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12.11<br />

Borehole Evapometer measurements: Detection of zones with different<br />

hydraulic conductivities in the Opalinus Clay<br />

Lukas Glur*, Paul Bossart*, Martin Herfort**, Edi Meier*** & Christophe Nussbaum****<br />

* Swisstopo, Route de la Gare 65, CH-2882 St-Ursanne.<br />

** Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate HSK, CH-5253 Villigen-HSK,<br />

*** Edi Meier und Partner AG, Jägerstrasse 2, CH-8406 Winterthur.<br />

**** Institut Géotechnique, Route de la Gare 65, CH-2882 St-Ursanne<br />

The estimation of physical parameters such as hydraulic conductivity or evaporation rate in different structural and lithological<br />

units of the Opalinus Clay is very important for assessing safe radioactive waste disposal. This study was carried out in<br />

the Mont Terri rock laboratory in the framework of the evaporation logging experiment. New equipment, the borehole evapometer,<br />

has been developed by swisstopo in recent years. The borehole evapometer is now ready for in-situ hydraulic testing<br />

in very low permeable formations.<br />

The present aim of this evaporation logging experiment is to detect zones with varying hydraulic conductivities in the<br />

Opalinus Clay, which were measured by HSK and swisstopo. Of particular interest is the comparison between the excavation<br />

damaged zone (EDZ) and undisturbed Opalinus Clay. The measurements were carried out at several depths along three boreholes<br />

cutting through the EDZ.<br />

The borehole evapometer is a tool for estimating the evaporation rate and the hydraulic conductivity in a packed-off borehole<br />

test interval of 1m length. This method uses a constant air flow through the borehole test interval. By measuring differences<br />

in relative humidity and temperature, the evaporation rate and the resulting hydraulic conductivity can be calculated.<br />

The integrated evaporation rate over the whole test section can be obtained, as well as local evaporation rates along<br />

fractures cutting the borehole wall.<br />

Several experimental set-ups and procedures were applied and compared, including variations in duration, frequency, spatial,<br />

temporal and instrumental resolution, air-flow direction, imposed humidity difference, borehole inclination and time of<br />

day. The results were compared with drillcore mappings, high-resolution optical televiewer (DOPTV) and seismic measurements<br />

of the respective boreholes (Yong 2007) and mineralogical analysis of core samples.<br />

The measurements of temperature, humidity as well as the derived evaporation rates and hydraulic conductivities (k) depend<br />

strongly on the experimental procedure and the borehole history. A correlation with the extent of the EDZ and with borehole<br />

depth is visible. The calculated k values range from 10-13 to 10-15 m/s and are comparable to undisturbed Opalinus Clay.<br />

Temperature decreases and absolute humidity increases with borehole depth in all tested boreholes. The method is suitable<br />

for determining small-scale k values in low-permeability formations.<br />


Yong, Salina. 2007. A three-dimensional analysis of excavation-induced perturbations in the Opalinus Clay at the Mont Terri<br />

Rock Laboratory, PhD thesis, ETH Zurich.<br />

30<br />

Symposium 12: Data acquisition, Geo-processing, GIS, digital mapping and 3D visualisation

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