Family Farms - Moravian College

Family Farms - Moravian College Family Farms - Moravian College


out&about niGel parry/courtesy of men's health HAPPENING . . . February 10 Choral Concert with Bobby McFerrin FOx HALL, 7:00 P.m. • It’s an incredible evening of unique choral sounds, as the moravian College and Central moravian Church choirs are led by singer, composer, and ten-time Grammy award winner Bobby mcFerrin in a program of largely improvised vocal music. mCQ&AwITH... Dave Zinczenko ’91 EdITOr-IN-CHIEF, Men’s HealtH Magazine photo By ann Marsden People magazine recently named you as a “smarthrob.” Is that a clever word you wish your writers had coined, or does it make you cringe a little? I can’t complain too much about the label “smart.” The throb part, I don’t know about. Did you see appearances on Oprah as part of the job description when you started as editor-in-chief? I saw part of my job to be raising the profile of the magazine—to get it talked about, to make people more aware of the great work that the team was doing. And let’s face it, the media industry is personality-driven. So to get publicity for the magazine, I had to create a public persona that represented what the magazine stood for. And what’s not to like about the Men’s Health guy? Knowledgeable, fit, a go-getter . . . I can play that role on TV because I try to live up to it in everyday life. People sometimes poke fun at the magazine for its attention to abs and great sex. Could you mention a story that really shows how the magazine breaks new ground, giving men information no one else is giving them? Don’t knock abs and sex: abs relate to March 13 – 16 The Laramie Project ArENA THEATrE • The moravian College Theatre Company takes on what may be its most moving and powerful project yet: a theatrical collage that explores the death of hate crime victim matthew shepard, and the cruelty and compassion that surfaced in the aftermath. visceral body fat—the number-one health threat for guys. And sex is a key indicator of emotional health for a guy. But every issue goes far beyond those core areas. We’re at work right now on a profile of three Iraq war veterans, showing how their experience in Fallujah brought about huge changes in their mental states and in their lives. The story powerfully demonstrates what each of us, and our country, owes these guys. We put them in harm’s way—physically and psychologically—and they’ll be suffering the effects of that the rest of their lives. Will we offer them the help they need? It’s a huge issue, and it’s a largely male issue, because the victims are most often guys. If you were to take over our magazine— which would be one whiplash-inducing career move—what immediate change would you make to it? Cancel this profile. I feel like Woody Allen, sometimes: I wouldn’t want to join any club that would have me as a member. Finally, and awkwardly, for our readers who haven’t found their prince charming yet: are you still an eligible bachelor? I’m single, although I am currently seeing someone, and no, she doesn’t have a machine gun for a leg.* *À la Zinczenko ex-gf Rose McGowan's character in the film Grindhouse. —pop culture ed. March 20 – April 30 Faculty Show PAYNE GALLErY • Always a visual treat, this exhibition of work by Art department faculty offers a range of works, from traditional subjects and methods to cutting edge techniques and sensibilities. MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE FALL 2007

Other Voices, Other Worlds What do you desire? What do you fear? With these questions, Khristina Haddad, assistant professor of political science, challenges her students to remake the world. In her course “Utopias, Dystopias and Manifestos: The Imagination of Po- litical Alternatives,” students not only study real and imagi- nary intentional communities—from Thomas More's Utopia to Bethlehem's founding Moravians—they’re expected to create original alternatives to the political status quo. “The class was one of the most important and profound courses I’ve taken at Moravian, and I’m not even a political science major,” says Kelly Jones ’08. The Vision The Author The Concept the sensian Way Jen Grier ’07 A culture oriented around the five senses, with sensual perception governing everything from education to architecture to time management. equus Utopus Kelly Jones ’08 An equestrian farm where people gain appreciation for themselves and the world around them by raising and training horses. ataraxia whitney Peterson ’08 A communal society in which laws and political power are replaced by principles of respect and responsibility. sterilized society Ya-Ju Lee ’07 A dystopian future with a sterilized humanity governed by doll-like automatons. Urbem Unum dani Corvachiloi ’08 A dystopia in which the government programs its citizens at birth and social class is predetermined. March 26 Taylor 2 Dance Company FOx HALL, 7:30 P.m. • Founded by cultural icon Paul Taylor, this company brings his work–and its renowned athleticism, humor and range of emotions–to audiences worldwide. photo By toM caravaGlia mOrAvIANBOOKsHELF ■ THoUGH MEDIEVAL WoMEN were divided by social class, religion, marital status, and other factors, they were all subject to an overarching patriarchal structure. In her new book Women’s Roles in the Middle Ages (Greenwood Press, 2007), assistant professor of history Sandy Bardsley outlines the ways in which women participated in religion, work, family, law, culture, politics and public life. She also describes how exceptional women could sometimes transcend the limitations imposed upon them. “The fact that some women were able to break these rules did not, however, mean that all women were able to do so,“ she writes. ■ THE MoST DIFFICULT times of our lives can also make us aware of what’s really important, says Ted Bowman ’65. “They’re teach- ing moments,“ he notes, “Not that anyone wants to take the class.“ In Crossroads: Stories at the Intersections (www., Bowman presents essays, poems, and reflection pieces that draw on his expertise as a loss and grief counselor and his experiences as a husband, father, grandfather, and teacher. “They’re about the crossroads we all go through in our lives,“ he says. ■ THE SECoND EDITIoN of A Short Guide to Writing about Psychology (Pearson Longman, 2008), by professor of psychology Dana Dunn, includes substantial revisions, such as updated informa- tion on citing electronic sources, guidelines for writing an American Psychological Association-style abstract, and an overview of the five states of the writing process. It remains a step-by-step introduction to professional writing in APA style, with practical tips for general types of writing that students encounter in the social sciences. FALL 2007 MORAVIAN COLLEGE MAGAZINE

