secret - (SPAWAR) is - The US Navy

secret - (SPAWAR) is - The US Navy secret - (SPAWAR) is - The US Navy
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BECNAVIZWT S51O.36 17M1R 1999 custodian or custodial command - The individual or command who hae possession of, or is otherwise charged with the responsibility for safeguarding classified information. Damage to the National Eaourity - Harm to the national defense or foreign relations of the U.S. resulting from the unauthorized disclosure of classified information. Dsolassifiaation - The determination by an authorized official that classified information no longer requires, in the interest of national eecurity, any degrae of protection against unauthorized disclosure. Deolaseifiaatian Authority - The official who authorizes original classification, if that official is still serving in the same paeition; the originator’e current euccessor in function; a supervisory official of either; or officials delegated declassification authority, in writing, by the agency head or the senior agency official. Deliberate Compromise - Any intentional act of conveying classified information to any person not officially authorized to receive it. Derivative Claasifiaation - The incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or generating, in new form, information that is already classified and ensuring that it continuee to be classified by marking or similar means when included in newly created material. Diealaeure - Conveying classified information to another person. Doaument - Any phyeical medium euch ae any publication (bound or unbound printed material such as reports, studiee, manuale), correspondence (such as military and business letters and memoranda) , electronic media, audio-visual material (slides, transparencies, films), or other printed or written products (euch ae charte, maps) on which information is recorded or stored. DoD Componant - The Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefe of Staff, the Combatant Commands, and the Defense agencies. A-6 SSKNAVINST 5510.36

BECNAV2MT 5510.36 17MM 199$ Downgrading - The determination by an approved authority that information classified at a specific level requires a lower degrae of protection, therefore, reducing the classification to a lower level. Event - An occurrence or happening that is reasonably certain to occur and that can be set as the signal for automatic declassification or downgra~inq of information. Rxoeption - A written, CNO (N09N2)-approved long-term (36 months or longer) or permanent deviation from a specific safeguarding requirement of this regulation. Exceptions reguire compensatory security measures. Faoility Seaurity Clearance (ECL) - An adminietrative determination that, from a security viewpoint, a facility is eligible for access to classified information of a certain category (and all lower categories) . ?ile series - Documentary material, regardless of its physical form or characteristics, that is arranged in accordance with a filing system or maintained as a unit because it pertains to the same function or activity. Foreign Government - FUIynational governing body organized and existing under the laws of any country other than the U.S. and ite possession and trust territories and any agent or ‘ instrumentality of that government. Yoreign Qovsrnment Information (FGI) - Information provided to the U.S. Government by a foreign government or governments, an international organization of governments, or any element thereof, with the expectation, expressed or implied, that the information, the eource of the information, or both, are to be held in confidence; information produced by the U.S. under or as a result of a joint arrangement with a foreign government or governments, or an international organization of governments, or any element thereof, reguiring that the information, the arrangement, or both, are to be held in confidence; or information received and treated as FGI under the terms of a predecessor order to E.O. 12958. ?oreign Intelligence - The product from collection, evaluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of intelligence information about a foreign power and which is significant to the national eecurity, foreign relations, or economic interests of the U.S. and which is provided by a Government agency that is assigned an intelligence mission. BBCNAVXNBT 5510.36 A-7

BECNAVIZWT S51O.36<br />

17M1R 1999<br />

custodian or custodial command - <strong>The</strong> individual or command who<br />

hae possession of, or <strong>is</strong> otherw<strong>is</strong>e charged with the<br />

responsibility for safeguarding classified information.<br />

Damage to the National Eaourity - Harm to the national defense or<br />

foreign relations of the U.S. resulting from the unauthorized<br />

d<strong>is</strong>closure of classified information.<br />

Dsolassifiaation - <strong>The</strong> determination by an authorized official<br />

that classified information no longer requires, in the interest<br />

of national eecurity, any degrae of protection against<br />

unauthorized d<strong>is</strong>closure.<br />

Deolaseifiaatian Authority - <strong>The</strong> official who authorizes original<br />

classification, if that official <strong>is</strong> still serving in the same<br />

paeition; the originator’e current euccessor in function; a<br />

superv<strong>is</strong>ory official of either; or officials delegated<br />

declassification authority, in writing, by the agency head or the<br />

senior agency official.<br />

Deliberate Comprom<strong>is</strong>e - Any intentional act of conveying<br />

classified information to any person not officially authorized to<br />

receive it.<br />

Derivative Claasifiaation - <strong>The</strong> incorporating, paraphrasing,<br />

restating, or generating, in new form, information that <strong>is</strong><br />

already classified and ensuring that it continuee to be<br />

classified by marking or similar means when included in newly<br />

created material.<br />

Diealaeure - Conveying classified information to another person.<br />

Doaument - Any phyeical medium euch ae any publication (bound or<br />

unbound printed material such as reports, studiee, manuale),<br />

correspondence (such as military and business letters and<br />

memoranda) , electronic media, audio-v<strong>is</strong>ual material (slides,<br />

transparencies, films), or other printed or written products<br />

(euch ae charte, maps) on which information <strong>is</strong> recorded or<br />

stored.<br />

DoD Componant - <strong>The</strong> Office of the Secretary of Defense, the<br />

Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefe of Staff,<br />

the Combatant Commands, and the Defense agencies.<br />

A-6 SSKNAVINST 5510.36

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