catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 89223 4 Acer erianthum x 1 * 4 91 spi 93:ok,should be cleared of grass, 97:ok even in grass, 89221 4 Acer maximowiczianum x 1 4 90 spi syn.nikoense, 061112:slow to grow in that location, g 84711 4 Acer pycnanthum x 1 4 87 spi A V 87:C, bought as erianthum, but probably Ac.rubrum 81276 4 Acer pycnanthum x 1 4 81 spi A V good plant, 991111:never colours here, still green yel AA1164 Amelanchier x 1 4 ?? div A 98093 4 Azalea 'Hatsugiri' (Kurume) x 3 4 98 pds Cttg. fr.HKRD 77239, 04: 1/3 has status 3 86373 4 Azalea 'Josephine Klinger' x 1 4 86 esv ? good autumn colour AA1964 Berberis sp. x 1 4 ?? div ? AA1954 Berberis sp. x 1 4 ?? div ? AA1174 Betula pendula x 1 4 ?? div A 98115 4 Camellia x williamsii 'Donation' x 1 4 98 pds A Cttg #4777 from Hkrd 01085 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Strawberry' x 1 4 02 pds Layer 5755 of Hkrd 98269; 90045 3 Chaenomeles cathayensis x 1 4 90 pds C,F.Miller, gift fr. K.Flink, Bjuv, 91/4:C, 0 84215 4 Cornus kousa 'China Girl' x 1 4 88 esv A 91/9 ok,but curling lvs, 96161 4 Cornus kousa 'Weisse Fontäne' x 1 4 97 waa 96:Gift from Binette (Caroline), 090712: still flwrg, v 00292 4 Disanthus cercidifolius x 1 4 06 pds Cttg from Hkrd 89330 4 Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens x 1 4 05 ggd T 98:flwrg:not deflexus, but a diminutive cernuus Rube AA1154 Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea x 1 4 ?? div A BDB #16436 03259 4 Hydrangea 'Halla San' x 1 4 03 thy V ex Korean origin, via Mallet, 1007: verified MS & so 01318 4 Hydrangea heteromalla f. xanthoneura x 1 4 03 bul 92338 4 Hydrangea macrophylla cv. (white/blue Lace Cap) x 1 4 92 pds ? cttg du 132 Brandt Whitlock , (at grand mother Haas 01325 3 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Nymph' x 1 4 03 bul 08392 2 Hydrangea serrata subsp. yezoensis x 1 4 10 div ? gift Anne Leitner, see mail 081106, 1007: low growin 11101 4 Hydrangea serrata var. thunbergii 'Plena' x 1 4 11 rug gift #9929 from Marc Libert 03260 4 Hydrangea 'Spreading Beauty' x 1 * 4 11 thy V 100718: indeed low spreading plant and excellent CV 84279 4 Kalmia angustifolia 'Rubra' x 1 4 84 esv A 90:misery, 84278 4 Kalmia angustifolia x 1 4 84 esv C 87:suffered frost damage 87322 4 Kalmia angustifolia x 3 4 ?? pds prob.layer from previous pl. 85008 4 Kalmia latifolia 'Nipmuc' x 1 * 4 89 vml A 00:down to status 3, 021215: dead, in that high pH sp 87140 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon' x 1 * 4 87 spi ? one of the very best aut.colour 96:many fruits,not so n AA1134 Liquidambar styraciflua x 1 ** 4 ?? div A BDB #991, 01:growing 1cm /annum 70007 4 Maackia amurensis x 1 * 4 70 vpl A T BDB #7693 96181 4 Magnolia 'Gold Star' ('Miss Honeybee' x stellata 'Rubra') x 1 4 97 rut gift from Rutten, 91712 4 Magnolia grandiflora 'Samuel Sommer' x 1 4 91 waa T 932-88 , 97:B+,99:correct cv says Dick Figlar, 00121 01082 4 Magnolia grandiflora x 1 4 01 pds Cttg f5788 rom Hkrd # 74004 90101 4 Magnolia 'Marjory Gossler' (denud. x sargent.) x 1 4 90 eis C */92/4:D, stock recovery? 02: not stock, cv name is co 04396 1 Magnolia 'Nimbus' (obovata x virginiana) x 1 4 06 rut 060508: seems to start again 97033 4 Magnolia officinalis var. biloba x 1 4 97 pds sd.