475 92 waa */97:A, __0012:still not flowered, after 12 years, a bi 02128 4 Osmanthus armatus x 1 475 02 pds cttg #5660 from Hkrd #86314, 060520:bearing large 73002 4 Osmanthus heterophyllus x 1 475 98 vpl C 85:B, 92:C many dead branches, never very stable on 86316 4 Osmanthus x fortunei (fragrans x heterophyllus) x 1 475 91 esv C (87:C),92:A, 95:A, 96:A(-12°c), 97:B only lost half o 02371 4 Osmanthus yunnanensis x 1 475 03 dev cttg, 060417:flowering, 84375 4 Quercus ilex x 1 475 91 esv D 85:D, 97:A but traces of bark split at base, 99:A, 05: 89423 4 Rhamnus imeretina x 1 475 08 esv C V needs shade , too dry …97: verified De langhe_ 04: to 91192 4 Rhododendron ('Madona' x fortunei) x 1 * 475 91 pds K sd . PROP. #..., from ARS-84/1217: cross by August 86060 4 Rhododendron (yakushimanum x lanatum) x 1 * 475 95 ggd A K 87:A , 97:A no flwr buds, 060610:beautiful new shoo 00257 4 Rhododendron aberconwayi x 1 475 00 pds B Cttg #4794 from Hkrd 82001, 0903: B, lost top leaves 89376 4 Rhododendron callimorphum x 1 475 94 ggd var. callimorphum, 97:A,B+ in that good protected lo 78026 4 Rhododendron calostrotum subsp. riparioides x 1 475 78 hil ? sold as cephalanthum crebefolium,. but is clearly cal 85606 4 Rhododendron 'Cilpinense' (ciliatum x moupinense) x 1 475 97 pds B 97:pot plant ,moved to 175 (labelled 77PdS- Bo); 03 03039 4 Rhododendron cinnabarinum subsp. xanthocodon Purpurellum Group x 475 06 pds Cttg #5954 from Hof ter Saksen 904-83-5481 (ex Ros 81155 4 Rhododendron cyanocarpum x 1 475 94 hil C V not good in pot, 89: verified De Langhe, 94:0, 97:B+ 83154 4 Rhododendron 'Elisabeth Lockhart' ('Humming Bird' x ) x 1 475 98 hil A 89:chlorotic, 89321 4 Rhododendron fulvum x 1 475 91 ggd T 97:B, not very healthy, new shoots damaged by sprin 81157 4 Rhododendron 'Golden Horn' (dichroanthum x elliottii) x 1 475 88 hil D (85:C), 86:B-, 87:B-, 93:B-, 97:B lvs brown, most fl 85334 4 Rhododendron 'Goosander' (ludlowii x lutescens) x 1 475 92 ggd B 86:B, 87:B-, 86170 3 Rhododendron hemitrichotum x 1 o 475 06 pds C C 87:A, 92:ok, ARS sd Xch'82, American Rhodo.Soc. 76029 4 Rhododendron keiskei x 1 475 97 hil B 97:moved from pot and green house to pine wood, _0 85199 4 Rhododendron kesangiae (Dochu La,Bhutan,3500m) x 1 475 95 wld B PdS cllctd Dochu La, Bhutan,3500m, 97:A, 0905: har 85197 4 Rhododendron kesangiae (Dochu La,Bhutan,3500m) x 1 475 95 wld A V PdS cllctd Dochu La, Bhutan,3500m, 97:A, verified 91749 4 Rhododendron 'Lee's Scarlet' (caucasicum x) x 1 * 475 98 div B */gift from dear Raymond Timmery, not 'Lee's Dark P 87245 4 Rhododendron lepidostylum x 2 475 95 pds C V cttg HKR#?,PDS#21/7/1983, pl:87 87:move to P,hop 89313 4 Rhododendron mucronulatum (Cheju,Doleshy) x 1 475 98 ggd 99:minuscule in his new location, but flowering reas 02531 4 Rhododendron nakaharae cv. x 1 475 06 div ? 02: found in p6 without label, no data vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 127 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

