SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library


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MAY 18. 1950<br />

Well-Kept Lawn<br />

Pays in Beauty<br />

Perhaps you've made a vow<br />

really. to have a fine lawj, and<br />

take good care of it this summer.<br />

You've gone down to the hardware<br />

store and bought yourself a<br />

garden hose and a lawnmower<br />

that really -works. You're going<br />

to keep that stand of grass mowed,<br />

clipped and watered every day.<br />

Watered every day? Wait a<br />

minute. In addition to wasting<br />

water, many authorities believe<br />

that's one of the quickest ways to<br />

ruin a good lawn. Here are some<br />

pointers, generally agreed upon by<br />

most experts, that will help you<br />

keep the lawn the way that it<br />

ahould'be kept.<br />

First, it's an error to water too<br />

early in the spring—in case you're<br />

trying to have the first green lawn<br />

in the block. Hold up on that irrigation<br />

until the lawn begins to<br />

suffer a little. This will force the<br />

grass roots down into new feeding<br />

zones in the soil.<br />

Second, please don't make the<br />

mistake of sprinkling it lightly<br />

every day "just to cool things off."<br />

These two mistakes—watering too<br />

. early and sprinkling every day<br />

encourage shallow root systems<br />

and help that much maligned crabgrass<br />

more than they do the bluegrass.<br />

A good general rule to follow<br />

in handling a lawn is: Soak the<br />

ground thoroughly at infrequent<br />

intervals and water it just often<br />

enough to keep the other plants<br />

alive.<br />

You can start mowing the lawn<br />

as soon aa there is enough top<br />

growth to cut with the mower set<br />

at the proper height.<br />

In case you don't know how to<br />

set the mower—end many homeowners<br />

go through life never becoming<br />

acquainted with this little<br />

detail—here's how to do it: Place<br />

the mower on a flat surface, like<br />

a concrete walk or garage floor.<br />

Loosen the side brackets at each<br />

end of the roller. As you extend<br />

the roller bracket downward, the<br />

roller itself is lowered, and the<br />

bedknife in front is tilted upward.<br />

The bedknife is actually what you<br />

are setting,<br />

, For bluegrass, measure one and<br />

& half to two inches from the<br />

floor to the cutting edge of the<br />

bedknife and then tighten the<br />

bracket bolts again to hold the<br />

knife in that position. You might<br />

Siossibly find that your mower<br />

cannot be *et that high. If so,<br />

aak your hardware dealer about<br />

obtaining longer roller brackets.<br />

A good, healthy lawn is one of<br />

the finest sights in the land, and<br />

it ought to make a perfect setting<br />

for your home. To keep it in the<br />

proper condition, make sure that<br />

the grass is at least an inch and<br />

a. half high after mowing. Two<br />

Inches is even better.<br />

Mow it ofteji enough so that<br />

the clippings are short and can<br />

be left lying on the lawn where<br />

they are needed. Don't delay<br />

mowing until the blades of the<br />

grass bend over and become matted,<br />

because right at that point<br />

your lawn is in danger of deterioration.<br />

Mow the lawn when<br />

it needs it, not just because it's<br />

Saturday. Keep the mower sharp<br />

and properly adjusted and you'll<br />

have half the battle won before<br />

it's begun.<br />

Suburban Garden<br />

(Continued from page 2)<br />

gracefully reflexed petals curving<br />

backwards on four to five-foot<br />

plants in August and September.<br />

Among the dwarfer lilies Tenuifolium,<br />

the coral lily, has small<br />

coral-red, nodding flowers on<br />

eighteen-inch plants; Thunbergianum<br />

Mahogany carries upright<br />

red-brown flowers in June on<br />

plants only a foot high; and the<br />

TJmbeHatums, Golden Fleece with<br />

tan spotted yellow flowers and<br />

Orange Triumph with orange-red<br />

lilies, both upright in umbels on<br />

two-foot plants in June.<br />

How to Plant Lilies<br />

Of the above, Candidum, Martagon,<br />

Pardalinum and Shuksan are<br />

base-rooting and should have only<br />

two or three inches of soil above<br />

the bulbs. The rest are stemrooting<br />

end must be planted deeper<br />

with at least six inches of soil<br />