#4271 fr. 74008 / 26, 97:no bilobed leaves yet,but 90114 4 Magnolia 'Spectrum' (liliifl. x spreng. spreng.) x 1 * 4 90 eis 040405: good display 89391 4 Magnolia 'Star Wars' (campbellii x liliiflora) x 1 * 4 90 rut C T 91/4:D,, graft by Rutten , His gift. should be protected 03093 2 Magnolia virginiana 'Henry Hicks' x 1 4 03 pds Cttg #6104 Hkr #99071, 0604: dead, possibly attacke AA1654 Mahonia aquifolium (hybrid) x 1 4 ?? div H */old plant from Parc de Beek, not very strong, 03: aq 02095 4 Nyssa sinensis 'Jim Russell' x 1 4 02 ver graft #6683 from Hkrd #92007, grafted on N. sylvatic 69008 4 Quercus rubra Aurea Group x 1 ** 4 69 vpl A T BDB #16480, 070420: magnifique! 84781 4 Rhododendron alutaceum aff. x 1 4 84 eve A C 06:not przewalskii as per invoice, probably alutaceum 86014 3 Rhododendron 'Sapphire' (augustinii x impeditum) x 1 4 82 pds B T 87:B,cttg.of 77202, did better in shaded position than 82089 4 Rhododendron yakushimanum x 1 4 82 reu A FCC, 88:missing, ?BXL 80029 4 Rhododendron yakushimanum x 1 4 82 dho A 80030 4 Rhododendron yakushimanum x 1 ** 4 82 dho A Good rounded form 96051 4 Rosa 'Complicata' (gallica) x 1 4 96 vpl not 'Buff Beauty', (early, simple, pink), 04: very vigor 01416 4 Rosa 'Tapis Volant' x 1 4 02 div not 'Buff Beauty'; small fruits, 02: one moved within l 97103 4 Sapium japonicum x 1 4 97 pds sd. fr. Hkrd pl., never very happy, often spring frosted vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 4 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 10233 4 Stachyurus himalaicus x 1 4 10 pds prop #9369, no info 97198 4 Symplocos chinensis var. pilosa (Odae San,S.Korea) x 2 4 97 wld C sd #3282, fr Chollipo SdXch 91/214 Mt Odae 700m, 89433 4 Symplocos paniculata x 1 4 97 esv 98:fruiting,should be in full sun and have a warm su AA1644 Viburnum opulus x 1 4 70 spo 84787 3 Zenobia pulverulenta x 1 4 83 eve ? V (85:C), 89: verified De Langhe_ 04: to status 3 77222 4 Azalea 'Golden Oriole' (Knap Hill) x 1 5 89 hil A 86378 4 Azalea 'Jolie Madame' x 1 5 11 esv ? 11: big move from V 74057 4 Azalea 'Klondyke' (Knap Hill) x 1 5 91 hil A 83667 4 Azalea luteum (sdlg) x 2 5 88 reu A 00256 4 Carya glabra x 1 5 00 pds V Sd. 2165 from Arnold A.,poss hbr from the Carya coll AA1244 Castanea sativa x 1 5 ?? div A BDB #16430, 97:281cm, AA1604 Clethra alnifolia x 4 5 ?? ??? from previous parc de Beek, Flwrs.solitary raceme, er 10057 4 Daphne retusa x 1 5 10 div found in p45 without info, PF says D. tangutica Retus 08111 4 Daphne retusa x 1 5 08 div found in p45 without info, PF says D. tangutica Retus 08110 4 Daphne retusa x 1 5 08 div found in p45 without info, PF says D. tangutica Retus 00604 4 Daphne x burkwoodii 'Variegata' x 1 5 08 dcl gift from Antoon Declercq, 080214: completely defoli 85317 4 Enkianthus campanulatus 'Green Shades' x 1 5 88 ggd A 99:neet little campanulate flowers with pink edge and 68003 4 Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Major' x 1 5 68 vpl A nothing special, could be wrong or rootstock, but is p AA1204 Fraxinus excelsior 'Diversifolia' x 1 5 ?? div A ? could be CV.'Hessii',no lobes ever 07170 4 