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SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library


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MAY 18, I960<br />

Playing the Cards<br />


losing<br />

In one of our articles in a<br />

recent issue of the Bridge World<br />

Magazine we stressed the point<br />

that if you double a close contract<br />

you often give declarer just<br />

the information he needs to make<br />

the hand. Further proof of that<br />

fact comes with this hand from<br />

H. W. K. Hale of Montreal.<br />

NORTH<br />

* 10 8<br />

* S 5 3<br />

* J 10 4<br />

+ A K J 10 S<br />

WEST<br />

EAST<br />

* K J 4 * 9 7 6 5 3 2<br />

V A 10 / »74<br />

!<br />

* K S 5 3 2 • 9 6<br />

* Q 9 3 * 6 5<br />

SOUTH<br />

• A q<br />

' K Q J H<br />

• A Q7<br />

• 7 4 2<br />

Mr. Hale sat South. His partner<br />

opened with a club and the bidding<br />

proceeded to six hearts<br />

without opposition, at which po-nt<br />

West doubled. (Look at a'l tint<br />

hands and see what you can do<br />

with it!)<br />

West opened the ace of heart?<br />

and ctffittauM with the ten, South<br />

winning. A small club was led to<br />

the king (a safety play to avoid<br />

1 diamonds and West tha eight the discard pile or not. You com-<br />

spot. Now on the lead o( the plete your turn by discarding.,<br />

club eiyht, the queen of diamonds The minimum meld may be at-<br />

was discarded from South and tained by more thfijn one group<br />

West was squeezed. If he threw of cards, provided ftll are put<br />

yie king of diamonds dummy's down at one turn to meld. Need-<br />

ten would become high, so he let ing 50 and holding<br />

to a singrletcn queen), an- the jack of spades go. Then the Q Q J 10 9 8 8 i 7 6 5<br />

other round of hearts wn played, ten of spades was led and Mr. you can take the discard pile if<br />

taking East's last trump, then a Hale went right up with the ace, right opponent throw* a queen.<br />

small club was led and dummy's dropping the king and giving him First put dowp your' pair of<br />

ten spot finessed ^successfully. his twelfth trick with the good queens, then the three 8's, then<br />

Now, realizing from the double queen of spades.<br />

add the queen from the top of the<br />

that the diamond and spade fi- The idea in caching the ace of discard pile, making 60 points.<br />

nesses would probably fail, Hale diamonds early was to prevent Then pick up the bijanee ol the<br />

decided the way to make the its blocking the diamond suit discard pile, add tfcem to the<br />

hand was to squeeze West; so at<br />

when the clubs were run, and to cards in JMur hand, me!d ii you<br />

the sixth trick he led the jack of<br />

allow Hale to discard the queen want to, then discard.<br />

diamonds ( hoping, but not ex-<br />

and seven of diamonds on the<br />

long clubs without squeezing his<br />

pecting, that East held the king<br />

State University<br />

own hand. Very neat.<br />

of diamonds and would cover),<br />


and when East followed small<br />

To Expand Its<br />

the ace of diamonds was played— In a recent column we made<br />

the Vienna coup—setting up the references to using the top card P. E. Program<br />

king in West's hand. Next the<br />

of the discard pile for the purpose<br />

last two hearts weTe pleyed and<br />

of putting down the initial meld, Determined to balance physical<br />

a club was led to dummy's ace.<br />

and apparently there is wide- fitness with mental and spiritual<br />

spread confusion over the rule in development, Rutgers University<br />

dropping West's queen, and the<br />

question. We have had several is looking to next fall when more<br />

picture was:<br />

letters on this, each writer stat- than 75 per cent of the under-<br />

* 10<br />

ing that it was his or her undergraduates in the men's colleges<br />

v -<br />

standing that you can't take the here will be participating in some<br />

* 10<br />

discard pile even with two cards form of organised physical exer-<br />

* J 8<br />

matching the upeard, until alter cise.<br />

* K J * 9 7 6 5 you have melded—in other words, Approximately 1,300 freshmen<br />

