Untitled - Smithsonian Institution

Untitled - Smithsonian Institution Untitled - Smithsonian Institution

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308 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [Bull. 99 This is the Medicine When They Urinate Milky (Substance) FKEE TRANSLATION Black gum (and) alder steeped with it, warm; they must drink it all day; the second (day, until) noon; and the third (day until) noon has not completed itself; the fourth (day), let them eat along with the others; restricted (are during) four nights hot (food) and salt; (intercourse between) the man and the woman is very bad. ^ explanation The characteristic symptoms of this sickness were given as a discharge of milky urine, preceded or accompanied by frequent dis- charges of dark red urine, together with pains in the lower part of the back and pelvic region, and perspiration about the private parts. It is considered a more serious form of urinary disease than any previously mentioned. The patient drinks a warm infusion of the inner bark of unt'^kwa, Nyssa multiflora Wang., black gum; ttse'U, Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng., smooth alder, the bark being taken from the root just above the ground on the east side of the tree. The patient drinks the medicine at intervals [ad libitum] during the whole of the first day, until noon on the second day, until about 10 a. m. the third day, and until just before breakfast the fourth day, which completes the course of treatment. The taboo includes salt, hot food, and sexual intercourse. 96 !tV yu^Da'N!t€"'ks5° a'skwani.GO"'to.tf-yi' | !t"aGwo°' na'mthis if a tooth comes oil to store it up with, E this, L they have we'skg-'.i | Do-'jd sktN'tS"' (4 times) been said (liab) beaver put a tootli into my (jaw) This is, When a Tooth Comes Out, to Throw it Away With FKEE TRANSLATION This is all that has to be said: "Beaver, put a tooth into my jaw!" (4 times). explanation The knowledge of this bit of folklore was first obtained [by Mr. Mooney] through a j'^oung mixed blood from the Cherokee Nation in the west, who said that when, in early childhood, his milk teeth were being replaced by permanent teeth his Cherokee mother had told him to throw the loosened teeth upon ^^ the roof of the house, asking the beaver at the same time to give him a new one instead. He could not remember the details, but on asking Ay. about the matter he at

oIbeechJ THE SWIMMER MANUSCRIPT 309 once confirmed the statement, p:iving the words as above, which the child repeats four times while nmning around the house, after which he throws the old tooth upon*" the roof. Ho had not the formula written down, as it is a well-known folklore custom, and in no way a secret matter. As the beaver is noted for its gnawing powers, there is a good Indian reason for asking it for a set of new teeth. [Although a similar belief and formula is very common through almost all Europe (where, however, mice and rats are addressed instead of the beaver), there is no necessity to consider this Cherokee practice as borrowed from the whites.] •


once confirmed the statement, p:iving the words as above, which the<br />

child repeats four times while nmning around the house, after which<br />

he throws the old tooth upon*" the roof. Ho had not the formula<br />

written down, as it is a well-known folklore custom, and in no way a<br />

secret matter. As the beaver is noted for its gnawing powers, there<br />

is a good Indian reason for asking it for a set of new teeth.<br />

[Although a similar belief and formula is very common through<br />

almost all Europe (where, however, mice and rats are addressed instead<br />

of the beaver), there is no necessity to consider this Cherokee practice<br />

as borrowed from the whites.]<br />

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