katalog 2010-12angl - Semo

katalog 2010-12angl - Semo

katalog 2010-12angl - Semo


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<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

R<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Vegetable Seed Cataloque 2011 – 2013<br />

11 —13<br />

R<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Dear business friends,<br />

Every year we will arrange for you In-door<br />

seminars as well as "Field Days" that are devoted<br />

to various kinds of our vegetable varieties.<br />

We will timely inform you about the exact dates<br />

of upcoming events.<br />

www.semo.cz<br />

2<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Contens<br />

Onion ............................................................................... 6<br />

Bunching Onion ............................................................... 8<br />

Celeriac ........................................................................... 8<br />

Celery .............................................................................. 9<br />

Scallop ............................................................................ 9<br />

Parsnip ............................................................................ 9<br />

Green Pea - for industry and fresh market .................... 10<br />

Green and Sugar pea - for fresh market ........................ 11<br />

Carrot ............................................................................ 12<br />

Root parsley .................................................................. 14<br />

Salad cucumber ............................................................ 15<br />

Pickling cucumber ......................................................... 18<br />

Leaf parsley ................................................................... 20<br />

Red Beet ....................................................................... 20<br />

Kohlrabi ......................................................................... 21<br />

Dill ................................................................................. 21<br />

Sweet pepper ................................................................ 22<br />

Condiment pepper ......................................................... 25<br />

Hot pepper .................................................................... 26<br />

Ornamental pepper ....................................................... 27<br />

Bush Tomato.................................................................. 28<br />

Indeterminant Tomato .................................................... 30<br />

Cos lettuce .................................................................... 31<br />

Leaf and Batavia lettuce ................................................ 31<br />

Butterhead lettuce ......................................................... 32<br />

Iceberg lettuce ............................................................... 34<br />

Sweet Corn ................................................................... 35<br />

Radish - European type ................................................. 36<br />

Radish - Asian type ....................................................... 37<br />

Chive ............................................................................. 38<br />

Squash and Pumpkin .................................................... 38<br />

Watermelon ................................................................... 39<br />

Cabbage ........................................................................ 40<br />

Chinese Cabbage .......................................................... 41<br />

Bush Bean - for pods ..................................................... 42<br />

Bush Bean - for dry seeds ............................................. 42<br />

Grafting ......................................................................... 42<br />

Herbs ............................................................................. 43<br />

Notice:<br />

Descriptions and recommendations in this catalogue are<br />

valid for Central Europe first of all. Growing period, size of<br />

fruits, colour and next characteristics can be little different<br />

in other regions. The Buyer should try and determine<br />

whether varieties are suitable for intended production in<br />

his area and condition.<br />

Used symbols:<br />

.................................................. new variety<br />

.................................................. variety in preparation<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Contact<br />

SEMO a.s.<br />

798 17 Smržice u Prostějova<br />


Phone: +420 - 582 301 903,<br />

+420 - 582 301 911,<br />

Fax: +420 582 381 189<br />

e-mail: profi@semo.cz<br />

www.semo.cz<br />

R<br />


4<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Editorial<br />

Dear customers,<br />

The aim of our company is to provide<br />

to growers the quality seeds of the best varieties<br />

of vegetables. Everything in our company<br />

is subordinated to this goal. Starting with the work<br />

of growers, through seed production and treatment,<br />

its expedition and ending with subsequent<br />

counselling.<br />

We focus primarily on breeding vegetables<br />

for European conditions and areas with similar<br />

climate. Therefore, you can find in the catalogue the<br />

varieties that have proven success in<br />

European vegetable farms. Novelties and varieties<br />

in preparation are also not missing. We believe that<br />

you have plenty to choose from.<br />

Thank you for your past confidence and<br />

I wish you every success in growing and<br />

marketing of vegetables.<br />

Jan Prášil<br />

Director of Company SEMO a.s.<br />

About us<br />

SEMO a.s.<br />

The Czech company - SEMO a.s. was founded in 1994.<br />

It continued in the more than 50 year tradition of plant<br />

breeding, which was connected with the former Vegetable<br />

Breeding Station. Ours target is a prosperous company,<br />

engaged in the breeding, production and sale of seeds.<br />

It is a company that puts its customers' requirements and<br />

wishes first in all of its activities.<br />

Breeding program<br />

SEMO breeds plant varieties mainly for European climate<br />

and conditions. Our varieties are known by farmers in the<br />

Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria,<br />

Romania and Moldova. We offer a wide range of vegetable<br />

seeds and focus our effort on green peas, pepper, tomato,<br />

cucumber, root vegetables and lettuce.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Seed Quality<br />

SEMO is proud of the high quality of its production. Any seed<br />

leaving the grounds of SEMO must comply with very high<br />

standards.<br />

Approach to Growers<br />

Besides offering high quality seeds, our goal is also to provide<br />

growers with a functional system of associated services. Our<br />

customer service does not end with the purchase<br />

of seeds. We are prepared to provide you with an advisory<br />

service during growing and help you to solve any problems<br />

you may encounter.<br />

STANDARD and PRECISION seeds<br />

Growers may choose from the following two basic categories<br />

of seeds:<br />

- STANDARD seeds<br />

- PRECISION seeds<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

STANDARD seeds<br />

These seeds are standard seeds that meet EU standards.<br />

Most seeds in this category are coated with fungicides.<br />

STANDARD seeds are sold by weight (kg).<br />

PRECISION seeds<br />

These seeds are characterized by top quality and abovestandard<br />

adjustment (as detailed in the table). PRECISION<br />

seeds are sold per seed (in pieces). The adjustment of<br />

PRECISION seeds includes the following:<br />

����� grading<br />

The seeds are sorted according to their size, while<br />

PRECISION includes grading of only the best quality seeds.<br />

The uniform size of the seeds implies a uniform germination<br />

as well as emergence rate and also increases the balance<br />

of the stand.<br />

����� HWT<br />

Hot water treatment against bacteriosis is carried out by<br />

SEMO in the case of pepper, carrot, parsley and<br />

Brassicaceae seeds. This treatment eliminates the primary<br />

source of infection - bacteria on the seed surface.<br />

Next types of seeds adjustment<br />

����� Primed seeds of parsley, celeriac and carrot<br />

Growth of plants is quicker and uniform after sowing of primed<br />

seeds.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

����� Thermo-primed seeds of lettuce and carrot<br />

Important for summer (hot weather) sowing where the growth<br />

is better with thermo-primed seeds.<br />

����� PILLS<br />

SEMO offers pills made using the SUET company technology.<br />

This high-quality technology comprises of a special coating<br />

mixture for each type of seed and method of growing. Our<br />

basic offer includes celery, lettuce and kohlrabi pills.<br />

����� Organic seeds<br />

These seeds have been produced in accordance with the<br />

standards of biological production and are intended for<br />

organic farming. We offer organic seeds in many spices<br />

including Basil or Dill for example.<br />

R<br />


6<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Onion<br />

Allium cepa L.<br />

We offer onion seeds in the categories "STANDARD",<br />

"PRECISION", and "PRECISION Plus". Greatest interest<br />

there is in the last, the highest form of seed incrustation.<br />

After grading, the seed is incrusted with effective range of<br />

seed treatments. Such modified seed grows very uniformly,<br />

what is a good base for achieving high yield.<br />

Offer of onion set:<br />

We newly come on the market also with the onion set offer.<br />

From season <strong>2010</strong>, the onion sets of variety DAGMAR is<br />

available. For season 2012, we also offer an onion set of<br />

new variety WELINA.<br />

Onion set DAGMAR<br />

We tested this new onion set variety on many places with very<br />

good results. Growers appreciate very early harvest first of all.<br />

Onion set WELINA<br />

We are preparing this new onion which is mid late variety from<br />

onion set. High yielding variety tolerant to bolting.<br />

Yellow skin Onion - long day type<br />

LUSY<br />

This early variety with yellow-bronze skin quickly became<br />

popular among growers. LUSY has medium size bulbs with<br />

thin neck. The skin retention is good which allows medium<br />

term storage.<br />

LUSY<br />

DAGMAR<br />

High-yielding variety of spring onion for medium term<br />

storage. It creates big round bulbs with an attractive bronze<br />

skin. It is characteristic with a sturdy root system and<br />

therefore it is also suitable for dry and warm regions.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

DAGMAR<br />


Mid-late Rijnsburger hybrid with a high level of bolting<br />

tolerance. Onion has nice yellow colour. Very well adapted<br />

for long term storage.<br />


ELISTA<br />

Early onion variety with very attractive elliptic shape. ELISTA<br />

has a nice bronze skin and good storability. Cooks appreciate<br />

the perfect shape for cutting - very uniform small onion rings.<br />

Red and white Onion - long day type<br />

ELISTA<br />

KARMEN<br />

Medium early red onion with a flattened shape for direct<br />

sowing as well as growing from onion sets. Beautiful dark<br />

red colour of skin. The flesh is very fine and sweet, with<br />

crimson colour between individual skins. Very good storability<br />

in segment of red onions. A good variety for fresh market<br />

and industry too.<br />

KARMEN<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />


New mid early variety with attractive white skin. Flattened<br />

round bulbs are nice for bunching and pearl onions also for<br />

onion set. Because of high level of dry matter (more than<br />

14 %) ALBIENKA is perfect variety for industry especially for<br />

drying. Medium-long storaging is also possible.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Variety T ype<br />

* Growing<br />

period<br />

from<br />

sowing<br />

( days)<br />

Skin color<br />

B ulb<br />

shape<br />

D ry<br />

matter<br />

% Bulb weight<br />

( g)<br />

Storaging<br />

For<br />

spring<br />

sowing<br />

*<br />

GLOBO Intermediate Day<br />

117 yellow round E 10, 4<br />

400 short<br />

LUSY Long Day<br />

120 yellow-bronze round A-1 12, 0<br />

130 medium<br />

ALICE Long Day<br />

123 yellow round A-1 12, 4<br />

130 medium<br />

DAGMAR Long Day<br />

130 bronze round A-3 11, 6<br />

140 medium<br />


Long Day<br />

120 yellow flat B 15, 2<br />

115 medium<br />

VSETANA Long Day<br />

124 yellow spindle G 14, 6<br />

120 medium<br />

WELINA Long Day<br />

130 yellow round A-1 10, 0<br />

125 long<br />

ALBIENKA Long Day<br />

125 white flattened round<br />

C-3 14, 0<br />

105 short<br />

AGOSTANA Long Day<br />

133 white round A-2 11, 2<br />

148 short<br />

KARMEN Long Day<br />

126 red flattened round<br />

C-2 13, 8<br />

109 medium<br />

ELISTA Long Day<br />

122 bronze elliptic F 13, 0<br />

110 medium<br />

For<br />

overwintering<br />

*<br />

AUGUSTA Short Day<br />

mid-late yellow flattened round<br />

C-1 10, 5<br />

110 short<br />

HIBERNA Short Day<br />

late yellow flattened round<br />

C-1 12, 1<br />

150 short<br />



* valid for central Europe conditions<br />


Late high-yielding, white onion variety with a nice round bulbs.<br />

AGOSTANA is suitable for pearl onions, but also for fresh<br />

market. A reliable variety also for industry thanks to high<br />

level of dry matter.<br />

A – 1<br />

A – 2<br />

A – 3<br />

B C – 1 C – 2<br />

C – 3<br />

E F<br />

G<br />

R<br />


8<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Onion<br />

Allium cepa L.<br />

Over wintering Onion - short day type<br />


Confirmed mid late overwintering onion. Yellow medium-sized<br />

bulbs are flattened round with a medium-thick neck. We<br />

recommend later terms of sowing because of a high level of<br />

tolerance to cold weather. AUGUSTA is suitable for bunching<br />

and harvest of fresh onion too. Short storaging is possible.<br />


Late high-yielding overwintering variety. Flattened round bulbs<br />

are big and covered with a yellow brown to bronze skin. Strong<br />

healthy foliage is optimal for production of bunching onions.<br />

But HIBERNA is interesting for later harvest of dry onion as<br />

well. Variety shows<br />

the same high level of<br />

cold resistance as<br />

AUGUSTA.<br />



Bunching onion<br />

Allium fistulosum L.<br />

GERDA<br />

Very early bunching onion (Alium fistulosum) with delicious<br />

taste and dark erected leafs. Suitable for spring to winter<br />

crops and overwintering. Vigorous in cold weather as well.<br />

Excellent quality for cutting and bunching.<br />

Celeriac<br />

Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum (Mill.) Gaud<br />

NEON<br />

Early, stable yielding variety with smooth roots without cavities<br />

and good health (it is not sensitive to Septoriosis). Its white<br />

flesh does not contain anthocyan and remains white when<br />

cooked. It has a very good storability. Suitable for drying and<br />

also for fresh market. Growing period is 137 days from<br />

transplanting.<br />

MAXIM<br />

Improved PRAGUE GIANT can say about this celeriac. Highyielding<br />

late variety, producing smooth and big roots. MAXIM<br />

is owing to its resistant to bolting and Septoriosis. Big roots<br />

and high dry matter makes this variety very suitable for<br />

industry. Growing period is 145 days from transplanting.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

