catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar

catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar catalogue of woody plants 2011 - Arboretum Wespelaar
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Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 04320 4 Acer cappadocicum (Georgia) x 1 223 04 wld V sdlg #6615d, Georgia, ?? 09119 4 Acer cappadocicum subsp. sinicum (Foster 0563,Sichuan,China) x 1 223 09 wld prop #9850, gift Maurice Foster, wld, MF#0563, W S 10224 4 Acer cappadocicum subsp. sinicum (SICH2301,Sichuan,China,200m) x 223 10 wld sd. #9292, gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden, #2003.2 97145 4 Acer cappadocicum var. tricaudatum x 1 223 98 esv A V */990910:flwrg out of season, and with good red new 88037 4 Acer miyabei (hybrid) x 1 223 88 pds H my #0029, from tree at Bergius Bot.Garden Stokhol 88216 4 Acer miyabei x 1 223 88 esv V 0705: verified De Langhe, 08: cut to make room 89396 4 Acer monspessulanum subsp. turcomanicum x 1 223 90 esv ? 02289 4 Acer pictum subsp. okamotoanum x 1 223 03 waa V has this combination been made sub pictum?, 061025 97148 4 Acer pictum subsp. okamotoanum x 1 * 223 98 esv V has this combination been made sub pictum?, 990324 08034 4 Acer pictum subsp. pictum (PdS,Soraksan,S.Korea,275m) x 1 223 08 wld V sdlg #5407, Soraksan NP - valley 275 m, Korea, sdlg 86191 4 Acer x coriaceum (monspessulanum x opalus subsp. obtusatum) 223 x 1 88 esv A V */90:slowly settling, shrub, then suddenly in 84467 4 Acer x zoeschense 'Annae' x 1 * 223 86 esv A 90:vigorous but no leader, 020301: removed suckers, 97207 4 Gymnocladus dioicus x 1 223 01 vpl 07: too close to Nyssa and too late to move, wait and 88039 3 Halesia tetraptera var. monticola x 1 223 88 pds my #0201,cttg.of 74107/B, 95:previously bark split,s 00551 4 Nyssa sylvatica 'Wisley Bonfire' x 1 223 02 bul 93041 4 Quercus imbricaria x 1 * 223 94 wld */Sd.WC:MORRIS Arb.:89/034, 96/8:lvs are small (6 02528 4 Quercus shumardii (TN,USA) x 1 223 04 wld V 02: gift Roy Lancaster, Tennessee, Smith Co., Rest ar 84194 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Male) x 1 224 86 esv ? Male pl., 84198 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum var. magnificum (Female) x 1 224 86 esv A Female, 90:very dry 84196 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum var. magnificum (male) x 1 224 86 esv A Male pl., 90:very dry, 9906 status back from 1 to 3, 0 84195 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum x 1 224 86 esv A as var. sinense, 90:very dry, 101029:best colouring of 92393 3 Acer carpinifolium x 3 225 94 waa */95:2 pl. very dry, top cut away , 97/9/25:suffering fr 03089 4 Zelkova carpinifolia x 1 225 03 ddh sdlg #5545b from ddh 95071 3 Alnus hirsuta var. sibirica (Mt Komagatake) x 1 231 96 wld */sd.4350c fr.Mt K.,Hokkaido,Japan,Pacific shore,Mt 99231 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Silver King' x 1 232 00 cec gift Choteau; 030528: completely covered with scale i 11039 4 Styrax obassia (Bakdakjae,S.Korea) x 1 232 11 wld sd. #8651, wld, Chollipo 2005, #143, Bakdakjae, Jec 11066 4 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' x 1 232 11 dev 11: moved from DC37 11035 4 Cotoneaster kerstanii x 1 233 11 pds cttg. #8657, Halle Bot Garden BDB trip may 2005, ve 11065 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Antoine Kort' x 1 233 11 ver prop #7860, graft by Carlos Verhelst of HKRD #8801 03027 4 Ilex aquifolium