SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library


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MAY 18, 1950<br />

A Sense of Hope<br />

Is Imperative for<br />

Cerebral Palsied<br />

(First in a series of<br />

three articles)<br />

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Cerebral<br />

PaJsy, a condition which results<br />

from faulty development or<br />

damage to parts of the brain<br />

which govern control of the<br />

muscles, is one of America's<br />

major cripplers. Current interest<br />

in the problem has been inspired<br />

by recently - formed parents'<br />

groups which seek to combat<br />

cerebral palsy. The following<br />

article is reprinted from the<br />

Cerebral Pa^sy League-of New<br />

Jersey NEWS. It was written<br />

by Leonard Harris, M.D., medical<br />

director of the Treatment<br />

Center of the Cerebral Palsy<br />

League of New Jersey-Essex<br />

County.)<br />

I think you will agree with roe<br />

that hope is man's most priceless<br />

possession. A man needs hope in<br />

ordor to tolerate his miseries and<br />

to enjoy his good fortune. The man<br />

• wiio lacks hope either in misery or<br />

In good fortune is the poorest man<br />

ilive.<br />

The recent surge of nation-wi<br />

interest in Cerebral Palsy and the<br />

organization o£ the United Cerebral<br />

Palsy Association establishes<br />

this sense of hope in the hearts of<br />

the parents, physicians, therapists<br />

ilid eventually in the children<br />

themselves, which in the long run<br />

ii our final aim. Hope is a reflection<br />

of constructive feelings and<br />

attitudes. A child feels personally<br />

hopeful when, as a result of good<br />

human relations, he acquires an<br />

inner certainty about his real<br />

strength and real "weakness. His<br />

hope is augmented by successful<br />

* experiences in selecting and working<br />

towards realistic goals. This,<br />

very broadly, is the overall aim of<br />

any rehabilitation program.<br />

Cerebral Palsy, more than most<br />

medical disorders is a problem in<br />

the relationship of the individual<br />

to society. The basis of any program<br />

is the promotion of an<br />

essentially normal relationship<br />

among the children while meeting;<br />

their many individual training requirements.<br />

The concept of a community<br />

of children learning self<br />

help and mutual assistance, developing<br />

social sense and receiving<br />

at the same time education and the<br />

various types of training they so<br />

badly need, must be primary in any<br />

movement to aid the cerebral palsied<br />

child. -<br />

We have only just begun to<br />

scratch the surface of the potentialities<br />

for handling the cerebral<br />

palsy problem. The parent of a<br />

cerebral palsied child wants that<br />

child to be happy and wants to be<br />

happy with him. The parent must<br />

know what the child -will never be<br />

able to do and what are the possibilities<br />

for each child. Any treatment<br />

p^gram must have, immediate<br />

objectives. Progress will be<br />

in stages, not in jumps. When the<br />

immediate goal is reached, success<br />

is shared by the child and the<br />

parent. VThe parent needs success<br />

as well as the child. k<br />

In the past, parents of cerebral<br />

palsied children were generally advised<br />

to put their children away<br />

in institutions for custodial care,<br />

to be more or less forgotten. Even<br />

today, owing to the lack of proper<br />

training, adequate facilities, and<br />

dissemination of information regarding<br />

cerebral palsy, institutions<br />

for the feeble-minded house many<br />

individuals of normal intelligence,<br />

who because of their motor and<br />

sensory handicaps 1 are thought to<br />

be below normal in intelligence.<br />

tn keeping with medical progress<br />

on all fronts, increasing interest<br />

and experience in cerebral<br />

palsy have made available new<br />

data for more accurate diagnosis<br />

..ind treatment in this field. Each<br />

time that a treatment center is<br />

Mtablished we increase the opportunity<br />

for study and development<br />

of techniques for assisting cerebral<br />

palsied children to make as normal<br />

an adjustment as possible. We<br />

arc also inviting and stimulating<br />

the interest ' of professionals to<br />

train in and explore the field of<br />

cerebral palsy.<br />

Rehabilitation is possible in more<br />

than 75 pet cent of the affected individuals.<br />

Cerebral palsied patients<br />

can be taught to overcome their<br />

handicaps through education and<br />

various techniques - of therapy.<br />

Marked improvements are possible<br />

to the point of enabling them to<br />

function as useful members of society.<br />

Despite their disabilities,<br />

those afflicted can be rehabilitated<br />

BO that they can perform the functions<br />

of average human beings.<br />

Through the use of physio,<br />

therapy, occupational therapy,<br />

speech training, general medical<br />

care, psychological guidance, education,<br />

