SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library


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<strong>SHORT</strong> <strong>HILLS</strong>'<br />

ITEM<br />

Founded In 1888<br />

THE MILLBTJBN and <strong>SHORT</strong> H1LLB ITEM is published every<br />

Thursday by The Item Publishing and Printing Company, a corporation,<br />

at 391 MUlfaurn Avenue, MiUburn, N. J. Editor, Charles E.<br />

Paulson, Jr., Business Manager, Wlllard H. Baetzner. Official newspaper<br />

of the Township ol <strong>Millburn</strong>. Subscription rates by mail<br />

postpaid. One year $3.50; six montns, $1.75; payable In advance<br />

Single copies ten cants each. Entered as Second Class Matter<br />

October 6. 1891 at the Post Office at <strong>Millburn</strong>, New Jersey, under<br />

Act of March 3, 1879.<br />

Press Association<br />

New Jersey<br />

Bike Season<br />

And Safety<br />

A bicycle rider should be re-<br />

garded as a danger signal to motorists,<br />

particularly if the rider is<br />

a child, declared Joseph Solimine,<br />

chairman of the Essex County<br />

Highway Safety Coordinating Committee<br />

today. His suggestion on<br />

bicycle safety came as an adjunct<br />

to a state-wide two-month program<br />

on pedestrian protection.<br />

VAULTS<br />

FOR<br />

YOUR<br />


•<br />

three sizes<br />

•<br />



lie A WEEK<br />

and up<br />

Member<br />

of New Jersey<br />

Quality (Veekllei<br />

County whose children ride bicycles<br />

to be certain that the youngsters<br />

know and observe traffic<br />

rules," he said. "Developing safetymindedness<br />

will pay dividends now<br />

\ln Congress<br />

\Lasf Week<br />

Tbe vote of the delegation from<br />

New Jersey on important rollcalte<br />

during the period Mly 6 to<br />

12 . are given in the appended<br />

tabulation;<br />


On the Taft motion to proceed<br />

with consideration of the National<br />

Labor Relations Board Reorganization<br />

Resolution (S. Res. 248), to<br />

disapprove Reorganization Plan<br />

12, relative to the N.L.R.B., and<br />

then begin debate on the resolution,<br />

adopted BO to 22. Adoption of<br />

this motion had die effect of<br />

temporarily setting aside consideration<br />

of the motion to take up<br />

S. 17^8 to prohibit discrimination<br />

in employment because of race,<br />

color, religion or national origin.<br />

YEAS—Smith (R).<br />

NATS—Hendrickson (R).<br />

On adoption of S. Ree. 248, to<br />

disapprove Government Reorgani-<br />

and, in the future. The safe bike<br />

zation Plan 12 relative to the N. L.<br />

R. B., adopted 53 to 30:<br />

rider of today will be the safe mo- YEAS — Hendrickson (R).,<br />

torist of tomorrow.<br />

Smith (R).<br />

"I also urge that every bike<br />

rider be sure that the bicycle is in<br />

On adoption of S. Res. 246, to<br />

disapprove Government Reorgani-<br />

safe operating condition. Bike<br />

safety begins with a safe bicycle,"<br />

he said.<br />

zation Plan 1, with particular reference<br />

to transferring duties of<br />

the Comptroller of the Currency<br />

to the Treasury, adopted 65 to 13:<br />

Industrial Arts<br />

YEAS — HencMckeon (10.,<br />

| Smith (R).<br />

"Open House"<br />

j THE HOUSE<br />

On the Gore Amendment (to the<br />

General Appropriations Bill, H, R.<br />

Th< <strong>Millburn</strong> High School PTAj 7786), increasing the fun-ds for<br />


are you keeping them SAFE?<br />

You CAN keep them safe, and convenient<br />

for easy access right in your home town!<br />

Your First National Bank supplies individual<br />

steel compartments, in varying sizes,<br />

suitable for your Will, mortgage, Insurance<br />

papers, business papers, deeds, important<br />

letters and jewelry.<br />

ONLY YOU can have access to your compartment.<br />

Only your key, plus OUR key can<br />

open it, — and your signature is compared at<br />

each visit. Our vaults are protected by reinforced<br />

concrete and steel, plus heat, sound<br />

and tamper-sensitive alarm devices... YQUR<br />

property here is safe against fire, theft or<br />

misplacement.<br />

Safe Deposit boxes are available to depositors. Make your reservation<br />

with an official of the Bank.<br />


MEMBER<br />






Established 1907<br />

'Serving Short Wilts and <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

•cllh Ever? Banking Facility" *<br />

MEMBER<br />



SYSTEM<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> & Short Bills ITEM<br />