x 1 234 00 spo spontaneous, in feet of Oak, few years old 03026 4 Ilex aquifolium x 1 234 00 spo spontaneous, in feet of Oak, few years old 11043 4 Sorbus matsumurana x 1 ** 234 11 ver graft #9892 by Carlos Verhelst, from plant in Arboret 05013 4 Diospyros lotus (Mt. Chiri,280m) x 1 235 05 wld sd. #6418, ex sd Chollipo 2001/87, 280m, Mt Chiri, 11061 4 Euonymus carnosus x 1 235 11 pds moved from DC37, #6448 I suppose 02391 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Barmstedt Gold' x 1 235 11 dev 11: moved from DC37 91307 3 Acer caesium subsp. giraldii x 1 236 93 waa V 97:C+ after -13°c this past winter, 02: to status 3, 060 11100 4 Corylopsis sinensis (KC58,Zueryize,Sich,China,2090m) x 1 236 11 wld sd.#9581, S Sichuan, Zueryize, circa 2090m, 28°70', 11062 4 Edgeworthia chrysantha x 1 236 11 div 11: moved from DC37, gift from Marc Libert, RUG, 03245 4 Paulownia elongata (China,800m) x 1 236 05 wld vie Niehues, China, 109° 34°, 800m 11063 4 Sapium japonicum x 1 236 11 pds 11: moved from DC37, from HKRD seed 89147 4 Sorbus alnifolia x 1 * 236 93 waa In between p234, 235 & 236 11064 4 Viburnum x hillieri 'Winton' x 1 236 11 dev 11: moved from DC37 98386 4 Ginkgo biloba x 1 237 00 pav 98387 4 Gymnocladus dioicus x 1 237 00 pav 0707: lost head in strong wind 06152 4 Liquidambar acalycina 'Burgundy Flush' x 1 237 10 bul 00335 4 Liquidambar acalycina x 1 237 00 pav 0111:dark lvs for long,only starting to colour 98310 4 Liquidambar formosana Monticola Group x 1 237 00 esv 98312 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Palo Alto' x 1 237 00 esv 031104: relatively good and late colour, was not spect 08394 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' x 1 237 10 div gift visit Dreisvogt and friends, from nursery man Rei 06145 3 Parrotia persica 'Felicie' x 1 237 08 bul (Bulk selection of DDH seed), 0905: to status 1, frost vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 98 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated) 09031 4 Parrotia persica 'Vanessa' x 1 237 10 bur 91490 4 Quercus 'Pondaim' (pontica x dentata) x 1 * 237 94 waa 98370 4 Sequoiadendron giganteum x 1 237 00 esv 1007: fungus? Botryosphaeria (MS)? 77241 4 Azalea 'Hinomayo' (Kurume) x 2 241 03 hil A 03: moved with 2 layers to 241, was in P since 1977, 04343 3 Azalea 'Hinomayo' (Kurume) x 3 241 09 vpl to fill group in 241, 1008: 3/5 left, drought 77246 4 Azalea 'Kure No Yuki' (Kurume) x 1 * 241 10 hil B 86:B 04272 4 Azalea 'Kure No Yuki' (Kurume) x 13 241 04 pds cttg. 4529 from HKRD 77246 86374 4 Azalea 'Pallas' (Ghent) x 1 241 10 esv ? 83293 4 Azalea 'Pallas' (Ghent) x 6 241 10 hil A 10: mother plant plus 5 layers (layers can also be of # 04304 4 Fagus orientalis (Georgia) x 1 241 04 wld V sdlg 6617, Georgia, 11h 30 : passe entre est et ouest, 91126 4 Fraxinus angustifolia (Lanzhot Forest) x 2 241 94 wld T WLD cllctd sdlgs from Lanzhot Forest Czekoslov. ID 09178 4 Maackia chinensis x 1 241 09 div prop #7912, gift Wim Peeters (via Van Laarhoven, H 04496 4 Malus kansuensis (Kinlin Shan,China,2500m) x 1 241 07 wld 04: gift group of German visitors, Brockmann 09183 4 Sorbus apiculata x 1 241 09 sny gift #8976, Charles Snyers #2003-00097, Maurice Fo 09182 4 Sorbus filipes x 1 241 09 sny gift #8978, Charles Snyers #2003-00108, Maurice Fo 09168 3 Sorbus rosea (SEP 492,Pakistan) x 1 241 09 sny gift #8975 Charles Snyers #1999-00182, Ness Garden 00453 2 Sorbus sargentiana x 1 241 02 esv 020301: cut