* - that you can't use the upcard for and sophomore students will be<br />

any part of your initial meld.<br />

taking required physical educa-<br />

* - The rules' of canasta haven't tion coureea while an equal num-<br />

become standardized as yet, butber<br />

will participate in either in-<br />

* .<br />

on this point all the sets of rules ter-collegiate or intramural ath-<br />

• Q7<br />

we've seen agree. You can take letics-, according to George B. Lit-<br />

+ -<br />

the discard pile with two matchtle, director of athletics and<br />

'The jack of clubs was cashed, ing cards so long as you can physical education at The State<br />

declarer throwing the seven of immediately put down the re- University.<br />

quired minimum meld, and you<br />

Snlnlion To Last Weolt'i Puzzle can use the top card of the dis-<br />

The addition of required educacard<br />

pile (i.e., the upcard) to<br />

tion to the sophomore curriculum<br />

C1U)5|P<br />

help you make the minimum ia the latest step in Director Lit-<br />

meld, but you can't use any other tle's post-war program of bal-<br />

card in the discard pile to make anced development.<br />

up the minimum meld. Needing He and Assistant Director Har-<br />

50 and holding<br />

ry J, Rockafeller would like to see<br />

physical education carried<br />

AAKQJ 10 98866<br />

through all four years, but avail-<br />

you can take the pile if your<br />

able space, equipment and super-<br />

right opponent is kind enough to<br />

dicard an ace. Proper procedure<br />

visors restrict that goal at pres-<br />

requires you to first lay your pair<br />

ent.<br />

of aces face up on the table, then "The fundamental objective of !<br />

after the opponents have had a physical education is to build '<br />

chance to see them, lift the up- character—to arrive at a desired<br />

card (the discarded ace) from the balance among physical, mental<br />

discard pile and add it to your and spiritual development," cays<br />

pair of aces, thus melding 60 Little. •<br />

points. Allow the opposition to "When you achieve maximum<br />

verify that you have melded the participation in physical educa-<br />

required minimum, then pick up tion you raise the entire student |<br />

the rest of the discard pile, and morale. While we naturally want j<br />

add it to your hand. Then you to build the best varsity teams<br />

can meld any other cards you possible here at Rutgers, we also<br />

care to, whether they came from want the remainder of the student<br />

body to take part Jii some athletics."<br />

Weekly Crossword Puzzle<br />


1—Surround 5T—Division<br />

6—Ceylon of a calyx<br />

moss 59—Bird of<br />

10—Hindu robe peace<br />

* 14—Racehorse 60—Humming-<br />

19—Choicest bird<br />

part 61—Correlative<br />

20—Yawn<br />

of those<br />

21—Ardor 64—Mexican<br />

22—Century- shawls<br />

plant 64—Destiny<br />

23—A type of 65—Breathes<br />

goose 67—Heart<br />

24—The birds 68—Properties<br />

25—Clothe 70—Past<br />

26—Hertdiary 71—Dish of<br />

factors mixed<br />

2T—Make<br />

herbs<br />

choice 72—Celestial<br />

28—Identical body<br />

So—Wrath 73—Two-<br />

32—Model seated<br />

34—Individual "bicycles<br />

35—Sicilian 77—Auricular.<br />

seaport 78—Kind of<br />

37—-Worship short<br />

39—Most flushed pike<br />

41—Mohamme* 83—Land<br />

dan name measure<br />

42—Offer 84—Putin<br />

44—Affirm anew<br />

45—Stir<br />

lining<br />

48—Hag 86—Item<br />

49—Make 87—Female<br />

lace<br />

deer<br />

edging 88—Persian<br />

51—Heavy coin<br />

sword 90—Oriental<br />

55—Piece of guitar<br />

baked 91—Trans-<br />

clay<br />

