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Fall - Auburn University Repository

Fall - Auburn University Repository


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E. D. DONNELLY, Plant Breeder<br />

E. M. CLARK, Associae Botan i<br />

ABlit XING li( l1l1-Sihilttii-ilig eCttli 5 a<br />

Iii(tX, that \xl proIn good~ viCeIsof<br />

fol 1 1, andit ee<br />

tCi s bahiX liCtldtl.<br />

illiCt these retjtiI Cillilits. I hiss CXCI these<br />

chllacteristics tio exist \XXitli ii thie fi Ililv<br />

or' gelios. I1fII tlesireCd trait tloit Sit OICcu<br />

r ill a speieis, oftC1 I it cll Ible fil] I<br />

ill anI othe<br />

I o f the sa~ile aem1ils. If tile<br />

two (I pCCics tall beC crosd i5 thtien tilt tdesirale<br />

ChaactritIstics of tile two 0iiiiglit<br />

Ie viC l1111ineI in to o1ne X iitS . Tius 11a1<br />

IICCII tile sttil Xo(f Xvetchl lllCedl) 1 researchl<br />

till.<br />

Le-gumer scetl Xvan 141 jtlX iii size. Se\-<br />

eral Xvetchi species fladX Cag 1s1eedXC, ( 1 iX-<br />

1114 ditIll t ccI Li ii advX il tages as pasturIe<br />

ipLilits, sIitl its gireater sCetiIilla g i 41)1<br />

.\lo st X(,tell) speie grCow1nIX I ill Alabama111<br />

p di e low1tCIIX seedtiX eltds btcauseC of discase<br />

and i5Cset s. Si illC produc i (ro1411d<br />

seedt X Ild bu Ilit mahke sCed ovXer ai 1o(11y<br />

resttti. 'Fie( sptties dhiffer glatix ill percCiita1t<br />

iif halrd seed mIid ili XX ilter ihardi-<br />

Species Crossed<br />

Sfiwic 195t ninerolts attem~pts has C<br />

Ittli III (to c tIcross X\etch ispecies. EII-<br />

phIias is XXas plieetf 0 oSil 114sin h ,IId seed<br />

spcies XXith lntlnlslltterig species.<br />

01l ICspcies 11 X 1 brid wiXXas (lita1iteI ill<br />

1958 coinlillI Cttli (V. siitita) 75 Ila.r-<br />

IoXXleaf \(,tell (V. (iwigIstif 01)0). st-t ifltistrlatiiili<br />

Elis biiid o ffeirs Osiliiitie-s<br />

fill tielo 1 )ii 1 4 aC~tI11 ii i lee '(,nnshatterilir<br />

14. X CCXii resistan t X .ritX, Thfie felliailt<br />

parentit (1), AI. 1894, is a XX bite HloXX-<br />

II edl liliC o)f tcommn Xvettb that is rela-<br />

CIXk Ilol-siI tterllg and)1 produc1Ies good<br />

tics (If forage alldt seed ill Albamla.<br />

HoweveCX r it hia's it lowX prcl~tl ta gt of hard1(<br />

Slit 1 . TheC itiile par-el t (2), I iarroXI ti<br />

fias pil-plt. flos s 15ailt is lowX ill 51141)1<br />

111111 slatteil 111 andit Ii ti lre IIIilifi l Ii .<br />

cal \cttli sImitte the fuir sci.<br />

Results<br />

The i~es ofCCIC I pirllie 1 )igliiCet ill the<br />

CIII1i4secdtlilqrs dlistingu4iishedt tile its<br />

brid iii! p ilt elitl', r lSefp I<br />

Parents, and first- and second-generation<br />

plants, of a vetch species cross. One parent<br />

(1), Vicia sativao produces good seed<br />

and fcrage yields but little hard seed. The<br />

male parent 12), V. angustifolic, is small<br />

but produces hard seed. Hybrids (3) were<br />

vigorous and averaged 39%o hard seed,<br />

Much variation was found among the second-generation<br />

plants (4 and 5), but some<br />

were vigorous and produced a high percentage<br />

of hard seed.<br />

'111c two pareni t~ts difter ili 110 llio'sille<br />

nI 1111r (tile strulcti II S tha ,t carIX tb C<br />

14eiies ) AXs a resu~lt, tile hirst-4cI eration<br />

CI sss XXe 93% steilet. Ill tle next<br />

14111 ittiiiii 1 1% of tile lailts weret li1iii<br />

hI ctik'.<br />

AIa. I1894 ( femal pd arenlt ) hiad pi at.<br />

121275 (iialt parenit) dX (Ti 0141( ilhoit<br />

that \a dl rol 11 19 to 60"7 hard( stttd<br />

iiitl aIX i i1ed 839. 'h iiis, first- 1clicI atilli<br />

tXX CCI the two parenit ts wXithi (spect to<br />

har 11( 1ct Iti ts. SteCd of Secid11-clicra1 -<br />

Setoi itel-(iiratio )i plani~ts \alied toill<br />

sidierail~l ill plalt t\TC; vSyr ca4Ol iiiiiiss<br />

of llatlilrits Shiape, size, and Colori of'<br />

1)101 a11( sizt and1( color of' Seed l .11(<br />

flower C. ThereXXC~ Swlilt Xom \i14Ioils sccolitl-aeClit1.tioll<br />

jplailts that pr oduiced a<br />

high per-ei itage (if hard steed.<br />

Thes (S rese-Icl) lCslts proXvidet cXi<br />

d iil iii g th a p r( 1 liC tivc S Ilo 1 1)1 t s ll" , I lV .<br />

1-1--,. - __ I !<br />

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