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lib.<br />

Verses in letterpress in lower margin replaced by engraved,<br />

slightly different inscription; "PETRUS BEMBUS,<br />

VENETXJS./ .....Arisoriiae [instead ofAusoniae] .....patriae<br />

ut auxisti et munera linguae [ut added, two comma's left<br />

out] .....** (five lines); added in margin right,also engraved;<br />

"A5". Used In 1572b-edition.<br />

m.<br />

i S<br />

Erased in margin right: A5". Used In XII Cardinalium<br />

(1598).<br />

Used in:<br />

Virorurn (1567), no. ??; Virorum ..... (1572), no. A5:<br />

XII Cardinalium (1598), no. 8<br />

Lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 452, no. 118<br />

Pietro Bembo,Venice 1470 - Rome 1547; Italian poet and<br />

humanist, appointed as a cardinal in 1539. Engraved by<br />

Philips Galle, verses by ?? (1567-edition) and Benito Arias<br />

Montano (1572-edition). Copied in the same direction<br />

after an engraving by Giulio Bonasone (Bartsch 344) or<br />

EneaVico (Bartsch 242),both considered to be after a lost<br />

painting by Titian.<br />

19<br />


After Enea Vico?<br />

16.9 x 11.8 cm.<br />

In lower margin:"MARCUS MANTUA BONAVTTIS. /<br />

Quam diu juridicis remanebit gloria scriptis/ Et quam diu<br />

sanis ullus bonos studijs;/ Tamdiu scripta hbrique tui,<br />

Bonavite, manebunt,/ Et parlter nomen per tua scripta<br />

tuum" (five lines)<br />

In margin right:"23".<br />

Used in:<br />

Imagines ..... (1587), no. 23; Imagines ..... (1595), no. 23;<br />

Imagines ..... (1606), no. 23<br />

Lit.:<br />

TIB. 56, p. 472, no. 161<br />

Appendix 2E<br />

243<br />

Marco Mantova Benavides (Marcus Mantuanus<br />

Bonavitis), Padova 1489 - 1582; Italian humanist and<br />

jurist, professor of Law in Padova, author of the Illustrium<br />

iureconsuhorum imagines (first published by Antonio Lafreri<br />

in 1566, with engravings attributed to EneaVico) on<br />

which Philips Galle based most of his portraits of Italian<br />

jurists. Engraved by Philips GaUe, verses by Frans van<br />

Ravelingen. Copied after an engraving by EneaVico.<br />

20<br />

BEVERUS, JOHANNES (1604)<br />

16.9 x 11.4 cm.<br />

Above portrait, at top centre: "Excessit e vita Lovanij<br />

postnd. Non. Novemb. CICjm reverse]. IC[in<br />

reverse] LXIII. AEt. XLVHI."<br />

In lower margin: "IOANNES BEVERUS HANNO/<br />

PHILOSOPHUS./ Dum Sophiam Illustras, et inania<br />

SEVERE pellis/ Somnia, fis promus condus Aristotelis./<br />

Nunc coelo colis, et quas rerum hie dicere caussas/ Non<br />

poteras plenis mde vides oculis." (six lines)<br />

In margin left: "34."<br />

In margin right:" Auk Miraeus."<br />

I.<br />

As described. Used in 1604- and 1608-editions.<br />

XL<br />

Erased in margin left: "34 is<br />

. Used in Foppens 1739.<br />

Used in:<br />

Illustrium GaJliae ..... (1604),no,34;Illustrium Galliae<br />

(1608), no. 34; Foppens 1739, vol. I, p. 580<br />

Johannes Beverus (Johannes Serjacobs), Beveren 1515 -<br />

Louvain 1563: Belgian scholar, professor of philosophy in<br />

Louvain. Engraved in the Galle workshop, verses by<br />

Aubert Le Mire.

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