Universal Remote Control Audio Device Codes - Etisalat

Universal Remote Control Audio Device Codes - Etisalat Universal Remote Control Audio Device Codes - Etisalat


Audio device brand codes for eLife universal remote control Brands Brand Code Brands Brand Code 3M 0004 Audiotronic 0267 Accuphase 0021 Audiovox 0268 Acoustic Energy 0030 AVI 0289 Acoustic Solutions 0032 AVM 0294 Acurus 0037 Ayon 3557 ADA 0038 B & K 0304 ADC 0040 Baier 0308 Adcom 0041 Balanced Audio Technology 0312 Admiral 0046 Bang & Olufsen 0314 AEG 0059 Bang Olufen 4453 AFK 0061 BASF 0324 Aiwa 0072 Basic Line 0325 Akai 0074 BB-Tronic 0336 Akura 0083 Behringer 0344 Alba 0086 Belson 0355 Alchemist 0090 Biamp 0374 Alco 0092 Binatone 0378 All-Tel 0101 Binaura 0379 AMC 0121 Blue Sky 0395 Amitech 0130 Bondstec 0403 Amphion Media Works 0135 Bonnec 3379 Amstrad 0140 Bose 0407 AMW 0143 Boston Acoustics 0411 Anam 0146 Brigmton 0421 Andersson 0148 Brionvega 0424 Angstrom 0152 BskyB 0436 Anthem 0158 Bush 0445 Apex Digital 0170 Cairn 0464 Apple 0172 Cambridge 0469 1

Brands Brand Code Brands Brand Code AR 0175 Cambridge Audio 0470 Arcam 0179 Cambridge Soundworks 0471 Ariston 0190 Cameron 4032 Armour 0194 Capetronic 0485 ASCOMTEC 0207 Carver 0494 Atlantic 0233 Casio 0499 Audio Access 0242 Cat 0500 Audio Agile 0243 CCE 0504 Audio Pro 0249 Celestion 0512 AudioEase 0255 Celestron 0513 Audiolab 0257 cello 0514 AudioNet 0261 Centrex 0516 Audiosonic 0264 Centrum 0519 AudioSource 0265 Chase Technologies 0534 Chiro 0543 Cinema Sound 0556 Elyxio 0912 Clarinette 0574 Emerson 0917 Classic 0580 Emerson Research 0918 Clatronic 0581 Eroica 0941 Coby 0597 Eton 3750 Conrad 0633 EuroLine 0955 Copland 0644 Ferguson 0996 Cosmel 0647 Fine Arts 1001 Cosmotron 0648 Finlux 1004 Counterpoint 0649 Fintec 1006 Creative 0651 Firstline 1008 Creek 0652 Fisher 1009 Crestron 3385 Fonmix 1020 Crown 0658 Fosgate 1028 Curtis Mathes 0667 Fujitsu Siemens 1054 Cyberwave 0676 Futronic 1061 Cyrus 0679 Galaxis 1069 2

<strong>Audio</strong> device brand codes for eLife universal remote control<br />

Brands Brand Code Brands Brand Code<br />

3M 0004 <strong>Audio</strong>tronic 0267<br />

Accuphase 0021 <strong>Audio</strong>vox 0268<br />

Acoustic Energy 0030 AVI 0289<br />

Acoustic Solutions 0032 AVM 0294<br />

Acurus 0037 Ayon 3557<br />

ADA 0038 B & K 0304<br />

ADC 0040 Baier 0308<br />

Adcom 0041 Balanced <strong>Audio</strong> Technology 0312<br />

Admiral 0046 Bang & Olufsen 0314<br />

AEG 0059 Bang Olufen 4453<br />

AFK 0061 BASF 0324<br />

Aiwa 0072 Basic Line 0325<br />

Akai 0074 BB-Tronic 0336<br />

Akura 0083 Behringer 0344<br />

Alba 0086 Belson 0355<br />

Alchemist 0090 Biamp 0374<br />

Alco 0092 Binatone 0378<br />

All-Tel 0101 Binaura 0379<br />

AMC 0121 Blue Sky 0395<br />

Amitech 0130 Bondstec 0403<br />

Amphion Media Works 0135 Bonnec 3379<br />

Amstrad 0140 Bose 0407<br />

AMW 0143 Boston Acoustics 0411<br />

Anam 0146 Brigmton 0421<br />

Andersson 0148 Brionvega 0424<br />

Angstrom 0152 BskyB 0436<br />

Anthem 0158 Bush 0445<br />

Apex Digital 0170 Cairn 0464<br />

Apple 0172 Cambridge 0469<br />


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