GERDA<br />

NEON<br />


Healthy, late variety with high level of resistance to bolting<br />

and Septoriosis. Growing period is 150 days from<br />

transplanting.<br />

MAXIM<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Celery<br />

Apium graveolens L. var. secalinum Alef.<br />

JEMNY<br />

High yielding variety with smooth aromatic leaves and good<br />

health. Very good for mechanized harvest, drying and<br />

freezing. Tolerant to bolting.<br />

Scallop<br />

Cucurbita pepo L.<br />

JEMNY<br />

PATINA<br />

High-yielding variety with bush growth. Fruits are white, diskshaped,<br />

with solid compact flesh. Growing period about<br />

80 days to first harvest (in Central Europe conditions).<br />


A lot of fruits and strong tolerance to Powdery Mildew are<br />

the most important characteristics of this variety. Discoid fruits<br />

have really white skin, flesh is creamy white. The first fruits<br />

are picked in 70 days after sowing (in Central Europe<br />

conditions).<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


Parsnip<br />

Pastinaca sativa L.<br />


High yielding parsnip with a long root and high level of<br />

resistance to diseases. The plant has vigorous growth. Its<br />

white root is conical, 25-30 cm long, sharply pointed. The<br />

variety is excellent for direct consumption as well as for<br />

processing, especially drying. Very good storability. Growing<br />

period about 200 days from sowing (in Central Europe<br />

conditions).<br />

BIELAS<br />

Our new parsnip variety. Earlier (about 180 days from sowing<br />

- in Central Europe conditions) with smaller foliage in<br />

comparison with variety DLOUHY BÍLY. New BIELAS offers<br />

more smooth and wider conical roots. Suitable variety for<br />

fresh market, long term storaging and all type of processing.<br />


R<br />


10<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Green Pea<br />

Pisum sativum L. convar. medullare Alef. emend C.O.Lehm.<br />

SEMO offers a complete range of pea varieties. From small<br />

to large seeded varieties as well as from very early to late<br />

harvests. There are top quality very early varieties for the<br />

fresh market as well as super fine seed categories for freezing<br />

and canning. During the plant breeding a great emphasis is<br />

placed on excellent health which includes resistance to<br />

Fusarium oxysporum and other diseases.<br />

Variety<br />

Acc.<br />

heat<br />

UNITs<br />

height<br />

( C°<br />

) ( cm)<br />

Grading: I = less than 7,5 mm II = 7,5 - 8,2 mm III = 8,2 - 9,3 mm IV = 9,3 - 10,2 mm V = larger than 10,2 mm<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Plant Pod S eed<br />

Grading<br />

( % )<br />

first<br />

fertile<br />

node<br />

number<br />

of<br />

pods<br />

per<br />

node<br />

length<br />

( cm)<br />

end<br />

shape<br />

number<br />

of<br />

seeds<br />

size colour I II III IV V<br />


General<br />

remarks<br />

( Central<br />

Europe<br />

conditions)<br />

JUNOS 684 65-75 8 1 9 pointed 10-12 big dark 2 6 15 38 39 dark<br />

big<br />

pods,<br />

very<br />

early<br />

OSKAR 684 70-80 8 2 9 pointed 10-12 big dark 3 5 16 36 40 big<br />

pods,<br />

very<br />

early<br />

DRAGON 733 65-75 9 2 6 blunt 6-7 small dark 9 18 60 13 0 " petit<br />

pois"<br />

type<br />

HAVEL 733 65-75 9 2 8 blunt 7-8 big dark 2 8 15 41 34 goes<br />

slowly<br />

to<br />

over<br />

ripen<br />

VLADAN 710 65-75 9 2 7 blunt 5-6 big dark 2 5 15 30 48 resistant<br />

to<br />

dry<br />

weather<br />

RADOVAN 833 60-80 11 2 7, 5 pointed 8-9 medium dark 3 8 18 32 39 highly<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

lodging<br />

DAVID 816 60-80 11 2 8 pointed 8-9 medium dark 8 12 32 35 13 resistant<br />

to<br />

dry<br />

weather<br />

CETRIS 866 65-75 12 2-3 7 blunt 6-8 small dark 4 31 60 5 0<br />

" petit<br />

pois"<br />

type,<br />

three<br />

pods<br />

per<br />

nod<br />

KUDRNAC 866 60-80 13 2 9 pointed 8-10 big dark 5 8 30 32 25 AFILA<br />

type<br />

T WINSET<br />

( SM441/<br />

02)<br />

883 60-75 13 2 9 blunt 8-10 big dark 7 9 31 32 21<br />

M ORRIS<br />

( SM247/<br />

00)<br />

897 60-80 14 2-3 7 blunt 6-7 medium dark 18 20 39 20 3<br />

big<br />

pods,<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

PM<br />

very<br />

high<br />

yield,<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

PM<br />

DALILA 917 70-80 14 2 7 blunt 6-8 big dark 0 2 10 43 45 excellent<br />

field<br />

health<br />

RADIM 926 60-70 15 2 9 pointed 9-11 medium dark 11 14 40 28 7 big<br />

pods,<br />

late<br />

NOBEL 940 70-80 14 2-3 6, 5 blunt 7-8 small dark 18 29 38 15 0 high<br />

yielding<br />

variety<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />


Confirmed mid-early pea variety with a sturdy branched stem,<br />

medium-sized leaves and smaller stipules. RADOVAN is<br />

highly resistant to lodging and suitable for industry and fresh<br />

market as well. Resistant to Fusarium oxysporum race 1.<br />

OSKAR<br />

Very popular variety because of very early production of long<br />

pods. OSKAR offers big seeds and a high yield. Excellent<br />

for mechanized harvest and also hand harvest of whole pods.<br />

Resistant to Fusarium oxysporum race 1.<br />

OSKAR<br />

CETRIS<br />

This new mid-early variety produces 3 pods per node. Very<br />

good health and a large yield of seeds in super fine grading.<br />

This variety has shown resistance to Fusarium oxysporum<br />

races 1 and 2. Very good health and a large yield of super<br />

fine seeds make this variety very suitable for canning and<br />

freezing industry.<br />

CETRIS<br />

DALILA<br />

Very popular late variety with big pods and seeds in grading<br />

IV and V. Recommended for fresh market and also for industry<br />

(canning and freezing). Resistant to Fusarium oxysporum<br />

race 1.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

DALILA<br />

TWINSET (SM 441/02)<br />

We are preparing this new late variety with big pods and seeds.<br />

Thanks a nice straight pods (about 9 cm) is TWINSET very suitable<br />

for fresh market and mechanic harvest too. Very high yielding and<br />

healthy variety. Resistant to Fusarium oxysporum race 1 and<br />

Erysiphe pisi race 1.<br />

Ivana Hasalová (to left), SEMO a.s. –<br />

breeder of pea and bean<br />

Green and Sugar Pea - for fresh market<br />

Pisum sativum L. convar. axiphium Alef. emend C.O. Lehm<br />


Sugar Pea, bush type. Pods of this medium early variety do not<br />

contain the vellum layer and therefore are suitable for<br />

consumption of whole pods. AMBROSIA's seeds are pale green.<br />

Maturity in 55 days after sowing (in Central Europe conditions).<br />


SM 194/08 (SWEET SALOME)<br />

We are preparing new climbing variety of Sugar Pea with<br />

really big light green pods - length 9 cm and width 3 cm.<br />

Suitable variety for consumption of whole pods. Maturity in<br />

57 days after sowing (in Central Europe conditions). Standup<br />

is necessary.<br />


A well-known standard late variety of Green Pea. Pods are<br />

very long (10 -12 cm) with 9 - 10 light green seeds inside.<br />

Height of plant is about 140 cm. Growing with stand-up is<br />

suitable but not necessary.<br />

RONDO<br />

Confirmed Italian Green pea variety offers nice long pods<br />

(9 - 11 cm) with 8 - 9 seeds. RONDO is little earlier then<br />

ALDERMAN (7 days) and plant is not so vigorous - height<br />

about 120 cm only. Growing with stand-up is not necessary.<br />

R<br />


12<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Carrot<br />

Daucus carota L.<br />

JARANA F1<br />

We are preparing this new early hybrid of Nantes type. Produces<br />

attractive, medium long roots with nice outside and inside colour.<br />

Very suitable for fresh market and bunching. Lower but firm<br />

foliage is optimal for mechanic harvest.<br />

JARANA F1<br />


Our new late hybrid of Berlicum type. A high yielding carrot<br />

with big and smooth roots. Perfect colour inside and outside.<br />

Because of very firm leaf this variety is very easy for mechanic<br />

harvest. The important characteristics are the high level of<br />

dry matter and long term storability. Thanks these<br />

characteristics KOLOSEUM F1 is very suitable for industry -<br />

especially caning and deep freezing.<br />

JITKA F1<br />

Mid-late variety of Berlikum type. Growers appreciate big yield of<br />

uniform roots first of all. Suitable for industry as well as for fresh<br />

market. Blunt root and shine red skin are characteristics of this<br />

variety. Growing period from sowing 135 days, early bunching is<br />

possible from 100 days.<br />

ANINA (SM101/08)<br />

New mid-early variety of Nantes type. ANINA gives longer<br />

cylindrical roots with blunt end. The intensive red colour is<br />

typical for these smooth roots. Very healthy and strong foliage.<br />

We recommend this variety for fresh market, long-term<br />

storaging and industry as well.<br />


Mid-early Chantenay carrot with higher foliage and medium<br />

long storability. Colour of smooth roots is nice orange. Suitable<br />

for industry (juice production) as well as for fresh market.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


JITKA F1<br />

ANINA (SM101/08)<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Variety Type Maturity<br />

* Growing<br />

period<br />

from<br />

sowing<br />

( Days)<br />

colour<br />

flesh<br />

/ skin<br />

Root Use<br />

length<br />

( cm)<br />

shape<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

storaging processing<br />

JARANA F1<br />

Nantes early 115 - 120<br />

7/ 8 18 - 20<br />

A + + + + +<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

longer<br />

uniform<br />

roots,<br />

strong<br />

foliage,<br />

very<br />

good<br />

for<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

and<br />

bunching<br />

NANTES 5 Nantes early 115 - 125<br />

5/ 7 16 - 18<br />

A + + + - standard<br />

variety<br />

NANTES<br />

3<br />

( TIP<br />

- TOP)<br />

Nantes mid-early 120 6/ 7 16 - 20<br />

A + + + + standard<br />

variety<br />

ANINA ( SM<br />

101/<br />

08)<br />

Nantes mid-early 125 7/ 7 20 - 22<br />

A + + + + +<br />

longer<br />

uniform<br />

roots,<br />

strong<br />

foliage,<br />

suitable<br />

for<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

as<br />

well<br />

as<br />

storaging<br />

CHAMARE Chantenay mid-late 135 7/ 7 13 - 15<br />

F + + + + + very<br />

suitable<br />

also<br />

for<br />

juice<br />

production<br />

JITKA F1<br />

Berlikum late 135 9/ 8 18 - 22<br />

D + + + + + + suitable<br />

for<br />

both<br />

- fresh<br />

market<br />

and<br />

industry<br />


Berlikum late 145 8/ 8 19 - 24<br />

D + + + + +<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

variety,<br />

for<br />

processing<br />

and<br />

excellent<br />

colour,<br />

long<br />

storaging<br />

KATLEN Berlikum late 145 8/ 8 10 - 22<br />

D + + + + +<br />

standard<br />

variety<br />

for<br />

processing<br />


Flakke late 150 1/ 1 18 - 24<br />

E + + + + very<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

variety<br />

with<br />

yellow<br />

colour<br />

RONDO Parisian very early<br />

85 7/<br />

7<br />

round<br />

3 - 5<br />

CHAMARE Ivo Kotrle, SEMO a.s. - breeder of root vegetable<br />

G + + - - round,<br />

very<br />

sweet<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

* valid for central Europe conditions<br />

Colour: 1 =yellow 10 = red<br />

A D E F G<br />

R<br />


14<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Root Parsley<br />

Petroselinum. crispum (Mill.) Nym.<br />

Ex A.W.Hill convar. radicosum (Alef.) Danert<br />

ATIKA<br />

Early variety of root parsley with high resistance to powdery<br />

mildew and boasting fast root growth. It has very smooth,<br />

wide oblong roots with faint grooves. The tops are medium<br />

high. Excellent variety for bunching. Smooth shine white roots<br />

and very good storability make this variety very suitable for<br />

industry - especially drying.<br />

ORBIS<br />

Medium early variety, characteristic with very good health<br />

and high yields. Its root is medium long, widely oblong with<br />

faint grooves. ORBIS has high, dark green tops. Very good<br />

results when grown in heavy soil as well. Variety is suitable<br />

for long-term storaging and all type of processing.<br />

JADRAN<br />

Late variety which can be very well stored and it is well<br />

resistant to Powdery Mildew. It has long, widely oblong roots<br />

with smooth surface. Tops are high, semi-upright. Parsley for<br />

industry and also for early fresh market because of very fast<br />

spring growing.<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Variety Maturity<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Growing<br />

period<br />

from<br />

sowing<br />

( dny)<br />

ATIKA<br />

shape<br />

Root<br />

length<br />

( cm)<br />

storaging<br />

ATIKA early 170 A 19 - 22<br />

excellent medium<br />

ORBIS mid-early 182 B 20 - 22<br />

excellent high<br />

JADRAN late 193 A 20 - 22<br />

excellent high<br />


DLOUHA<br />

Tops General<br />

remarks<br />

ORBIS<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

Powdery<br />

Mildew,<br />

excelent<br />

for<br />

bunching,<br />

smooth<br />

roots<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

Powdery<br />

Mildew,<br />

for<br />

heavy<br />

soil<br />

as<br />

well<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

Powdery<br />

Mildew,<br />

very<br />

good<br />

for<br />

sandy<br />

soil<br />

late 200 C 21 - 23<br />

very good<br />

medium traditional<br />

variety<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Salad cucumber<br />