back to single stem, conspicuous large, re 09177 4 Sorbus thomsonii x 1 241 10 div gift #9883, graft by Maurice Foster, "see website" on 10242 4 Sorbus vilmorinii (Caojian,Yunnan,China) x 1 241 10 wld gift #8979 Charles Snyers #2003-00104, Caojian Ran 09167 4 Sorbus vilmorinii (Caojian,Yunnan,China) x 1 241 09 wld gift #8979 Charles Snyers #2003-00104, Caojian Ran 94022 3 Zanthoxylum simulans x 5 241 94 pds Sd #2527, Origin unknown, 98:pl-d best,away from c 04319 4 Zelkova carpinifolia (Adzametski) x 1 241 04 wld sdlg #6618a, Georgia Adzametski reserve S of Kutaisi 91340 3 Aphananthe aspera x 1 242 02 waa ? very close to Celtis sp. 02: status 3, older bark splits a 05100 4 Callicarpa americana x 5 242 05 pds sd #6392 Polly Hill Arboretum, in the play pen, may 06041 4 Callicarpa dichotoma x 3 242 06 pds sd #6390, sub 'Alba', but not very white and name not 01069 4 Celtis choseniana (Nari Dong,Ullung-Do,200m) x 1 242 01 wld sd 5833 from Sd.Chlp.98/292:ex Ullong do Island, K 92455 4 Celtis jessoensis x 1 242 93 waa 05237 4 Celtis koraiensis x 1 242 10 div C Hulsdonk via Marc Libert, 100427: young shoots froz 10070 4 Celtis laevigata (KC,Illinois,USA) x 1 242 10 wld #8071, BDB trip Illinois, sd. Giant City Trail, wld. 01067 2 Celtis sinensis (Mt Yudal, Korea) x 1 242 01 wld ? sd 5834 from Sd.Chlp.98/293 : wild collected on Mo 02298 3 Corylopsis glabrescens var. gotoana 'Chollipo' x 1 242 03 waa C 0805: to status 2, pruned, frost damage as with many 98296 4 Fagus sylvatica 'Aspleniifolia' x 1 242 99 esv 0606: not 'Laciniata' as per invoice, presence of strap- 94176 4 Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. syriaca x 1 242 94 mal V not Fr. sogdiana, 0509: verified JDL 92596 4 Prunus x goudouinii 'Schnee' (avium x cerasus) x 3 242 93 waa (P.avium x cerasus) 020823: several lvs turn yellow a 04495 4 Pyrus betulifolia (Lichan,Shaanxi,2000m) x 1 242 07 wld 04: gift group of German visitors, Brockmann, 1995 84750 4 Rhododendron 'Morning Cloud' (yakushimanum x 'Springbok') x 1 242 96 reu A 90:Bk.Splt, 0305: spectacular flowering 84729 4 Rhododendron 'Morning Cloud' (yakushimanum x 'Springbok') x 1 * 242 96 spi A 90:Bk.Splt, 0305: spectacular flowering,_060722:ver 03083 4 Rhododendron 'Queen of Hearts' (meddianum x 'Moser's Maroon') x 1 242 03 pds Cttg. #4749 from HKRD#78091 00394 4 Sorbus 'Chinese Lace' x 1 * 242 01 spi V 0610: verified De Langhe, possibly Sorbus aucuparia 06234 4 Sorbus keissleri x 1 242 08 div gift Anne Leitner, from sd. from tree in Kew 02340 4 Sorbus pseudohupehensis x 1 * 242 03 waa V 02: oligodonta syn of S. hupehensis hort. acc. to Jan 00405 4 Sorbus scalaris x 1 * 242 01 spi V */020823: good plant, 020924: both plants (98400) ar 10184 4 Sorbus sp. (Foster 0589,Sichuan) x 1 242 10 wld ? prop #9856, 10071 4 Betula ermanii x 1 243 10 mor sd. #9006, #24 Morris Arboretum, no info in 2006 ma 92452 4 Celtis caucasica x 1 243 93 waa 020827: major branches were rubbing aigainst each ot 02268 4 Fagus grandifolia (Echo Lake,N Conway,NH) x 1 243 02 wld sd #5717f, Echo Lake, N Conway,N H, sdlgs around t 02363 4 Fontanesia phillyreoides x 3 243 10 dev from seed 04104 4 Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Purple' x 1 243 04 pav 04159 3 Platanus orientalis 'Mirkovec' x 1 243 06 pav 09: status 3 maximum, 1006: remains status 3, I do no 04172 4 Quercus stellata x 1 243 06 pav V 0610: removed a lot of stock, beware, 081010: growi vrijdag 11 februari 2011 Page 99 of 135

