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from different localities from the Schiener Berg in the context of the launching of map sheet Steckborn-Kreuzlingen of the<br />

Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25’000 (Zaugg & Geyer, in prep.) in order to understand the late stage of the tectonic evolution<br />

of the area. Prior to dating, fission track lengths were measured for all apatite samples to confirm their volcanic origin.<br />

Apatites were measured on an electron microprobe to check their composition. The limited time periods of volcanic activity<br />

at the Kaiserstuhl (16-19 Ma, Keller et al. 2002) and the Hegau area (15-7 Ma, Schreiner 1992) in combination of the significant<br />

differences in apatite composition (F-OH apatites from Kaiserstuhl, Cl-OH apatites from the Hegau) provide a basis for a clear<br />

distinction of the origin of the volcanic material.<br />


Bolliger, T. (1998): Age and geographic distribution of the youngest Upper Freshwater Molasse (OSM) of eastern Switzerland.<br />

Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 91, 321-332.<br />

Gubler, T., Meier, M. & Oberli, F. (1992): Bentonites as time markers for sedimentation of the upper freshwater molasses:<br />

Geological observations corroborated by high-resolution single zircon U-Pb ages. SANW annual assembly, Basel, Abstract<br />

volume: 12-13.<br />

Hofmann, F. (1958): Vulkanische Tuffhorizonte in der Oberen Süsswassermolasse des Randen und Reiat. Kanton<br />

Schaffhausen. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 51, 371-377.<br />

Hofmann, F. (1959): Vulkanische Tuffhorizonte der Schienerbergeruptionen auf dem thurgauischen Seerücken. Eclogae<br />

geologicae Helvetiae 52, 462-475.<br />

Hofmann, F. (1961): Vulkanische Aschen in den Helicitenmergeln des baslerischen, aargauischen und badischen Tafeljuras.<br />

Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 54, 133-136.<br />

Hofmann, F. (1975): Vulkanische Tuffe auf dem Wellenberg E von Frauenfeld und neue Funde auf dem thurgauischen<br />

Seerücken. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 68, 311-318.<br />

Hofmann, F., Büchi, U.P., Iberg, R. & Peters, T. (1975): Vorkommen, petrographische, tonmineralogische und technologische<br />

Eigenschaften von Bentoniten im schweizerischen Molassebecken. Beiträge zur Geologie der Schweiz, geotechnische<br />

Serie 54, 51pp.<br />

Kälin, D. (1993): Stratigraphie und Säugetierfaunen der Oberen Süsswassermolasse der Nordwestschweiz. Unpublished PhD<br />

thesis ETH Zürich, 238pp.<br />

Keller, J., Kraml, M. & Henjes-Kunst, F. (2002): 40Ar/39Ar single crystal laser dating of early volcanism in the Upper Rhine<br />

Graben and tectonic implications. Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 82, 121-130.<br />

Pavoni, N. (1958): Neue Bentonitvorkommen in der Zürcher Molasse. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 51, 299-304.<br />

Pavoni, N. & Schindler, K. (1981): Bentonitvorkommen in der Oberen Süsswassermolasse und damit zusammenhängende<br />

Probleme. Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae 74, 53-64.<br />

Rahn, M. & Selbekk, R. (2007): Absolute dating of the youngest sediments of the Swiss Molasse basin by apatite fission track<br />

analysis. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 100, 371-381.<br />

Schreiner, A. (1992): Geologische Karte 1:50 000 von Baden Württemberg - Erläuterungen zu Blatt Hegau und westl.<br />

Bodensee. Geologisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg, Stuttgart: 290p.<br />

Zaugg, A. & Geyer, M. (in prep.): Blatt 1033/1034 Steckborn-Kreuzlingen. Geologischer Atlas der Schweiz 1:25'000, Karte u.<br />

Erläuterungen.<br />

1.<br />

Direct versus indirect thermochronology – what do we trully trace?<br />

Examples and implications for the Central Andes<br />

Ruiz, G.M.H.<br />

To quantify long-term denudation rates, research groups commonly applied low-temperature thermochronometric methods<br />

to rock now exposed at the surface. This approach on bedrocks from the hinterland is sometimes limited since erosion has<br />

often removed the record of earlier stages of orogenic growth. To overcome this shortcoming, researchers have increasingly<br />

studied since 20 years orogenic sedimentary records combining detrital thermochronological analyses with sedimentary<br />

petrography but also modelled detrital age populations from true bedrock catchments.<br />

We propose here to study the denudation history of regions located in the Central Andes of SE Peru. Our approach consists<br />

on analysing present-day erosional products along five different river catchments for the Apatite Fission-Track (AFT) thermochronometer.<br />

Up to four age populations were extracted from the analyses of 100 grains per sample. Age populations<br />

range between 80 and 0.5 Ma with a majority of age populations and grains younger than 10 Ma. These AFT analyses from<br />

Symposium 1: Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics

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