Cucumis sativus L.<br />

Cucumber breeding programme of the SEMO company is very<br />

large-scaled. Every year the range of spined and smooth types<br />

is enlarged mainly with new partenocarpic varieties. The salad<br />

cucumber programme includes American slicers, Beith Alpha<br />

cucumbers but also medium-long and long cucumbers for<br />

indoor production. All new varieties show a high resistance to<br />

significant cucumber diseases.<br />

Jan Prášil, SEMO a.s. - breeder of cucumber<br />

Nonpartenocarpic varieties for Out<br />

and Indoor production<br />

Predominantly female. Pollination is necessary<br />

CHEER F1<br />

American slicer with very rapid start to harvest. Shiny dark<br />

green skin is very firm. This is the main point of high level of<br />

insect damage resistance. CHEER offers high class quality<br />

fruits with minimum deformations caused by incect. This is<br />

the secret of very good results from open field production.<br />

MARKYZA F1 (SM 3217)<br />

Very early non-parthenocarpic slicing variety for open field<br />

and foil houses. MARKYZA offers a lot of very uniform fruits<br />

with dark green colour - also on bottom side. Because of its<br />

vigorous growth MARKYZA is also suitable for late sowing.<br />


breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

LILI F1<br />

Reliable standard slicing cucumber with attractive, dark green<br />

fruits and very good health. Fruits are resistant to<br />

deformations and have good storability. Recommended for<br />

growing in open field first of all. High level of tolerance to<br />

Downy Mildew.<br />

AMANDA F1 (SM 3230)<br />

Our new early non-parthenocarpic variety with longer fruit.<br />

High fruit quality and very good health are the most important<br />

characteristics of this variety. We recommend it mainly for<br />

indoor production where offers very uniform fruits.<br />

AMANDA F1<br />

R<br />


16<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Salad cucumber<br />

Cucumis sativus L.<br />

Partenocarpic varieties<br />

for Indoor production<br />

Partenocarpic varieties for Indoor production.<br />

100% female. Pollination is unwanted.<br />


FORMULE F1<br />

Beith Alpha early parthenocarpic cucumber. Nice dark green<br />

fruit does not have a neck. A reliable variety for all-year round<br />

growing in greenhouses and foil houses. Recommended for<br />

growing mainly in foil frames, where it gives very early crops.<br />

FORMULE F1<br />

BABY F1<br />

Very early cucumber for all-year indoor production. The nice<br />

green fruits have firm skin which is important for its long<br />

shelf life. Recommended also for harvest of baby fruits (length<br />

about 10 cm). Every two days harvest is necessary in this<br />

case.<br />


Big yielding cucumber with very fast start to harvest. Nice<br />

uniform fruits with shine dark green colour and fine skin are<br />

typical for this variety. Plants have strong growth and good<br />

growth recovery.<br />


This Beith Alpha cucumber is popular by its great fertility (3<br />

fruits on a node) first of all. Colour of fruits is medium to dark<br />

green. Longer storaging is possible.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


EMILIE F1<br />

Very early and high yielding cucumber for indoor production.<br />

Uniform dark smooth fruits with firm skin are suitable for<br />

transport and storaging. Fruit length is 19 - 22 cm.<br />


Partenocarpic varieties for Indoor production. 100% female.<br />

Pollination is unwanted.<br />


Cucumber with nice long fruits and a medium growth. The<br />

plant has good growth recovery even when pruned<br />

intensively. Fruits are 25 - 30 cm long, dark green, with slight<br />

ribs. SUPERSTAR is suitable for spring as well as summer<br />

forcing in greenhouses and foil houses.<br />

TRIBUTE F1<br />

Early parthenocarpic variety with longer fruit for spring and<br />

summer indoor production. The large reliable yield of uniform<br />

dark green fruits and very good health are the most important<br />

points of this new variety.<br />

TRIBUTE F1<br />

VISTA F1<br />

Confirmed parthenocarpic salad cucumber with long fruits<br />

and medium growth. It gives medium green fruits, 30-35 cm<br />

long. It is suitable for all-year growing in greenhouses, as<br />

well as for autumn forcing. It is tolerant to day shortening.<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Type Variety Maturity<br />


TYPE<br />

- Out<br />

and<br />

Indoor<br />

- Nonpartenocarpic<br />



TYPE<br />

- Out<br />

and<br />

Indoor<br />

- Nonpartenocarpic<br />

BEITH<br />

ALPHA<br />

TYPE<br />

- Indoor<br />

- Partenocarpic<br />

LONG<br />

TYPE<br />

- Indoor<br />

- Partenocarpic<br />

BABY F1 - “baby” fruits<br />


F1<br />

( SM<br />

3217)<br />

very<br />

early<br />

LILI F1<br />

early<br />

CHEER F1<br />

early<br />

AMANDA<br />

F1<br />

( SM<br />

3230)<br />

Plant<br />

vigour<br />

medium<br />

to<br />

strong<br />

medium<br />

to<br />

strong<br />

medium<br />

to<br />

strong<br />

early medium<br />

medium<br />

CORA F1<br />

mid-early<br />

to<br />

strong<br />

BABY<br />

F1<br />


F1<br />


F1<br />

EMILIE<br />

F1<br />


F1<br />

very<br />

early<br />

very<br />

early<br />

very<br />

early<br />

very<br />

early<br />

very<br />

early<br />

Flowering<br />

predominantly<br />

female<br />

predominantly<br />

female<br />

predominantly<br />

female<br />

predominantly<br />

female<br />

predominantly<br />

female<br />

Genetically<br />

non-bitter<br />

length<br />

( cm)<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Fruit Resistance<br />

weight<br />

( g)<br />

colour CMV CC ALS DM PM<br />

YES 18-21 300-360 9 R R T T<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

very<br />

early<br />

harvest,<br />

nice<br />

uniform<br />

fruit<br />

with<br />

fine<br />

skin<br />

YES 23-24 370-420 9 R R T T highly<br />

productive<br />

slicer<br />

YES 20-22 340-390 9 R R T<br />

YES 23-28 370-430 9 R R R T<br />

NO 26-28 410-440 9 R R R T T<br />

medium 100% female<br />

YES 15-17 290-320 8 R R T<br />

medium<br />

to<br />

strong<br />

100% female<br />

YES 15-17 280-310 7 R R R<br />

strong 100% female<br />

YES 18-20 260-300 8 R R R T<br />

medium 100% female<br />

YES 20-21 300-360 9 R R R T<br />

medium 100% female<br />

YES 16-24 330-370 9 R R T<br />


early medium 100% female<br />

YES 25-30 380-420 9 R R<br />

TRIBUTE F1<br />

early medium 100% female<br />

YES 28-35 410-450 10 R R<br />

VISTA F1<br />

mid-early medium 100% female<br />

YES 35-40 420-460 8 R R T<br />

ORCA F1<br />

mid-early medium 100% female<br />

YES 40-50 440-480 9 R R T<br />

very<br />

firm<br />

skin,<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

damage<br />

by<br />

insect<br />

nice<br />

long<br />

slicer<br />

for<br />

indoor<br />

production<br />

first<br />

of<br />

all<br />

multiple<br />

disease<br />

resistant,<br />

shallow<br />

ridges,<br />

small<br />

white<br />

spined<br />

excellent<br />

also<br />

for<br />

baby<br />

fruits<br />

( 8 - 10cm)<br />

a lot<br />

of<br />

uniform<br />

fruits,<br />

excellent<br />

taste<br />

nice<br />

fruits,<br />

faster<br />

skin<br />

extremely<br />

early,<br />

faster<br />

skin<br />

also<br />

for<br />

autumn<br />

growing,<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

day<br />

shortening<br />

very<br />

vigorous,<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

hybrid<br />

high<br />

reliable<br />

yield,<br />

nice<br />

dark<br />

fruits<br />

also<br />

for<br />

autumn<br />

growing,<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

day<br />

shortening<br />

excellent<br />

fruit<br />

quality,<br />

good<br />

yielding<br />

hybrid<br />

Colour: 1 – pale green, 10 - dark green; Resistance: CMV – Cucumis Mosaic Virus, CC – Scab, ALS – Cucumber<br />

Anthracnose, DM – Downy Mildew, PM – Powdery Mildew; R - resistance T - tolerance<br />

R<br />


18<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Pickling cucumber<br />

Cucumis sativus L.<br />

Spined (American) type - non parthenocarpic<br />

BOHEMIA F1<br />

Early spined type variety with a very high level of field<br />

tolerance to Downy Mildew. Uniform fruits are dark green<br />

and slim. High yielding variety tolerant to hot temperatures<br />

with very good processing quality.<br />

BOHEMIA F1<br />

BLANKA F1<br />

Good standard hybrid with stable yield. Vigorous plant<br />

regenerates very quickly. Cucumber BLANKA withstands<br />

poor conditions very well - lower and higher temperatures<br />

with relative water shortage. Very good field tolerance against<br />

DM and PM. Variety is suitable for both salt and vinegar<br />

processing.<br />

BARA F1<br />

Early variety with very good level of tolerance to Downy<br />

Mildew. Medium-strong vigorous plants produce nice, slim,<br />

dark green fruits. Suitable variety for both salt and vinegar<br />

processing.<br />

CHANTAL F1<br />

New spined variety with good resistance to Downy Mildew.<br />

CHANTAL gives a high yield of very uniform first class fruits.<br />

Suitable variety for vinegar processing first of all.<br />

IWONNA F1<br />

Our new hybrid of light green spined type with good field<br />

health. Because of very tasty crunchy flesh and firm core<br />

IWONNA is perfect variety for salt processing where shows<br />

also very stable colour.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

CHANTAL F1<br />

IWONNA F1<br />

Smooth type - non parthenocarpic<br />


Extremely early multi-fruit type variety (3-4 cucumbers per<br />

each internode). It produces very nice, long and thin fruits.<br />

Thanks to not strong growth vigour fruits are easy to harvest.<br />

CHARLOTTE is very suitable for growing on Vertico system.<br />


ORNELLO F1<br />

A medium early multifruit variety with high yield potential,<br />

vitality, and resistance to Downy Mildew. ORNELLO has similar<br />

nice fruits like variety CHARLOTTE. Plant is compact and that<br />

is why harvest is very easy. Recommended for standard fields<br />

growing as well as for Vertico system.<br />

ORNELLO F1<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Type Variety Maturity<br />

