Universal Remote Control Audio Device Codes - Etisalat

Universal Remote Control Audio Device Codes - Etisalat Universal Remote Control Audio Device Codes - Etisalat


Brands Brand Code Brands Brand Code Klipsch 1530 Medion 1787 Koda 1539 Megatone 1794 Kompernass 1544 MEI 1796 Koss 1558 Memorex 1800 Krell 1569 Meridian 1805 KXD 1581 Metz 1810 Kysho 1586 MiCO 1813 Micromaxx 1822 Oritron 2112 Micromega 1824 Osaki 2118 Microstar 1827 Pacific 2135 Midland 1831 Palladium 2145 Minowa 1843 Panasonic 2153 Minton 1846 Paramount Pictures 2162 Mitsubishi 1855 Parasound 2163 Mivoc 1858 peeKTon 2178 Modulaire 1864 Penney 2182 Monitor Audio 3415 Philco 2192 MTlogic 1892 Philips 2195 Murphy 1911 Phonotrend 2202 Musical Fidelity 1913 Pioneer 2212 Musicmagic 1914 Plu2 2225 Mustek 1916 Polaroid 2230 MX Fine 1918 Polk Audio 2232 Mx Onda 1919 Prima Electronic 2254 Myryad 1922 Primare 2256 Mystral 1925 ProCaster 2266 NAD 1926 Profile 2271 Naim 1931 Proline 2274 Nakamichi 1932 ProMedion 2276 NaviPod 1946 Proscan 2279 NEC 1950 Pro-Sound 2264 Neovia 1958 Proton 2288 5

Brands Brand Code Brands Brand Code NexxTech 1990 ProVision 2291 NiC 1992 PS Audio 2293 Nikkai 1998 Pure Digital 2298 Nikkei 1999 QED 2307 Nikko 2000 QONIX 2311 Niles 2004 Quad 2312 Nokia 2017 Quadral 2314 Norcent 2020 Quasar 2320 Nova 2031 Quelle 2322 NTDE Geniesom 2046 Radiola 2330 Nubert 2049 Radionette 2332 nuWave 2055 Radix 2335 Okano 2065 RCA 2351 Onida 2081 Realistic 2354 Onkyo 2085 Recco 2358 Opera 2090 Redstar 2366 Optimus 2095 Rega 2369 Orient Power 2109 Reoc 2379 Orion 2111 Restek 2382 Revox 2383 Soundstream 2688 Rio 2393 Soundwave 2689 Roadstar 2398 Spatializer 2695 Roberts 2399 SpeakerCraft 2696 Roku 2407 SSI 2707 Roland 2408 Starcom 2722 Rolson 2410 Stereophonics 2740 Rotel 2414 Sumida 2756 Saba 2429 Sunfire 2760 Saisho 2437 Sungoo 3767 Samsung 2448 Sunstech 2769 Sangean 3490 SuperTech 2789 Sansui 2458 Swedish Audio Technology 2802 6

Brands Brand Code Brands Brand Code<br />

Klipsch 1530 Medion 1787<br />

Koda 1539 Megatone 1794<br />

Kompernass 1544 MEI 1796<br />

Koss 1558 Memorex 1800<br />

Krell 1569 Meridian 1805<br />

KXD 1581 Metz 1810<br />

Kysho 1586 MiCO 1813<br />

Micromaxx 1822 Oritron 2112<br />

Micromega 1824 Osaki 2118<br />

Microstar 1827 Pacific 2135<br />

Midland 1831 Palladium 2145<br />

Minowa 1843 Panasonic 2153<br />

Minton 1846 Paramount Pictures 2162<br />

Mitsubishi 1855 Parasound 2163<br />

Mivoc 1858 peeKTon 2178<br />

Modulaire 1864 Penney 2182<br />

Monitor <strong>Audio</strong> 3415 Philco 2192<br />

MTlogic 1892 Philips 2195<br />

Murphy 1911 Phonotrend 2202<br />

Musical Fidelity 1913 Pioneer 2212<br />

Musicmagic 1914 Plu2 2225<br />

Mustek 1916 Polaroid 2230<br />

MX Fine 1918 Polk <strong>Audio</strong> 2232<br />

Mx Onda 1919 Prima Electronic 2254<br />

Myryad 1922 Primare 2256<br />

Mystral 1925 ProCaster 2266<br />

NAD 1926 Profile 2271<br />

Naim 1931 Proline 2274<br />

Nakamichi 1932 ProMedion 2276<br />

NaviPod 1946 Proscan 2279<br />

NEC 1950 Pro-Sound 2264<br />

Neovia 1958 Proton 2288<br />


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