CDSIF - Kuhnke

CDSIF - Kuhnke CDSIF - Kuhnke

<strong>Kuhnke</strong> Electronics<br />

Instruction Booklet<br />

CoDeSys System Interface (<strong>CDSIF</strong>)<br />

DLL for Data Exchange<br />

E 674-4 GB 2 Jan 2007<br />

CoDeSys<br />

System Interface

KUHNKE Automation CDS System<br />

This instruction booklet is primarily intended for use by design, project, and delvelopment engineers. It does not contain any delivery<br />

information. Data is only given to describe a task solution and must not be regarded as guaranteed properties in the legal sense. Any<br />

claims for damages - on whatever legal grounds - are excluded except for instances of deliberate intent or gross negligence on our part.<br />

We reserve the rights for errors, omissions and modifications.<br />

Reproduction even of extracts only with the editor's express and written prior consent.<br />

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KUHNKE Automation CoDeSys System Interface<br />

Table of Contents<br />

1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................5<br />

Communication Strategy Diagram..................................................................................................................5<br />

1.1 Functions..............................................................................................................................................6<br />

2 PLCHandler .....................................................................................................................................................7<br />

2.1 Source..................................................................................................................................................7<br />

2.2 Possibilities of Communication ............................................................................................................7<br />

3 <strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI ........................................................................................................................................................8<br />

3.1 Header .................................................................................................................................................8<br />

3.2 General Parameters for All Types of Connection ................................................................................8<br />

3.3 Specific Parameters by Type of Connection........................................................................................9<br />

3.3.1 Serial Connection...............................................................................................................................9<br />

3.3.2 CAN Connection.................................................................................................................................9<br />

3.3.3 DPRAM Interfacing with a Slot PLC.................................................................................................10<br />

3.3.4 Shared Memory with Soft PLC SP RTE...........................................................................................10<br />

4 Symbol Configuration ....................................................................................................................................11<br />

5 Installing the <strong>CDSIF</strong> System .........................................................................................................................13<br />

5.1 Installing Add-ons...............................................................................................................................14<br />

6 <strong>CDSIF</strong> System Functions ..............................................................................................................................15<br />

6.1 General ..............................................................................................................................................15<br />

6.1.1 Version Info ......................................................................................................................................15<br />

6.2 Connecting with/Disconnecting from PLCHandler and Status ..........................................................15<br />

6.2.1 Connect ............................................................................................................................................15<br />

6.2.2 Disconnect........................................................................................................................................15<br />

6.2.3 PLCHandler Status...........................................................................................................................16<br />

6.3 Synchronous Read.............................................................................................................................17<br />

6.3.1 Synchronous Read of Numerical Variables .....................................................................................17<br />

6.3.2 Reading a Byte.................................................................................................................................17<br />

6.3.3 Reading a Word ...............................................................................................................................17<br />

6.3.4 Reading a Long Word ......................................................................................................................18<br />

6.4 Synchronous Read of Arrays and Structures ....................................................................................19<br />

6.4.1 Synchronous Reading of an Array ...................................................................................................19<br />

6.4.2 Synchronous Reading of a String ....................................................................................................20<br />

6.5 Synchronous Write.............................................................................................................................21<br />

6.5.1 Synchronous Write of Numerical Variables .....................................................................................21<br />

6.5.2 Synchronous Writing of a Byte.........................................................................................................21<br />

6.5.3 Synchronous Writing of a Word .......................................................................................................22<br />

6.5.4 Synchronous Writing of a Long Word ..............................................................................................22<br />

6.5.5 Synchronous Write of Arrays and Structures...................................................................................23<br />

6.6 Browsing Variables ............................................................................................................................24<br />

6.6.1 Getting the Number of Variables......................................................................................................24<br />

6.6.2 Reading the Names of Variables .....................................................................................................24<br />

7 Error Codes ...................................................................................................................................................25<br />

7.1 <strong>CDSIF</strong>.DLL Error Codes ....................................................................................................................25<br />

