catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 02108 4 Acer rubrum 'Columnare' x 1 261 03 pav 09: disappointing aut. col., 101029: very disappointin 02109 4 Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' x 1 261 03 pav ='Franksred', leave lower branches; 041122: good aut 86439 3 Celtis australis x 1 261 88 esv C close to Acer opalus,should remain if conflict! 02080 98263 4 Celtis australis x 1 261 99 esv 020806: lvs turn yellow as if they are variegated 01015 4 Celtis tenuifolia (Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio) x 1 261 01 wld syn. occidentalis var. pumila, Holden sd.exch., gift Ja 04008 4 Cercis gigantea x 1 261 04 vpl ? 050412: good flowering, 0604: Vance Hooper says th 04466 4 Crataegus chlorosarca (Kamchatka,300m) x 1 261 08 wld gift Charles Snyers (#2001-00062), from wld. sd. coll 02356 4 Crataegus macracantha x 1 * 261 03 dev 0709: deserves a * for its spectacular fruiting 08020 4 Crataegus phaenopyrum x 1 261 10 pav 83018 1 Crataegus x grignonensis x 1 * 261 85 vpl A */96:covered with fruits,super, 0311: excellent fruit di 08021 4 Crataegus x persimilis 'Prunifolia Splendens' x 1 261 10 pav rcvd as 'Splendens', 'Prunifolia Splendens' in PF 86272 3 Eucommia ulmoides (female) x 1 261 87 esv A 96:cut double head, vigorous pl., 0008:seems stressed 04151 3 Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Purple' x 1 261 06 pav 91758 4 Hovenia dulcis x 1 261 92 pds Sd.#1650 PdS cll. from Morris arb, 91/9:OK, 95:war 04125 4 Nothofagus antarctica x 1 261 04 pav 88095 4 Phellodendron lavallei x 1 261 88 ter ? not chinensis?=Lavallei, Gift from Van Dievoet, Ter 98321 4 Prunus 'Ukon' x 1 261 99 esv 98:very low br.,no leader, pruned to shape, 0311: olde 04101 4 Sorbus commixta x 1 261 04 pav 02290 4 Acer pycnanthum x 1 262 03 waa 03: lost its head, 0807: lvs small, not variegated, thus 86251 4 Cornus controversa x 1 * 262 87 esv ? 95:good pl., well established,_011007:superb aut.col, 08019 4 Crataegus crus-galli x 1 262 10 pav 86279 4 Fagus sylvatica 'Zlatia' x 1 262 87 esv ? ? not yellow enough 76163 4 Fraxinus americana x 1 * 262 85 pds A T sd 1968 ex New York B.G., early but good autumn co 11058 4 Juglans cinerea x 1 262 11 pds sd #8185 from Guy Sternberg from a cultivated speci 80064 4 Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messel' x 1 ** 262 86 hil A V 94:always lovely, 04: and flowers very frost resistant, AA1914 Quercus palustris x 3 262 50 spo probably spontaneous in old Douglas avenue, set free 04118 4 Quercus x hispanica 'Lucombeana' x 1 262 04 pav 10: double head, must be pruned 88119 4 Zelkova serrata 'Goblin' x 1 262 94 esv 05: seems to have reverted to type, in center and top o 76107 4 Zelkova serrata x 1 * 262 84 pds A */sd frm good KLMTH tree , 97:92cm a/1m, 9911:lat 87073 4 Acer platanoides 'Dissectum' x 3 * 263 87 pds A T HKR.sdlg ex-Winkworth, See photo's, 99: Verify : co 91655 4 Fagus lucida x 1 263 94 waa 900-82 04066 4 Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula' x 1 263 04 vpl 0408: rather sparsely leaved, not in perfect health, wa 90009 4 Liriodendron chinense x 1 263 93 dbl T */HKR #1500: sd from Lushan Bot G. received via K 92007 4 Nyssa sinensis 'Jim Russell' x 1 ** 263 92 rus */ex- Fromefield Nursery, 94:vig., 97:pruned top late 99218 4 Photinia villosa (Mt.Hakodate,S.Hokkaido,Japan) x 1 263 00 wld 4353 wld cllct by PdS on Mt.Hakodate, Hokkaido, I 00554 4 