Mammal survey Pol'ana - De Zoogdiervereniging

Mammal survey Pol'ana - De Zoogdiervereniging

Mammal survey Pol'ana - De Zoogdiervereniging


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5.1 BIRDS by: Kees Mostert<br />

During the workshop 91 bird species were observed. A forest area in the latter part of the summer in Central<br />

Europe is not really the best moment to observe birds: many birds are done breeding and behave timidly and<br />

inconspicuous. Although groups of swallows already gather, the bird migration has not really started yet. The<br />

area has quite a lot to offer to fowls, owls and woodpeckers, but these species do not show themselves<br />

much.<br />

In the pine forests and peat-moots of Pol’ana species like Hazel Grouse, Grouse Capercallie, Fieldfare, Ring<br />

Ouzel and Spotted Nutcracker were observed. Groups of Common Crossbills flew over regularly. In the<br />

twilight the alarming cry of a Eurasian Pygmy Owl was heard twice in the neighbourhood of the hotel.<br />

In the air Honey Buzzards were spotted regularly and on one occasion also a Golden Eagle and a Lesser<br />

Spotted Eagle were seen. Alongside the brooks some Black Storks were regularly present to be admired. In<br />

the open field the White Storks were obviously in the majority. In some places small groups of Europian Beeeaters<br />

were present.<br />

In the small-scale agricultural area Common Quails, Red-backed Shrikes and Yellow Hammers were present<br />

everywhere. South of Pol’ana also some Lesser Grey Shrikes were observed, sitting on wires.<br />

The following species have been recorded (the Dutch, English and Latin name are presented):<br />

Fuut Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus<br />

Ooievaar White Stork Ciconia ciconia<br />

Zwarte ooievaar Black Stork Ciconia nigra<br />

Blauwe reiger Grey Heron Adrea cinerea<br />

Wilde eend Mallard Anas platychynchos<br />

Waterhoen Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus<br />

Meerkoet Common Coot Fulica atra<br />

Kievit Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus<br />

Oeverloper Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleocus<br />

Steenarend Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos<br />

Schreeuwarend Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina<br />

Buizerd Common Buzzard Buteo buteo<br />

Wespendief Honey Buzzard Pernis apivrous<br />

Bruine kiekendief Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus<br />

Havik Northern Goshawk Accipter gentilis<br />

Sperwer Eurasian Sparrow-hawk Acciptter nisus<br />

Torenvalk Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus<br />

Boomvalk Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo<br />

Slechtvalk Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus<br />

Hazelhoen Hazel Grouse Tetrastes bonasia<br />

Auerhoen Grouse Capercallie Tetrao urogallus<br />

Kwartel Common Quail Coturnix coturnix<br />

Fazant Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus<br />

Houtduif Wood Pigeon Columba oenas<br />

Rots/tamme duif Rock dove Columba livia<br />

Turkse tortel Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto<br />

Zomertortel Europian Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur<br />

Kerkuil Barn Owl Tyto alba<br />

Dwerguil Eurasian Pygmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum<br />

Bosuil Tawny Owl Strix aluco<br />

Nachtzwaluw European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus<br />

Koekoek Common cuckoo Cuculus canorus<br />

IJsvogel Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis<br />

<strong>Mammal</strong> <strong>survey</strong> <strong>Pol'ana</strong> (Slovakia) 2005 29

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