7.2 PLCHandlers.DLL Error Codes..........................................................................................................26<br />

8 Appendix........................................................................................................................................................27<br />

8.1 References.........................................................................................................................................27<br />

8.2 Sales & Service..................................................................................................................................28<br />

8.2.1 Main Factory in Malente...................................................................................................................28<br />

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8.2.2 Sales Germany.................................................................................................................................28<br />

8.2.3 Customer Service.............................................................................................................................28<br />

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KUHNKE Automation CoDeSys System Interface<br />

1 Introduction<br />

Communication Strategy Diagram<br />

CoDeSys<br />

programming<br />

system<br />

The CoDeSys system interface (<strong>CDSIF</strong> = CoDeSys System Interface) consists<br />

of several DLLs enhancing simple data exchange between a modern<br />

programming language (Delphi, Visual Basic, VC++), MS Office (Excel),<br />

SCADA systems, LabVIEW, etc. at one end of the line and unit of the Co-<br />

DeSys Automation Alliance at the other.<br />

This document will mainly focus on products supplied by <strong>Kuhnke</strong> GmbH /<br />

Malente, Germany.<br />

<strong>CDSIF</strong>.DLL encapsulates the C++ classes of the PLCHandler.DLL in simpler<br />

functions.<br />

Symbol file<br />

for PLC 1<br />

and/or PLC 2<br />

projects<br />

VB application Delphi<br />

visualisation<br />

<strong>CDSIF</strong>.DLL<br />

PLCHandler<br />

TCP/IP or local<br />

Gateway<br />

TCP/IP, serial, DPRAM, etc.<br />

PLC 1 PLC 2<br />

<strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI,<br />

communication<br />

method<br />

descriptions<br />

simultaneous<br />

connections with<br />

several controllers<br />

possible<br />

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1.1 Functions<br />

The following set of services is currently supported:<br />

• Connecting / disconnecting.<br />

• Reading (browsing) of all variables available in the controller.<br />

• Synchronous read.<br />

• Synchronous write.<br />

• Synchronous read of structures.<br />

• Synchronous write of non-numerical variables.<br />

The following services still need to be implemented:<br />

• Cyclic read.<br />

• Generation of list of variables for cyclic read.<br />

The following communication methods are currently supported:<br />

• WIN-XP, ARTI, serial with a 690PLC+ via com1 and com2.<br />

• WIN-XP, GATEWAY, serial with a 690PLC+ via com1 and com2.<br />

• WIN-XP, GATEWAY, shared memory with a 645-PCI.<br />

• WIN-XP, GATEWAY, Ventura-CAN.<br />

• WIN-XP, GATEWAY, shared memory with Ventura+.<br />

• WIN-XP, TCPIP.<br />

• WIN-XP, SP RTE soft PLC<br />

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2 PLCHandler<br />

2.1 Source<br />

2.2 Possibilities of Communication<br />

PLCHandler programmer's manual, 3S GmbH V1.2 8 Feb 2005<br />

PLCHandler and controller can communicate via the following channels (interfaces):<br />

Simulation:<br />

Symbol definitions of the controller are retrieved directly from the SDB file.<br />

Afterwards, read and write operations are supported on all variables as if the<br />

controller was directly connected.<br />

ARTI<br />

The ARTI interface is available for various platforms: Windows XP/NT/CE,<br />

VxWorks, Linux. However, TCP/IP and serial are the only communication<br />

methods supported.<br />

GATEWAY:<br />

The Gateway is constrained to the Windows platforms, Windows<br />

95/98/NT/2000/XP. It supports a broader range of communication methods,<br />

though (TCP/IP, serial, shared memory, CANopen, ...).<br />

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3 <strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI<br />

3.1 Header<br />

<strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI defines and sets up all communication methods.<br />