PASSAIC RIVER SPAN of the~Ne'<br />

pike will look like the above sketch. The bridge, one<br />

of four major structures for the Turnpike, will re-<br />

quire more than 25,000 tons of steel. The full length<br />

of the brH'ge will be 7,000 feet, 375 of which will<br />

cross the river, and contain a six-lane highway. Each<br />

Chain Reaction<br />

verall width of<br />

the bridge will be 86 feet. North-south lanes will be<br />

divided by a six-foot mall and outside curbs will be<br />

flanked by three-foot safety walks. It will start al<br />

a point near Raymond Boulevard, Newark, pass un<br />

der the Pulaski Skyway, and end in Kearny,<br />

"Now that warm weather is here<br />

there are increasing numbers of<br />

bike riders on the roads. Last year<br />

motor vehicles killed 13 such riders<br />

and injured 570 others in New Jersey.<br />

Most of the victims were young<br />

boys," said the chairman. "This invites all members and their' grants for hospital construction<br />

unnecessary loss of life ami painful friends to attend the meeting on er the <strong>Public</strong> Health Service<br />

injuries could have been prevented Tuesday, May 23 at the highjI<br />

from' 575,000,000 to $150,000,000,<br />

by greater care by motorists. The<br />

adopted 258 to 131:<br />

man or woman behind the wheel school. The Industrial Arts depart-<br />

of<br />

ment will hold "Open House"<br />

car must not jely on^ thejs'even-thirty,"" with "exhibitions<br />

< D) y<br />

-<br />

youngsters to remember safety." the work of classes, and at nine<br />

Chairman Solimine reminded that a short business meeting will<br />

many bicycle accidents result when<br />

riders make improper turns, weave<br />

in and out of traffic lines and disregard<br />

signals.<br />

"I urge all parents in Essex<br />

h ne!<br />

_ short business eeting will be »<br />

held in the auditorium for the elec-' NAYS-Auchtneloss , Kean<br />

rion and installation of officers. ! < D) - CanM(I < R >'. Ca «<br />

be! (R >- Hand . TC166.<br />

«h em u Or ZV: hM < better s till, come in and Irt u.<br />

show you this "16 incher" in action. lt-8<br />

Partial List of Features<br />

RCA Victor Eye Witness Picture<br />

Synchronizer; RCA Victor Automatic<br />

Multi-Channel Station Selector;<br />

built-in antenna; phonojack<br />

to plug in RCA Victor's "43"<br />

record changer; "CoUen Throat"<br />

tone system; fine console cabinet<br />

in a choice of lovely finishes. AC<br />

$369.50<br />

t B*" 1<br />

Plus si.5t Federal I<br />

Factory-Service Contract<br />

*Get the ONLY National Factory<br />

to-You Service in Television*<br />

RCA ciperts ineul! and adjust yoof •*<br />

provide standard >ntenm where n«» -<br />

sary, guarantee the pcrformaflfi* f M<br />

'"II jar when you bur the RCA VMS*<br />

Factory-Service Contract Onlrifbe"? 0 *<br />

buy RCA Victor Television, cOJ*? 1<br />

this<br />

—p '<br />

Radio<br />

W116 espert service.<br />

Short Hills<br />

40 CHATHAM RD.<br />

(Across from Station)<br />

RALPH BOHMANN. Prop.<br />

<strong>SHORT</strong> HlUf<br />

<strong>SHORT</strong> <strong>HILLS</strong> 7-2545

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