SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library

SHORT HILLS - Millburn Public Library


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___[ MAYJ 8,J950J_<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> & Short Bills ITEM<br />

13<br />

of South terrace.<br />

H. B. Stair of B Park circle.<br />

»<br />

vice-president her senior year.<br />

College<br />

*<br />

preludes "A Mighty Fortress Is DR. WILLIAM F. DECTER,<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Thayer A. Smith<br />

And Adele Ellis Arrow-smith, daughter<br />

of Mr. end Mrs. F. Donald F, A. S. Pfirrmann of a Elm- Our God" and "I Call to Thee, Millbum optometrist, and vice-<br />

Corner of Forest drive are going to<br />

<strong>Library</strong> Arrowsmith of 63 Coniston road, wood place, was awarded a Rut- Lord Jesus Christ" at an annual president of the Essex County<br />

Barnsville, Ohio, to get their two<br />

and Barbara P. Dyckman, daughgers University Medal during the recital at New Jersey College for Optometric Society, spoke before<br />

daughters, Betsy and Susan, from<br />


News ter of Mr. and Mrs. Heroy M. annual Military pim p^ cere Women. She is the daughter of<br />

the Parochial School Nurses of<br />

the Friends Boarding School.<br />

Dyckman of 40 Northern drive,<br />

the Newark School System, Fri-<br />

m ieS Of the State<br />

(Parents and friends of stu-<br />

are among the 320 seniors who ^ University Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Lion. day, May 5th. His topic was,<br />

dents in colleges and universities Another daughter, Dorothy, is ex-<br />

are invitea to contribute item* to pected home about June 1, from<br />

Better book service at the Mill- will receive their A.B. degrees<br />

ROTC unit last week. The medal<br />

"Sight Conservation." He stressed<br />

; In summer furs and woolens this column. Call Short Hilti Skidmore College. She ie a freshburn<br />

<strong>Library</strong>. That is what we are<br />

from Vassar College on June 12.<br />

ui given to the top cadet in the Jeanne Nicholson has returned the fact that early referral by the<br />

first year ground forces course to the Elms College, Chicopee,<br />

•Should have an air-condition, 7-3276.)<br />

man and is taking a nursing hoping here at the <strong>Library</strong> for Adele prepared for college at for excellence in theoretical and<br />

school nurse of school children<br />

Mass., after spending a week-<br />

-dust free, moth free resting place.<br />

course. Dorothy Ls a member of we've started «• T-day shelf of new Kent Place School and has ma- practical work and leadership<br />

with visual defects, to the eye<br />

end with her parents, Mr. and<br />

TYour best bet is The <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

Richard R. Coelln, son of Mr.<br />

Chorus, Ski Club, and Outing fiction. The rental shelf will be<br />

jored in Spanish-American Lit- qualities." Fred, a sophomore<br />

practitioner, will tend greatly to<br />

and ' Mrs. Fred P. Coelln of<br />

erature. She has worked for the with a history major,<br />

Mrs. Walter Nicholson of Mill-<br />

waj5 gradu.<br />

decrease the rising rate of eye<br />

Cleaners. Give this excellent Hobart Gap road, will be home<br />

Club.<br />

filled as before but will probably Chronicle, one of the two weekly<br />

ated from South Side High School burn avenue. Jeanne returned problems we have in this country,<br />

i}rm a buzz to preserve your furs.<br />

t<br />

have more of the books in great-<br />

Newark. He is the son of Mrs' home with her mother after both<br />

campus newspapers, all her four<br />

from college on May 29. He at-<br />

Emily W. Pfirrmann.<br />

attended the annual Mother-<br />

- *<br />

Charles Baldwen is a senior at est demand on it for reserves will years. She was Business Editor<br />

tends Syracuse University where<br />

Daughter reception at coffege on The annual festival of Up-Helly-<br />

Wabash College in Crawfords-<br />

\ Shrubs, perennials, fruit trees he is a junior majoring in ac-<br />

not be made on them, Instead re- in her junior year and a Contrib- Jane Lion of 22 Hobart ave- Saturday, May 13. She is a fresh- Aa in the Shetland Islands is beville,<br />

