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12.1<br />

A 3D geological model of North-East Switzerland, a GIS solution<br />

Jordan Peter*, Schwab Marco*, Schneider Heinz*, Schnellmann Michael**, Weber Hanspeter**, Neaf Henry*** & Alber<br />

Wilfried****<br />

* Böhringer AG, Mühlegasse 10, 4104 Oberwil<br />

** Nagra, Hardstrasse 73, 5430 Wettingen<br />

*** Büro für angewandte Geologie, Vadianstrasse 41a, 9000 St. Gallen<br />

**** Albert Consulting, Altenburgstr. 30, 5430 Wettingen<br />

This paper presents a geological 3D model of northern Switzerland (from Oensingen to Lake Bodan). It consists in a 25m<br />

raster grid corresponding to the DEM25 of the Federal Office of Topography. It is based on an extensive collection of data<br />

about the underground: geological maps, historical isolines maps, borehole data, seismic data and geological profiles were<br />

used to construct the elevation of 4 important geological horizons. The raw data are the basis for the construction of isolines<br />

that were designed from experts in a GIS environment and only them where used as input for interpolation. In order to<br />

model the discontinuities and faults, the construction of isolines and the interpolation were performed in separated segments<br />

and merged in a further step.<br />

This extensive work of transposition of geological data into Isolines originates in the facts that all classical interpolation<br />

methods (IDW, Spline, Kriging) applied on points do not correctly represent the geological pattern expected between hard<br />

data (e.g. boreholes). Geological interpretation and accepted geological concepts have also better been integrated into the<br />

model.<br />

The resulted model represents finally the stage of knowledge about the extent of a geological horizon and incorporates an<br />

“interpolated” summary of numerous source of information about the underground. This opens the door for landuse management<br />

in the vertical dimension, underneath the biosphere.<br />

12.1<br />

Analysing landslide features through scale using the wavelet transform –<br />

Theory and application to the earth flow type landslide of Travers<br />

(Switzerland)<br />

Kalbermatten Michael*, Turberg Pascal**<br />

* Laboratoire de systèmes d’information géographique, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne (michael.<br />

kalbermatten@epfl.ch)<br />

** Laboratoire de géologie de l’ingénieur et de l’environnement, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne<br />

The analysis of specific features of a landslide is often conducted through visual terrain assessment. In recent years, LIDAR<br />

(LIght Detection And Ranging) data acquisition has made it possible to produce high resolution (0.5-2 meters resolution) digital<br />

elevation models (DEM). The visual analysis of high resolution DEMs is a new way used by geologists to characterise<br />

landslide features through the abstraction of scale-dependent features. Thus, the geologist carries out a multiscale analysis<br />

of the high resolution DEM due to the fact that geological features (composing a landslide e.g.) are not visible at one specific<br />

scale, but nested in each other.<br />

The wavelet transform (Mallat, 2000), is a localized frequency analysis (or filter) for image generalization. It is possible to<br />

divide the continuous scale into discrete scale intervals. At each discrete scale level (or generalization level), we can analyse<br />

high frequency structural features and reconstruct these features at high resolution.<br />

We present a case study where we assess the scale dependence on a landslide located near Travers (Val-de-Travers, Canton of<br />

Neuchâtel, Switzerland). A LIDAR survey had been carried out one month after the landslide. Derived from these raw elevation<br />

data points, collected through LIDAR, a DEM was interpolated (1 meter resolution).<br />

The study area was visually and geologically analysed by a geologist. Thereafter the results were compared to the images<br />

obtained by the wavelet transform details coefficients.<br />

311<br />

Symposium 12: Data acquisition, Geo-processing, GIS, digital mapping and 3D visualisation

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