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18<br />

Symposium 1: Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics<br />

1.<br />

Models of thermo-chemical convection: what is needed to fit probabilistic<br />

tomography?<br />

Deschamps Frédéric & Tackley Paul J.<br />

Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (deschamps@erdw.ethz.ch)<br />

A growing amount of seismological observations indicate that strong lateral density anomalies, likely due to compositional<br />

anomalies, are present in the deep mantle. We aim to identify models of thermo-chemical convection that can generate<br />

strong thermo-chemical density anomalies in the lower mantle – particularly at its bottom –, and maintain them for a long<br />

period of time. For this, we explore the model space of thermo-chemical convection, determine the thermal and chemical<br />

density distributions predicted by these models, and compare their power spectra against those from probabilistic tomography.<br />

We run 3D-Cartesian numerical experiments using STAG3D, in which we varied compositional (buoyancy ratio, fraction<br />

of dense material), physical (Clapeyron slope of the phase change at 660 km, internal heating), and viscosity (thermal, radial,<br />

and compositional viscosity contrasts) parameters, and identified five important ingredients for a successful (in the sense<br />

that it fits seismological observations well) model of thermo-chemical convection. (1) A reasonable buoyancy ratio, between<br />

0.15 and 0.25 (corresponding to chemical density contrasts in the range 60-100 kg/m 3 ). Larger density contrasts induce stable<br />

layering for long period of time, rather than the strong topography required by seismic observations. (2) A moderate (typically<br />

in the range 0.1-10), chemical viscosity contrast. Small chemical viscosity contrasts induce rapid mixing, whereas large<br />

chemical viscosity contrasts lead to stable layering. (3) A large (≥ 10 4 ), thermal viscosity contrast. Temperarure-dependent<br />

viscosity creates and maintains pools of dense material with large topography at the bottom of the mantle. (4) A 660-km<br />

viscosity contrast around 30. (5) And a Clapeyron slope of the phase transition at 660-km around 1.5-3.0 MPa/K. These two last<br />

ingredients help to maintain dense material in the lower mantle. Interestingly, they strongly inhibit thermal plumes, but<br />

still allow the penetration of downwellings in the lower mantle. Finally, we test models that include various combinations<br />

of the previous ingredients. The power spectra of these models are in excellent agreement with those from probabilistic tomography<br />

except for the spectra of chemical anomalies in the layer located right below the 660-km boundary. This discrepancy<br />

might be related to the stacking of slabs at these depths. Because our treatment of the chemical field does not specifically<br />

account for the compositional differences between the descending slabs and the regular mantle, our models cannot<br />

reproduce the chemical signal due to the slab stacking. This will be fixed in future works, which will also include calculations<br />

in spherical geometry and the effects of the post-perovskite phase transition.<br />

1.8<br />

Direct numerical simulation of two-phase flow: homogenization and<br />

collective behaviour in suspensions<br />

Deubelbeiss Yolanda*,**, Kaus Boris J.P.**,***, Connolly James*<br />

*Institute for Mineralogy and Petrology, ETH Zurich, Clausiusstr. 25, CH-8092 Zurich (yolanda.deubelbeiss@erdw.ethz.ch)<br />

**Institute for Geophysics, ETH Zurich, Schafmattstr. 30, CH-8093 Zurich<br />

***Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, 3651 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089-740, USA.<br />

Melt transport mechanism has received much attention recently, since melting and melt migration play dominant roles in<br />

heat, composition and mass budget of the Earth. Whereas many aspects of melt migration processes are well known the<br />

physics of the processes remain a matter of discussion.<br />

Melt migration and partial melting processes are generally solved by coupling solid and fluid flow. The theory of compaction-driven<br />

two-phase flow is based on macroscopic models considering the motion of a low-viscosity fluid moving through<br />

a high-viscosity, permeable and deformable matrix (e.g. McKenzie 1984). Previous work concerning modeling of two-phase<br />

flow has been performed by different authors. Nevertheless, models commonly are solved by neglecting and simplifying<br />

parts of the whole complex dynamical system such as the mechanical deformation of the solid, melting processes or the<br />

porosity treatment of the rock. Therefore many numerical codes use very simplified models. However, by reducing the number<br />

of unknowns and assumptions it is possible to study the dynamics of partially molten systems.

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