Untitled - Smithsonian Institution

Untitled - Smithsonian Institution

Untitled - Smithsonian Institution


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MOONKY<br />

OlhukchZm] 'i'l'l'^ SWIMMER MANUBCKIPT 247<br />

dato by Mr. Mooney, it appears tliat a iiiedi(;ine man thou^lit lliin<br />

kind of root was used], "beeauso it is more bitter tlian tiio (nain<br />

root." [I did not find tliis view confirmed and would be inclined<br />

to tliink tliat it owes its popidarity merely to sucli considerations<br />

as are discussed on page 54.]<br />

Tlie roots selected are such as di]) into tlie water from trees and<br />

shnd)S overlianging tlie stream. Such watcr-gi-owing roots are also<br />

frocpiently specified in tlie prescriptions [es])ecially in those dealing<br />

with troubles of the urinary passages and r(ilat(Ml ailments. Medi-<br />

cine men can not now advance any ex])laiuition of tlds ])eculiar<br />

injunction; the idea is probably that tlie unimpeded contact of<br />

these roots with tlie water i-cjuhirs tluMii effective in the treatment<br />

of organs in which the flow of liquid (urine, catajnenial blood,<br />

etc.) is laborious and defective.]<br />

By a loose wording of the sentence this provision ("all liaving<br />

their roots in the water") is made to ai)ply also to the raspberry,<br />

which is not intended.<br />

All the roots, however, liave to be taken from the east si(h^ of tlie<br />

tree.<br />

The decoction is drunlc several tijnes during the day, in doses<br />

of about half a pint at a time, for four days, and affords relief by<br />

acting as an emetic and a purgative.<br />

Tfie patient abstains from all food the first day until sunset,<br />

the second day until noon, the third day until late in the morning,<br />

and on the fourth jnorning eats breakfast with the rest of tlie house-<br />

hold. She abstains also from salt and hot food while under treatment.<br />

For his pay it is specified that the medicine man shall receive<br />

the undergarment of the patient. [This may be some article of<br />

dress wliich we also would call an undergarjiuint, sucli as a petticoat,<br />

a chemise, etc., but these luxuries are not yet generally inti()du(;(;d<br />

among the Cherokee, so that the undergarment is' generally an<br />

older dress. Some girls and women wear three or four dress(;s,<br />

one on top of the other.]<br />

SGe" I<br />

52<br />

*i'a' i;7UDzf'ya Dt'na'n^'Vo't'i'<br />

this they (urc) woriiia to curu pooijlo with<br />

*a'-no'cwo"' u'sonu-'li 'a't'^'ija'^nfoa' DaWt'skula'<br />

Now thoni hu, now cjulckly thou hu-st cou)c to Ibten Flint<br />

tsAstf'(;a I<br />

jy'Dali' tso'sttoo'-'i in'ts'i'tlt'o't'sti' *tDa''"we!i' |<br />

thou littlu mountaln(s) thoy are little, Loc tbou art utayiug thou wizard<br />

oai)'/ tsunf'lti ntG€'^S()"na' |<br />

i;'sonu''li 't^kso'^siTia' |<br />

whut thou fuiist uovor quickly thou bast come down<br />

i;'tlawo-tii'tti "* ast'^-' Dt^'tD'/'^sfoa' |<br />

tsck')-'ya<br />

y'ska'se^ti'<br />

Bwanipy iiiursh odgo thou has coino and halted insects (riglitful<br />

•^ W. D. fonii; C. D.=(u)Bawo-tu'tli.

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