It contains the general and specific parameter settings for a communication<br />

method.<br />

[Server] Section containing optional OPC server preferences.<br />

PLCs= Number of possible connections<br />

PLC0=PLC_ID0 Name of first connection<br />

PLC0=PLC_ID1 Name of second connection, etc.<br />

3.2 General Parameters for All Types of Connection<br />

[PLC0:PLC_ID0] or<br />

[PLC1:PLC_ID1]<br />

Section setting up the specified connection.<br />

active= 0: connection dead; 1: connection alive<br />

interfacetype= SIMULATION, ARTI or GATEWAY<br />

gateway=local<br />

gateway=TCP/IP<br /><br />

gatewayaddress=localhost<br />

Local connection on a PC.<br />

Remote connection with a PC.<br />

IP address of remote PC.<br />

TCP/IP link to local PC.<br />

gatewayport=1210 One of the communication parameters retrieved from the<br />

CoDeSys setup.<br /> Name of project that the connection belongs to. => symbol<br />

file<br />

timeout=500 Longest time (in ms) it may take to respond to a data packet<br />

from the controller until an error will be assumed.<br />

tries=10 Number of transfer attempts if a data packet fails to be received.<br />

waittime=20 Longest time (in s) the PLCHandler will try to connect. When<br />

the time is out the routine will return and provoke an error<br />

message.<br />

reconnecttime=2 Interval (in s) at which the Reconnect-Thread() retries to connect.<br />

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3.3 Specific Parameters by Type of Connection<br />

3.3.1 Serial Connection<br />

device=Serial (RS232)<br />

instance=Serial comX com1, com2, etc.<br />

parameters=5<br />

parameter0=Port<br />

value0=COMX<br />

parameter1=Baud rate<br />

value1=19200<br />

parameter2=Parity<br />

value2=No<br />

parameter3=Stop bits<br />

value3=1<br />

parameter4=Motorola byteorder<br />

value4=No<br />

3.3.2 CAN Connection<br />

device=CANopen DSP302<br />

instance=SJA1000<br />

parameters=5<br />

parameter0=NodeID<br />

value0=1<br />

parameter1=Node Send Offset<br />

value1=1536<br />

parameter2=Node Recv Offset<br />

value2=1408<br />

parameter3=CAN bus baud rate<br />

value3=125<br />

parameter4=CAN card driver<br />

value4=SJAdirect<br />

Connection details<br />

com1, com2, etc.<br />

38400 etc.<br />

Connection details<br />

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3.3.3 DPRAM Interfacing with a Slot PLC<br />

device=<strong>Kuhnke</strong> DPRam 645-ISA<br />

instance=DPRAM<br />

parameters=0 No connection details<br />

3.3.4 Shared Memory with Soft PLC SP RTE<br />

device=Shared memory (Kernel)<br />

instance=SHMEM<br />

parameters=0 No connection details<br />

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KUHNKE Automation CoDeSys System Interface<br />

4 Symbol Configuration<br />

Before the symbols of a project can be accessed via <strong>CDSIF</strong>, the CoDeSys<br />

programming system must first generate a symbol file ("project".SDB).<br />

The symbol file is a container for so-called items. An item (data object)<br />

stands for exactly one variable of the control program. Use the items to access<br />

the variable values stored by the controller.<br />

All symbol files are stored in folder %Windows%\Gateway Files where the<br />

gateway will look for them when it starts connecting.<br />

The load generated by reading and writing the variable value does of course<br />

depend on how many items are 'active', i.e. how many items need to be updated<br />

when values are refreshed.<br />

To optimise the time required for cyclic read operations, separate items<br />

should be bundled into structures or arrays which are read in a single cycle.<br />

To make CoDeSys generate a list of variables:<br />

• Run CoDeSys and choose 'Project', ’Options', ’Symbol Configuration’<br />

from the menu and tick option 'Generate symbol entries'.<br />

• Click on ’Configure symbol file’.<br />

All options of the next dialog 'Set object attributes' are selected.<br />

• Remove the tick next to 'Output object variables'.<br />

• Select any variables as appropriate, i.e. module variables, entire modules,<br />

or global variables.<br />

• Tick the box next to 'Output object variables'.<br />

• Click on 'OK' to quit the dialog.<br />

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Enabling option 'Output object variables' is a prerequisite for having the following<br />

options available:<br />

• Output collective entries:<br />

Generates entries allowing structures and arrays of the object to accessing<br />

the whole set of variables.<br />

• Output structure components:<br />

Generates a separate entry for every variable component of the structures<br />

of the object.<br />

• Output field components:<br />

Generates a separate entry for every variable component of the arrays<br />

of the object.<br />

• Write access:<br />

Allows variables of the object to be modified.<br />

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KUHNKE Automation CoDeSys System Interface<br />

