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Symposium 1: Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics<br />

Starting in early Paleogene, and accelerating in early Miocene, deformation is a strong ongoing process throughout the<br />

whole Caucasus. Located since Paleogene in the paleogeographic realm of the Eastern Paratethys, it remains unclear at<br />

which time the Caucasus emerged above sea level. The zone of highest topography is thought to be the zone of fasted uplift.<br />

Uplift may be linked with N-verging backthrusting, possibly over a ramp system at depth as suggested by seismicity. A possible<br />

candidate obove which the major topography develops could be the Main Caucasus Thrust (MCT). The initial Kura basin<br />

is dissected by an accretion prism into the southern Kura basin and the northern Alasani basin. Deep seated southward<br />

migration of the orogenic front, causing the accretion prism, led to the inversion of the Pliocene to Late Pleistocene sediments,<br />

and the transport of the Alasani basin as a piggy back basin towards the south. The northern foreland basin (Terek)<br />

subsided since the early Pliocene more than 4,000 m, and recently exhibits pitted gravels of Early Pliocene age at 1,600m<br />

elevation. It is however, unclear how strain is partitionned between the active front (to the N and the S) and the zone of fastest<br />

uplift, or the MCT.<br />

Figure: Geological map of the Caucasus area<br />

1. 1<br />

Numerical modelling of subduction initiation at passive margins: Critical<br />

effects of continental mantle strength and density<br />

Nikolaeva Ksenia*, Gerya Taras*, Marques Fernando**<br />

*ETH-Zurich, Institute of Geophysics, Schafmattstrasse 30, 8093 Zurich (nikolaeva@erdw.ethz.ch)<br />

**Univ. Lisboa, Edificio C6, Pisco 2, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal<br />

Despite its crucial significance for the plate tectonics theory, subduction initiation remains a largely enigmatic open problem.<br />

It has been showed that at most passive margins elastic and frictional forces exceed gravitational instability and ridgepush<br />

forces, which preclude subduction initiation. From this point of view, the Atlantic Brazilian margin, characterized by<br />

a relatively thin lithosphere, represents a rare case where force balance is favourable for subduction initiation, which is<br />

evidenced by several tectonic/thermal features. In relation to this natural case we studied numerically physical parameters<br />

that control tectonic processes at passive margins characterized by thinned to normal continental lithosphere. The investigated<br />

parameters are thermal age of the oceanic plate, temperature structure (thickness) and density of the continental lithosphere,<br />

and the rheology of crust and mantle. Our experiments show that three different geodynamic regimes can be<br />

discriminated: (1) stable margin, (2) overthrusting and (3) subduction. Both overthrusting and subduction are driven by inherent<br />

gravitational instability of the passive margin due to the strong density contrast between the continental crust and<br />

adjacent oceanic lithosphere. This instability forces continental crust to thrust over the oceanic plate. In the case of over-

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