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20<br />

Symposium 1: Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics<br />

1.10<br />

Structural evolution and fission track ages of the Makran accretionary<br />

wedge in SE Iran<br />

Dolati Asghar*, Seward Diane*, Smit Jeroen*, Burg Jean-Pierre*<br />

* Earth Sciences, ETH-Zurich, Leonhardstr. 19, CH-8092 Zurich<br />

(dolati@erdw.ethz.ch)<br />

The Makran Accretionary Prism (MAP) is formed by active convergence between the Eurasian and the Arabian plates. The<br />

oceanic crust of the Arabian plate has subducted to the north under the Eurasian continent, thereby building the MAP. This<br />

wedge is characterized by a shallow subduction angle (500 km, >300 km of which are exposed onshore.<br />

New mapping results and structural sections document the structural development of the accretionary wedge. Shortening<br />

in the internal Makran is accommodated along large E-W trending thrusts, and folds, which are sealed by a giant catastrophic<br />

mud-and-debris flow (11.8 - 5.8 Ma). To the south of inner Makran, sediments younger than middle Miocene are affected<br />

by open synclines with long wavelength (>20 km) and low amplitude alternating with tighter anticlines. Normal faults in<br />

the south of MAP, are further imaged offshore by seismic data. Field observation and seismic data indicate that most of<br />

normal faults cut Plio-Pleistocene sediments.<br />

Low temperature geochronology (apatite and zircon fission track ages) provides new time constraints. Apatite has undergone<br />

partial annealing since sedimentation. However, analysis of the radial plots suggests that cooling began in the late Miocene,<br />

after burial. Zircon fission track ages span 60-180 Ma with no evidence for annealing or resetting. We conclude that the burial<br />

thickness of the MAP as always been shallower than annealing zone (≈210°C).<br />

1.11<br />

Stability of thermal boundary layers for convection in spherical shell:<br />

Application to the dynamics of planetary mantles<br />

Duchoiselle Lionel*, Deschamps Frédéric*, Tackley Paul *<br />

*Institut für Gepophysik, ETH Hönggerberg (HPP) CH-8093 Zürich (duchoiselle@erdw.ethz.ch)<br />

Improving the knowledge of convection into mantle of terrestrial planets required a better understanding of its physical and<br />

chemical state. Recently, with the help of massive computational resources, significant progresses were achieved in the numerical<br />

modeling of planetary mantles convection. Models with a high degree of complexity (including realistic viscosity<br />

laws, mixed mode of heating, spherical geometry, thermo-chemical convection, …) are now available. Among the parameters<br />

that recently became accessible, spherical geometry is a key ingredient because it affects the relative strength of the top and<br />

bottom thermal boundary layers. Despite these progresses, many details of planetary mantles convection remain unclear<br />

and so far, no model of Earth’s mantle convection fits all available geophysical, geochemical, and geological constraints.<br />

Using STAGYY, which solve the usual conservative equations of mass, energy and momentum on a yin-yang grid, we explored<br />

the influence of various parameters on convection in spherical geometry. First, we have performed several numerical<br />

experiments varying important parameters including the Rayleigh number, the curvature (ratio between radius of the core<br />

and the planet one), the mode of heating (only from below or with an internal heating component), rheology (isoviscous or<br />

temperature dependence). In particular, we studied the evolution of the style of convection, average temperature, heat flux<br />

and critical Rayleigh number depending on these parameters. We have then built scaling laws between the parameters and<br />

observables, for instance between the Nusselt and Rayleigh number, and between the temperature and curvature factor. Our<br />

results suggest that extrapolations previously made from Cartesian models may not be valid in spherical geometry. In particular,<br />

the dependence of temperature on curvature differs significantly from that expected by Cartesian scaling laws. In<br />

addition, it also depends on the Rayleigh number. A possible explanation for these discrepancies is the asymmetry between<br />

the top and bottom thermal boundary layers, which may alter their relative stability. The new scaling laws we obtained enable<br />

to reconsider some aspects of thermal evolution and physical states of terrestrial planets like Earth, Mars, Mercury or<br />

some giant planets satellites.

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