5 Installing the <strong>CDSIF</strong> System<br />

All files of the CoDeSys System Interface, including the Registry entries and<br />

this documentation, are installed by the installer:<br />

Setup_<strong>CDSIF</strong>_Ventura.exe<br />

Following installation and after rebooting the computer, the data exchange<br />

functions are available.<br />

Open <strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI into a text editor to adapt the communication parameters as<br />

appropriate.<br />

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KUHNKE Automation CoDeSys System Interface<br />

5.1 Installing Add-ons<br />

Before the DPRAM can be used for communication with a slot PLC you must<br />

first install the correct driver.<br />

The installer to use depends on the version of the hardware you have (2k =<br />

old hardware or 8k = up-to-date hardware):<br />

or<br />

SetupDPRamISA2k.exe<br />

SetupDPRamISA8k.exe<br />

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6 <strong>CDSIF</strong> System Functions<br />

6.1 General<br />

6.1.1 Version Info<br />

The convention to call the parameters of any function is set to stdcall, i.e.<br />

parameters are transferred from left to right, and the called function disposes<br />

of the stack.<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_GetVersion(void)<br />

: Unsigned Long;<br />

Returns the version number of <strong>CDSIF</strong>.DLL as a 3-group value packed into a<br />

32-bit value.<br />

e.g. 010402.<br />

6.2 Connecting with/Disconnecting from PLCHandler and Status<br />

6.2.1 Connect<br />

6.2.2 Disconnect<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_Connect(pDir : PChar; iID : Integer)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Runs the PLCHandler using the settings found in <strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI.<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

pDIR Optional entry specifying the drive and path where<br />

the PLCHandler is to look for <strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI. Example:<br />

'C:\CDS', '' or ‘’ or nil.<br />

If nothing is entered the default WINDOWS folder will<br />

be searched.<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel. The figure<br />

specifies a section of <strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI where the system<br />

will go to get the communication parameters.<br />

Output parameters: -<br />

Values returned:<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

-2 PLCHandler.DLL loaded already.<br />

-3 <strong>CDSIF</strong>.INI not found.<br />

-6 Wrong settings in CDSF.INI.<br />

PLCHandler function: "PLCHandlerInitByFile".<br />

-8 Wrong value (> 16) in iID.<br />

-10 to<br />

-50<br />

Error running a function from PLCHandler.DLL.<br />

DLL stopped and removed from RAM.<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_Disconnect(iID : Integer)<br />

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6.2.3 PLCHandler Status<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

Output parameters: -<br />

Values returned:<br />

Value Function<br />

0 O.K. Disconnected successfully, communication channel closed.<br />

-1 Disconnected already.<br />

The status of the PLCHandler can be checked at any time. It indicates the<br />

status of the connection to the PLC.<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_GetState(iID : Integer)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

Output parameters: -<br />

Values returned:<br />

Va- Define / Description<br />

lue<br />


PLCHandler not started<br />


PLCHandler unloading (destructor)<br />


Controller not connected (initial state)<br />


Controller properly connected<br />


Controller connected but symbol file not loaded yet<br />


Controller connected and symbol file loaded<br />


Controller connected, symbol file loaded, all symbols verified. The<br />

PLCHandler object can now be worked with correctly.<br />


Disconnecting<br />


Valid configuration not available<br />


Symbols available for offline use<br />

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6.3 Synchronous Read<br />

6.3.1 Synchronous Read of Numerical Variables<br />

6.3.2 Reading a Byte<br />

6.3.3 Reading a Word<br />

Several functions are provided for the synchronous reading of numerical variables.<br />