Num S Name x Quantity, Evaluation Loc D Src H V DATA (truncated)<br />

04320 4 Acer cappadocicum (Georgia) x 1<br />

223 04 wld V sdlg #6615d, Georgia, ??<br />

09119 4 Acer cappadocicum subsp. sinicum (Foster<br />

0563,Sichuan,China) x 1<br />

223 09 wld prop #9850, gift Maurice Foster, wld, MF#0563, W S<br />

10224 4 Acer cappadocicum subsp. sinicum<br />

(SICH2301,Sichuan,China,200m) x<br />

223 10 wld sd. #9292, gift Quarryhill Botanical Garden, #2003.2<br />

97145 4 Acer cappadocicum var. tricaudatum x 1<br />

223 98 esv A V */990910:flwrg out <strong>of</strong> season, and with good red new<br />

88037 4 Acer miyabei (hybrid) x 1<br />

223 88 pds H my #0029, from tree at Bergius Bot.Garden Stokhol<br />

88216 4 Acer miyabei x 1<br />

223 88 esv V 0705: verified De Langhe, 08: cut to make room<br />

89396 4 Acer monspessulanum subsp. turcomanicum x 1<br />

223 90 esv ?<br />

02289 4 Acer pictum subsp. okamotoanum x 1<br />

223 03 waa V has this combination been made sub pictum?, 061025<br />

97148 4 Acer pictum subsp. okamotoanum x 1 *<br />

223 98 esv V has this combination been made sub pictum?, 990324<br />

08034 4 Acer pictum subsp. pictum (PdS,Soraksan,S.Korea,275m) x 1 223 08 wld V sdlg #5407, Soraksan NP - valley 275 m, Korea, sdlg<br />

86191 4 Acer x coriaceum (monspessulanum x opalus subsp. obtusatum) 223<br />

x 1<br />

88 esv A V */90:slowly settling, shrub, then suddenly in<br />

84467 4 Acer x zoeschense 'Annae' x 1 *<br />

223 86 esv A 90:vigorous but no leader, 020301: removed suckers,<br />

97207 4 Gymnocladus dioicus x 1<br />

223 01 vpl 07: too close to Nyssa and too late to move, wait and<br />

88039 3 Halesia tetraptera var. monticola x 1<br />

223 88 pds my #0201,cttg.<strong>of</strong> 74107/B, 95:previously bark split,s<br />

00551 4 Nyssa sylvatica 'Wisley Bonfire' x 1<br />

223 02 bul<br />

93041 4 Quercus imbricaria x 1 *<br />

223 94 wld */Sd.WC:MORRIS Arb.:89/034, 96/8:lvs are small (6<br />

02528 4 Quercus shumardii (TN,USA) x 1<br />

223 04 wld V 02: gift Roy Lancaster, Tennessee, Smith Co., Rest ar<br />

84194 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Male) x 1<br />

224 86 esv ? Male pl.,<br />

84198 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum var. magnificum (Female) x 1 224 86 esv A Female, 90:very dry<br />

84196 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum var. magnificum (male) x 1 224 86 esv A Male pl., 90:very dry, 9906 status back from 1 to 3, 0<br />

84195 4 Cercidiphyllum japonicum x 1<br />

224 86 esv A as var. sinense, 90:very dry, 101029:best colouring <strong>of</strong><br />