Spined<br />

( American)<br />

type<br />

non-parthenocarpic<br />

Smooth<br />

type<br />

non-parthenocarpic<br />

Smooth<br />

type<br />

parthenocarpic<br />

Smooth type - parthenocarpic<br />


Our "hardy" partenocarp is suitable for adverse weather<br />

conditions as well, especially for irregular irrigation. Good<br />

heath and very early harvest of dark green fruits are important<br />

characteristics of this hybrid.<br />

SONADA F1 (SM 5309)<br />

High yielding partenocarp for semi-intensive and intensive<br />

production with drop irrigation. For both type of production -<br />

under plastic tunnel and open field. Nice looking dark green<br />

fruits and field health are the ingredients for good results of<br />

this hybrid.<br />

Plant<br />

vigour<br />

Genetically<br />

non-bitter<br />

spine<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Fruit Resistance<br />

length/<br />

width<br />

colour CMV CC ALS DM PM<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

BARA F1<br />

early vigorous no white 3, 4 : 1 8 R R R T nice<br />

slim<br />

fruits<br />

BOHEMIA F1<br />

early<br />

BLANKA F1<br />

early<br />

REGINA F1<br />

early<br />

ADMIRA F1<br />

mid-early<br />

IWONNA<br />

F1<br />

( SM<br />

5321)<br />

compact-<br />

vigorous<br />

very<br />

vigorous<br />

very<br />

vigorous<br />

very<br />

vigorous<br />

yes white 3, 4 : 1 8 R R T T<br />

uniform<br />

fruits,<br />

high<br />

tolerance<br />

to<br />

DM<br />

no white 2, 8 : 1 9 R R R T T withstands<br />

poor<br />

conditions<br />

no white 2, 9 : 1 8 R R T standard<br />

variety<br />

no white 2, 8 : 1 6 R R T traditional<br />

variety<br />

mid-early vigorous no white 3, 2 : 1 7 R R R T<br />

very<br />

tasty<br />

crunchy<br />

flesh,<br />

good<br />

for<br />

salt<br />

processing<br />

CHANTAL F1<br />

mid-early vigorous yes white 3, 2 : 1 8 R R R T T attractive<br />

uniform<br />

fruits<br />


very early<br />

compact yes white 3, 6 : 1 7 R R T T<br />

ORNELLO F1<br />

mid-early compact yes white 3, 4 : 1 8 R R T<br />

easy<br />

to<br />

easy<br />

to<br />

pick<br />

up,<br />

very<br />

early,<br />

concentrated<br />

fruit<br />

set<br />

pick<br />

up,<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

poor<br />

conditions,<br />

concentrated<br />

fruit<br />

set<br />

SONADA F1<br />

very early<br />

compact yes white 3, 2 : 1 8 R R T stable<br />

big<br />

yield,<br />

good<br />

field<br />

health<br />

HARRIET F1<br />

very early<br />

compact yes white 3, 3 : 1 8 R R T<br />

very<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

variety,<br />

for<br />

intensive<br />

growing<br />

ZSOFI F1<br />

( SM<br />

5315)<br />

early compact yes white 3, 2 : 1 6 R R T light<br />

green<br />

fruit,<br />

" Hungarian"<br />

type<br />


very early<br />

compact yes white 3, 2 : 1 7 R R tolerant<br />

to<br />

poor<br />

conditions<br />

HARRIET F1<br />

Colour: 1 – pale green, 9 - dark green<br />

CMV – Cucumis Mosaic Virus, CC – Scab, ALS –<br />

Cucumber Anthracnose, DM – Downy Mildew,<br />

PM – Powdery Mildew<br />

R - resistance<br />

T - tolerance<br />

HARRIET F1 (SM 5316)<br />

Our new smooth partenocarpic hybrid. We recommend this<br />

variety for intensive production with drop irrigation first of all.<br />

Very high yielding variety with good health and stress<br />

tolerance. Nice cylindrical fruit with intensive green colour.<br />

Recommended for production under foil as well as for open<br />

field.<br />

R<br />


20<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Leaf Parsley<br />

Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym.<br />

Ex A.W.Hill convar vulgare (Nois) Danert<br />

Smooth leaf type<br />

FESTIVAL 68<br />

High yielding smooth leaf parsley. A vigorously growing plant<br />

with numerous dark green leaves. The variety is resistant to<br />

Powdery Mildew and Septoriosis. Favoured variety for<br />

industry, especially drying.<br />


Standard European variety of smooth leaf parsley with big<br />

dark leaf. Confirmed variety for industry.<br />

Curled leaf type<br />

FESTIVAL 68<br />


Vigorously growing variety of curled parsley. It gives high<br />

yields of crisp, aromatic product. It has a very fast growing<br />

recovery after cutting. Highly lobed leaves are on short<br />

leafstalks. It is resistant to diseases and sustains drought<br />

well. First harvest in 90 days after sowing (Central Europe<br />

conditions).<br />


Moskrause type variety of curly leaf parsley for indoor and<br />

outdoor production. Plants have numerous leaves and semiupright,<br />

medium green, very curly tops. Leaves are resistant<br />

to fungi diseases attacks. MARUNKA is suitable for direct<br />

consumption as well as for drying. First harvest in 95 days<br />

after sowing (Central Europe conditions).<br />


New Paramount type variety of curly leaf parsley with dark<br />

green, highly curly leaves on long leafstalks. Tops are semiupright,<br />

do not lodge in rain, do not suffer from Powdery<br />

Mildew. The variety is suitable for spring as well as for summer<br />

sowing, indoor forcing and bunching. Very interesting variety<br />

for direct consumption, as well as for drying. First harvest in<br />

95 days after sowing (Central Europe conditions).<br />

Red Beet<br />

Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva Alef.<br />


High yielding, medium late variety of DETROIT type with<br />

strong erect foliage. Bulbs with a blood-red colour and paler<br />

rings are really suitable for industry and long term storage.<br />

Firm skin and very good health are important points for<br />

growing of this "time-tested" variety.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


BETINA<br />

Selection of DETROIT type with more uniform round bulbs<br />

and very healthy tops. Flesh is intensively red with slightly<br />

paler rings. A reliable variety for fresh market as well as for<br />

industry including canning of whole small bulbs.<br />

BETINA<br />

RENOVA<br />

High-yielding variety with cylindrically-shaped root. Very<br />

popular because of nice sweet taste of dark red flesh without<br />

white rings. RENOVA is suitable for fresh market and all types<br />

of processing.<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Kohlrabi<br />

Brassica oleracea L. convar acephala (DC.)<br />

Alef. var. gongylodes<br />

MODRAVA F1<br />

Blue, very early kohlrabi hybrid for spring and autumn field growing.<br />

It has a medium-sized, flattened bulb with high-quality flesh. It is<br />

well resistant to bulb lignifications and cracking, as well as to<br />

bolting. Main advantages of this hybrid include high growth and<br />

bulb-development uniformity, even in poor conditions.<br />

Main use<br />

Variety<br />

Dill<br />

Anethum graveolens L.<br />

HANAK<br />

High-yielding variety with a fine spicy taste and rich green<br />

matter. The plant is 80-100 cm high, with medium foliage<br />

and bright green leaves. The variety HANAK has a great<br />

ratio of leaves to the total plant green matter. Excellent<br />

uniform colour. Growing period 65-75 days from sowing.<br />

Bulb<br />

color shape<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

HANÁK<br />

Density<br />

( cm)<br />

KOPRAK<br />

New variety in preparation with darker leaf and thicker stalk<br />

than variety HANAK. For this reason it is the perfect variety<br />

for bunching. The variety has shown very good heath in<br />

field conditions and after packing as well.<br />


Small compact plants and dark green leaves are the most<br />

important characteristics of this dill. COMPACT is suitable<br />

for open field production as well as for pots where is high<br />

about 30 - 40 cm only. Excellent variety for bunching. Growing<br />

period 65-75 days from sowing.<br />

* Growing<br />

period<br />

from<br />

transplanting<br />

( days)<br />

Plastic or<br />

greenhouse<br />

DVORANA white flattened round<br />

25 x 20<br />

55<br />

Open<br />

field<br />

- early<br />

production<br />

Open<br />

field<br />

- late<br />

production<br />

MODRAVA F1<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

good<br />

growing<br />

also<br />

in<br />

low<br />

temperatures<br />

MORAVIA white flattened round<br />

25 x 25<br />

65 early,<br />

for<br />

open<br />

field<br />

BLANKYT blue-purple flattened round<br />

25 x 30<br />

80 low<br />

leaf<br />

AZUR blue-purple flattened round<br />

25 x 30<br />

80 high<br />

leaf<br />

MODRAVA F1<br />

blue-purple flattened round<br />

25 x 30<br />

75 uniform<br />

bulbs<br />

VIOLETA blue-purple flattened round<br />

30 x 40<br />

115 late<br />

blue<br />

type<br />

GOLEM F1<br />

( SM<br />

22/<br />

08)<br />

white round 40 x 40<br />

120<br />

GIGANT white flattened round<br />

40 x 40<br />

130<br />

big<br />

bulb<br />

low<br />

leaf<br />

really<br />

late<br />

big<br />

bulb<br />


* valid for central Europe conditions<br />

R<br />


22<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Sweet Pepper<br />

Pepper<br />

Capsicum annuum L. (partim)<br />

Without exaggeration we can say that peppers are for SEMO<br />

the main commodity. We offer a whole range of types of<br />

peppers and every year we bring something new to the<br />

market. We focus mainly on the "Hungarian pepper", i.e. a<br />

pyramid-shaped pepper for field growing. Moreover our range<br />

includes blocky and kapia varieties, condiment pepper as<br />

well as a wide offer of hot peppers.<br />

Kapia Type<br />

This type of pepper has been previously represented in our<br />

range only by the non-hybrid variety "LYDIA". Now, we are<br />

preparing for you the entire trio of efficient Kapia pepper<br />

hybrids with hard fruits, created especially for open field<br />

growing.<br />

RAFAELA F1<br />

It is our first Kapia pepper hybrid which our company has<br />

offered to customers. It should be noted that this entry was<br />

very successful. Responses of Central-European growers and<br />

farmers in the Balkan countries, where this type of pepper is<br />

dominant, are more than favourable. The main advantages of<br />

this hybrid are perfect health and high yield of uniform fruits.<br />

Slimmer conical fruits are very firm and suitable for transport<br />

and storaging for a short period. Thanks to this RAFAELA is<br />

perfect for both - processing industry and fresh market as<br />

well. We recommend it mainly for harvesting when red.<br />

We will include in the range of our Kapia peppers soon:<br />

RADUZA F1<br />

Early, with a wider conical fruit, it is very suitable for green harvest.<br />

RADMILA F1<br />

Early, flat conical fruit, it is suitable for green and red harvest.<br />

Flat fruit is very suitable for baking or frying.<br />

Light green pyramid type<br />

Light green pyramid pepper is a very sought after (requested)<br />

type of pepper in Central Europe. Also in this type of pepper,<br />

we offer three hybrids, which are sorted from the darkest colour<br />

type LUNGY F1 through the light-green type SLAVY F1 to<br />

creamy-green hybrid SLOVANA F1.<br />

SLAVY F1<br />

Excellent hybrid with high reliable yields. It is very good for<br />

open field production and also for plastic tunnels and<br />

greenhouses. SLAVY is a very early type. Pyramid fruit is<br />

firm with thick walls. The fruit is pale green in technical<br />

ripeness and red in botanical one. Excellent quality of both<br />

green and red harvest.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

SLOVANA F1<br />

High yielding variety with pyramid fruits (similar like SLAVY<br />

but more heavy and blunter) and stable continuous ripening.<br />

Colour of fruit changes from white green to red. Weight of<br />

fruits is about 130 g. We recommend SLOVANA for foil<br />

houses and open field production. Firm fruits of this variety<br />

are very suitable for longer transport and mid term storaging.<br />

SLOVANA gives really big yields of nice fruits but demands<br />

intensive production with drop irrigation and regular harvest.<br />

LUNGY F1<br />

Very early pepper with perfect health, stress tolerance and<br />

higher growth. Wide conical fruit ripens from light green to<br />

dark green colour. LUNGY is suitable for fresh market and<br />

also for industry because of uniform and firm fruits. We<br />

recommend LUNGY for both types of production - green<br />

and red maturity.<br />

LUNGY F1<br />


From left – SLOVANA F1, SLAVY F1, LUNGY F1<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Variety Maturity Plant<br />