Ind., and will graduate from<br />

and bushes are in profusion at counting and a member of the<br />

serves will be made on the 7-day<br />

uting Editor in her senior year. nue played Bach's two choralecollege<br />

on June 4. Chuck is ma-<br />

Barbara' prepared for college at<br />

man.lieved<br />

by some to go back to<br />

Harth The Florist. For years Glee Club. He is also a member joring in Psychology and is a books which means that the 7-<br />

Viking days.<br />

Miss Beard's School and has |<br />

.Harth has brought the finest in of Theta Xi fraternity. member of the Senior Council. He day books will come back faster majored in English. She has<br />

is also the head of intramural and the reserves can be filled been in the college Glee Club for<br />

.every line to our community. John Pairfield, Jr. received his sports on the campus and a mem- faster.<br />

four years, and a member of the<br />


^This includes weddings, too! master's degree in electrical enber of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. It is hoped this will mean that Golddusters, a campus singing<br />

gineering from MJ.T. Before he His parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. the borrower will find on the rental group, her junior and senior years.<br />


^ The House of Bedrosian beck- attended M.I.T. — John graduat- Cuyler Baldwin of Stuart roaa, shelf THE EGYPTIAN, THE She yr&B House vice-president<br />

»oris for all your rug needs. ed from Williams College. He will go to Indiana for Chuck's WALL, THIS I REMEMBER and during her junior year end Class<br />


has recently been made an asso- graduation.<br />

-Whether purchasing the finest<br />

other best sellers. At least there<br />

ciate member of Sigma Xi, hono-<br />

*<br />

will be a chance of his finding<br />


•oriental, broadioom, hacd-hooked, rary engineering society. John Dick Sampson will be home on something and the former plan<br />

^summer rugs' or cotton throws will leave for Europe on June 9. June 8, from Dartmouth College kept such books always off the<br />

TSedrosian's is the place to get His brother, Tom, is expected where he is a sophomore. He ie shelf because they were always<br />

$Q0.5o 89 'them. (Summit)<br />

home from college early in June. the son of Mr. and Mrs. George reserved.<br />

Tom is a freshman at Bowdoin F. Sampson of Wyoming avenue. Two new systeries are available:<br />

NO TAX<br />

College, is a member of Zeta Psi<br />

•<br />

FIRE AT WILL by Disney and<br />

When you plan your meals, fraternity, and active in the Glee Anne Herrigel, daughter of DEATH AND LETTERS by Daly.<br />

•lemember that MILK is always Club. John and Tom are the sons Fred Herrigel, Jr., of 29 Pine<br />

There are enough good skins in your<br />

Fiction titles that have been add-<br />

^J'our best food bargain. For the of Mr. and Mrs. John Fairfield of<br />

terrace west, is a candidate for ed are THE BIZARRE SISTERS<br />

used fur coat to convert it into a beauti-<br />

"best in quality and service, call Chestnut place.<br />

graduation with the class of 1950 by Jay and Audrey -Walz, a novel<br />

ful Fur-Lined Cloth Coat. . . made of<br />

at Mount Holyoke College in baaed on a famous trial of the<br />

"Schmalz Da i r y, Homogenized, , Lindsay Laird was home over South Hadley. Mass. Bafore en-<br />

the finest Porstmann Woolens .. . choice<br />

18th century and concerned with<br />

Golden Guernsey arrd Grade A to Ilast<br />

week-end from Princeton tering Mount Holyoke, Anne at- the Randolphs of Virginia. BARA-<br />

of 11 colors in 4 of the most popular<br />

choose from. University. He is a freshman this tended Kent Place School in Sum- COON by Harry Hersey is a color- • FLUSH RADIATOR<br />

styles for 1951! Prepare Now . . . Your<br />

* * *<br />

year and a member of the freshmit. Majoring in political science ful novel about the slave trade in<br />

Want to loclt and feel rejuman tennis team. He prepared at college, Anne has been a Portuguese Guinea in the 19th • CHANGE OIL<br />

New Coat will be the fashion thrill and<br />

venated? Then call the Merle for Princeton at Pingry. His member of that club for the past century and the slavetrader's<br />

style of tomorrow!<br />

jSTorman Cosmetic Studio, SU, 6- brother, Jack, is attending Buck- two years and is president this beautiful wife who rebelled against<br />


