Untitled - Smithsonian Institution

Untitled - Smithsonian Institution Untitled - Smithsonian Institution

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X 290 BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY [Bull. 99 a4tb-'t'am-Ga' *^ it (sol) has conic to lie on it Ge'S-Qit is, T L Da "'le^i'sa'llfGa' it has risen I GQ-yi first Gal9'b"'° aDa'N'to' tsi;°le*\soti*-yi' it above it soul it has arisen, Loc tV'li'Df' Ga'lQ-ldi' DtGa'skil3°' tsune'^GG Da"kso"o°VanQ'' second above they chairs they white it has been let down, T L a'N^ywa'Gi it clotli 5 a'ltlo-'t*anfGa'*2 it (sol) has come to lie on it i;ne*'G8 it white Ge'SQ"' Da^le'tSa'nfGa it is, T. L it has risen tso.\nf' Ga'l^-ldi' {etc.). third above no°"Gtnf' Ga'lQ-ldi' {etc.). fourth above 't'sGtnf'' fifth Ga'lQ-ldi' {etc.). above 10 su-'Daltnf' Ga'lQ'ldi {etc.). sixtli above a'hl^'t'aiifGa' ^ S9''mkt'a' bead(s) une* GO it white it (kn) has como to lie on it tV^hnf' Ga'19'ldi' aDa'NJto' tsvle^isotf-yi' second above it soul it has arisen, Loc Golkwo'^Gtiif' Dt'Galo*'ldt-y-9"M DtGa'sktlo" °' tsune'^Ga Dakso" seventh they above, Loc, T L they chairs they white it has o"Van-Q'' I been let down, T L une* G8 it white uwo tso no: i it has been made completely beautiful a^N*9wa'Gi une'^GO a4tl9*'t'ani-Ga' ^^ a4tb-H*anfGa' ^^ if (sol) has como to lie on it it cloth it white it (Icn.) has come to a'kt'otr if looked into 15 wi'GananuGO"'tstsa'"'nfGa' it has appeared up there + + so and so aDO nt'Ga it has been said aDa'Nito' it soul lie on it tSuD0*'-tD8 I his names are Golkwo"'Ginf' seventh D€G9*']e'i'sa'nt'se*sti' he will arise continuously This is to Examine with the Beads FREE TRANSLATION S9nikt*a' bead(s) u Da*N*to' his soul', Gan9-ldr above Sharply Now, then! Ha, now thou has come to listen, Long Human Being, thou art staying (right here); thou never failest in anything. I have come to bring my paths down to the edge of thy body. The white cloth has come to rest on the white chairs; the white beads have come to rest on (the white cloth). The soul has risen to the first upper world, the place of its ascension. In the second upper world the white chairs have been let down; the white cloth has come to rest on them; the white beads have come to rest on (the white cloth). The soul has risen to the second upper world, the place of its ascension. " W. Dial, form; C. Dial. a'ho-H'anfGa'.

