References - Lehrstuhl Numerische Mathematik - TUM

References - Lehrstuhl Numerische Mathematik - TUM References - Lehrstuhl Numerische Mathematik - TUM


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REFERENCES 345<br />

Gràcia, X. and J. M. Pons (1992). A generalized geometric framework for constrained systems.<br />

Diff. Geom. Appl. 2, 223–247.<br />

Green, M. M. and A. N. Willson Jr. (1992). How to identify unstable dc operating points. IEEE<br />

Trans. Circ. and Syst. 39, 820–832.<br />

Gresho, P. M., S. T. Chan, R. L. Lee, and C. D. Upson (1984). A modified finite element method<br />

for solving the time–dependent incompressible Navier Stokes equations. Part I: Theory. Int.<br />

J. Num. Meth. in Fluids 4, 557–598.<br />

Griepentrog, E. and R. März (1986). Differential–Algebraic Equations and their Numerical<br />

Treatment, Volume 88 of Teubner Texte zur Mathem. Leipzig, Germany: B.G. Teubner<br />

Verlag.<br />

Griepentrog, E. and R. März (1989). Basic properties of some differential–algebraic equations.<br />

Z. Anal. Anwend. 8, 25–40.<br />

Griewank, A. (2000). Evaluating derivatives: Principles and Techniques of Algorithmic Differ-<br />

entiation. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM Publications.<br />

Griewank, A. and G. F. Corliss (Eds.) (1992). Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms. Philadel-<br />

phia, PA: SIAM Publications.<br />

Griewank, A. and G. W. Reddien (1983). The calculation of Hopf points by a direct method.<br />

IMA J. Numer. Anal. 3, 295–303.<br />

Griewank, A. and G. W. Reddien (1984). Characterization and computation of generalized<br />

turning points. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 21, 176–185.<br />

Griewank, A. and G. W. Reddien (1989). Computation of cusp singularities for operator equa-<br />

tions and their discretizations. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 26, 133–153.<br />

Gritsis, D., C. C. Pantelides, and R. W. H. Sargent (1995). Optimal control of systems described<br />

by index two differential–algebraic equations. SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp. 16, 1349–1366.<br />

Guckenheimer, J. and M. Myers (1996). Computing Hopf bifurcations II: Three examples from<br />

neurophysiology. SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp. 17, 1275–1301.<br />

Guckenheimer, J., M. Myers, and B. Sturmfels (1997). Computing Hopf bifurcations I. SIAM<br />

J. Numer. Anal. 34, 1–21.<br />

Günther, M. and U. Feldmann (1999a). CAD based electric circuit modeling in industry I.<br />

mathematical structure and index of network equations. Surv. Math. Ind. 8, 97–129.<br />

Günther, M. and U. Feldmann (1999b). CAD based electric circuit modeling in industry II.<br />

impact of circuit configurations and parameters. Surv. Math. Ind. 8, 131–157.<br />

Günther, M. and M. Hoschek (1997). ROW methods adapted to electric circuit simulation<br />

packages. Comp. and Appl. Math. 82, 159–170.<br />

Hachtel, G. D., R. K. Brayton, and F. G. Gustavson (1971). The sparse tableau approach to<br />

network analysis and design. IEEE Trans. Circ. Theory CT–18, 101–113.<br />

Hairer, E. (1999). Symmetric projection methods for differential equations on manifold. preprint.<br />

Hairer, E., C. Lubich, and M. Roche (1989). The Numerical Solution of Differential–Algebraic<br />

Systems by Runge–Kutta Methods, Volume 1409 of Lect. Notes in Mathem. New York, NY:<br />

Springer–Verlag.<br />

Hairer, E., S. P. Norsett, and G. Wanner (1993). Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I:<br />

Nonstiff Problems (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer–Verlag.

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