colour<br />

in<br />

technical<br />

ripeness<br />

Fruit<br />

colour<br />

in<br />

botanical<br />

ripeness<br />

shape<br />

wall<br />

( mm)<br />

weight<br />

( g)<br />

Kapia<br />

type<br />

We<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

recommend<br />

to<br />

harvest Growing<br />

in<br />

technical<br />

in<br />

botanical<br />

ripeness<br />

ripeness<br />

open<br />

field<br />

plastic<br />

tunnel<br />

green-<br />

house<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

LYDIA early high green dark red<br />

B 3-4 70 - 80<br />

- + + + + + - standard<br />

variety<br />

for<br />

open<br />

field<br />

RAFAELA F1<br />

very early<br />

medium dark green<br />

dark red<br />

L 6 1 00<br />

- 120<br />

+ + + + + + - confirmed<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

hybrid<br />

RADUZA F1<br />

early high dark green<br />

dark red<br />

K 6 1 00<br />

- 120<br />

+ +<br />

+ + + + + -<br />

wider<br />

fruits,<br />

perfect<br />

also<br />

for<br />

green<br />

harvest<br />

RADMILA F1<br />

early high green red K 5 90 - 100<br />

- + + + + + -<br />

flattened<br />

" kapia"<br />

fruit,<br />

nice<br />

for<br />

baking<br />

or<br />

frying<br />

as<br />

well<br />

Light<br />

green<br />

conical<br />

type<br />

LUNGY F1<br />

very early<br />

high green dark red<br />

A-1 4 1 00<br />

- 120<br />

+ +<br />

+ + + + + + +<br />

very<br />

early,<br />

for<br />

both<br />

green<br />

and<br />

red<br />

harvest<br />

SLAVY F1<br />

early high light green<br />

red A-2 5 1 00<br />

- 110<br />

+ +<br />

+ + + + + + stable<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

hybrid<br />

continuous<br />

setting<br />

of<br />

heavy<br />

SLOVANA F1<br />

early high light green<br />

red A-4 6 1 20<br />

- 140<br />

+ +<br />

+ + + + + +<br />

fruits,<br />

white-green<br />

colour<br />

Creamy<br />

white<br />

conical<br />

( " Hungarian<br />

" ) type<br />

AMY early low creamy white<br />

light red<br />

A-3 5 9 0 - 100<br />

+ +<br />

- + + + - Queen<br />

of<br />

field<br />

peppers<br />

AMYKA F1<br />

very early<br />

medium creamy white<br />

light red<br />

A-3 5 9 0 -110<br />

+ +<br />

- + + + +<br />


early high creamy white<br />

light red<br />

A-3 6 1 10<br />

- 130<br />

+ +<br />

- + + + + +<br />

SASKIA F1<br />

early medium<br />

apple<br />

green<br />

Blocky<br />

type<br />

red E-1 6 1 20<br />

- 140<br />

+ +<br />

+ + + + + + +<br />

KVADRY F1<br />

early medium creamy white<br />

light red<br />

D 6 1 10<br />

- 130<br />

+ +<br />

- + + + + + +<br />

GELBY F1<br />

mid-early medium creamy white<br />

yellow E-2 5 1 00<br />

- 110<br />

+ +<br />

+ + + + + +<br />

RUBIKA F1<br />

mid-early medium dark green<br />

dark red<br />

E-3 6 1 20<br />

- 140<br />

+ +<br />

+ + + + + + +<br />

ORENY F1<br />

mid-early low dark green<br />

orange E-4 6 1 10<br />

- 130<br />

+ + + - + + + +<br />

TAMINA<br />

F1<br />

( SM<br />

49/<br />

06)<br />


( SM<br />

126/<br />

07)<br />

Other<br />

types<br />

regularly<br />

big<br />

harvests<br />

of<br />

uniform<br />

fruits<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

hybrid,<br />

big<br />

fruits<br />

attractive<br />

colour,<br />

delicious<br />

taste<br />

white<br />

blocky<br />

hybrid,<br />

for<br />

open<br />

field<br />

nice<br />

white<br />

blocky<br />

hybrid,<br />

for<br />

indoor<br />

production<br />

green-red<br />

blocky<br />

hybrid,<br />

suitable<br />

to<br />

both<br />

in-<br />

and<br />

out-<br />

door<br />

green-orange<br />

blocky<br />

hybrid,<br />

for<br />

indoor<br />

production<br />

early low green dark red<br />

M 6 9 0 - 110<br />

+ + + + + + - tomato<br />

type<br />

early medium light green<br />

red C 3-4 7 0 - 80<br />

+ +<br />

+ + + + + + big<br />

" ram"<br />

horn<br />

HAMIK mid-late medium dark green<br />

orange F 3 30 - 40<br />

- + + + + + + +<br />

" snack<br />

pepper"<br />

,<br />

very<br />

delicious,<br />

almost<br />

seedless<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

A – 1 A – 2<br />

A – 3<br />

D<br />

B<br />

A – 4<br />

C<br />

R<br />

E – 1<br />

E – 2 E – 3<br />

E – 4<br />

L<br />

F<br />

K<br />

M<br />


24<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Sweet Pepper<br />

Creamy white pyramid ("Hungarian") type<br />

Our variety AMY reigned for years in this category of pepper<br />

and it remains valid. It is still the dominant pepper of open<br />

fields without regular irrigation. Even with regard to the cream<br />

pepper segment, our new hybrids are asserting forward.<br />

AMYKA F1 offers fruits of AMY size and SUPERAMY F1 has<br />

fruits larger and heavier. Both these hybrids are created<br />

primarily for intensive method of growing, where they overcome<br />

the non-hybrid variety AMY in amount of yield and fruit quality.<br />

AMY<br />

Very popular pepper variety. Farmers keep referring to this as<br />

the "Queen" of field peppers. This pyramid type fruit with good<br />

taste is of creamy colour, very attractive for buyers. Strong points<br />

of AMY are reliable yields and very good health.<br />

AMY<br />

AMYKA F1<br />

Our new hybrid of "AMY" type. Fruits are very similar to AMY<br />

but more uniform in shape and without anthocyan strips<br />

during all growing. We recommend harvest in white colour<br />

first of all. Best suited for fresh market and industry too -<br />

nice for filling.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

AMYKA F1<br />

KVADRY F1<br />


Next hybrid of "AMY" type with bigger and heavier fruits. Very<br />

strong fruit-setting. It is variety for intensive growing with drop<br />

irrigation and regular harvest. SUPERAMY offers high yield<br />

of uniform fruits in this conditions.<br />

Blocky type<br />

We will offer you four blocky type peppers, which are different<br />

in colours and sizes of fruits. All of these hybrids can be<br />

recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and plastic<br />

greenhouses. "KVADRY F1", "SASKIA F1" and "RUBIKA F1"<br />

proved good also in open field conditions.<br />

KVADRY F1<br />

High quality 4 lobed blocky sweet pepper with excellent taste<br />

and colour. KVADRY has proved to be a variety for both indoor<br />

and outdoor production. We recommend harvesting the thick<br />

walled fruit in a creamy white colour. KVADRY is a high<br />

yielding and stress tolerant variety.<br />

SASKIA F1<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

SASKIA F1<br />

Nice "apple" green 4 lobed blocky fruits with very delicious taste<br />

are typical for this hybrid. Suitable to both in- and out-door<br />

cultures. Harvest is possible in green and also red colour.<br />

Other types of sweet pepper<br />

"SEMO" does not miss even other pepper types breeding. New<br />

sweet ram's horn "SEMAROH", snack pepper "HAMIK" or<br />

prepared tomato pepper "TAMINA F1" are proof of that.<br />


Our new "ram horn" pepper. Long (15 - 17 cm) pale green<br />

fruits ripen from pale green to red. Very big yielding variety.<br />

SEMAROH is very suitable for fresh market as well as for<br />

industry - especially canning in both green and red colour.<br />

Variety Maturity Plant<br />


colour<br />

Maturity<br />

Green<br />

HAMIK<br />

Very tasty "baby" pepper for indoor and outdoor production.<br />

This very sweet fruit is almost seedless. We recommend<br />

harvesting this variety when orange.<br />

colour<br />

in<br />

Maturity<br />

Ripe<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Fruit Doporučujeme<br />

sklízet<br />

Hot/<br />

Sweet<br />

HODONINSKA mid-early medium-high pale green<br />

red sweet<br />

KARKULKA early low, compact<br />

pale green<br />

dark red<br />

sweet<br />

ZITAVA mid-early medium-high pale green<br />

red sweet<br />

shape<br />

" goat"<br />

horn<br />

" goat"<br />

horn<br />

" goat"<br />

horn<br />

wall<br />

( mm)<br />

HAMIK<br />

weight<br />

( g)<br />

Condiment Pepper<br />

ZITAVA<br />

Our preparing variety of sweet pepper for drying industry.<br />

High yielding variety. Dark red fruits are erected. ZITAVA<br />

offers high quality dry matter with long-term stable colour.<br />

in<br />

technical<br />

in<br />

botanical<br />

ripeness<br />

ripeness<br />

2 mm<br />

35 - 45<br />

- + +<br />

2 mm<br />

30 - 35<br />

- + +<br />

2 mm<br />

35 - 45<br />

- + +<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

ZITAVA<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

stable<br />

colour<br />

after<br />

drying,<br />

erect<br />

fruits<br />

big<br />

harvest,<br />

all<br />

erect<br />

fruits<br />

above<br />

leaves<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

variety,<br />

very<br />

intensive<br />

colour<br />

R<br />


26<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Hot Pepper<br />

OSTRY F1<br />

Mildly hot pepper mainly for open field production. Uniform<br />

nice pyramid fruit and very early harvest are the important<br />

characteristics of OSTRY. Thick-walled fruit ripens from a<br />

light green to red colour.<br />

Variety Maturity Plant<br />


This Czech name of variety means something like "fire boy"<br />

and expresses the main point of this variety exactly.<br />

OHNIVEC is very hot pepper of "ram horn" type. Fruits ripen<br />

from pale green to red colour and harvest is suitable in both<br />

maturities. Recommended for fresh market and industry as<br />

well.<br />


colour<br />

in<br />

Maturity<br />

Green<br />

colour<br />

in<br />

Maturity<br />

Ripe<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

Fruit We<br />

recommend<br />

to<br />

harvest<br />

hot/ sweet<br />

shape<br />

wall<br />

( mm)<br />

lenght<br />

( cm)<br />

in<br />

technical<br />

ripeness<br />

in<br />

botanical<br />

ripeness<br />

OSTRY F1<br />

very early<br />

medium pale green<br />

red slightly hot<br />

C 4 1 3 + +<br />

+<br />

DRAKY F1<br />

Our new hot kapia type hybrid. Conical hard fruit ripens from<br />

green to red colour. Harvest is possible in both maturities.<br />

Growers appreciate high yield of uniform fruits and all-purpose<br />

using first of all.<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

open<br />

field,<br />

stable<br />

big<br />

harvest<br />

DRAKY F1<br />

early medium green dark red<br />

hot F 4 1 5 + +<br />

+ hot<br />

kapia<br />

type<br />

PÁLIVEC early high green dark red<br />

hot A 3 1 7 + + +<br />

hot<br />

" ram"<br />

horn<br />

OHNIVEC mid-early medium pale green<br />

red very hot<br />

G 3, 5 1 8 + +<br />

+ very<br />

hot<br />

" ram"<br />

horn<br />

DAMIAN<br />

( SM<br />

226/<br />

03)<br />

mid-early medium-high green red very hot<br />

D1 3 9 + + +<br />

open<br />

field,<br />

pot<br />

chili<br />

type<br />

KILIAN<br />

( SM<br />

227/<br />

03)<br />

mid-early medium green orange very hot<br />

D2 3 8 + + +<br />

open<br />

field,<br />

pot<br />

chili<br />

type<br />


( SM<br />

228/<br />

03)<br />

mid-early medium green yellow very hot<br />

D3 3 8 + + +<br />

open<br />

field,<br />

pod<br />

chili<br />

type<br />

KORAL early low dark green<br />

dark red<br />

very hot<br />

B 2<br />

diameter<br />

2 - 2,<br />

5<br />

+ + +<br />

open<br />

field,<br />

round<br />

" Feferon"<br />

type<br />

B<br />

A C<br />

D3<br />

F<br />

D1<br />

DRAKY F1<br />

D2<br />

G<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Ornamental Pepper<br />

Pepper<br />

Capsicum annuum L. (partim)<br />

It is a type of pepper with compact growth and small strongly<br />

hot fruit. It can be successfully grown in open field, but it is very<br />

suitable also for potting and indoor growing. Given the inreasing<br />

interest about ornamental peppers, we are gradually incoming<br />

with new varieties. Growers know very well our variety<br />

PYRAMID. Fruits of this variety with length about 2 cm ripen<br />

from yellow-green through purple to red colour when mature.<br />

Varieties RED FLAME and YELLOW FLAME are noveltis for<br />

season 2011. Both varieties have a small pyramidal fruit. We<br />

will complement the range of varieties with small round fruit,<br />

and longer pointed fruit.<br />

A B1 B2 C<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

Variety Plant<br />

PYRAMID compact<br />

D<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


SM213/09<br />

Fruit Growing<br />

in technical<br />

ripeness<br />

in botanical<br />

ripeness<br />

flavour shape field pot<br />

1.<br />

yellow-green<br />

2.<br />

violet<br />

1.<br />

orange<br />

2.<br />

red<br />

very hot<br />

A + +<br />

+ +<br />


compact green red very hot<br />

B 1<br />

+ +<br />

+ +<br />


compact green yellow very hot<br />

B 2<br />

+ +<br />

+ +<br />

SM 208/<br />

09<br />

compact creamy white<br />

red very hot<br />

C + +<br />

+ +<br />

SM<br />

209/<br />

09<br />

SM<br />

210/<br />

09<br />

SM<br />

213/<br />

09<br />

compact<br />

- medium<br />

high<br />

compact<br />

- medium<br />

high<br />

compact<br />

- medium<br />

high<br />

creamy white<br />

red very hot<br />

C + +<br />

+<br />

1.<br />

yellow-green<br />

2.<br />

violet<br />

1.<br />

yellow-green<br />

2.<br />

violet<br />

1.<br />

orange<br />

2.<br />

red<br />

1.<br />

orange<br />

2.<br />

red<br />

very hot<br />

C + +<br />

+<br />

very hot<br />

D + +<br />

+<br />


SM 210/09<br />

R<br />


28<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Bush Tomato<br />

Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw<br />

Our company is an important and traditional breeder of bush<br />

tomatoes. We also enlarge our assortment of bush tomatoes<br />

but now only in hybrids because they overcome the existing<br />

varieties in terms of yield and health state.<br />

Bush tomatoes for industrial processing<br />

Mainly supply of tomatoes for industrial processing is at the<br />

forefront of our concerns. The non-hybrid series begins from<br />

very early variety SEJK and ends with the mid-late tomato<br />


We extended the hybrid series by mid-late variety<br />

"SEMAKING F1" with a larger oval fruit, and "SEMAPEEL<br />

F1" with elongated fruit. The planned new "SEMALATE F1"<br />

will be the latest tomato hybrid in our assortment.<br />

Bush tomatoes for fresh market<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