The type of variable to be read (byte, word or long) decides which<br />

function is actually run.<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_ReadSyncVarByte(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

var bVal : Byte)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Specifies the name of the variable.<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

var bVal Variable value (byte)<br />

Values returned:<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_ReadSyncVarWord(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

var wVal : Word)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Specifies the name of the variable.<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

var wVal Variable value (word)<br />

Values returned:<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

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6.3.4 Reading a Long Word<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_ReadSyncVarLong(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

var lVal : LongWord)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Specifies the name of the variable.<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

var lVal Variable value (long word)<br />

Values returned:<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

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6.4 Synchronous Read of Arrays and Structures<br />

6.4.1 Synchronous Reading of an Array<br />

Use this function to read arrays of byte, word or long variables.<br />

The max. number of elements in an array is 1024 (byte, word or long)!<br />

To be able to read the entire array, enter the name of the array as the name<br />

of the variable, leaving out the index i.e. exactly as it was declared in CoDe-<br />

Sys.<br />

To read a single element, enter the name of the array together with its index.<br />

You cannot read subsets of elements within an array.<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_ReadSyncArray(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

pVal : PChar;<br />

ulLen : LongWord)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Specifies the name of the variable.<br />

pVal Identifies the array to contain the read data.<br />

ulLen Identifies the size of the array in byte, not the number<br />

of elements.<br />

This parameter should be specified as sizeof(Array).<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Values returned:<br />

-<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

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6.4.2 Synchronous Reading of a String<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_ReadSyncString(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

pVal : PChar)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Identifies the name of the string to be read.<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

pVal Identifies the string to contain the read data.<br />

Values returned:<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

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6.5 Synchronous Write<br />

6.5.1 Synchronous Write of Numerical Variables<br />

6.5.2 Synchronous Writing of a Byte<br />

Several functions are provided for the synchronous writing of numerical variables.<br />

The type of variable (byte, word or long) decides which function is actually<br />

run.<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_WriteSyncVarByte(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

bVal : Byte)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Specifies the name of the variable.<br />

bVal Variable value (byte)<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Values returned:<br />

-<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

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6.5.3 Synchronous Writing of a Word<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_WriteSyncVarWord(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

wVal : Word)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Specifies the name of the variable.<br />

wVal Variable value (word)<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Values returned:<br />

-<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

6.5.4 Synchronous Writing of a Long Word<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_WriteSyncVarLong(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

lVal : LongWord)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Specifies the name of the variable.<br />

lVal Variable value (long word)<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Values returned:<br />

-<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

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6.5.5 Synchronous Write of Arrays and Structures<br />

Use this function to write arrays of byte, word or long variables.<br />

The max. number of elements in an array is 1024 (byte, word or long)!<br />

To be able to write the entire array, enter the name of the array as the name<br />

of the variable, leaving out the index, i.e. exactly as it was declared in Co-<br />

DeSys.<br />

To write a single element, enter the name of the array together with its index.<br />

You cannot write subsets of elements within an array.<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_WriteSyncArray(iID : Integer;<br />

pVarName : PChar;<br />

pVal : PChar;<br />

ulLen : LongWord)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

pVarName Specifies the name of the variable.<br />

pVal Identifies the array that is to deliver the data.<br />

ulLen Identifies the size of the array in byte, not the number<br />

of elements.<br />

This parameter should be specified as sizeof(Array).<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Values returned:<br />

-<br />

Value Function<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

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6.6 Browsing Variables<br />

6.6.1 Getting the Number of Variables<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_GetNumberOfSymbols(iID : Integer; var ul-<br />