actions<br />

56—Summit 92—Nap<br />

23<br />

27<br />

35<br />

4K<br />

55<br />

6O<br />

65<br />

7?<br />

&<br />

92<br />

\Oi<br />

ii2<br />

126<br />

lio<br />

2<br />

y //A<br />

46<br />

y //A<br />

74<br />

Io4<br />

5<br />

f/ //A<br />

47<br />

V// IO<br />

75<br />

4<br />

7//, 84<br />

89<br />

IS<br />

i 119<br />

(A<br />

nr<br />

%<br />

— '<br />

'///,<br />

f<br />

b<br />

10<br />

24<br />

m 4»<br />

ifr<br />

w<br />

\O6<br />

1!2o"<br />

izf<br />

W •HP<br />

93—Apportion<br />

95—Encountered<br />

96—Waxed<br />

97—Sent by<br />

telegraph<br />

98—Not many<br />

100—Ripens<br />

102^Pallifl<br />

103—Profligate<br />

107—Become<br />

grave<br />

108—Unimaginative<br />

112—Wing<br />

113—English<br />

public<br />

school<br />

115—Protruberance<br />

116—Small<br />

amount<br />

117—Japanese<br />

sash<br />

118—Reckoned<br />

time<br />

120—Valley<br />

122—So be it<br />

124—Harbinger<br />

of spfiiif<br />

126—Adult<br />

insect<br />

127—Always<br />

128—Defy<br />

129—Wear<br />

away<br />

130—Melodies<br />

131—Shades of<br />

a primary<br />

color<br />

132—Paradise<br />

133—Restrain<br />

/<br />

4Z<br />

'////<br />

8S<br />

ioo<br />

i<br />

• 1 "<br />

71<br />

TT<br />

iof<br />

I 121<br />

9<br />

w<br />

62 v//><br />

U<br />

'%&<br />

fir<br />

——<br />

— •<br />

m ii<br />

'///<br />

I I<br />

1—Broom<br />

2—Abscond<br />

3—Becomes<br />

obstructed<br />

with<br />

sediment<br />

4—Greek<br />

letter<br />

5-—Capable o(<br />

extension<br />

6—Tropical<br />

lizard<br />

7—Donated<br />

8—Imitate<br />

9—Inherent<br />

10—Stern<br />

11—Malt liquor<br />

12—Foolhardy<br />

13—Bury<br />

14—Chinese<br />

temples<br />

15—Grow old<br />

16—Type of<br />

river cralt<br />

17—Makes<br />

smooth<br />

18—Set again<br />

29—Keelbilled<br />

cuckoo<br />

31—Flower<br />

33—Thing, -<br />

in law<br />

36—Account<br />

37—Ascended<br />

38—Penetrated<br />

40—A pair<br />

42—Squeeze<br />

43—Polynesian<br />

cloth<br />

45—Principal<br />

actor<br />

IO<br />

il<br />

m<br />

91<br />

IS<br />

J32<br />

1<br />

78 '/A<br />

86<br />

I 123<br />

••IIIW<br />

I<br />

m44<br />

v//<<br />

m<br />

'//A<br />

116<br />

— '<br />


46—Bee's<br />

dwelling<br />

85—News<br />

paragraph<br />

47—Woe is me<br />

48—AlgonMan<br />

86—Peeler<br />

89—Story<br />

Indian<br />

50—Bandage<br />

52—Lock<br />

53—Cry of<br />

Bacchanals<br />

54—Steeps,<br />

as Sax<br />

56—Yellow<br />

pigments'<br />

under<br />

a roof<br />

91—Evening<br />

song<br />

92—Take<br />

dinner<br />

94—Shipworms<br />

96—Third<br />

57—Glacial<br />

ice<br />

58—Instructions<br />

61—Large<br />

power<br />

97—Irrigated<br />

89—Damp<br />

101—Looms<br />

102—Humor<br />

feline<br />

62—Compact<br />

103—Watercourse<br />

63—Dwarf<br />

66—Cushion<br />

67—Provide<br />

69—Emmet<br />

71—Musical<br />

composi-<br />

beds<br />

104—Cottonwood<br />

105—Lucifer<br />

106—Adorer<br />

108—Fabric<br />

tions<br />

73—Capital of<br />

woven<br />

from<br />

ancient<br />

Ireland<br />

74—Seed<br />

covering<br />

. flax<br />

109—Automaton<br />

110—Dwell<br />

75—Man's- 111—Passenger<br />

name<br />

76—Thin<br />

T8—Shoe<br />

bottoms<br />

19—Mottled<br />

80—Aroma<br />

81—Percolate<br />

82—Necessitate<br />

ship<br />

114—Hub of<br />

a. wheel<br />

116—Simple<br />

119—Incite<br />

121—Guided<br />

123—Insane<br />

125^-Native<br />

metal<br />

\i<br />

6&<br />

y//<<br />

79<br />

1<br />