6916 for a free demonstration. nell University where he is a fresh- year. Also in connection with her husband's brutalities. DON<br />

Learn the art of refined make-up. man. Jack belongs to Phi Beta her political science seminar, she<br />


GAUOHO, by Pollook and<br />

Remodel Your Old Fur Coat<br />

You owe this to yourself (37 Psi fraternity and is a member visited Washington, D. C. ^on a Goode, is the story of Miguel<br />

Maple street.) '<br />

of the freshmen tennis team. Lin special field trip. She has been<br />


Into a Cape, Stole, or Jacket<br />

di Castro, scion of family of<br />

and Jack are the eons of Mr. and chairman of the College Chest, wealth, who rides for the TIRES, BATTERY<br />

$50 ro $125<br />

One trial of Meyer Werner Mo- Mrs. John E. Laird of Morraine during 1949-50 and last year was gauchos. It is another historical<br />

tors' Preveniative Service wil place.<br />

a member of the Student Gov- book and good reading.<br />


pay big dividends. Drive you<br />

ernment nominating committee.<br />

*<br />

car over to get this excellent<br />

During her sophomore year she<br />

Anne Schneider participated in<br />

ANOTHER PAMELA by Upton<br />

service. You can't beat Meyer-<br />

participated in the College Coun-<br />

the modern dance recital as a<br />

Sinclair is a complete departure<br />

Free Pick-Up and Delivery<br />

Werner, Summit.<br />

cil.<br />

junior Orchesis representative at<br />

in style and material for the Make Spring Time Driving<br />


Having been a member of both<br />

New Jersey College for Women.<br />

writer of the popular Lanny<br />

A Pleasure<br />

Investors Saving & Loao is<br />

the Athletic Association and the<br />

Anne is a freshman and was re-<br />

Budd novels; it portrays the<br />

wowing the populace with theil<br />

Outing Club, for the past two<br />

cently elected to the government<br />

troubles and temptations of a CALL MILLBURN 6-1529<br />

remarkable institution. Naturally<br />

years she has .been in charge of<br />

association as sophomore repre-<br />

naive country girl in the Cali-<br />

^* L"•.-.•; **._. _ / ^^ ^^B MH BVl SHOPPE<br />

* it ie the most popular place tc<br />

swimming in connection with the<br />

sentative. She ie the daughter of<br />

fornia mansion of an eccentric<br />


Save because you get 2%% divi-<br />

A.A.<br />

W. and Mrs. Ralph Schneider of<br />

family. PINET by Zachary Bell HENRY'S GARAGE<br />


dends annually. Why take les Locust avenue.<br />

Diane Martin, daughter of Mr. is the story of an orphan boy<br />


when it's insured to $5,000? adv<br />

and Mrs. R. B. Martin of 86 Whit- told with true poignancy, also 35 Willow St., <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

VAULTS IN THE PREMISES 315 <strong>Millburn</strong> Ave. <strong>Millburn</strong> 6-4145<br />

Bill Dey will be home from ney road, participated in a rec- contains gorgeous fox hunting (Off Main Street)<br />

Free Pick-Up & Delivery Service<br />

Dartmouth College in Hanover, reation program conducted by the and woods incidents. SORROW<br />

For Showers, Weddings, N. H., on May 30 and will grad- Red Cross unit of Ohio Wesleyan BY DAY by Marjorie Coryn is<br />

Graduation Parties uate from college on June 11. University, in which she visited a new historical romance with<br />

Bill is e major in history and a the Chillicothe Veterans Hos- fine and vivid characterizations<br />

Open-Faced<br />

member of Beta Theta Pi frapital, Chillicothe, Ohio. Diane is of persons at the court of Louis<br />

SANDWICHES ternity. He is a member of the a freshman at Ohio Wesleyan. xrv.<br />

Green Key Junior Honorary So-<br />

t<br />

Among the non-fiction titles<br />

ciety and the Casque and Gaunt- Three students from the Mill- are NBVIjR MARRY A RANGper<br />

100 let Senior-Honorary Society. Bill burn area were pledged to fra- BR by Roberta McConnell in Announcing<br />

has been active in football, basternities at Colgate University, which the wife of a forest ranger<br />