surgery, braces and certain<br />

drugs, hopelessness has been replaced<br />

with hope as parents watch<br />

their children improve. Without<br />

such treatment and training the<br />

cerebral palsied in the past have<br />

remained helpless bodies removed<br />

from the world.<br />

Thft parent* of these children<br />

need help u well as the patients.<br />

No family should be charged with<br />

the full responsibility of a cerebral<br />

palsied child. Every person in the<br />

community as a whole should share<br />

In this task. There is an ever increasing<br />

case-load of cerebral chilto<br />

Increase available facilities.<br />

Iron was once a rare and pr«ciaut<br />

ntetal, and one of the earllett<br />

known iron relies *ae jewelry—iron<br />

beato found in an Esyptita<br />

tomb dating back to +. 000<br />

Designs Original Pieces of Furniture<br />

In seme of the nation's leading<br />

department stores may be ft>und<br />

original pieces of furniture designed<br />

by a resident of Millburo,<br />

Seth Ben-Ari, Although Ben-Ari<br />

has been producing furniture for<br />

only a .short time, some department<br />

store buyers are reported<br />

as saying that his original rank<br />

with the best they have seen.<br />

Ben-Ari is in an unusual position<br />

among designers. He is<br />

owner of a gmall plant on Highway<br />

29, Scotch Plains, which produces<br />

furniture of his own design,<br />

This combination of producerdesigner<br />

is unique. Most designers<br />

are employed by large<br />

concerns, but few own their own<br />

work shops.<br />

"It gives the designer a chance<br />

to supervise his creation from'<br />

design to finished product," Ben-<br />

Ari says.<br />

Ben-Ari was born in Russia<br />

where'he attended universities in<br />

Moscow acid Odessa. He ,left<br />

his native land in the early lSWs,<br />

first going to South America, then j<br />

to Hollywood where he was employed<br />

as a set designer. A number<br />

of his stage designs were<br />

seen in the early Cecil De Mille<br />

productions.<br />

Later he turned to interior<br />

home design, office and store<br />

design. Among other things, his<br />

work included designs for an exhibit<br />

at the World's Fair and the<br />

Koos Brothers' store, Rahway.<br />

It was while he was designing<br />

interiors that he became particularly<br />

interested in furniture, aod<br />

the possibility of not only designing<br />

it, but also of operating a<br />

small plant which would produce<br />

his designs.<br />

While working on interiors,<br />

etn-Ari often found it necessary<br />

to create special pieces of furniture,<br />

which then had to be produced<br />

by a cabinet maker.<br />

"In the case of period furniture,"<br />

he says, "this was due to<br />

the fact that the required design<br />

could not be found in the proper<br />


size or correct finish. And as for<br />

modern design, it was necessary<br />

to design my own or be faced with<br />

a very limited selection."<br />

A fow years ago he accomplished<br />

the ideal of many designers by<br />

opening his own shop where he<br />

could not only design as he wished,<br />

but control the workmanship of<br />

the finished product.<br />

The small, modernistic plant on<br />

Highway 29 now emplosy 10<br />

craftsmen. Much of the work is<br />

done by hand and it may take<br />

severed weeks before a single<br />

piece ia completed.<br />

"But," says BEM Ari, "I am<br />

interested only in quality—not<br />

quantity."<br />

"Design," says Ben-Ari, "is imagination,"<br />

although he points out<br />

that it is usually based on something<br />

which is already in existence.<br />

As an example, the basic<br />

design for his latest piece of furniture<br />

was inspired by the heel of a<br />

Victorian slipper.<br />

Using the curve of the heel as<br />

a foundation, he built up the<br />

basic design which is now used<br />

for his breakfronts, dressers and<br />

Get On This Brand<br />

Wagon For Friendly<br />

Fuel Oil Service!<br />

Mobilhear<br />


Sign Up Now and Relax.<br />

You'll get automatic deliveries a]l<br />

winter long—with no reordering.<br />

Have us check burner,too,mafce<br />

any necessary adjustments or repairs.<br />

Don't wait for an emergency.<br />

Call us right away for<br />

clean-burning Mobilheat and our<br />

complete fuel oil service.<br />

PHONE<br />

CHcrtham 4-6800<br />



Chatham, New Jersey<br />

Delivery Terminals Located At CHATHAM—EAST RUTHERFORD—<br />


Convenience<br />

of Parking...<br />

On premises parking is<br />

provided for those visiting<br />

either our Newark or<br />

Springfield establishment.<br />

Each parking area has an<br />

entrance from, two streets.<br />



415 Morris Avs., Springfield, N. J. !60 Clinton Ave.<br />

(Near Short Hiils Avt.) Newark 5, N. J.<br />

Mftlburn6-«SJ BIgelow 3-2123<br />

(Amfit parting en prcmim)<br />


small chests. The design is a combination<br />

of gently rounded curves<br />

and massive squares. The design,<br />

J incidentally, is patented.<br />