^/A<br />

'//ft<br />

it<br />

44<br />

m<br />

'///(<br />

w LI<br />

y<br />

'///<<br />

'///,<br />

1124<br />

129<br />

S<br />

40<br />

%<br />

y//f<br />

•<br />

\b<br />

ffi<br />

W<br />

(A-<br />

80<br />

117<br />

17<br />

Y //A<br />

bi<br />

'///<<br />

81<br />

i<br />

''///<<br />

8Z<br />

Thus it ia that sophomores now<br />

will join the freshmen in supervised<br />

physical education. The<br />

freshman year, according to Joseph<br />

B. Makin, associate professor<br />

of physical education, who directs<br />

this phase of the program, will<br />

consist of a graded course, including<br />

the fundamentals of<br />

sports skills. The sophomore year<br />

will be devoted primarily to instruction<br />

and participation in<br />

;eem games.<br />

In his report of intramural<br />

sports last year, Rockafeller revealed<br />

that presently over 50 per<br />

cent of the students get some kind<br />

of supervised physical workouts.<br />

And that doesn't take into consideration<br />

students on inter-colegiate<br />

varsity and freshmen<br />

squads, or who play euch individual<br />

games as golf, tennis and<br />

handball that are carried over<br />

ttg after graduation.<br />

Most popular of the intramural<br />

sports is basketball, followed by<br />

softbail, touch, football, swimming,<br />

track, wrestling and cross country<br />

in that order.<br />

Eleven leagues, composed of 74<br />

teams and 740 players participated<br />

i basketball contests, Rockafeller'fi<br />

report showed. There were<br />

seven leagues, 50 teams and 600<br />

participants in Softball; nine<br />

leagues, 36 teams and «2 participants<br />

in touch football; 19 team<br />

entries and 228 participants in<br />

swimming; 13 teams and 156 contestants<br />

in track; 75 wrestlers,<br />

and 16 team entries with 74 participants<br />

in cross country running.<br />

A total of these players—Z305—<br />

deceptive inasmuch as there<br />

were many duplications. The 70S<br />

students that competed for intercollegiate<br />

athletics also includes<br />

duplications.<br />

However, ea analysis of the<br />

undergraduates participating In<br />

some form of physical exercise<br />

shows well over 50 per cent representation.<br />

Little and Rockafeller believe<br />

they are just beginning to see<br />

tbeir program materialize. They<br />

recognized the value of physical<br />

education particularly during the<br />

war years when tour years of supervised<br />

exercise were required of<br />

all students.<br />

Little sums the program up by j<br />

explaining that "when we give<br />

students the proper physical and<br />

mental balance the result will be<br />

the type of character and personality<br />

that will enrich life within<br />

our democracy."<br />

"Three Came Home" Is<br />

Attraction at Proctor's<br />

Claudette Colbert stars in<br />

"Three Came Home", current attraction<br />

at RKO Proctor's Theatre,<br />

Newark. Twentieth Century-<br />

Fox's drama tells Agxws Newton<br />

Keith's true, story of life under<br />

Japanese rule during the war. It<br />

tells of women who defied all terror,<br />

and the personal experience<br />

of one woman as she lived it and<br />

survived it Patrdc Knowles, Florence<br />

Desmond and Sessue Hayakawa<br />

have featured roles.<br />

"Lucky Losers," with Leo Gorcey,<br />

Huntz Hall and the Bowery<br />

Boys, is the co-feature.<br />

52nd ANNIVERSARY<br />

We're celebratmg<br />

FAMOUS MAKE Reg.<br />

Anderson Porcelain Top_$309.50<br />

Anderson Chrome Top 349.50<br />