Magnolia grandiflora 'Kay Parris' x 1 5 10 div gift Carol Gurney via Kevin Hughes; 07133 4 Magnolia obovata ('Lydia' sdlg) x 1 5 07 pds ? sd. #6398, ex sd Polly Hill Arb. upright tree in the "Pl 87241 4 Magnolia 'Royal Crown' (liliiflor.x veitchii) x 1 * 5 88 pds A cttg #0709from HKR#85062, AA1214 Magnolia x soulangeana (Warande North) x 2 5 ?? div A ? old CV from chateau de Beek, the 2 northern most of AA1224 Magnolia x soulangeana (Warande South) x 1 * 5 ?? div A ? old CV from chateau de Beek, the southern most of th 8461D 4 Quercus castaneifolia x 1 5 86 hil A T 0805: processionary caterpillars AA1234 Quercus robur x 1 5 ?? div A BDB #16477, 96:317cm girth, 97:316 cm all Hedera 86106 4 Rhododendron 'Elsie Straver' (campylocarpum x) x 1 5 88 ggd A 95:only few flwrs, in shade, _01:rather leggy plant 81103 4 Rhododendron Lodauric Group (Loderi Gr. x auriculatum) x 1 5 82 hil A 90/2:blown down by storm,staked by Eddy, recovered 10176 4 Rosa moyesii (Foster 0579,Sichuan) x 1 5 10 wld prop #9858, 10175 4 Rosa moyesii (Foster 0580,Sichuan) x 1 5 10 wld prop #9851, 10177 4 Rosa moyesii (Foster 0580A,Sichuan) x 1 5 10 wld prop #9864, 11089 4 Rosa sericea (KC99,Mamize,Sichuan,China,3100m) x 1 5 11 wld sd.#9538, S Sichuan, Mamize Nature Reserve (Leibo) 83617 4 Sciadopitys verticillata x 1 5 91 esv A very unhappy in 27, 08:today the best in that location 83618 4 Sciadopitys verticillata x 1 * 5 87 esv A 08083 4 Taxus wallichiana (Dochu La,Bhutan) x 1 5 08 wld graft #8517 by Verhelst of #85118 74139 4 Azalea 'Balzac' (Knap Hill) x 5 6 74 hil A 77237 4 Azalea 'Betty' (kaempferi) x 1 6 11 hil C 85:C+, pot en A, pl:88, 11: big move from K 76081 4 Azalea 'Homebush' (Knap Hill) x 1 * 6 76 hil A 080522: waaw, extraordinary in flower, almost like a 98118 4 Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' x 1 6 98 pds Cttg # ... from Hkrd 81265 95360 4 Indigofera pseudotinctoria x 1 6 95 waa prune after winter 02142 4 Magnolia campbellii ('Charles Raffill' sdlg OP) x 2 6 02 pds ? sd #5565, open pollinated 96/072, 10: pl-b 0, 80093 4 Prunus 'Ojochin' x 1 6 89 hil A 88:no growth, 89:to p6, 93:recov. 93244 1 Rhododendron albiflorum x 1 6 93 pds sd. fr.ARS'87/209-ROS, unhappy like all other/batch 68011 3 Rhododendron 'America' ('Parsons' Grandiflorum' x) x 1 6 78 vpl A 85A+, 08: heavily pruned 93247 4 Rhododendron atlanticum (hybrid) x 2 o 6 93 wld H sd.ARS:87/317-MCU, must be error can not be from 75008 4 Rhododendron 'Christmas Cheer' (caucasicum) x 1 6 75 hil C ? 85:C-, 95:healthy plant, possibly too light in colour,c 75024 4 Rhododendron 'Loderi Pink Diamond' (fortunei x griffithianum) 6 x 1 75 hil B 85:C+, hardiest of my 'Loderi' , is in good rich soil 76061 3 Rhododendron mucronulatum (Hillier's good form) x 1 ** 6 76 hil A 85:A+, super flwrg every year, 97:super again, 02021 86393 4 Rhododendron nakaharae 'Alexander' x 1 6 86 esv ? 84811 4 Rhododendron recurvoides (KW 7184) x 1 6 88 rsf A 87:A , 00:missing on 6, 06: found in 6 74036 1 Rhododendron schlippenbachii x 1 * 6 74 hil A V 85:A+, lovely plant, flwrs often frosted, 89: verified vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 5 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