Photinia villosa f. maximowicziana x 1 263 02 bul 02: changed 'Maximowicziana' to forma, 051206: inte 89046 4 Photinia villosa x 2 263 89 ddh received from DDH, (from ESV) for deposit in arbor 83122 4 Quercus petraea 'Columna' x 1 263 87 hil A 11098 4 Quercus x warei (bicolor x robur) x 1 263 11 pds BDB trip Illinois, sd. #8084, Petersburg, photos, plan 02519 4 Crataegus songarica (Hindu Kush,Pakistan,2500m) x 1 264 04 wld */02: gift Maurice Foster (MFP 2043) 96277 4 Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhynchophylla x 1 264 97 div V gift from … 96/10:petiole stays on branchlet after foli 84641 4 Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhynchophylla x 1 * 264 87 dbl B V 91/10:good early aut.colour, is the 84DB1 !! 97: verif 83110 4 Fraxinus platypoda x 1 264 87 hil A V grafted,91/4:C ex-Fr.platypoda, 97: verified De Lang 84255 4 Fraxinus sieboldiana (mariesii) x 1 * 264 87 esv A T best in 91/4 frost, Good pl., holds it flowers, dry,into 96033 4 Fraxinus sieboldiana (Mt.Chuwang, Korea) x 1 264 97 wld V Sd.4052 fr.Chollipo, 92/161 480m Chongson gun, K 83109 4 Fraxinus sp. (ornus section) x 1 264 85 hil A ? not F.chinensis rhyncophylla, 0311: had some stock, 96100 4 Prunus padus (Odae San,S.Korea) x 1 264 96 wld sd.#3273 sd Chollipo Arb. 91/165; 02/02/12 leaves a 96112 4 Prunus ssiori (Mt Komagate, S.Hokkaido) x 1 * 264 96 wld sd#4350 from IDS Tour Japan 1992 see IDS report Y 89062 4 Quercus castaneifolia 'Green Spire' x 1 264 89 ddh A gift from DDH which he received from de ZUNDER 04075 4 Quercus petraea x 1 264 04 pav 11: is this pure species? 04099 4 Sorbus commixta x 1 264 04 pav V 0610: verified De Langhe, 101101: particularly good 04086 4 Sorbus folgneri 'Emiel' x 1 264 04 pav V 0610: verified De Langhe, 061117: good beige aut.col vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 102 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 04079 4 Sorbus folgneri 'Lemon Drop' x 1 264 04 pav V 0407: many dead branches, not doing well, 060514: f 04102 4 Sorbus folgneri x 1 264 04 pav V 0407: lost its head in storm, 0610: verified De Langhe 96163 4 Sorbus hemsleyi x 1 264 98 div A Purchased at Magnolia auction, 1996 , 97:A and vigor 10243 4 Sorbus japonica (Honshu,Japan) x 1 * 264 10 wld gift #9885 Maurice Foster, graft I suppose, "Honshu" 10084 2 Sorbus megalocarpa aff. (Coombes 836,Hunan,China) x 1 264 10 wld ? sdlg.#8890, China: Hunan, Allen Coombes 836, Hilli 98329 4 Sorbus x hostii (chamaemespilus x mougeotii) x 1 264 00 esv V 0409: very nice in fruit, 0610: verified De Langhe 89060 4 Acer maximowiczianum x 1 265 89 ddh ? syn.nikoense, 101102:beautiful pink-scarlet colour thi 04035 4 Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold' x 1 265 04 vpl B 1005: new lvs frozen on small plant, 101006: not yet 02365 2 Gleditsia triacanthos 'Elegantissima' x 1 265 03 dev C 1006: status 2, is this hardiness? (C) 04301 4 Maackia chinensis x 1 265 04 div 5741b, origin unknown, could be from Arnold Arb. ?, 84576 4 Malus sargentii x 1 265 84 hil A T 97 : no stock here !! 031113: a lot of stock, removed 99217 4 Malus sargentii x 1 265 00 pds sd from Hkrd 84340 84943 4 Malus sp. x 1 265 ?? ??? ? 96:possibly Hillier pl. 030204: feet in water! 