92382 4 Rhododendron 'Lady Primrose' (campylocarpum x ) x 1 473 92 pds cttg HKRD pl.<br />

89504 4 Rhododendron 'Mary Swaythling' (Gladys Group) x 1 473 94 goo graft fr. HKRD # 77174<br />

80116 4 Rhododendron 'May Day' (haematodes x griersonianum) x 1 * 473 07 hil B (85:B+) (86:A+) (87:A) (91/4:C), 92:1 superb flwr<br />

94231 4 Rhododendron reticulatum x 14<br />

473 94 pds cttg HKR#87112/SPI, 061125:some pl. (forward) star<br />

09131 4 Stewartia (sdlg) x 4<br />

473 09 spo ? 2 klaver interesting autumn colour<br />

92778 3 Tetracentron sinense x 1<br />

473 93 vml 94:dry, more shade ?,_95:very dry gift fr.Bokrijk, 01:<br />

96271 2 Acer longipes x 1<br />

474 01 div V SD, ex Westonbirt <strong>Arboretum</strong> , 0706: verified De Lan<br />

91016 4 Aesculus + dallimorei (hippocastanum x flava) x 1<br />

474 94 pav ? 0305: only hippocastanum observed<br />

05131 4 Aesculus wilsonii x 1<br />

474 09 div from Chen Yi Nursery, China, wld?, 2000m, Catalog<br />

91671 4 Berberis lempergiana (upright clone) x 1<br />

474 93 waa A ? WAA 060-87, _97:A, 09: A, one <strong>of</strong> to survivors there<br />

91673 4 Berberis lempergiana x 1<br />

474 93 waa ? WAA 060-87, _97:A<br />

91676 4 Berberis praecipua (KR 690) x 1<br />

474 93 waa C T as B. praecipina, 851-85, ex-... , 97:B-,C+ not hardy h<br />

91677 4 Berberis praecipua (KR 690) x 1<br />

474 93 waa C T as B. praecipina, 851-85, ex-... , 97:B-,C+ not hardy h<br />

88027 4 Berberis sp. (Lijiang, China) x 1<br />

474 94 wld B ? WLD, Lijiang 3300m, from Bill Mullins, on<br />

81167 4 Camellia x williamsii 'Donation' x 1 *<br />

474 91 hil D (85:D)(86:A),(87:A),94:A/superb, 97:B+ good flwrg<br />

01272 4 Cercis griffithii x 1<br />

474 02 bul 1004: hardy plant and flowering,<br />

07064 2 Euonymus fortunei x 1<br />

474 07 wld C cttg. #7771, E. fortunei B&L 12543, cttg. for and fro<br />

95422 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Ostbo Red' x 1<br />

474 95 div 06: found there without data<br />

96283 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Pink Frost' x 1<br />

474 02 div last one <strong>of</strong> group ex 96220<br />

84620 4 Kalmia latifolia x 1<br />

474 95 hil A 96:dead,but for seedling or root suckeror spont.sdlg ,l<br />

01376 4 Magnolia 'Daphne' ('Miss Honeybee' x 'Gold Crown') x 1 474 01 rut gift from Wim Rutten, first propagation from our plan<br />