10233 4 Stachyurus himalaicus x 1<br />

4 10 pds prop #9369, no info<br />

97198 4 Symplocos chinensis var. pilosa (Odae San,S.Korea) x 2 4 97 wld C sd #3282, fr Chollipo SdXch 91/214 Mt Odae 700m,<br />

89433 4 Symplocos paniculata x 1<br />

4 97 esv 98:fruiting,should be in full sun and have a warm su<br />

AA1644 Viburnum opulus x 1<br />

4 70 spo<br />

84787 3 Zenobia pulverulenta x 1<br />

4 83 eve ? V (85:C), 89: verified De Langhe_ 04: to status 3<br />

77222 4 Azalea 'Golden Oriole' (Knap Hill) x 1<br />

5 89 hil A<br />

86378 4 Azalea 'Jolie Madame' x 1<br />

5 11 esv ? 11: big move from V<br />

74057 4 Azalea 'Klondyke' (Knap Hill) x 1<br />

5 91 hil A<br />

83667 4 Azalea luteum (sdlg) x 2<br />

5 88 reu A<br />

00256 4 Carya glabra x 1<br />

5 00 pds V Sd. 2165 from Arnold A.,poss hbr from the Carya coll<br />

AA1244 Castanea sativa x 1<br />

5 ?? div A BDB #16430, 97:281cm,<br />

AA1604 Clethra alnifolia x 4<br />

5 ?? ??? from previous parc de Beek, Flwrs.solitary raceme, er<br />

10057 4 Daphne retusa x 1<br />

5 10 div found in p45 without info, PF says D. tangutica Retus<br />

08111 4 Daphne retusa x 1<br />

5 08 div found in p45 without info, PF says D. tangutica Retus<br />

08110 4 Daphne retusa x 1<br />

5 08 div found in p45 without info, PF says D. tangutica Retus<br />

00604 4 Daphne x burkwoodii 'Variegata' x 1<br />

5 08 dcl gift from Antoon Declercq, 080214: completely defoli<br />

85317 4 Enkianthus campanulatus 'Green Shades' x 1<br />

5 88 ggd A 99:neet little campanulate flowers with pink edge and<br />

68003 4 Fagus sylvatica 'Purpurea Major' x 1<br />

5 68 vpl A nothing special, could be wrong or rootstock, but is p<br />

AA1204 Fraxinus excelsior 'Diversifolia' x 1<br />

5 ?? div A ? could be CV.'Hessii',no lobes ever<br />

07170 4 Magnolia grandiflora 'Kay Parris' x 1<br />

5 10 div gift Carol Gurney via Kevin Hughes;<br />

07133 4 Magnolia obovata ('Lydia' sdlg) x 1<br />

5 07 pds ? sd. #6398, ex sd Polly Hill Arb. upright tree in the "Pl<br />

87241 4 Magnolia 'Royal Crown' (liliiflor.x veitchii) x 1 *<br />

5 88 pds A cttg #0709from HKR#85062,<br />

AA1214 Magnolia x soulangeana (Warande North) x 2<br />

5 ?? div A ? old CV from chateau de Beek, the 2 northern most <strong>of</strong><br />

AA1224 Magnolia x soulangeana (Warande South) x 1 *<br />

5 ?? div A ? old CV from chateau de Beek, the southern most <strong>of</strong> th<br />