02368 4 Malus yunnanensis x 1 265 03 dev 89007 4 Photinia villosa x 1 265 89 ddh Gift from Dominique Duhaut, 04043 4 Platanus orientalis 'Minaret' x 1 265 04 vpl 1003: massive fruiting 83267 4 Prunus canescens x 1 265 87 hil A 97:die back, ?, 020321: beautiful bark, charming but 83568 4 Prunus 'Kanzan' x 1 265 87 esv A not P.rufa, Possibly 'Spire', 99:determined as 'Kanzan 98320 4 Prunus serrula x 1 265 99 esv 83118 4 Prunus serrulata 'Autumn Glory' x 2 ** 265 87 hil A 991013:superb wine colour, 101017: waaw 03246 3 Prunus tomentosa (Liaoning,China) x 1 265 05 wld */via Niehues, Liaoning, 123° 42°; 0308: pruned the 98323 4 Pseudocydonia sinensis x 1 265 00 esv 030206: buds burst!, some very small lvs with frost d 04028 4 Malus tschonoskii 'Thalys' x 1 266 04 vpl 1010: base damaged 05234 4 Prunus serrula 'Branklyn' x 1 * 266 07 div gift visit Boskoop nursery men, 080924: wonderful ba 04098 4 Sorbus sargentiana x 1 266 10 pav 04097 4 Sorbus sargentiana x 3 266 04 pav let's keep low branches on these 3 plants! 02533 4 Styphnolobium japonicum 'Regent' x 1 266 03 div BDB #25930, 02: source Arbor NV, 0309: removed j 06202 4 Cytisus scoparius x 1 267 06 spo spo under Q. palustris 10244 4 Malus baccata (MFM076,Mongolia) x 1 267 10 wld gift #9884, Maurice Foster, wld, MFM076, N Mongo 83116 4 Malus baccata var. mandschurica x 1 * 267 87 hil A T FCC:1969 02326 3 Malus coronaria 'Charlottae' x 1 267 03 waa 10: stem damaged 98313 4 Malus 'Evereste' x 1 267 99 esv 031106: spectacular with hundreds of attractive apple 83143 4 Malus 'Golden Hornet' x 1 267 87 hil A 020627: apparently some major branches have been r 83115 4 Malus hupehensis x 1 267 84 hil C 031106: good autumn colour 84574 4 Malus hupehensis x 1 267 87 hil C ? 02: calyx too long, too many styles 84706 4 Malus transitoria x 1 267 87 spi C is identical to 84577 83161 4 Malus tschonoskii x 1 267 87 hil A T 020415: lvs not lobed, check later on long branches; 08388 4 Acer pseudoplatanus 'Corstorphinense' x 1 268 10 esv 89035 4 Cornus macrophylla x 1 268 89 ddh A sdlg by DDH,ex-HKRD#74102; 0303: very invasive, 11055 4 Magnolia (acuminata x 'Miss Honeybee') x 1 268 11 ver K graft #9902 by Verhelst of our #98055-B, not very int 03267 4 Magnolia ('Gold Crown' x brooklynensis) x 1 268 05 div K gift John Gallagher (see memo), 2 plants (see #03254) 95001 4 Magnolia ('Woodsman' x 'Lennei' OP) "Wood Len" x 1 268 95 pds H */Sd.#4091, R12-4 Open Pollin. from A.Kehr:for late 07192 4 Magnolia ('Woodsman' x 'Patriot') x 1 268 10 rut K 95014 4 Magnolia 'Anilou' (acuminata x 'Elisabeth') x 1 * 268 95 pds */Sd.#4088, Of 2 seeds by August Kehr, 010509:pl-b 99151 4 Magnolia 'Banana Split' (('Woodsman' x 'Lennei') x 'Elisabeth') x 268 99 pds A selection of 95002 pl -d,A Kehrcross, gigantic first flo 07179 4 Magnolia 'Birgitta Aurora' (cylindrica x 'Woodsman') x 1 268 10 rut 090421: Woodsman crossed with cylindrica gives a p 95416 4 Magnolia 'Butterbowl' ('Yellow Bird' x 'Sundance') x 1 * 268 95 pds Sd.#4080, by A.Kehr, for yellow, 0604: was 95007-G 95399 4 Magnolia 'Daphne' ('Miss Honeybee' x 'Gold Crown') x 1 ** 268 95 pds */ ex 95006-A:Sd.#4081, by A.Kehr, for yellow CVs, 08250 4 Magnolia 'Goldfinch' ('Miss Honeybee' x denudata) x 1 268 10 rut 95401 4 Magnolia 'Green Bee' ('Miss Honeybee' x 'Gold Crown') x 1 ** 268 95 pds ex 95006-A:Sd.#4081, by A.Kehr, for yellow CVs, u 95403 4 Magnolia 'Honey Beth' ('Miss Honeybee' x 'Elisabeth') x 1 * 268 95 pds */Sd.#4089, cross by A.Kehr, second best of 7 seeds vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 103 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

