References - Lehrstuhl Numerische Mathematik - TUM

References - Lehrstuhl Numerische Mathematik - TUM References - Lehrstuhl Numerische Mathematik - TUM


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REFERENCES 348<br />

Leineweber, D. B. (1996). The theory of MUSCOD in a nutshell. Technical Report IWR 96–19,<br />

Int. Zent. f. Wiss. Rechn., Univ. Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.<br />

Leineweber, D. B. (1998). Efficient reduced SQP methods for the optimization of chemical pro-<br />

cesses described by large sparse DAE models. Ph. D. thesis, Nat.-Math. Fakult., Univ. Hei-<br />

delberg, Heidelberg, Germany.<br />

Lentini, M. and R. März (1990a). The condition of boundary value problems in transferable<br />

differential–algebraic equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 27, 1001–1015.<br />

Lentini, M. and R. März (1990b). Conditioning and dichotomy for differential algebraic equa-<br />

tions. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 27, 1519–1526.<br />

LeVey, G. (1994). Differential algebraic equations, a new look at the index. Technical Report<br />

2239, INRIA, Rennes, France.<br />

LeVey, G. (1998). Some remarks on solvability and various indices for implicit differential equa-<br />

tions. Numer. Algorithms 19, 127–145.<br />

Lötstedt, P. and L. Petzold (1986a). Numerical solution of nonlinear differential equations with<br />

algebraic constraints I: Convergence results for backward differentiation formulas. Math. of<br />

Comp. 46, 491–516.<br />

Lötstedt, P. and L. Petzold (1986b). Numerical solution of nonlinear differential equations with<br />

algebraic constraints II: Practical implications. SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comp. 7, 720–733.<br />

Lubich, C. (1989a). h 2 –extrapolation methods for differential–algebraic systems of index two.<br />

Impact Comp. Sci. Eng. 1, 260–268.<br />

Lubich, C. (1989b). Linearly implicit extrapolation methods for differential–algebraic systems.<br />

Numer. Math. 55, 197–211.<br />

Lubich, C. (1991). Extrapolation integrators for constrained multibody systems. Impact Comp.<br />

Sci. Eng. 3, 213–234.<br />

Lubich, C. (1993). Integration of stiff mechanical systems by Runge–Kutta methods. ZAMP 44,<br />

1022–1053.<br />

Lubich, C., U. Nowak, U. Pöhle, and C. Engstler (1992). MEXX – numerical software for the<br />

integration of constrained mechanical multibody systems. Technical Report SC 92–12, K.<br />

Zuse Zentrum f. Inf.–technik, Berlin, Germany.<br />

Lucht, W., K. Strehmel, and C. Eichler-Liebenow (1997a). Linear partial differential algebraic<br />

equations, Part I: Indexes, consistent boundary/initial conditions. Technical Report 17, Inst.<br />

f. Numer. Math., Martin Luther Univ., Halle, Germany.<br />

Lucht, W., K. Strehmel, and C. Eichler-Liebenow (1997b). Linear partial differential algebraic<br />

equations, Part II: Numerical solution. Technical Report 18, Inst. f Numer. Math., Martin<br />

Luther Univ., Halle, Germany.<br />

Mahony, R. E. and I. M. Mareels (1995). Global solutions for differential/algebraic systems and<br />

implications for Lyapunov direct stability methods. J. Math. Syst. Estim. Control 57, 26<br />

(electronic).<br />

Mansfield, E. (1991). Differential Gröbner bases. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. of Sydney, Sydney, Aus-<br />

tralia.<br />

Marmo, G., G. Mendella, and W. M. Tulcczijew (1992). Symmetries and constant of the motion<br />

for dynamics in implicit forms. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré A 57, 147–166.

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