92053 4 Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' x 1<br />

474 92 pds cttg.#1307,ex-HKRD #84332<br />

01341 4 Magnolia x brooklynensis 'Yellow Bird' (acumin. x 'Evamaria')<br />

x 1<br />

474 02 bul<br />

01254 4 Magnolia x wieseneri (obovata x sieboldii) x 1<br />

474 02 pds cttg 6089 from Hkrd 92247, 08:big vigorous tree, in t<br />

02088 4 Pieris japonica 'Valley Valentine' x 1<br />

474 02 pds cttg #5613 from Hkrd #92267<br />

82357 1 Rhododendron (vernicosum x aberconwayi) x 1 *<br />

474 88 pds D K 85:C, 87:B, 92 recovered,_ 01:good show in that pro<br />

85485 4 Rhododendron argyrophyllum subsp. nankingense 'Chinese<br />

Silver' x<br />

474 85 pds A<br />

86398 4 Rhododendron augustinii 'Green Eye' x 1<br />

474 88 esv C ? */96/12:loses it leaves on early frost (-4°C), is not exa<br />

88278 4 Rhododendron barbatum (Boscawen 401) x 1<br />

474 91 wld IDS exch. Nepal, Boscawen,#401 98:surviving misera<br />

07076 4 Rhododendron Ernestine Group (yunnanense x cinnabarinum<br />

Roylei Gr<br />

474 07 pds Cttg #7391 from Hkrd # 83197<br />

81251 4 Rhododendron 'Fairy Light' (grieson. x ('Lady Mar' x)) x 1 474 88 spi C (85C-) 92:A+, had been beautiful and unharmed for<br />

89445 4 Rhododendron 'Golden Gate' (dichroanthum scyphoc. x) x 1 474 91 dbl B 97:B,-A+ flwrg well but lost lvs, 0703: damaged by fa<br />

81235 4 Rhododendron 'Iviza Philomene' ('Fabia' x 'Bustar') x 1 474 88 spi C 87:C-,92:4 recovrd, 97:A-, some lower flower buds al<br />

78063 4 Rhododendron 'May Day' (haematodes x griersonianum) x 1 474 88 hil C 91:flwrg., 97:A+ u/protection <strong>of</strong> pines<br />

89385 2 Rhododendron microgynum (F 14242) x 1<br />

474 95 ggd 97:A no flwr buds, 060502: beautiful flowers but loos<br />

81077 4 Rhododendron nakaharae cv. x 1<br />

474 02 reu C ? 85:C, 87:A+, 91/4:C, 02 naar Verlat, error, an azalea<br />

02075 4 Rhododendron 'Naomi Stella Maris' (clone 2) ('Aurora' x<br />

fortunei)<br />

474 02 pds ? cttg #4971 fr. Hkrd #77188<br />

89187 4 Rhododendron schlippenbachii x 3<br />

474 02 pds T sdlg from ARS seed Exch. ? Same lot as 89186, many<br />

08006 4 Rhododendron 'Snow Lady' (leucaspis x ciliatum?) x 1 474 08 pds Cttg #6177 from HKRD #90963<br />

83425 4 Rhododendron 'Trewithen Orange' (cinn.Con. x Full H.) x 1 474 88 ggd ?<br />

74054 4 Rhododendron 'Winsome' (Humming Bird Gr x griersonianum)<br />

x 1 *<br />

474 91 hil D (85C) (86:B) (87:C) 92:A, 97:B+ some lv brown, 070<br />

03066 3 Stachyurus himalaicus x 1<br />

474 03 div sd #6425 Chollipo 2001/232, Hort. Chollipo Arb. 060<br />

92775 4 Tetracentron sinense x 1<br />

474 93 vml */gift fr. Bokrijk, 94:1 pl.dry , 97:pl-C did C+ but pla<br />

04334 4 xCuprocyparis leylandii x 65<br />

474 04 div hedge spread over beds 174 to 178, to protect 170's a<br />

02523 4 Acer campbellii (NW Yunnan,China) x 1<br />

475 04 wld */02: gift Maurice Foster, MF 96147, China, NW Yu<br />

91623 4 Acer pectinatum subsp. forrestii x 1<br />

475 91 waa V */977-87? not campbellii, possibly A.pectinatum forr<br />

99086 3 Acer sterculiaceum x 1<br />

475 02 esv V gift from Cor Van Gelderen, sdlgs under their mother<br />

00385 1 Arbutus unedo 'Elfin King' x 1 *<br />

475 02 spi D 030920: in fruit and flower, 051110: spectacularly flo<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 126 <strong>of</strong> 135

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