TEREZA F1<br />

Main requirements for this type of tomatoes are round<br />

non-crackling fruit suitable for transport and continuous<br />

fruit-setting. We will complement the pair of early hybrids<br />

MARIENKA F1 and DARINKA F1 with the large-fruit medium<br />

early hybrid TEREZA F1.<br />

R FR<br />

R1 R2<br />

OE OB O<br />

SEMALUS F1<br />

OR<br />

OL<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Variety Maturity<br />

Plant<br />

habitus<br />

shape consistence<br />

Fruits Suitable<br />

for<br />

weight<br />

( g)<br />

colour<br />

Index<br />

a/<br />

b<br />

dry<br />

matter<br />

( ° Brix)<br />


- for<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

fresh<br />

mechanized<br />

ketchup peeling<br />

market<br />

harvest<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

DARINKA F1<br />

very early<br />

open R hard 100-110 1, 8 - 2,<br />

00<br />

5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + - + - very<br />

nice<br />

fruits<br />

for<br />

European<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />


very early<br />

medium open<br />

R hard 90-100 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 4 , 8 - 5,<br />

3 + + - + - very<br />

nice<br />

fruits<br />

for<br />

European<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

TEREZA<br />

F1<br />

( SM<br />

208/<br />

03)<br />

mid-early medium open<br />

FR hard 120-140 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + - big<br />

fruits,<br />

perfect<br />

for<br />

pickling<br />

by<br />

hands<br />

OP<br />

varieties<br />

- for<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

MINIGOLD early compact R 1 medium hard<br />

20 - 25<br />

1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 4 , 8 - 5,<br />

3 + + - - - golden-yellow<br />

Cherry<br />

type,<br />

firm<br />

fruit<br />

MINIRED early compact R 2 medium hard<br />

20 - 25<br />

1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + - - - red<br />

Cherry<br />

type<br />

KARLA mid-early open FR medium hard<br />

200 - 250<br />

1, 8 - 2,<br />

00<br />

5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + - + - Beefsteak<br />

type,<br />

compact<br />

plant<br />


- for<br />

processing<br />

SEMALUS F1<br />

early medium compact<br />

O very hard<br />

90-110 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + + early<br />

hybrid<br />

with<br />

excellent<br />

yield<br />


mid-early medium open<br />

O very hard<br />

100-120 2, 0 - 2,<br />

2 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + + high<br />

level<br />

of<br />

tolerance<br />

to<br />

stressweather<br />


F1<br />

( SM<br />

109/<br />

07)<br />


F1<br />

( SM<br />

103/<br />

08)<br />


F1<br />

( SM<br />

110/<br />

08)<br />

mid-late medium open<br />

O very hard<br />

110-130 2, 0 - 2,<br />

2 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + + stable<br />

big<br />

yield<br />

mid-late medium open<br />

OL hard 90-110 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 4 , 8 - 5,<br />

3 + + + + + + hybrid<br />

with<br />

longer<br />

firm<br />

fruits<br />

late medium open<br />

OE very hard<br />

110-130 2, 0 - 2,<br />

2 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + + late,<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

hybrid<br />

OP<br />

varieties<br />

- for<br />

processing<br />

SEJK very early<br />

medium open<br />

O very hard<br />

80-90 2, 0 - 2,<br />

2 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + +<br />

excellent<br />

intensive<br />

colour<br />

SEMAROL very early<br />

medium compact<br />

OR very hard<br />

80-90 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + + high<br />

yielding<br />

variety<br />

ESKORT early open OE hard 90-110 1, 8 - 2,<br />

0 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + + good<br />

for<br />

manual<br />

harvest,<br />

fruits<br />

above<br />

leafs<br />

PROTON medium early<br />

medium open<br />

OR very hard<br />

80-90 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + + + + + + + early<br />

variety<br />

with<br />

oval-round<br />

fruits<br />

PAVLINA medium early<br />

open FR hard 120-160 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

7 + + + + - big<br />

fruits,<br />

very<br />

good<br />

for<br />

manual<br />

harvest<br />

DENAR medium late<br />

open OB hard 90-110 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 3 - 5,<br />

7 + + + + + fruits<br />

very<br />

suitable<br />

for<br />

cutting<br />

ORBIT medium early<br />

compact O very hard<br />

70-80 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 0 - 5,<br />

5 + - + + + + confirmed<br />

in<br />

subtropical<br />

region<br />

as<br />

well<br />

TRITONEX late medium compact<br />

OR very hard<br />

80-90 1, 9 - 2,<br />

1 5 , 3 - 5,<br />

7 + + + + + medium<br />

late<br />

variety<br />

with<br />

oval-round<br />

fruits<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

R<br />


30<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Indeterminant Tomato<br />

Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw<br />

Karel Zavadil<br />

- breeder of tomato, pepper, lettuce and other vegetables<br />

PARTO F1<br />

Mid-early indeterminant tomato with medium growth.<br />

Excellent for foil house and unheated greenhouse production.<br />

PARTO has nice flattened round fruits with weight between<br />

100 - 120 g, in south regions bigger (about 120 - 140 g).<br />

Despite of suitability for transport and storaging (ESL) are<br />

fruits very tasty with "real" tomato flavour. Suitable for single<br />

harvesting first of all.<br />

BEJBINO F1<br />

Early cocktail type tomato with a high open habitus. Its shine<br />

red coloured fruits have an excellent sweet taste. They weigh<br />

Variety Plant habitus<br />

Maturity<br />

between 30 - 40 grams, diameter 2,5 cm. We recommend<br />

BEJBINO for indoor as well as for outdoor production.<br />

Suitable for single and cluster harvest.<br />

shape consistence<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

PARTO F1<br />

BEJBINO F1<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

Fruit Resistance Growing<br />

resistance<br />

to<br />

cracking<br />

weight<br />

( g)<br />

storaging V Tm F2 C5<br />

BEJBINO F1<br />

open very early<br />

round firm very high<br />

30-40 long ESL<br />

R R R + + + + + +<br />

TORINO F1<br />

medium compact<br />

early<br />

flattened<br />

round<br />

open<br />

field<br />

plastic<br />

tunnel<br />

firm high 80-100 long ESL<br />

R R R + + + -<br />

TORNADO F1<br />

medium compact<br />

mid-early round medium firm<br />

medium low<br />

80-100 medium R R + + + +<br />

TIPO F1<br />

medium open<br />

mid-early round firm high 80-100 long ESL<br />

R R R + + + -<br />

PARTO F1<br />

compact mid-early<br />

flattened<br />

round<br />

firm medium 100-120 long ESL<br />

R R R R + + + +<br />

Resistance: V = Verticilium Wilt, Tm = Tomato Mosaic Virus, F2 = Fusarium Wilt (race 1 and 2), C5 = Cladosporium fulvum ABCDE, R - resistance<br />

green-<br />

house<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Variety<br />

Cos lettuce<br />

Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.<br />

GELBUS (SM 114/04)<br />

Mid-early Cos lettuce with very attractive shine green heads.<br />

Very well form head. Suitable for head´s market as well as<br />

for indoor and outdoor production of baby leafs. Young leafs<br />

are very firm and upright. Very good disease tolerance.<br />

GELBUS<br />

Variety<br />

Leaf and Batavia lettuce<br />

Lactuca sativa L.var. crispa L.<br />

Growing<br />

period<br />


Earliness<br />

spring summer autumn size leaf type<br />

shape colour<br />

Bremia<br />

lact.<br />

( NL)<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


We offer you interesting assortment of Leaf lettuce. You can<br />

find three lettuces of Lollo, Batavia and Bowl type. All our<br />

varieties are suitable also for production of baby leafs.<br />

Growing<br />

period<br />

Head<br />

Earliness<br />

spring summer autumn size colour shape<br />

of<br />

leaf<br />

R ODEN<br />

+ + - + + mid-early 9 dark red<br />

Batavia<br />

R OSET<br />

+ + - + + mid-early 8 pale red<br />

Batavia<br />

Z OLTAN<br />

+ + + + + mid-early 8 pale green<br />

Batavia<br />


+ + + + + + early 5 dark red<br />

Lollo<br />

Rossa<br />

R OSAURA<br />

+ + - + + early 6 medium red<br />

Lollo<br />

Rossa<br />

Z LATAV<br />

A + + + + + + early 6 yellow-green Lollo<br />

Bionda<br />

D UBARED<br />

+ + - + + early 7 red Bowl<br />


+ + + + + mid-early 8 yellow-green Bowl<br />

General<br />


remarks<br />

( Central<br />

Europe<br />

conditions)<br />

G LOBUS<br />

+ + - + + mid-early 10 slightly blistered<br />

round green 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 untypical<br />

round<br />

head,<br />

nice<br />

crispy<br />

taste<br />

G ELBUS<br />

+ + - + + mid-early 8 smooth oval shine green<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

LMV,<br />

attractive<br />

colour<br />

— resistance Size of Head: 1 = very small head, 10 = very big head; ++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

R<br />


32<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Variety<br />

BREMEX<br />


CITRIN<br />


" SM"<br />



Butterhead Lettuce<br />

Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L<br />

Varieties for greenhouse and tunnel<br />

We gradually come to market with a whole group of new<br />

varieties of lettuce. Lettuces belonging to this "PROFI" series<br />

meet the requirements of intensive production. Good health<br />

(resistance to most of the major races NL and BL), a firm<br />

leaf, long "field" life, and suitability for transport and shortterm<br />

storage are among their common features.<br />


Mid-early butterhead lettuce for indoor forcing. Large head<br />

(about 200 g) with deep green colour and smooth leafs.<br />

Stands adverse growing conditions very well.<br />

Recommended<br />

type<br />

of<br />

forcing<br />

Earliness<br />

Head<br />

size leaf type<br />

colour<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

RESISTANCE Bremia<br />

lact.<br />

( NL)<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

glasshouse<br />

or<br />

tunnel<br />

very early<br />

5 smooth green 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 extremely<br />

uniform<br />

heads<br />

glasshouse<br />

or<br />

tunnel<br />

early 5<br />

slightly<br />

blistered<br />

green good<br />

tolerance<br />

to<br />

bolting<br />

glasshouse<br />

or<br />

tunnel<br />

early 5 smooth matt green<br />

heavy<br />

head<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

rot<br />

tunnel,<br />

open<br />

field<br />

very early<br />

is<br />

possible<br />

5<br />

really<br />

blistered<br />

shine<br />

green<br />

attractive<br />

colour<br />

and<br />

blisters<br />

tunnel,<br />

open<br />

field<br />

mid-early is<br />

possible<br />

7 smooth green<br />

very<br />

heavy<br />

head<br />

with<br />

erect<br />

overwrapping<br />

leaves<br />

tunnel,<br />

open<br />

field<br />

mid-early 7 smooth dark<br />

green<br />

is<br />

possible<br />


Trials in Italy<br />

nice<br />

firm<br />

head<br />

with<br />

erect<br />

overwrapping<br />

leaves<br />

SAFIR tunnel, open<br />

field<br />

very early<br />

6 blistered<br />

shine<br />

green<br />

very<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

cold<br />

weather<br />

DEVIN tunnel, open<br />

field<br />

early 7<br />

very<br />

smooth<br />

green<br />

firmed<br />

leaves,<br />

suitable<br />

for<br />

short<br />

storaging<br />

— resistance Size of Head: 1 = very small head, 10 = very big head<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Varietes for open field<br />