02108 4 Acer rubrum 'Columnare' x 1<br />

261 03 pav 09: disappointing aut. col., 101029: very disappointin<br />

02109 4 Acer rubrum 'Red Sunset' x 1<br />

261 03 pav ='Franksred', leave lower branches; 041122: good aut<br />

86439 3 Celtis australis x 1<br />

261 88 esv C close to Acer opalus,should remain if conflict! 02080<br />

98263 4 Celtis australis x 1<br />

261 99 esv 020806: lvs turn yellow as if they are variegated<br />

01015 4 Celtis tenuifolia (Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio) x 1<br />

261 01 wld syn. occidentalis var. pumila, Holden sd.exch., gift Ja<br />

04008 4 Cercis gigantea x 1<br />

261 04 vpl ? 050412: good flowering, 0604: Vance Hooper says th<br />

04466 4 Crataegus chlorosarca (Kamchatka,300m) x 1<br />

261 08 wld gift Charles Snyers (#2001-00062), from wld. sd. coll<br />

02356 4 Crataegus macracantha x 1 *<br />

261 03 dev 0709: deserves a * for its spectacular fruiting<br />

08020 4 Crataegus phaenopyrum x 1<br />

261 10 pav<br />

83018 1 Crataegus x grignonensis x 1 *<br />

261 85 vpl A */96:covered with fruits,super, 0311: excellent fruit di<br />

08021 4 Crataegus x persimilis 'Prunifolia Splendens' x 1<br />

261 10 pav rcvd as 'Splendens', 'Prunifolia Splendens' in PF<br />

86272 3 Eucommia ulmoides (female) x 1<br />

261 87 esv A 96:cut double head, vigorous pl., 0008:seems stressed<br />

04151 3 Fagus sylvatica 'Dawyck Purple' x 1<br />

261 06 pav<br />

91758 4 Hovenia dulcis x 1<br />

261 92 pds Sd.#1650 PdS cll. from Morris arb, 91/9:OK, 95:war<br />

04125 4 Noth<strong>of</strong>agus antarctica x 1<br />

261 04 pav<br />

88095 4 Phellodendron lavallei x 1<br />

261 88 ter ? not chinensis?=Lavallei, Gift from Van Dievoet, Ter<br />

98321 4 Prunus 'Ukon' x 1<br />

261 99 esv 98:very low br.,no leader, pruned to shape, 0311: olde<br />

04101 4 Sorbus commixta x 1<br />

261 04 pav<br />

02290 4 Acer pycnanthum x 1<br />

262 03 waa 03: lost its head, 0807: lvs small, not variegated, thus<br />

86251 4 Cornus controversa x 1 *<br />

262 87 esv ? 95:good pl., well established,_011007:superb aut.col,<br />

08019 4 Crataegus crus-galli x 1<br />

262 10 pav<br />

86279 4 Fagus sylvatica 'Zlatia' x 1<br />

262 87 esv ? ? not yellow enough<br />

76163 4 Fraxinus americana x 1 *<br />

262 85 pds A T sd 1968 ex New York B.G., early but good autumn co<br />

11058 4 Juglans cinerea x 1<br />

262 11 pds sd #8185 from Guy Sternberg from a cultivated speci<br />

80064 4 Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messel' x 1 **<br />

