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example, to calculate Discount for specific clients, you can create an input parameter based<br />

on Sales table and return column Revenue with filter set on the Client_ID.<br />

○ For Direct Type input parameter, specify the Semantic Type that describes the use parameter<br />

as a currency or date, for example, to specify the target currency during currency conversion.<br />

c. If required, select a data type.<br />

d. Enter length and scale for the input parameter.<br />

e. Choose OK.<br />

Calculation View<br />

1. In the Output panel, right-click the Input Parameters node.<br />

2. From the context menu, choose New.<br />

a. Enter a name and description.<br />

b. Select the type of input parameter from the dropdown list.<br />

Note:<br />

c. Select a data type.<br />

○ For the Attribute Value type of input parameter, you need to select the attribute from the<br />

dropdown list. At runtime the value for the input parameter is fetched from the selected<br />

attribute's data.<br />

○ For an input parameter of type Derived from Table, you need to select a table and one of it's<br />

column as Return Column whose value is then used as input for the formula calculation. You<br />

can also define conditions to filter the values of Return Column in the Filters panel. For<br />

example, to calculate Discount for specific clients, you can create an input parameter based<br />

on Sales table and return column Revenue with filter set on the Client_ID.<br />

d. Enter length and scale for the input parameter.<br />

e. Choose OK.<br />

6.2.10 Creating Hierarchies<br />

You use this procedure to create hierarchies between attributes to enhance analysis by displaying attributes<br />

according to their defined hierarchical relationships. Hierarchies can exist cross-attributes (that is, Country -<br />

State - City) or within the values of a single attribute (that is, employee manager - employee direct report).<br />

You structure and define relationships between attributes in the attribute view and calculation view using the<br />

following hierarchy types:<br />

● Level Hierarchy<br />

A level hierarchy is rigid in nature, and the root and the child nodes can be accessed only in the defined order.<br />

Level hierarchies consist of one or more levels of aggregation. Attributes roll up into the next higher level in a<br />

many-to-one relationship, and members at this higher level roll up into the next higher level, and so on to the<br />

top level.<br />

<strong>SAP</strong> <strong>HANA</strong> <strong>Developer</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Setting Up the Analytic Model<br />

P U B L I C<br />

© 2012 <strong>SAP</strong> AG. All rights reserved. 127

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