92393 3 Acer carpinifolium x 3<br />

225 94 waa */95:2 pl. very dry, top cut away , 97/9/25:suffering fr<br />

03089 4 Zelkova carpinifolia x 1<br />

225 03 ddh sdlg #5545b from ddh<br />

95071 3 Alnus hirsuta var. sibirica (Mt Komagatake) x 1<br />

231 96 wld */sd.4350c fr.Mt K.,Hokkaido,Japan,Pacific shore,Mt<br />

99231 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Silver King' x 1<br />

232 00 cec gift Choteau; 030528: completely covered with scale i<br />

11039 4 Styrax obassia (Bakdakjae,S.Korea) x 1<br />

232 11 wld sd. #8651, wld, Chollipo 2005, #143, Bakdakjae, Jec<br />

11066 4 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Mariesii' x 1<br />

232 11 dev 11: moved from DC37<br />

11035 4 Cotoneaster kerstanii x 1<br />

233 11 pds cttg. #8657, Halle Bot Garden BDB trip may 2005, ve<br />

11065 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Antoine Kort' x 1<br />

233 11 ver prop #7860, graft by Carlos Verhelst <strong>of</strong> HKRD #8801<br />

03027 4 Ilex aquifolium x 1<br />

234 00 spo spontaneous, in feet <strong>of</strong> Oak, few years old<br />

03026 4 Ilex aquifolium x 1<br />

234 00 spo spontaneous, in feet <strong>of</strong> Oak, few years old<br />

11043 4 Sorbus matsumurana x 1 **<br />

234 11 ver graft #9892 by Carlos Verhelst, from plant in Arboret<br />

05013 4 Diospyros lotus (Mt. Chiri,280m) x 1<br />

235 05 wld sd. #6418, ex sd Chollipo 2001/87, 280m, Mt Chiri,<br />

11061 4 Euonymus carnosus x 1<br />

235 11 pds moved from DC37, #6448 I suppose<br />

02391 4 Hamamelis x intermedia 'Barmstedt Gold' x 1<br />

235 11 dev 11: moved from DC37<br />

91307 3 Acer caesium subsp. giraldii x 1<br />

236 93 waa V 97:C+ after -13°c this past winter, 02: to status 3, 060<br />

11100 4 Corylopsis sinensis (KC58,Zueryize,Sich,China,2090m) x 1 236 11 wld sd.#9581, S Sichuan, Zueryize, circa 2090m, 28°70',<br />

11062 4 Edgeworthia chrysantha x 1<br />

236 11 div 11: moved from DC37, gift from Marc Libert, RUG,<br />

03245 4 Paulownia elongata (China,800m) x 1<br />

236 05 wld vie Niehues, China, 109° 34°, 800m<br />

11063 4 Sapium japonicum x 1<br />

236 11 pds 11: moved from DC37, from HKRD seed<br />

89147 4 Sorbus alnifolia x 1 *<br />

236 93 waa In between p234, 235 & 236<br />

11064 4 Viburnum x hillieri 'Winton' x 1<br />

236 11 dev 11: moved from DC37<br />

98386 4 Ginkgo biloba x 1<br />

237 00 pav<br />

98387 4 Gymnocladus dioicus x 1<br />

237 00 pav 0707: lost head in strong wind<br />

06152 4 Liquidambar acalycina 'Burgundy Flush' x 1<br />

237 10 bul<br />

00335 4 Liquidambar acalycina x 1<br />

237 00 pav 0111:dark lvs for long,only starting to colour<br />

98310 4 Liquidambar formosana Monticola Group x 1<br />

237 00 esv<br />

98312 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Palo Alto' x 1<br />

237 00 esv 031104: relatively good and late colour, was not spect<br />

08394 4 Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette' x 1<br />

237 10 div gift visit Dreisvogt and friends, from nursery man Rei<br />

06145 3 Parrotia persica 'Felicie' x 1<br />

237 08 bul (Bulk selection <strong>of</strong> DDH seed), 0905: to status 1, frost<br />

vrijdag 11 februari <strong>2011</strong> Page 98 <strong>of</strong> 135

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