Caloric 149.50<br />

Caloric 233,25<br />

Dixie<br />

Dixie<br />

Estate<br />

Estate<br />

Magic Chef<br />

Magic Chef<br />

entire 52 y<br />

teed. Friendly tredit term, ,•,„•.„„„„> , „<br />

y«rar convenience. ' - ~<br />

119.50<br />

142.50<br />

199.50<br />

229.50<br />

139.50<br />

129.50<br />

162.25<br />

SALE<br />

PRICE<br />

$239.50<br />

269.50<br />

114.50<br />

179.50<br />

89.50<br />

103.50<br />

144.50<br />

169.50<br />

99.50<br />

97.50<br />

124.50<br />

SINKS<br />


Magic Chef<br />

Magic Chef<br />

Norge<br />

Norge<br />

Norge<br />

Roper<br />

Roper<br />


SALE<br />

Reg- PRICE<br />

$255.25_$189.50<br />

167.25_ 124.50<br />

109.95_<br />

179.95_<br />

159.95_<br />

207.50_<br />

256.00_<br />

84.50_<br />

199.50_<br />

269.50_<br />

125.00—<br />

SALE<br />


42" Deluxe YouBg6town_$125.95_$ 84.75 48" Sink & Tub<br />

42" Sink & Tub Youagrtown $184.95_$147.5O<br />

Youngstown 115.50_ 92.00 54" Deluxe Youngstown_ 174,95_ 139.50<br />

66" Deluxe Young6town_|217.95_$l 74.50<br />


Frigidaire<br />

Frigidaire .<br />


Hotpoint Automatic _<br />

Maytag Automatic<br />

Frigidaire Automatic<br />

Maytag<br />

Maytag<br />

Maytag<br />


Ironrite<br />


Hotpoint 6 cu. ft.<br />

Hotpoint 6 cu. ft._<br />

Hotpoint 8 cu. ft.<br />

Hotpoint 8 cu. ft.<br />

Hotpoint 8 cu. ft._<br />

Hotpoint 8 cu. ft_<br />


Hotpoint<br />

Frostmaster<br />


Admiral<br />

Admiral<br />

BeneKx<br />

General Electric<br />


SALE<br />

Rag. PRICE<br />

-J349.75_$274.5O<br />

- 399.75_ 304.50<br />


Hotpoint (G. E.)<br />

Hotpoint (G. E.)<br />


SALE<br />


$299.95_$234.50 Easy<br />

279.95_ 224.50 Easy<br />

299.95— 234.50 Easy<br />

134.95— 108.50 Easy<br />

154.95— 123.50<br />

189.95— 149.50<br />


SALE<br />

Reg. PRICE<br />

-$219.95—$174.50<br />


Ironrite<br />


SALS<br />

Reg. PRICE<br />

1194.75— $149.50<br />

189.75— 149.50<br />

229.75— 179.50<br />

279.75— 209.50<br />

309.75— 234.50<br />

359.75— 279.50<br />

Norge 8 cu. ft<br />


Hotpoint 10 cu. ft.<br />

Hotpoint 10 cu. ft<br />

Hotpoint 10 cu. ft<br />

Frigidaire 9 cu. ft<br />

Frigidaire 10 cu. ft<br />

Frigidaire 11 cu. it—<br />

_$339.95_ 249.50<br />


SALE<br />

Reg. PRICE<br />

4319.00—$244.50<br />

- 159.95_ 129.50<br />

SALE<br />

Reg. PRICE<br />

_$169.95—$ 69.50<br />

. 339.95— 169.50<br />

_ 249.95— 169.50<br />

199.95— 159.50<br />

TELEVfSfON<br />


Frigidaire<br />

Frigidaire<br />


General Electric<br />

Raytheon<br />

Raytheon<br />

RCA<br />

299. S0_ M9.30<br />

J5129.96—frlflSJO<br />

. 149.98— 1-99.10<br />

. 169.9S— I**,*)<br />

. 199.95—<br />

SALE<br />

Rf- PRICE<br />

-$219.95—$174.50<br />

SALE<br />

Reg. PRICE<br />

-$299.75— $224.50<br />

_ 399.75— 304.50<br />

- 449.75— 339.50<br />

- 329.75_ 249.50<br />

_ 349.75— 259.50<br />

_ 309.75— 239.50<br />

SALE<br />

Reg. PRICE<br />

_$219.75_$159.50<br />

. 329.75— 247.50<br />

SALE<br />

Reg. PRICE<br />

4229.95—$169.50<br />

. 199.50— 139.50<br />

_ 249.95_ 169.50<br />

- 795.00— 545.00<br />

You can always buy with confidence at Birkenmeier's,<br />

the "House that was Built on Service". After 52 years<br />

of courteous and painstaking service to Mr. & Mrs.<br />

<strong>Public</strong>, we are justly proud of our reputation for fair<br />

and square dealings. It's a reputation we intend to<br />

keep. Every item guaranteed. Not one cent for delivery.<br />

We invite you to come in and browse around<br />

for yourself.<br />

1091.315 SPRINGFIELD AYE.. IRYIN6T0N ^jTeJephone ESser 3-6611<br />


RANGES<br />


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