Some of the first pieces of this<br />

design were bought by Jack<br />

Warner of motion picture fame,<br />

and by Raymond Lo'wey, industrial<br />

designer.<br />

Astronomy<br />

(Continued from Pȣe s;<br />

pole of earth, but no one now living<br />

will ever know any other pole<br />

star than the one which right now<br />

shines within one degree of the<br />

true north—about two moons'<br />

widths away from it. Actually,<br />

photographs of the region near<br />

Polaris show about 200 very faint<br />

stars which are nearer to the polar<br />

point than is Polaris.<br />

The name of thia odd motion of<br />

the earth—the Precession of the<br />

Equinoxes—was given to it because<br />

it resulted in moving the Equinoxes,<br />

which are the points and<br />

the times at which the Sun crosses<br />

the extension of the earth's equator<br />

and our days and nights are equal,<br />

nearer together. In other words,<br />

the period of time between two<br />

successive equinoxes is made<br />

shorter by this motion than it<br />

would be if there were no such<br />

eccentricity of the earth. The<br />

equinoxes are pushed ahead, which<br />

is what precession means.<br />

No matter what the vegetable,<br />

it will taste better the sooner it<br />

is cooked after being harvested.<br />

Half an hour may be sufficient to<br />

dull the flavor of those that are<br />

rich in sugar, which quickly begins<br />

to change to starch.<br />

Reports Men Not<br />

Enthusiastic Over<br />

Zlppered Shirts<br />

One trouble with the conventional<br />

shirt has been the knack of the<br />

buttons to turn up missing at the<br />

most inconvenient times. The zipper<br />

front shirt wa3 designed to<br />

appeal on this basis. It features a<br />

zippered front closing and gripper<br />

snaps at the collar and sleeve cuffs.<br />

Reports from men who have<br />

worn these shirts aren't too enthusiastic,<br />

according to Inez La-<br />

Bo.ssier, extension clothing specialist<br />

at Rutgers University. There ie<br />

Those who guid* this<br />

$70,006,000 imfifjlion<br />


Jokn L. Betfc.'<br />

Frank Brhcsi<br />

James M, Cavanagh<br />

David Cronhaim<br />

William E. Hockir<br />

Jams* V. lgo«<br />

louil Itvy<br />

Jamei K. Meldrum<br />

Em«l A. MInlar<br />


Ernasl A. Mmier. titiidtnl<br />

Uono>d B. Zusi, Viea-Pm.<br />

Gerard E. Duffy, Treasurer<br />

George M. Cooper. Secy.<br />

Vintenl H.Rible./tisr.Treos.<br />

Marcy C. Sweeney,Ajlf.Secy<br />

Sue R. Di Stale, Aijf. Secy.<br />

William Mattes, Comprr.<br />

a tendency for the zipper to push<br />

the collar up against the neck it<br />

is reported. Some had trouble locking<br />

the uvo elides of the zipper to<br />

gether to start the closing.<br />

Ironing the section over the zip-<br />

per, whether with a mangle or a<br />

flat-iron, is more difficult. The ridthe<br />

zipper makes results ir<br />

creased wear on that section of the<br />

fabri^ And this i5 not a section of<br />

the shirt that can be replaced to<br />

allow for utilizing the wear re<br />

maining in the rest of the shirt<br />

points out the State University<br />

specialist.<br />

The gripper snaps may ^<br />

life of the garment, but both<br />

fasteners and i<br />

zippers are subject<br />

'0<br />

MOW<br />

and are INSURED!<br />

Small sums, set aside each week, or<br />

larger amounts up to $5,000, will give<br />

you such earnings in New Jersey's<br />

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A Carteret account Is the financial<br />

standby of 40,000 thrifty families.<br />

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by mail or li% parson.<br />

the<br />

nap<br />


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includes average installation<br />

Your valuable older console phonograph with big speaker<br />

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Play ALL your older records, plus the new 7-inch plastic<br />

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recordings that give you a whole album (up to 50<br />

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The changer will pay for itself in a short while with the savings<br />

on the lower priced modern new records.<br />

CALL UNIONVIILE 2-9600<br />


Hunfer & Co. — 1032 Sruyvesemt Avenue — UNION<br />

Gentlemen: Please have your service men call and in-<br />

stall a Webster - Chicago 3-speed Record<br />

Changer in my old<br />

phonograph.<br />

Name<br />

Address '. Phone.<br />

City<br />

• ^<br />

to damage requiring replacement<br />

and both are more difficult and<br />

costly to replace than buttons.<br />

The concensus seems to be that<br />

Pags 5<br />

the problem of the missing button<br />

has not yet been solved satisfactorily.<br />

Orange trees are evergreens.<br />

STORE<br />

FURS NOW!<br />

Don't put off sending furs to<br />

us. Each warm day weakens<br />

your furs . . . makes<br />

them prey to destructive<br />

moths. Call us<br />

now! Low cost!<br />

Laundry • Cleaners<br />

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CHATHAM 4-3600<br />

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