Other Voices, Other Worlds<br />

What do you desire? What do you fear? With these questions,<br />

Khristina Haddad, assistant professor of political science,<br />

challenges her students to remake the world. In her course<br />

“Utopias, Dystopias and Manifestos: The Imagination of Po-<br />

litical Alternatives,” students not only study real and imagi-<br />

nary intentional communities—from Thomas More's Utopia<br />

to Bethlehem's founding <strong>Moravian</strong>s—they’re expected to<br />

create original alternatives to the political status quo. “The<br />

class was one of the most important and profound courses<br />

I’ve taken at <strong>Moravian</strong>, and I’m not even a political science<br />

major,” says Kelly Jones ’08.<br />

The Vision The Author The Concept<br />

the sensian Way Jen Grier ’07 A culture oriented around the five senses,<br />

with sensual perception governing<br />

everything from education to architecture<br />

to time management.<br />

equus Utopus Kelly Jones ’08 An equestrian farm where people gain<br />

appreciation for themselves and the world<br />

around them by raising and training horses.<br />

ataraxia whitney Peterson ’08 A communal society in which laws and<br />

political power are replaced by principles<br />

of respect and responsibility.<br />

sterilized society Ya-Ju Lee ’07 A dystopian future with a sterilized<br />

humanity governed by doll-like automatons.<br />

Urbem Unum dani Corvachiloi ’08 A dystopia in which the government<br />

programs its citizens at birth and social<br />

class is predetermined.<br />

March 26<br />

Taylor 2 Dance Company<br />

FOx HALL, 7:30 P.m. • Founded by cultural icon<br />

Paul Taylor, this company brings<br />

his work–and its renowned athleticism, humor<br />

and range of emotions–to audiences worldwide.<br />

photo By toM caravaGlia<br />


■ THoUGH MEDIEVAL WoMEN were divided by<br />

social class, religion, marital status, and other<br />

factors, they were all subject to an<br />

overarching patriarchal structure.<br />

In her new book Women’s Roles in<br />

the Middle Ages (Greenwood Press,<br />

2007), assistant professor of history<br />

Sandy Bardsley outlines the ways<br />

in which women participated in<br />

religion, work, family, law, culture,<br />

politics and public life. She also<br />

describes how exceptional women<br />

could sometimes transcend the<br />

limitations imposed upon them. “The<br />

fact that some women were able to break these<br />

rules did not, however, mean that all women<br />

were able to do so,“ she writes.<br />


times of our lives can also<br />

make us aware of what’s<br />

really important, says Ted<br />

Bowman ’65. “They’re teach-<br />

ing moments,“ he notes, “Not<br />

that anyone wants to take the<br />

class.“ In Crossroads: Stories<br />

at the Intersections (www.<br />, Bowman<br />

presents essays, poems, and<br />

reflection pieces that draw on his expertise as<br />

a loss and grief counselor and his experiences<br />

as a husband, father, grandfather, and teacher.<br />

“They’re about the crossroads we all go through<br />

in our lives,“ he says.<br />

■ THE SECoND EDITIoN of<br />

A Short Guide to Writing about<br />

Psychology (Pearson Longman,<br />

2008), by professor of psychology<br />

Dana Dunn, includes substantial<br />

revisions, such as updated informa-<br />

tion on citing electronic sources,<br />

guidelines for writing an American<br />

Psychological Association-style<br />

abstract, and an overview of the<br />

five states of the writing process. It<br />

remains a step-by-step introduction<br />

to professional writing in APA style,<br />

with practical tips for general types of writing<br />

that students encounter in the social sciences.<br />


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