above the bulb. When planting<br />

dig out the soil to a greater depth<br />

than required and mix sand<br />

liberally through the bottom soil<br />

to provide drainage. Set the pots<br />

on top of an inch or two of pure<br />

sand and cover to the required<br />

depth. Avoid the use of any lime<br />

and manure.<br />

Lilies thrive in well enriched<br />

soil and like lots of water When<br />

in active growth. Frequent shallow<br />

cultivation and mulching with<br />

peat mosa will conserve the soil<br />

moisture. Space the taller varieties<br />

from twelve to fifteen inches<br />

apart, preferably in groups. Give<br />

top feeding with bone meal in<br />

early spring and avoid windexposed<br />

locations. Mulch the beds<br />

each winter after the ground is<br />

frozen hard with coarse leaves or<br />

salt hay.<br />

Montelair Academy<br />

Foundation<br />

operating<br />


Boys' College Preparatory<br />

Grade. 7-12. Tel. MO. 3-1874<br />

and<br />


Coed, Nursery, Kindergarten<br />

Grades 1-6. Tel. MO. 3-6395<br />

Enroll Now for Sept. '50^<br />

21' Club Boss Collects Books for Rutgers<br />

Unofficial Curator<br />

Is an Alumnus of<br />

State University<br />

Many a best-selling author, contentedly<br />

lunching in the rarified<br />

air of New York's fashionable "21"<br />

Club, has been pleasantly flattered<br />

hy a request for an autograph on<br />

the flyleaf of his latest work—<br />

the request coming, no less, from<br />

one of the owners of the worldfamed<br />

eating place.<br />

"Make the inscription out to the<br />

Rutgers University <strong>Library</strong>," is<br />

the unexpected request of "21's"<br />

boss, I. Robert Kriendler, a 1936<br />

graduate of New Jersey's State<br />

University.<br />

Through its unofficial curator<br />

stationed at this strategic crossroad<br />

the Rutgers <strong>Library</strong> has accumulated<br />

an enviable collection<br />

of signed, inscribed- and dedicated<br />

copies of contemporary works.<br />

Kriendler, who shared 21's responsibility<br />

with his brother Jack<br />

before the latter's untimely death,<br />

established the collection as a<br />

memorial to his brother.<br />

Another unusual Jack Kriendler<br />

memorial at Rutgers is a collection<br />

of reproductions of famous<br />

paintings available to students for<br />

room display.<br />

The Jack Kriendler Memorial<br />

Collection in the Rutgers <strong>Library</strong><br />

includes still more unusual contemporary<br />

material — typescripts,<br />

printers' gallery proofs and even<br />

manuscripts from the ^authors<br />

whose books went on to become<br />

best-sellers.<br />

The volumes are authored by an<br />

awesome group. The list contains<br />

most of the names that have<br />

graced best-seller lists through the<br />

past few years.<br />

One shelf finds Gen. Dwight<br />

Eisenhower's dedicated volume<br />

nestling alongside one by Lucius<br />

Beebe and another by Jim Farley.<br />

Elliott Roosevelt rubs elbows<br />

with Drew Pearson and Bob Sherwood<br />

with Bob Considine.<br />

Volumes by H. L. Mencken and<br />

Ely Culbertson share space with<br />

books by William L. Shirer, John<br />

Steinbeck, Oscar Levant, Morris<br />

Ernst, John Hersey, John Gunther<br />

and F. Van Wyck Mason.<br />

Carlos Romulo, Philip Wylie and<br />

THE MANUSCRIPT of "A Rage to Live," John O'Hara's best-seller,<br />

is presented to Rutgers University Librarian Donald F. Cameron<br />

(center) by the author (right). I. Robert Kriendler (left), Rutgers<br />

alumnus, bibliophile, and host, of New York's famed '21 Club, arranged<br />

the presentation, one of a large collection he is gathering for<br />

the library as a memorial to his brother, the late Jack Kriendler.<br />

John O'Hara nestle comfortably<br />

side by side, as do Kathleen Winsor,<br />

Louis Bromfleld, Rebecca<br />

West, Biily Rose and Ludwig<br />

Bemelmans.<br />

Hollywood hasn't been forgotten,<br />

as books by George Jesse! and<br />

Louella Parsons testify, but General<br />

Lewis Brereton is probably<br />

surprised to find his -book in with<br />

theirs and Saloon Editor Earl Wilson's<br />

to boot.<br />

George Jean Nathan and Step-hen<br />

Longstreet head the stage delegation,<br />

with Ward Morehouse,<br />

Deems Taylor and Norman Bel<br />

Geddes also on the team.<br />

Kriendler is a former pupil of Librarian<br />

Donald F. Cameron, then<br />