Mid early butterhead lettuce for all season open field production.<br />

Very uniform and big heads (about 300 g) show long field life<br />

and suitability for storaging and transport. Leafs are smooth,<br />

thick with nice shine green colour. Also found to be high level<br />

resistant as well as tolerant to heat.<br />


Our new mid early variety. Really big heads with long field<br />

life. Suitable for all season growing because of high tolerance<br />

to both - hot and cold weather too. Very healthy butterhead<br />

lettuce.<br />

Variety<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


Growing<br />

period<br />

( Central<br />

Head Europe conditions)<br />


Earliness<br />

Bremia<br />

lact.<br />

( NL)<br />

spring summer autumn size leaf type<br />

colour<br />


General<br />

remarks<br />

M AJOR<br />

+ + - + + early 7 smooth green 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 under<br />

non-woven<br />

fabrics<br />

D EON<br />

+ + - + + early 7 smooth pale<br />

green<br />

growing<br />

very<br />

rapidly,<br />

under<br />

non-woven<br />

fabrics<br />

F ARAON<br />

+ + - + + mid-early 8<br />

slightly<br />

blistered"<br />

pale green<br />

heavy<br />

heads<br />

M ARATON<br />

+ + + + + + mid-early 9 blistered shine<br />

green<br />

standard<br />

variety<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

bolting<br />


+ + + + + + mid-early 9 smooth shine<br />

green<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

bolting,<br />

thick<br />

leaf,<br />

long<br />

field<br />

life,<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

LMV<br />

uniform<br />

big<br />

head,<br />

tolerant<br />


+ + + + + + mid-early 9 blistered pale<br />

green<br />

to<br />

hot<br />

and<br />

cold,<br />

long<br />

field<br />

life,<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

LMV<br />

M ARS<br />

+ + + + early 8 smooth pale green<br />

fast<br />

growing<br />

summer<br />

variety<br />

J UPITER<br />

+ + + + mid-early 10 smooth shine green<br />

heavy<br />

heads,<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

LMV<br />


+ + + + + early 8<br />

slightly<br />

blistered<br />

red<br />

attractive<br />

red<br />

colour,<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

bolting<br />

HUMIL for overwintering<br />

early 9 not tested<br />

for<br />

overwintering<br />

— resistance Size of Head: 1 = very small head, 10 = very big head; ++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

R<br />


34<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Variety<br />

Growing<br />

period<br />

Head<br />

Earliness<br />

spring summer autumn size leaf type<br />

colour<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


Bremia<br />

lact.<br />

( NL)<br />

M INIKO<br />

+ + + + very early<br />

7 smooth green 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25<br />

M EDIMO<br />

+ + + + mid-early 9<br />

slightly<br />

blistered<br />

green<br />

M AXIMO<br />

+ + + + mid-early 10 smooth green<br />

L EDANO<br />

+ + + + + + early 9<br />

— resistance<br />

Iceberg Lettuce<br />

Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L<br />

Our varietes are suitable also<br />

for production of Baby Leaves<br />

MEDIMO<br />

Mid season lettuce. Well wrapped heads are uniform, about<br />

400 g weight with slightly blistered leaf. This variety can be<br />

grown successfully also in hot summer because of high level<br />

tolerance to heat and damage by rot.<br />

slightly<br />

blistered<br />

yellow<br />

-green<br />

MAXIMO<br />

Late season variety of iceberg lettuce with really big heads<br />

(about 500 g). Deep green and smooth leafs. MAXIMO shows<br />

strong tolerance to heat conditions - very slow bolting.<br />


General<br />

remarks<br />

( Central<br />

Europe<br />

conditions)<br />

small<br />

firm<br />

head,<br />

excellent<br />

bolting<br />

tolerance<br />

high<br />

level<br />

of<br />

tolerance<br />

to<br />

heads<br />

rot,<br />

very<br />

slow<br />

bolting<br />

really<br />

big<br />

head,<br />

perfect<br />

variety<br />

for<br />

salads<br />

untypical<br />

yellow-green<br />

colour,<br />

fine<br />

leaves<br />

of<br />

sweet<br />

taste,<br />

substitute<br />

of<br />

buterhead<br />

lettuces<br />

Size: 1 = small head, 10 = very big head<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Sweet Corn<br />

Zea mays L.<br />

Company "SEMO" is the worldwide exclusive seller of sweet<br />

and super-sweet corn of the Slovak breeder - Mr. Rudolf<br />

Izakovič (Agrisel Company). These quality varieties have<br />

already found their way to farmers. Aimed at producing sweet<br />

corn for industrial processing, as well as for the harvest of<br />

the whole ears for fresh market. Our assortment is gradually<br />

supplemented by other hybrids. The main emphasis in their<br />

breeding is placed on excellent health and high yield of<br />

uniform seeds.<br />

ADIKA F1<br />

Early sweet (Su) hybrid with nice yellow seeds for the fresh<br />

market and the processing industry. Ear shape is uniform as<br />

the kernel style. Very good covery. High level of disease<br />

resistance.<br />

ARANKA F1<br />

New very early super sweet (Sh2) hybrid with nice cylindrical<br />

ear. Very good recover and eating quality. Suitable for both<br />

fresh market and industry as well. Good level of disease<br />

resistance.<br />

Variety Type Maturity<br />

Growing<br />

period<br />

Plant<br />

height<br />

from<br />

sowing<br />

( cm)<br />

( days)<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

ARANKA F1<br />

Ear<br />

setting<br />

height<br />

( cm)<br />

number<br />

lenght<br />

( cm)<br />

Ear<br />

weight<br />

( g)<br />

Resistance:<br />

UM = Ustilago maydis<br />

SHS = Sporospirium holci - sorgi<br />

HT = Helmintosporium turcicum<br />

kernel<br />

rows<br />

Colour<br />

of<br />

seed<br />

ADIKA F1<br />

Tolerance<br />

UM SHS HT<br />

ANITA F1<br />

sweet, su<br />

very early<br />

77 165 - 185<br />

40 - 50<br />

1 - 2 18 - 20<br />

250 - 300<br />

18 yellow T T T<br />

ADIKA F1<br />

sweet, su<br />

early 82 170 - 190<br />

50 - 60<br />

1 - 2 17 - 19<br />

240 - 300<br />

18 yellow T T T<br />


sweet, su<br />

mid-late 110 190 - 220<br />

65 - 75<br />

1 - 2 19 - 20<br />

260 - 320<br />

20 - 24<br />

yellow T T T<br />

ASTRID F1<br />

sweet, su<br />

late 115 200 - 250<br />

75 - 85<br />

1 - 2 18 - 21<br />

240 - 310<br />

18 - 20<br />

yellow T T T<br />

ARANKA F1<br />

super sweet,<br />

sh2<br />

very early<br />

72 155 - 175<br />

40 - 45<br />

1 - 2 17 - 19<br />

220 - 290<br />

12 - 14<br />

yellow T T<br />

AGNES F1<br />

super sweet,<br />

sh2<br />

early 82 160 - 180<br />

40 - 50<br />

1 - 2 18 - 20<br />

220 - 300<br />

16 - 18<br />

yellow T T T<br />

ALSBETA F1<br />

super sweet,<br />

sh2<br />

mid-early 113 185 - 200<br />

70 - 80<br />

1 - 2 18 - 21<br />

240 - 320<br />

18 - 22<br />

yellow T T T<br />

R<br />


36<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Radish - European type<br />

Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus<br />

TEKO<br />

Very early non hybrid but uniform variety. Excellent for early<br />

open field production. Bulbs are round, dark red. The variety<br />

is resistant to bolting.<br />

PRIMARA F1<br />

Our new very early hybrid. Uniform, round, bright darker red<br />

bulbs with fine white ends. Tops are low but strong - perfect<br />

for bunching. Mainly suited for covered field production.<br />

Variety Maturity<br />


F1<br />

extremely<br />

early<br />

indoor<br />

Growing General<br />

remarks<br />

field<br />

( spring<br />

sowing)<br />

field<br />

( summer<br />

sowing)<br />

Colour: 1 – pale red , 9 - dark red ++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

shape colour<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

TEKO<br />

diameter<br />

( cm)<br />

+ + + +<br />

+ +<br />

round 5 2 - 3 low<br />

- medium<br />

VINARA F1<br />

v ery<br />

early<br />

+ + + +<br />

+ round 5 2 - 3<br />

low<br />

TEKO v ery<br />

early<br />

+ + + +<br />

- round 5 2 - 3<br />

low<br />

Top length<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

PRIMARA F1<br />

excellent<br />

uniform<br />

bulbs,<br />

for<br />

covered<br />

field<br />

production<br />

excellent<br />

uniform<br />

bulbs,<br />

more<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

poor<br />

conditions<br />

high<br />

level<br />

of<br />

uniformity<br />

in<br />

category<br />

of<br />

OP<br />

varieties<br />

PRIMA v ery<br />

early<br />

+ + + +<br />

+ round 5 2 - 2,<br />

5 medium for<br />

early<br />

field<br />

growing<br />

first<br />

of<br />

all<br />

KVARTA v ery<br />

early<br />

+ + +<br />

+ +<br />

round 7 2, 5 - 3,<br />

5 medium<br />

tetraploid,<br />

large<br />

size<br />

of<br />

bulbs<br />

SAXA 2 e arly<br />

+ + + +<br />

- round 5 2 - 2,<br />

5 medium standard<br />

variety<br />

KVINTA early - + +<br />

+ +<br />

round 3 2 - 3 medium attractive<br />

pale<br />

red<br />

bulbs<br />

TERCIA mid-early - + +<br />

+ round 6 2 - 3 medium tolerant<br />

to<br />

cracking<br />

SEXTA mid-late - + +<br />

+ +<br />

round 3 2 - 3<br />

high good<br />

for<br />

late<br />

growing<br />

as<br />

well<br />

DUO e arly<br />

+ + +<br />

+ round red-white 2, 5 - 3,<br />

5 medium red-white<br />

round<br />

bulbs<br />

SLAVIA v ery<br />

early<br />

+ + +<br />

-<br />

short<br />

cylindrical<br />

red-white<br />

length<br />

3,<br />

5 - 4<br />

medium red-white<br />

cylindrical<br />

bulbs<br />

VIOLA e arly<br />

+ + +<br />

+ oval-round purple 2 - 3<br />

high interesting<br />

purple<br />

colour<br />

BLANKA e arly<br />

+ + +<br />

+ oval-round white 2 - 3<br />

high white<br />

round<br />

bulbs<br />

RAMPOUCH mid-early - + +<br />

+<br />

oblong<br />

pointed<br />

white<br />

length<br />

6 - 10<br />

medium white<br />

cylindrical<br />

bulbs<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

VINARA F1<br />

Uniform hybrid recommended mainly for spring covered field<br />

production. This round radish with an intensive red colour and<br />

small but fast growing leaves is perfect for bunching. VINARA<br />

is tolerant to cracking and bolting.<br />

BLANKA<br />

Early round radish with shiny white colour. Very suitable for<br />

early field production first of all. Nice ingredient for mix-colour<br />

bunches.<br />

Radish - Asian type<br />

Raphanus sativus L. var. major A. Voss<br />

Variety<br />

Growing*<br />

period<br />

( days)<br />

indoor<br />

Growing Root<br />

- Bulb<br />

field<br />

field<br />

( spring<br />

( summer<br />

sowing)<br />

sowing)<br />

PANTER<br />

shape<br />

colour<br />

outside<br />

colour<br />

inside<br />

diameter<br />

or<br />

length<br />

( cm)<br />

PANTER 7 0 + + + + round black white d:<br />

6 - 9<br />

RUNDER<br />


WINTER<br />

( KULATA<br />

CERNA)<br />

7 5 + + + +<br />

flattened<br />

round<br />

black white d:<br />

5 - 9<br />

JAROLA F1<br />

7 0 + + + + + pointed white white l:<br />

25<br />

- 30<br />

JAPANA F1<br />

70 - - + + cylindrical white white l:<br />

30<br />

- 40<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

VINARA F1<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

uniform<br />

in<br />

shape<br />

and<br />

maturity<br />

standard<br />

variety<br />

radish<br />

of<br />

black<br />

resistant<br />

to<br />

bolting<br />

greenish<br />

neck<br />

very<br />

smooth<br />

white<br />

roots<br />

with<br />

blunt<br />

end<br />

KARMINA 7 5 + + + + pointed red white l: 15<br />

- 20<br />

pointed<br />

red<br />

radish<br />

JANTAR 7 5 + + + + pointed yellow white l: 15<br />

- 20<br />

pointed<br />

yellow<br />

radish<br />

JAROLA F1<br />

BLANKA<br />

JAPANA F1<br />

R<br />


38<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Chive<br />

Allium schoenoprasum<br />

JEMNA<br />

Early variety with fine and shine green leafs. Very friendly<br />

aromatic taste. We recommend this chive for home garden<br />

growing first of all.<br />


Early chive with firm, dark green leafs. Intensive chive aroma.<br />

Confirmed variety for fresh market, perfect for growing and<br />

sale in pots.<br />

ERECTA<br />

Our new variety of early chive with thick, very erected leafs.<br />

Delicious, not so intensive chive aroma - very good for mixed<br />

vegetable salads. Perfect variety for fresh and pot market.<br />

PRAGA<br />

Pumpkin<br />

Squash and Pumpkin<br />

Cucurbita sp. L.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

ERECTA<br />

SM-ER F1 (Cucurbita maxima Duch.)<br />

We are preparing new HOKKAIDO hybrid with bigger and<br />

more round fruit. Uniformity in maturity and shape of fruits<br />

are very important points of this hybrid.<br />

GOLIAS (Cucurbita maxima Duch.)<br />

Traditional high yielding pumpkin variety. Big fruits (20 - 30<br />

kg) with fine, sweet, orange flesh (3 - 5 cm thick) make<br />

GOLIAS especially suitable for processing industry.<br />

GOLIAS<br />

SM 950/06 F1 (Cucurbita maxima Duch.)<br />

Our new pumpkin hybrid of Halloween type. The fruits have<br />

very good quality, which means: uniform round shape, weight<br />

8 - 10 kg, shine orange skin slightly ribbed. Skin is firm enough<br />

for transport and mid-term storaging but still easy for<br />

Halloween carving. Nice deep orange flesh is suitable for<br />

canning as well.<br />

SM 950/06 F1<br />

APETIT (Cucurbita pepo L. var. oleifera)<br />

Hulles seeds variety. A mid-compact growth is allowed high<br />

density of plants per hectare - it means higher yield. Seeds<br />

have high nutritional value especially for zinc content.<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

