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38<br />

Symposium 1: Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics<br />


Brown, R.W., Gallagher, K., Gleadow, A.J.W. & Summerfield, M.A. 2000: Morphotectonic evolution of the South Atlantic<br />

margins of Africa and South America. In: Summerfield, M.A. (ed) Geomorphology and Global Tectonics. John Wiley and<br />

Sons Ltd, 255-284.<br />

Brown, R.W., Summerfield, M.A. & Gleadow, A.J.W. 2002: Denudation history along a transect across the Drakensberg<br />

Escarpment of southern Africa derived from apatite fission track thermochronology. Journal of Geophysical Research,<br />

107, doi:10.1029/2001JB000745.<br />

Cockburn, H.A.P., Brown, R.W., Summerfield, M.A. & Seidl, M.A. 2000: Quantifying passive margin denudation and landscape<br />

development using a combined fission-track thermochronometry and cosmogenic isotope analysis approach. Earth and<br />

Planetary Science Letters, 179, 429-435.<br />

King, L.C. 1953: Cannons of landscape evolution. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 64, 721-752.<br />

1.28<br />

2D dynamic retro-deformation of folded multilayers: Application to<br />

Carboniferous turbidites in South-West Portugal<br />

Lechmann Sarah M.*, Schmalholz Stefan M.*, Burg Jean-Pierre* & Marques Fernando O.**<br />

* Geological Institute, ETH Zurich, CH-8092 Zurich (sarahl@student.ethz.ch)<br />

** Universidade Lisboa, P-1749-016 Lisboa<br />

Two-dimensional numerical finite element models of power-law viscous flow are employed to retro-deform folded multilayers.<br />

Our aims are to demonstrate the applicability of dynamic retro-deformation as a tool to appraise an interpreted geological<br />

profile and its mechanical forming processes. The application of this approach to a fold train situated in South-West<br />

Portugal furthermore aims at determining its folding history and the material parameters of the constituting rocks. The<br />

sketched sections are digitized and meshed in MATLAB and then stretched perpendicularly to the fold axes. This produced<br />

the initial geometry for finite element simulation.<br />

A sensitivity study is performed in order to determine model parameters, such as boundary conditions, geometry and viscosity<br />

ratio. Boundary conditions exert little influence on the final retro-deformed geometry, the initial geometry however<br />

does. A lower limit of 25 could be assigned to the viscosity ratio between layer and matrix, above which reasonable results<br />

are achieved when retro-deforming the multilayer stack.<br />

Kinematic models, so-called balanced cross sections, and synthetic forward and reverse models of the respective structures<br />

serve as comparative value. Balanced cross sections aim at the same as dynamic retro-deformation, give however only a minimum<br />

estimate of the amount of compression contained in a structure and allow no evaluation of material parameters.<br />

Synthetic forward and reverse models serve to prove the retro-deformability of a specific structure.<br />

The challenging retro-deformation of one of the prominent structures, a collapsed hinge, present in one of the studied profiles,<br />

led to the reevaluation of the profile, which apparently was mechanically inconsistent. A second field investigation<br />

revealed that one limb of this collapsed hinge includes rupturing and separation of 4.9 m length, which were not included<br />

in the first model. This allowed correction of retro-deformation resulting in excellent fit between modeled and geological<br />

sections. Further possibilities for a successful retro-deformation of the collapsed hinge are a 3D-model and a rheology including<br />

power-law viscous layers.<br />

This work demonstrates that a close link of field work and numerical modeling can give new insights into mechanical processes,<br />

the material parameters of the studied rocks and also improve field based interpretations.

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