Symbols : LongWord)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Returns the number of variables that are available.<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

ulSymbols Contains the number of variables.<br />

Values returned:<br />

Value Function<br />

-1 Wrong index.<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

6.6.2 Reading the Names of Variables<br />

function <strong>CDSIF</strong>_GetSymbol(iID : Integer; ulIndex : Long-<br />

Word; pSymbol : PChar)<br />

: Integer;<br />

Returns the name of the variable specified by the index.<br />

Input parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

iID Identifies the communication channel.<br />

ulIndex Index of the variable.<br />

Output parameters:<br />

Parameter Function<br />

pSymbols Contains the number of variables.<br />

Values returned:<br />

Value Function<br />

-1 Wrong index.<br />

0-16 � Error code, see list of errors<br />

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7 Error Codes<br />

7.1 <strong>CDSIF</strong>.DLL Error Codes<br />

There are two different types of error codes, i.e. those generated by the<br />

PLCHandler and those generated by <strong>CDSIF</strong>.<br />

Value Define / Description<br />

0 RESULT_<strong>CDSIF</strong>_OK<br />

Job successfully done<br />


Action not successful.<br />

Use GetLastError or GetState() to obtain more details about the<br />

error.<br />

-2 RESULT_<strong>CDSIF</strong>_PLCHANDLER<br />

PLCHandler not started<br />

-3 Result of 'Connect' see<br />

Connecting<br />

-5 RESULT_<strong>CDSIF</strong>_TIMEOUT5<br />

Timeout via PLCHandlerGetState<br />

-6 Result of 'Connect' see Connecting<br />

-7 RESULT_<strong>CDSIF</strong>_TIMEOUT7<br />

Timeout via PLCHandlerSyncRead/Write<br />

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KUHNKE Automation CoDeSys System Interface<br />

7.2 PLCHandlers.DLL Error Codes<br />

Value Define / Description<br />


Action not successful.<br />

Use GetLastError() or GetState() to obtain more details about<br />

the error.<br />

0 RESULT_OK<br />

Job successfully done<br />


Controller not connected<br />


Failure logging into the controller<br />


No list registered for cyclic operations<br />


PLCHandler disabled<br />


Failure loading the symbols<br />


Invalid interface or interface not supported<br />


Communication error encountered while taking the action<br />


Wrong PLCHandler configuration or configuration not ok<br />


Invalid parameters<br />


Communication interface not or not correctly installed (e.g.<br />

gateway DLLs not available)<br />


Method not supported or implemented yet<br />


Exception encountered while taking the action<br />


Time-out time exceeded<br />


Controller already connected (and Connect() function is run<br />

again)<br />


Reconnect Thread already enabled<br />


Symbols available for offline use<br />

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KUHNKE Automation CoDeSys System Interface<br />

8 Appendix<br />

8.1 References<br />

Title / Subject Number Source<br />

Ventura IPC 300 / 700<br />

PC-based Controller<br />

E 674<br />

GB<br />

<strong>Kuhnke</strong> GmbH<br />

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KUHNKE Automation CoDeSys System Interface<br />

8.2 Sales & Service<br />

8.2.1 Main Factory in Malente<br />

8.2.2 Sales Germany<br />

8.2.3 Customer Service<br />

Please visit our Internet site to find a comprehensive overview of our sales<br />

and service network including all the relevant addresses. You are, of course,<br />

always welcome to contact our staff at the main factory in Malente or at<br />

sales headquarters in Neuhausen:<br />

<strong>Kuhnke</strong> Automation GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Lütjenburger Straße 101<br />

D-23714 Malente<br />

Phone +49 (0)4523 402-0<br />

Fax +49 (0)4523 402-247<br />

Email<br />

Internet<br />

<strong>Kuhnke</strong> Automation GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Stuttgart Branch Office<br />

Strohgäustraße 3<br />

D-73765 Neuhausen<br />

Phone +49 (0)7158 9074-0<br />

Fax +49 (0)7158 9074-80<br />

Email<br />

Internet<br />

<strong>Kuhnke</strong> Automation GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Lütjenburger Str. 101<br />

D-23714 Malente<br />

Phone +49 (0)4523 402-200<br />

Fax +49 (0)4523 402-201<br />

Email<br />

Internet<br />

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2 Jan 2007

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