Spread with ham, shrimp, tuna, salmon,<br />

pimiento, cream and rocquefort ketball, and at present, tennis. Hamilton, New York, during a in Utah recounts with wry humor<br />

cheese. He coached basketball at the recent week of rushing^ They are the incidents that occur in the<br />

Also cakes. cooKies,<br />

liors tToeuvres, etc. Clark Prep School in Hanover. Richard Freeman, a freshman end life of a ranger's family with<br />

New Jersey's own Suburban Magazine<br />

His brother, "DDC," also attends the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie drunks, picnickers, and haywire<br />

Call <strong>Millburn</strong> 6-0228 Dartmouth and is a sophomore. B. Freeman of 47 Twin Oak road, homesteaders, THERBSE: SAINT<br />

He is also majoring in history Beta Theta Pi; Palmer Daven- OF A LITTLE WAY is St.<br />

To Order From and is- a member of Beta Theta port, a freshman and the son of Therese's life told by the well-<br />

Pi fraternity. "Doc" _ is a mem- Mr. and Mrs. John K. Davenknown writer, Frances Parkinber<br />

of the Green .Key Junior Honport of 435 Wyoming avenue, Phi son Keyes. Three books of in-<br />

MELLIE WEISS orary Society and has partici- Gamma Delta; and Edward formation that are new to the<br />

3* Taylor St., MUltnirn pated in football, basketball, and Bruce Mingle, Jr., also a fresh- library are MAIN CURRENTS<br />

Opp Washington School tennis. Bill and "Doc" are the<br />

man end the son of Mr. and Mrs. IN AMERICAN THOUGHT by<br />

Sons of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dey<br />

Edward B- Mingle of 10 River Vernon L, Parrington, EDITOR<br />

lane, Sigma Chi. TO AUTHOR by Maxwell Perkins,<br />

•<br />

and the ANNUAL REVIEW of<br />

At Smith College, three local UNITED NATIONS AFFAIRS.<br />

girls are among the candidates<br />


for the A.B. degree at this June's<br />

commencement. They include<br />


Maureen M. Black, daughter of operated radio station. She was<br />

(Formerly Buxton Camp)<br />

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blaok of 37 also a junior usher.<br />

52 Great Hills Road Short Rills, N. J. Hobart avenue, who is managing The third local Smith gradu-<br />

editor of Current, the Smith Colate, Margaret G. Stair, was pres-<br />

BOYS AND GIRLS — 3 to 13<br />

lege student newspaper. In her ident of the junior class, and as<br />

junior year she was chosen to be a senior was president of the<br />

Swimming, riding, dramatics, sports, hikes, trips, a Junior Usher, a member of the House of Representatives. A<br />

crafts, music, art, overnight camping<br />

group which carries the ivy chain" Dean's List student, she will con-<br />


COUNTRY ENVIRONMENT BUS TRANSPORTATION at commencement. She was also tinue her activities after college<br />


the assistant circulation man- as Alumnae Class Secretary. She<br />

"The Arts of Gracious Living in our Lovely Suburbs"<br />

ager of the 1M9 yearbook. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

MRS. WINIFRED MOORE, Director<br />

Another Smith graduate of 1950<br />

<strong>SHORT</strong> <strong>HILLS</strong> T-3030 or <strong>SHORT</strong> <strong>HILLS</strong> T-2585-W will be Nancy Betteridge, daugh-<br />

• FBEDMICK C. JCENEAU, Editor . . . JEAN S. BALDWIN, Managing Editor<br />

ter of William Betteridge of 26<br />

16th Camp Season, June 26 to August 18 Knollwood road, who was president<br />

of her college house. In her<br />

Register Now Also For Fall School Term sophomore and junior years she<br />

Starting with June, suburban New Jersey will have New Jersey. Written by Eoger Barton and based upoa<br />

Nursery, Elementary, Junior High<br />

was a member of WCSR, the<br />

information graciously supplied by Carl P. Witte, Horti-<br />

its first monthly magazine, well written, well printed,<br />

Smith College student owned and<br />

culturist of the Essex County Park Commission.<br />

lavishly illustrated and exclusively its own, dealing Go WEST, YOUNG WOMAN! By Harford Powel. - Th«<br />

with the arts of gracious living. Its contents will in- author of best seller "Good Jobs for Good Girls" thumbi<br />

clude comment upon the broad pattern of suburban his nose at New York and sagely comments upon<br />