O^BRECHTs] THE SWIMMER MANUSCRIPT 291 In the third upper world (etc.). In the fourth upper world {etc.). In the fifth upper world (etc.). In the sixth upper world (etc.). In the seventh upper world the white chairs have been let down; the white cloth has come to rest on them; the white beads have come to rest on (the white cloth). He is called so-and-so. His soul, made pleasing, has become examined. In the seventh upper world it has appeared, the soul will ascend constantly. Sharply! EXPLANATION [This is one of the three formulas published by Mr. Mooney in his interesting account of the Cherokee River Cult (p. 8).] It is recited when "going to water," for obtaining long life, before eating the new com, etc. The general ceremony is the same as the one described in Nos. 43 and 93, but in this case the medicine man also uses the beads. When the medicine man takes a whole family to the water he performs the whole ceremony for each member in turn. Should the movements of the beads foreshadow sickness for any member of the party he afterwards performs another ceremony to learn whether that person will recover or die, and also, if possible, to avert the threatened evil. [According to the oral directions given by Ay.] the beads must be laid down upon a yard of cloth; [both] cloth [and beads] afterwards become the fee of the medicine man. 84 *tV Dt'DQ'le'soi a'Da'ng'wO'tT this it breaks them, to cure aoyonc with Hab SGe'* V-'no'GWo"' GaTLL'th. ^ Ga'nitlp'wa ^ Gc'sq-' Now, then! I ha, now bedstead under the floor it is, T L n9*VaDu"'y9no''i | wlsGf'Da Dunf'y't'am'le'^.i' wa'd'iGwo"' it has formed itself it important he has put it under, App Measure-worm (a) u'sonvli GaN!sta' tsune-'ca G€*'s€*°.i' DaDo-'"ltst*Ga'' | quickly switch(es) they are it is, App they have come and white recognized each other a^ntDa'^^Wc tsvnstf'Ga De-'Ge'tsu'tltO't'anfOa" I GaN^sta' they wizards they little they have come to make thee get up switch((';-.) tsiine-'oa De'Ge-'Gas^-'Goldtst'anrGa' | a''ye*'lsti une^'Ga Ge'ts*= they are white they have come to take them knife white they into their (hands) have | ska'se'-'taDt'Ga' | ntDLi-'lt'anQ'Da n9r)e''ts9n€-'lfGa' come to frighten thee arisen at the same time they have come and made it so for thee sun, « W. Dial, form; W. Dial. -tl->C. Dial. -s-. n9'D0'=


In the third upper world (etc.).<br />

In the fourth upper world {etc.).<br />

In the fifth upper world (etc.).<br />

In the sixth upper world (etc.).<br />

In the seventh upper world the white chairs have been let down;<br />

the white cloth has come to rest on them; the white beads have<br />

come to rest on (the white cloth). He is called so-and-so. His<br />

soul, made pleasing, has become examined. In the seventh upper<br />

world it has appeared, the soul will ascend constantly. Sharply!<br />


[This is one of the three formulas published by Mr. Mooney<br />

in his interesting account of the Cherokee River Cult (p. 8).] It<br />

is recited when "going to water," for obtaining long life, before<br />

eating the new com, etc. The general ceremony is the same as<br />

the one described in Nos. 43 and 93, but in this case the medicine<br />

man also uses the beads.<br />

When the medicine man takes a whole family to the water he<br />

performs the whole ceremony for each member in turn. Should<br />

the movements of the beads foreshadow sickness for any member<br />

of the party he afterwards performs another ceremony to learn<br />

whether that person will recover or die, and also, if possible, to<br />

avert the threatened evil.<br />

[According to the oral directions given by Ay.] the beads must<br />

be laid down upon a yard of cloth; [both] cloth [and beads] afterwards<br />

become the fee of the medicine man.<br />

84<br />

*tV Dt'DQ'le'soi a'Da'ng'wO'tT<br />

this it breaks them, to cure aoyonc with<br />

Hab<br />

SGe'* V-'no'GWo"' GaTLL'th. ^ Ga'nitlp'wa ^ Gc'sq-'<br />

Now, then!<br />

I<br />

ha, now bedstead under the floor it is, T L<br />

n9*VaDu"'y9no''i |<br />

wlsGf'Da<br />

Dunf'y't'am'le'^.i' wa'd'iGwo"'<br />

it has formed itself it important he has put it under, App Measure-worm<br />

(a) u'sonvli GaN!sta' tsune-'ca G€*'s€*°.i' DaDo-'"ltst*Ga'' |<br />

quickly switch(es) they are it is, App they have come and<br />

white recognized each other<br />

a^ntDa'^^Wc tsvnstf'Ga De-'Ge'tsu'tltO't'anfOa" I<br />

GaN^sta'<br />

they wizards they little they have come to make thee get up switch((';-.)<br />

tsiine-'oa De'Ge-'Gas^-'Goldtst'anrGa' |<br />

a''ye*'lsti une^'Ga Ge'ts*=<br />

they are white they have come to take them knife white they<br />

into their (hands) have<br />

| ska'se'-'taDt'Ga' | ntDLi-'lt'anQ'Da n9r)e''ts9n€-'lfGa'<br />

come to frighten thee arisen at the same time they have come and made<br />

it so for thee<br />

sun,<br />

« W. Dial, form; W. Dial. -tl->C. Dial. -s-.<br />


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