an English professor and now director<br />

of the seven-unit library<br />

system which serves the State<br />

University.<br />

Kriendler's interests in Rutgers<br />

doesn't end with the library. Like<br />

most alumni, he can shout himself<br />

happily hoarse when Rutgers bags<br />

a traditional victory in football.<br />

But he's the only alumnus who can<br />

bag a Rutgers triumph of sorts all<br />

by himself—the author, the pen,<br />

the request for an autograph, and<br />

the inevitable "inscribe it to the<br />

Rutgers <strong>Library</strong>, will you please?"<br />

We're Extremely Proud to Present<br />

^<br />

Boid, Thoid, Foisf<br />

May Be Substituted<br />

A continuing storm of protest<br />

from Missouri educators descended<br />

on the head of Dizzy Dean all<br />

during his umgrammatical baseball<br />

broadcasts from Sportsman's<br />

Park, St. Louie, last year-<br />

Last week Missouri pedagogues<br />

breathed a sigh of relief. Dean<br />

had moved 1 to New York, where<br />

he will >be television interviewer<br />

at Yankee stadium this season.<br />

Now nearly a million new school<br />

children will be exposed to typical<br />

Dean language: "He slud (slid)<br />

jiome," "the players 'returned to<br />

their respectable bases,' 1 or "the<br />

ball ricketed (ricocheted) off<br />

the fence."<br />


Astronomy for the Amateur<br />


We have devoted considerable<br />

time, in the last few columns, to<br />

the constellations which lie to the<br />

north of us this spring. It is true<br />

that they are far more spectacular<br />

than the more southern aggregations<br />

of stars, but later on, when<br />

the summer section of the Milky<br />

Way swings over us, and we get a<br />

chance to look to the south at the<br />

real hub of our universe, the<br />

southern skies will bear more<br />

watching.<br />

Right now, below the eastern end<br />

of Leo and the western part of<br />

Virgo, there are two constellations<br />

along our southern horizon that<br />

are strangely similar in outline.<br />

The first and more western of the<br />

two is Crather, The Bowl. Crater<br />

is made up of four faint stars<br />

which make an irregular foursided<br />

figure lying just below the<br />

brightest star in Leo — and, as it<br />

happens, south of the bright object<br />

which is our sister planet<br />

Saturn.<br />

East of Crater, and' having almost<br />

the same outline, but placed<br />

end for end, is Corvus, The Raven.<br />

3orvus is shaped very much like<br />

:he traditional mainsail of a<br />

schooner, and is sometimes known<br />

as Spica's Spanker. Spica, which<br />

iea just above and a little to the<br />

east of Corvus, is the brightest star<br />

Virgo. The four main stars<br />

which mark the angles of Corvus<br />

are slightly brighter than those<br />

n Crater, but neither constellation<br />

is exciting.<br />

Now let us take a tremendous<br />

jump far to the north again. Our<br />

old familiar, the Great Bear, with<br />

its rear half taking the form of the<br />

Big Dipper, is just about crossing<br />

:he meridian — that imaginary<br />

ine which contains all the points<br />

over the head of man from pole to<br />

pole. To the north of the Dipper<br />

lies the tail of a most tortuous and<br />

twisted constellation, Draco, the<br />


Harold Heuer, Tech.<br />

Unionville 2-8431 or Unionville 2-4680<br />

A Complete Piano Restoration Service<br />

Tuning • Repairing • Regulating • Voicing<br />

Refinishing • De-Mothing<br />

Member of National Association of Piano Tuneri<br />

IT'S Mjlir More than half of thi§ extraordinary house can be thrown into one huge enlertaining<br />

area—or easily separated by the simple opening and closing of strikingly attractive Modernfold<br />

doors. The living room alone is 13%x21^ with a real fireplace. The completely flexible<br />

plan has THREE BEDROOMS. One of these may be used as a spacious dining room and another<br />

bedroom may be easily added later. The fully equipped kitchen has ample dining spare, too! And<br />

underneath all this is a full basement—over 1,000 sq. ft. "big."<br />

IT'S COMPLElhj Included are a large garage and permanent driveway, Cmtia "Silanthe"<br />

weatherstripped windows throughout, Thatcher gas-fired heat and full fiber gla§s insulation<br />

for year 'round comfort. Magic Chef gas range, 8 cu. ft. GE refrigerator, washing machine, exhaust<br />