The Family Next Doer.,.<br />

life in New Jersey—its institutions, its civic and its<br />

social interests; its homes, its gardens, its hobbies; its<br />

arts and its amusements; its relationship to metropolitan<br />

life.<br />

opportunities this side of the Hudson.<br />

In addition, the June issue of SUBURBAN LITE IN<br />

NEW JERSEY wiH contain at least 15 other important<br />

It will not attempt to imitate any other magazine, articles and features, pictures of lovely gardens, per-<br />

but will create—even more distinctly as the months sonalities, etc., written by New Jersey's most talented<br />

elapse—its own publication identity.<br />

writers and illustrated by many of its most talented<br />

artists and photographers.<br />

'You'd better use the Extension In the kiuhenl"<br />

* For only a few cents a day you can<br />

give your guests ;;; and yourself.:; the<br />

fomplete privacy of an Extension telephone.<br />

And at the same tune, of course,<br />

you'U give yourself and your frailly new<br />

IZLJe, and save countless steps<br />

Business<br />

DON'T HANG UP, please, untif you've given the<br />

person you're calling a full minuf • to amwer the<br />

telephone. Every day, here fn New Jersey, more<br />

(ban 75,000 cells aren't completed because the<br />

person making the call hangs up too soon.<br />



WHITEHALL House signs<br />

Send your host or hostess one of these<br />

charming and original house markers.<br />

It's a clever attd eloquent way to say<br />

: "thank you."<br />

The signs are all metal and wcalherproofed<br />

for long life. Ornaments are<br />

highlighted with Swedish iron finish.<br />

j Size: 10" high overall, 12" long. Name<br />

I or house number painted on panel for<br />

I slight additional charge.<br />

j Four of the most popular designs are<br />

I illustrated. Other attractive models are<br />

, on display in our store. Why not stop in<br />

: today to see them?<br />

ONLY $6-50* EAC<br />

Plus tliflhi charge<br />

for lensring<br />

GARDEN,<br />


400 MAIN ST. Chatham 4-7830<br />

Open Xues. & Fri. Until 9 P.M,<br />

and Sunday Afternoon<br />

The print order for Volume 1, Number 1 will be<br />

limited to 10,000 copies, after which no more copies<br />

will be available. Therefore, if you wish to subscribe<br />

starting with the first issue, you must mail your check<br />

or money order postmarked no later than midnight,<br />

May 27. Subscriptions dated later will start with July.<br />



The storv of one of Maplewood's most historic houses<br />

-illustrated with 12 specially posed photographs by<br />

James Darrow.<br />

WOMEN, AWAKE! A challenge to New Jersey's suburban<br />

women who regard all politics as being dirty.<br />

Written by Dr. Frances K. Scott, President of The<br />

National "Federation of Business and Professional<br />

Women's Clubs, Inc.<br />


private life of our oftice mousie (Fern.) written to her<br />

heartthrob, Mr. Finsbury.<br />

ANICE — A truly great piece of fiction by Joseph<br />

Creamer, Adverising Director of Radio Station WOR<br />

and whose name is familiar to readers of THE XEW<br />


WILD Lire IN OUR RESERVATIONS — A feature that<br />

will charm and delight those who revere nature in<br />

But Remember: The print order for June is limited<br />

to 10,000 copies. So if you wish your subscription to<br />

start with Volume 1, Number 1, your paid in advance<br />

order must be postmarked no later than midnight,<br />

May 27.<br />

Send check or money order payable to SUBURBAN<br />

LrFE IN NEW JEBSEY, BOX 298, South Orange, N. J.<br />

Subscription price payable in advance—one year $3.00;<br />

two years $5.50; three years 57.50.<br />

Paid subscriptions to THE ORANGES AND MONTCLAIP, which<br />

publication was purchased as a nucleus for SUBURBAN LITE nt<br />

NEW JERSEY, will be continued until their expiration.<br />


Box 298 SOUTH ORANGE, N. J.<br />

Enclosed is check (m: money order) for my subscription<br />

for 1 year, 53.00; 2 years, S5.S0; 3 years, 57.50.<br />

Name ...<br />

Address<br />

(Vlease (Tlsase jprint<br />

your name and address clearly)

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