8461D 4 Quercus castaneifolia x 1<br />

5 86 hil A T 0805: processionary caterpillars<br />

AA1234 Quercus robur x 1<br />

5 ?? div A BDB #16477, 96:317cm girth, 97:316 cm all Hedera<br />

86106 4 Rhododendron 'Elsie Straver' (campylocarpum x) x 1<br />

5 88 ggd A 95:only few flwrs, in shade, _01:rather leggy plant<br />

81103 4 Rhododendron Lodauric Group (Loderi Gr. x auriculatum) x 1 5 82 hil A 90/2:blown down by storm,staked by Eddy, recovered<br />

10176 4 Rosa moyesii (Foster 0579,Sichuan) x 1<br />

5 10 wld prop #9858,<br />

10175 4 Rosa moyesii (Foster 0580,Sichuan) x 1<br />

5 10 wld prop #9851,<br />

10177 4 Rosa moyesii (Foster 0580A,Sichuan) x 1<br />

5 10 wld prop #9864,<br />

11089 4 Rosa sericea (KC99,Mamize,Sichuan,China,3100m) x 1 5 11 wld sd.#9538, S Sichuan, Mamize Nature Reserve (Leibo)<br />

83617 4 Sciadopitys verticillata x 1<br />

5 91 esv A very unhappy in 27, 08:today the best in that location<br />

83618 4 Sciadopitys verticillata x 1 *<br />

5 87 esv A<br />

08083 4 Taxus wallichiana (Dochu La,Bhutan) x 1<br />

5 08 wld graft #8517 by Verhelst <strong>of</strong> #85118<br />

74139 4 Azalea 'Balzac' (Knap Hill) x 5<br />

6 74 hil A<br />

77237 4 Azalea 'Betty' (kaempferi) x 1<br />

6 11 hil C 85:C+, pot en A, pl:88, 11: big move from K<br />

76081 4 Azalea 'Homebush' (Knap Hill) x 1 *<br />

6 76 hil A 080522: waaw, extraordinary in flower, almost like a<br />

98118 4 Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' x 1<br />

6 98 pds Cttg # ... from Hkrd 81265<br />

95360 4 Indig<strong>of</strong>era pseudotinctoria x 1<br />

6 95 waa prune after winter<br />

02142 4 Magnolia campbellii ('Charles Raffill' sdlg OP) x 2<br />

6 02 pds ? sd #5565, open pollinated 96/072, 10: pl-b 0,<br />

80093 4 Prunus 'Ojochin' x 1<br />

6 89 hil A 88:no growth, 89:to p6, 93:recov.<br />

93244 1 Rhododendron albiflorum x 1<br />

6 93 pds sd. fr.ARS'87/209-ROS, unhappy like all other/batch<br />

68011 3 Rhododendron 'America' ('Parsons' Grandiflorum' x) x 1 6 78 vpl A 85A+, 08: heavily pruned<br />

93247 4 Rhododendron atlanticum (hybrid) x 2 o<br />

6 93 wld H sd.ARS:87/317-MCU, must be error can not be from<br />

75008 4 Rhododendron 'Christmas Cheer' (caucasicum) x 1<br />

6 75 hil C ? 85:C-, 95:healthy plant, possibly too light in colour,c<br />

75024 4 Rhododendron 'Loderi Pink Diamond' (fortunei x griffithianum) 6<br />

x 1<br />

75 hil B 85:C+, hardiest <strong>of</strong> my 'Loderi' , is in good rich soil<br />

76061 3 Rhododendron mucronulatum (Hillier's good form) x 1 ** 6 76 hil A 85:A+, super flwrg every year, 97:super again, 02021<br />

86393 4 Rhododendron nakaharae 'Alexander' x 1<br />

6 86 esv ?<br />

84811 4 Rhododendron recurvoides (KW 7184) x 1<br />

6 88 rsf A 87:A , 00:missing on 6, 06: found in 6<br />

74036 1 Rhododendron schlippenbachii x 1 *<br />

6 74 hil A V 85:A+, lovely plant, flwrs <strong>of</strong>ten frosted, 89: verified<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 5 <strong>of</strong> 135

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