262 86 hil A V 94:always lovely, 04: and flowers very frost resistant,<br />

AA1914 Quercus palustris x 3<br />

262 50 spo probably spontaneous in old Douglas avenue, set free<br />

04118 4 Quercus x hispanica 'Lucombeana' x 1<br />

262 04 pav 10: double head, must be pruned<br />

88119 4 Zelkova serrata 'Goblin' x 1<br />

262 94 esv 05: seems to have reverted to type, in center and top o<br />

76107 4 Zelkova serrata x 1 *<br />

262 84 pds A */sd frm good KLMTH tree , 97:92cm a/1m, 9911:lat<br />

87073 4 Acer platanoides 'Dissectum' x 3 *<br />

263 87 pds A T HKR.sdlg ex-Winkworth, See photo's, 99: Verify : co<br />

91655 4 Fagus lucida x 1<br />

263 94 waa 900-82<br />

04066 4 Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula' x 1<br />

263 04 vpl 0408: rather sparsely leaved, not in perfect health, wa<br />

90009 4 Liriodendron chinense x 1<br />

263 93 dbl T */HKR #1500: sd from Lushan Bot G. received via K<br />

92007 4 Nyssa sinensis 'Jim Russell' x 1 **<br />

263 92 rus */ex- Fromefield Nursery, 94:vig., 97:pruned top late<br />

99218 4 Photinia villosa (Mt.Hakodate,S.Hokkaido,Japan) x 1 263 00 wld 4353 wld cllct by PdS on Mt.Hakodate, Hokkaido, I<br />

00554 4 Photinia villosa f. maximowicziana x 1<br />

263 02 bul 02: changed 'Maximowicziana' to forma, 051206: inte<br />

89046 4 Photinia villosa x 2<br />

263 89 ddh received from DDH, (from ESV) for deposit in arbor<br />

83122 4 Quercus petraea 'Columna' x 1<br />

263 87 hil A<br />

11098 4 Quercus x warei (bicolor x robur) x 1<br />

263 11 pds BDB trip Illinois, sd. #8084, Petersburg, photos, plan<br />

02519 4 Crataegus songarica (Hindu Kush,Pakistan,2500m) x 1 264 04 wld */02: gift Maurice Foster (MFP 2043)<br />

96277 4 Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhynchophylla x 1<br />

264 97 div V gift from … 96/10:petiole stays on branchlet after foli<br />

84641 4 Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhynchophylla x 1 *<br />

264 87 dbl B V 91/10:good early aut.colour, is the 84DB1 !! 97: verif<br />

83110 4 Fraxinus platypoda x 1<br />

264 87 hil A V grafted,91/4:C ex-Fr.platypoda, 97: verified De Lang<br />

84255 4 Fraxinus sieboldiana (mariesii) x 1 *<br />

264 87 esv A T best in 91/4 frost, Good pl., holds it flowers, dry,into<br />

96033 4 Fraxinus sieboldiana (Mt.Chuwang, Korea) x 1<br />

264 97 wld V Sd.4052 fr.Chollipo, 92/161 480m Chongson gun, K<br />

83109 4 Fraxinus sp. (ornus section) x 1<br />

264 85 hil A ? not F.chinensis rhyncophylla, 0311: had some stock,<br />

96100 4 Prunus padus (Odae San,S.Korea) x 1<br />

264 96 wld sd.#3273 sd Chollipo Arb. 91/165; 02/02/12 leaves a<br />

96112 4 Prunus ssiori (Mt Komagate, S.Hokkaido) x 1 *<br />

264 96 wld sd#4350 from IDS Tour Japan 1992 see IDS report Y<br />

89062 4 Quercus castaneifolia 'Green Spire' x 1<br />

264 89 ddh A gift from DDH which he received from de ZUNDER<br />

04075 4 Quercus petraea x 1<br />

264 04 pav 11: is this pure species?<br />

04099 4 Sorbus commixta x 1<br />

264 04 pav V 0610: verified De Langhe, 101101: particularly good<br />

04086 4 Sorbus folgneri 'Emiel' x 1<br />

264 04 pav V 0610: verified De Langhe, 061117: good beige aut.col<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 102 <strong>of</strong> 135

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