•fan and stainless steel double bowl sink comprise the sparkling kitchen. Even Venetian blinds and<br />

screens throughout are included. Nothing needs to be added.<br />

IT'S A BUY"$14,400 will place one of the five Westerly variations on a beautiful viewblessed<br />

site ranging up to a -^4 acre—not out in the woods but in a quiet, peaceful, distinguished<br />

atmosphere. All city utilities are installed. Only 1 block to Newark bus! Two blockB to elementary<br />

school! 6 blocks to high school! Well under 10 minutes to Lackawanna R. R. Westerly will<br />

be comprised of 30 custom styled homes. Convenient Financial Plans with terms up to 30 years<br />

for veterans.<br />


—>\rVESTERLYT<br />

Developers of Fieldstone<br />


INC.<br />

Furniture by Doyle Furniture Company, Summit; Draperies by C. C. Downe, Wesrfield<br />

of the Big ipper, and begins<br />

a curve to the east which T<br />

ries it in a great swoop '"cTan<br />

around the Small Dipper, which a"<br />

this season seems — ~ -v U.4KJ LU litLTl hangK<br />

w 1 c<br />

pended from Polaris, the North<br />

Star. After making this great<br />

curve, Draco swings suddenly<br />

southeast again and ends in a very<br />

definite figure of four star,, Vhtch<br />

-re known as Draco's Head.<br />

Best Known Star<br />

The best known star in Draco Is<br />

a rather faint one which lies near<br />

the end of its tail, just above the<br />

middle star in the handle of the<br />

Blg Dipper. This star is Thuban<br />

which is an Arabic word_meaninr<br />

Dragon. Thuhan is the Alpha of<br />

Draco, but it is far from being the<br />

brightest star in the constellation<br />

It has been given the primary<br />

designation because, from 3700 to<br />

1500 B.C. it was the brightest star<br />

nearest the north pole. A little<br />

known but nevertheless important<br />

movement of the earth called the<br />

Precession of the Equinoxes has<br />

swung the earth in a great, slow<br />

circle, similar to the motion of a<br />

spinning top just be-fore It stops<br />

spinning, so that a line drawn outward<br />

from the north pole describes<br />

a tremendous circle against<br />

"- i stars. Some 500 years ago, this<br />

ick of the extension of our north<br />

pole was slowly passing near Thuban,<br />

which was the North Star of<br />

its day.<br />

The slow circling—wabble would<br />

be a better word—is caused by the i<br />

'act that the diameter of the earth<br />

s iust a little larger through its<br />

iquator than it is through the<br />

poles. The attractive force of the<br />

iun and Moon, not to mention that<br />

of other, more distant bodies, thus<br />

• 42 Ib. Freezer<br />

Chest<br />

• Double Dupont<br />

Enamel Finish<br />

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Multi-Shopping Trips<br />

• Guaranteed Cooling Unit<br />

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• Three Big Crisper Trays<br />

• Nationally Famous Name<br />

9.2<br />

This once-in-a-lifetime buy cannot<br />

las* long! Quantity limited. Get<br />

down to BELL today and see this<br />

sensational refrigerator buy. Inspect<br />

it. Prove to yourself that<br />

these famous make refrigerators<br />

are everything we say and more.<br />


CATED.<br />

works with more strength on the<br />

equator of the earth than anywhere<br />

else, and swings it so that<br />

the poles describe these vast circles.<br />

One complete revolution of<br />

the Precession of the Equinoxes<br />

takes about 26,000 years. Outpresent<br />

North Star, Polaris, will<br />

Page 3<br />

be nearer to the actual extension<br />

of the north pole in 150 years than<br />

it is now, and will, after that,<br />

gradually move away. In time—a<br />

long, long time—other stars will<br />

have the honor of marking the<br />

(Continued on Page 5)<br />





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