APETIT<br />


We offer wide assortment of Ornamental Pumpkins. You can<br />

find in our assortment a lot of type Pumpkins with both small<br />

and big fruits too. For next information please contact us<br />

without hesitation.<br />

Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.)<br />


High-yielding, early zucchini hybrid with regular, straight and<br />

smooth, dark green fruits. The plant has bush, compact<br />

growth. Growing period about 60 days to first harvest (Central<br />

Europe conditions).<br />



Zucchini hybrid with golden fruits. Very tasty and sweet flesh<br />

with a higher content of beta-carotene. At lower temperatures,<br />

young leaves have a distinct yellow drawing, which is a variety<br />

character. In later stages, the leaves are dark green. Growing<br />

period about 65 days to the first harvest (Central Europe<br />

conditions).<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


Watermelon<br />

Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsum et Nakai<br />

SM M 9001<br />

Hybrid with intensive yellow flesh. Round green fruits with<br />

dark green strips and weight about 3 kg. Very refreshing fine<br />

flesh and low content of seeds are important characteristics<br />

of this novelty.<br />

SM M 9002<br />

Hybrid with shiny orange flesh. Round green fruits with dark<br />

green strips and weight about 3 kg. Very sweet flesh<br />

(11 - 12 % of sugar) and low content of seeds.<br />

SM M 9003<br />

Triploid - seed less watermelon with firm red flesh. Oval green<br />

fruits with dark green stripes and weight about 5 - 7 kg. High<br />

content of sugar (12%).<br />

R<br />


40<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Variety<br />

Cabbage<br />

Brassica oleracea L. convar.capitata (L) Alef.<br />

We offer you exclusively the range of cabbage hybrids directly<br />

from the breeder, Mrs. Jitka Hrubesova. We are jointly<br />

marketing the new professional hybrids for fresh market,<br />

industry and long-term storaging as well.<br />

UNIKAT F1<br />

Early cabbage hybrid for fresh market. Heads are round,<br />

about 1,2 kg of weight with short core and fine structure<br />

inside. Uniform heads in shape and time of harvest confirm<br />

high tolerance to cracking. Very long field standing ability.<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

Use<br />

processing storaging<br />

Maturity<br />

Growing<br />

period<br />

from<br />

transplanting<br />

( days)<br />

for<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

weight<br />

( kg)<br />

Head<br />

shape<br />

Number<br />

of<br />

plants/<br />

ha<br />

J UNA<br />

F1<br />

+ + - - early 70 0, 9 - 1,<br />

5 egg-shaped 65<br />

000<br />

S LAVA<br />

F1<br />

+ + - - early 75 0, 9 - 1,<br />

5 round 65<br />

000<br />

U NIKAT<br />

F1<br />

+ + + - early 80 0, 9 - 1,<br />

5 round 60<br />

000<br />

L ENA<br />

F1<br />

+ + + - mid-early 85 2, 0 - 2,<br />

5 round 50<br />

000<br />

for<br />

industrial<br />

purpose<br />

K ORINO<br />

F1<br />

+ + + - mid-early 90 2 - 3 round 45<br />

000<br />

P AVLO<br />

F1<br />

+ + +<br />

+ mid-late 125 4 - 5 flattened round<br />

28<br />

000<br />

R ITMO<br />

F1<br />

+ + +<br />

+ mid-late 110 4 - 6<br />

flattened<br />

round<br />

28<br />

000<br />

P ORTO<br />

F1<br />

+ + + + + late 130 3 - 5 egg-shaped 32<br />

000<br />

for<br />

long<br />

term<br />

storaging<br />

UNIKAT F1<br />

P ORTO<br />

F1<br />

+ + + + + late 130 3 - 4 egg-shaped 40<br />

000<br />

T RVALO<br />

F1<br />

+ + + + late 145 2, 5 - 3 egg-shaped 40<br />

000<br />

Jitka Hrubešová<br />

- breeder of cabbage, carrot and radish<br />

dark<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

good<br />

internal<br />

structure,<br />

green<br />

heads<br />

with<br />

short<br />

core<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

cold<br />

temperature,<br />

very<br />

good<br />

also<br />

for<br />

late<br />

sowing<br />

terms<br />

uniform<br />

heads<br />

with<br />

short<br />

core,<br />

perfect<br />

for<br />

fresh<br />

and<br />

industry<br />

too<br />

dense<br />

head,<br />

very<br />

slow<br />

cracking,<br />

for<br />

industry<br />

as<br />

well<br />

long<br />

field<br />

life,<br />

dark<br />

green<br />

head,<br />

for<br />

industry<br />

and<br />

fresh<br />

market<br />

strong<br />

grow<br />

with<br />

short<br />

core,<br />

stable<br />

yielding<br />

variety<br />

for<br />

processing<br />

big<br />

heads<br />

with<br />

dark<br />

green<br />

colour,<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

variety<br />

for<br />

processing<br />

firm<br />

head<br />

with<br />

dense<br />

internal<br />

structure,<br />

tolerant<br />

to<br />

trips,<br />

for<br />

long<br />

term<br />

storaging<br />

and<br />

industry<br />

for<br />

long<br />

term<br />

storaging<br />

and<br />

industry,<br />

smaller<br />

head<br />

from<br />

higher<br />

density<br />

growing<br />

very<br />

vigorous,<br />

firm<br />

head,<br />

for<br />

long<br />

term<br />

storaging<br />

++ very suitable + suitable - not suitable<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

KORINO F1<br />

Mid-early hybrid for the fresh market and early production<br />

of sauerkraut. The heads are round, short cored and have<br />

a fine structure and weigh between 2 – 3 kg. Uniform head<br />

size and a high tolerance to cracking are important<br />

characteristics of this cabbage.<br />

KORINO F1<br />

PORTO F1<br />

Our new late hybrid for industry and fresh market. Firm egground<br />

heads with long field holding ability. Weight depends<br />

on density of sowing (3-5 kg). Very tolerant to cold conditions,<br />

cracking and trips. All-purpose variety for industry and long<br />

term storaging.<br />

PORTO F1<br />

RITMO F1<br />

Vigorous mid-late hybrid for industry first of all. RITMO<br />

produces big flattish round heads with fine internal structure.<br />

Dark green colour of heads. Good for mid term storaging.<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

RITMO F1<br />

TRVALO F1<br />

Late cabbage with vigour plant and higher external cored<br />

are suitable for long term storaging. Egg-shaped heads<br />

(2,5 - 3 kg) are very firm with dense internal structure.<br />

TRVALO F1<br />

Chinese Cabbage<br />

Brassica rapa (L)<br />

CONCORD F1<br />

Mid-late variety for summer sowing. Compact cylindrical shape<br />

heads with weight 1,5 - 2 kg. Long term storability. Maturity<br />

about 68 days after transplanting (Central Europe conditions).<br />

CONCORD F1<br />

R<br />


42<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Bush Bean - for pods<br />

Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

GAMA<br />

Mid-late variety with big yield. Straight, round pods with a<br />

diameter of 0,8 cm and length about 11 cm. The pods are<br />

uniform with nice green colour. It is easy to pick them up<br />

with low percentage of rejects. The both our green varieties<br />

(BONA and GAMA) are tolerant to Anthracnose and very<br />

suitable for pickling by hands and mechanic harvest too.<br />


Mid-early wax bean variety with upright growth. Its medium<br />

fine pods (about 8 mm) offer big and uniform yields. The<br />

variety is used for fresh market and industry - canning and<br />

especially freezing.<br />

Bush bean - for dry seeds<br />

Phaseolus vulgaris L.<br />

PETRA<br />

Mid-early bush bean for production of dry seeds. About 50<br />

cm high plants offer a big yield of smaller white colour seeds<br />

with WTS 350 - 410 g. Very good field health especially<br />

tolerance to Anthracnose and Bactesiosis.<br />

Grafting<br />

Grafting clips<br />

Clips for grafting of melons, watermelons and cucumbers.<br />

SM - CF 106 F1 (Cucurbita ficifolia C.Bouche)<br />

Rootstock for cucumber. Very strong roots, affinity for the most<br />

of our salad cucumbers. Tolerant to Fusarium, cold conditions<br />

and irregular irrigation.<br />

ATLAS F1<br />

ATLAS is used as rootstock to Fusarium wilt resistance and<br />

to improve the yield. For grafting of melon and watermelon.<br />


Our new interspecific hybrid (C. Maxima x C. Moschata) of<br />

SCHINTOSA type. Suitable rootstock for watermelon and<br />

cucumber. Young stalk is without hollow - perfect life rate of<br />

Variety<br />

Growing<br />

period<br />

( days)<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


Earliness<br />

Plant<br />

height<br />

( cm)<br />

length<br />

diameter<br />

( cm)<br />

( cm)<br />

BONA 68-72 mid-early 30-40 10-12 0,<br />

7<br />

GAMA 70-75 mid-late 40-45 10-12 0,<br />

8<br />

Pod Seed<br />

colour<br />

medium<br />

green<br />

medium<br />

green<br />

WTS<br />

( g)<br />

colour<br />

230 white<br />

220 white<br />

AIDAGOLD 65-70 mid-early 30-40 10-12 0, 8 yellow 180 white<br />

grafted plants. Adapted to wide range of climatic condition.<br />

Resistance to Fusarium and tolerance to stress conditions.<br />


PETRA<br />

General<br />

remarks<br />

high<br />

yielding<br />

variety<br />

uniform<br />

straight<br />

pods<br />

high<br />

early<br />

production<br />

* valid for Central Europe conditions<br />

Grafted cucumber with rootstock “SPRINTER F1”<br />


<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

Herbs<br />

We offer also wide assortment of herbs. For more information<br />

please contact us without hesitation.<br />

Anise Pimpinella anisum<br />

Basil BLUE SPICE Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil CINAMONETTE Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil COMPAKT Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil DARK GREEN - Genovese type Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil LETTUCE LEAF Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil LIME Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil PURPLE OPAAL Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil PURPLE RUFFLES Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil RED RUBIN Ocimum basilicum<br />

Basil SIAM QUEEN - for balcony Ocimum basilicum<br />

Chamomile BOHEMIA Matricaria chamomilla<br />

Caraway REKORD and PROCHAN Carum carvi<br />

Cone flower Echinacea purpurea<br />

Coriander LONG STANDING Coriandrum sativum<br />

Dill HANAK, COMPACT Anethum graveolens<br />

Fennel Foeniculum vulgare<br />

Greek oregano Origanum heracleoticum<br />

Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis<br />

Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium<br />

Lavender Levandula officinalis<br />

Lemon balm CITRINA Melissa officinalis<br />

Lovage Levisticum officinale<br />

Marigold PLAMEN PLUS Calendula officinalis<br />

Marjoram MARCELKA, MARIETTA Majorana hortensis<br />

Milk thistle SM OS -005 Silybum marianum<br />

Mint Mentha sp.<br />

Oregano Origanum vulgare<br />

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis<br />

Sage Salvia officinalis<br />

Summer savory Satureja hortensis<br />

Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus<br />

Thyme Thymus serpyllum<br />

Verbascum Verbascum densiflorum<br />

Winter savory Satureja montana<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />

Basil DARK GREEN -<br />

Genovese type<br />

Chamomile BOHEMIA<br />

Marigold PLAMEN PLUS<br />

Basil COMPAKT Lovage<br />

Marjoram MARCELKA Mint<br />

Sage Lemon balm<br />

R<br />


44<br />

<strong>2010</strong> - 2012<br />

SEMO a. s.<br />

798 17 Smržice u Prostějova<br />


Phone: +420 582 301 903, +420 582 301 911<br />

Fax: +420 582 381 189<br />

e-mail: profi@semo.cz<br />

www.semo.cz<br />

breeding, production, sale • vegetable, flower and herb seeds<br />


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